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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2261332 No.2261332 [Reply] [Original]

Does science have a place for people like me who aren't proficient in mathematics? It's not just that math is a bit difficult, but I find it boring. By comparison, I find electron configurations in chemistry to be interesting.

>> No.2261336

Yes, participants. Yes, there are many sciences that do not involve much math.

>> No.2261344

>Does science have a place for people like me who aren't proficient in mathematics?
Right off the bat, I have to say psychology or biology SANS the biochemistry.
>By comparison, I find electron configurations in chemistry to be interesting.
Any other aspects of chemistry that catch your interest?

>> No.2261380

I'm not sure, because I just got into chemistry. By the way, I can do "Algebra I" type problems, for the most part. I guess as I progress through "college algebra" I'll get more of a hang of it. And biochem - do you need to know calc for that?

>> No.2261404
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>biology no math
>Population estimations are not math
>Genetics probabilities are not math
>Ratios of chemicals in individual cells are not math
>statistics is not math
>rates of mutation are not math
>linkage equilibrium/disequilibrium is not math

>mfw the original comment was written by an engineer/physicist who doesn't think biology is a real science.

>> No.2261410

I hated math more than anything in my high school years, then I started getting more series with my science then realized math was awesome. Language of nature!

>> No.2261415

Whoops, it appears that I said something stupid while talking about something I knew relatively little about. Funny how that happens.

Anyways.....you might want to go for straight psychology or animal behavior OP. The hard sciences always contain large amounts of math.

>> No.2261425

>i am series

>> No.2261430


I'm just tired of people on /sci/, being mainly engineers, mathematicians, physicists, and a few chemists, tossing biology out on it's ass for not being a "real science" despite the fact that it's fairly synonymous with medicine.

Nothing personal against physicists, chemists, engineers, or mathematicians. Everything personal about stupid definitions of "real science."

>> No.2261447

Don't get me wrong, biology is a legitimate science and everything. It's just that out of the big 3, it's the softest.

>> No.2261463


You must come here often enough to know that people take that to mean "biology is not a real science" and throw it in with nonsense like sociology, which, as far as I can tell, is a fancy name for "making up words for thing there are already words for."

>> No.2261478

back when i was a teenager, i hated math class. the worst part about it really was that it takes far more time to get a good understanding than in any other class. once you get older and more humble you might find that it is too challenging to be truly boring

i got a c in high school algebra 2 and now look at me, bombing real analysis exams with the pros

>> No.2261482

I disagree that Bio is the "softest" out of Physics, Chem, and Bio. Maybe the least fundamental

>> No.2261485

Not to mention post-secondary majors in biology will require intro calculus and quite often statistics and intro algebra or geometry.
Which is a low tier math and all, but still enough to ruin the lives of anyone who's mathtarded.

And I can tell you firsthand, things like population genetics and quantitative genetics, at higher years, are almost pure math.

>> No.2261491

Well OP, it looks like unless you learn to like or at least tolerate math as you get older, you're out of luck unless you're willing to get into the really, really soft sciences.

>> No.2261495

OP here. Well, so far in college I'm only signed up for remedial algebra (non credit lul), and Psychology 101. I guess I'll try to make the best of Psych, as much as I think it's quackery. I've been told my personality type (myers briggs) INFJ do really well in Psych for some reason... Thanks for the info guys :]

>> No.2261499

Go for psychology, OP.

It's kind of dry and boring at the start, when in first year you're memorizing stupid shit like sleep patterns, senses and inputs, learning how people learn, and othrer trivial shit...

But it gets fun after a while.

You still need stats, though. (stats is really inescapable in science, given that you need to analyze information and all)

>> No.2261507

Zoology and taxonomy are 2 branches of bio which require little, if any, maths.

>> No.2261508

MBTI is quackery, psychology is not. There is some statistics in psychology waiting for you if you want to do research...but you can always do some casuistry based on clinical praxis (but please, dont)

>> No.2261515

This! This is what I really meant to say instead of
>biology SANS the biochemistry

>> No.2261535

Any thing up to physical chemistry should be fine as long as you can apply yourself.

Even physical chemistry will be fine up to a certain level since they assume that chemistry students taking physical chemistry students are far stupider than students studying physics.

>> No.2261536

OP before wasting your life I suggest you ask for advice on a less pathetic science forum.

>> No.2261566

Heh. I consider the advice given here to be alright. It's better than nothing. I already know that I enjoy history, anthropology, psychology, etc... I was just wondering if they were worth studying, for one. I guess as a last resort, I could become a high school history teacher...