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2261091 No.2261091 [Reply] [Original]

How does someone become an alpha male?

>> No.2261095

Browse /sp/

>> No.2261097

muscules to begin with

>> No.2261102


>> No.2261100

One must first become a gorilla, lion or some other kind of animal for which there is a meaningful "alpha male" designation.

>> No.2261103

By being born with the healthiest of genes, and being raised from an early age in the proper environment.

Otherwise, with great difficulty.

>> No.2261104

If you wish to become an alpha male from scratch, you must first become the universe.

>> No.2261106
File: 25 KB, 410x308, mule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does someone become an alpha mule?

>> No.2261108
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Since when did alpha male mean homoerotic behavior?

>> No.2261117

That would be a good plan, if only it were oriented toward a real goal.

>Otherwise, with great difficulty.
Always with greatest difficulty, because there is no such thing.

>> No.2261127

A simple behavioristic answer would be to isolate the behavior that other alpha males have and to emulate it. If it looks liek a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck.

>> No.2261128

Is that a pic of a bunch of engineers (homosexuals)? I don't know what country you are from, but in the USA we don't consider engineers (homosexuals) to be alpha males.

>> No.2261135

Also, if it was easy, alphas would be all over the place, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Probably muhreenz. Maybe SEAL.

>> No.2261141

>Probably muhreenz. Maybe SEAL.

Sounds like a group of faggots to me. I hope they stay away from our kids! SICK FUCKS!

>> No.2261145

What the fuck is this? Did I click the psychobabble and hokum board by mistake? THERE IS NO SUCH FUCKING THING AS AN ALPHA MALE HUMAN. Did we forget about the need to actually establish the existence of something before coming up with all this shit? Fuck you all and shut up with your damnable gibberish.

I mad.

>> No.2261148

Human life is so diverse that you can only be an alpha male in one or a few areas - what area do you want to excel in? Politics, athletics, music, business?

Sciencefag alphas may live on after their death (Newton, Einstein), but I'm not sure they get the chicks.

Also, what aspect of alphaness is it that you want - influence, respect, sex, wealth, to make a contribution that will be remembered?

>> No.2261151

Real sciencefags get chicks. Feynman was a player, for example.

>> No.2261152

Now here someone comes to make the ill-founded concept even more baroque. I think we need more epicycles.

>> No.2261154

>Top soldiers in the US
>Huge willpower
>Mentally skilled (memory, decision making, sharp reactions, group work)
>Massively fit. These guys are not your average roider, they have huge endurance and strenght and could probably compete in olimpic level.
>More manly than the sum of all canadian loggers.

Granted, not rocket scientists, but I fucking dare anyone to survive to one day of their training.
And the kicker is that they could possibly be physicist if they just got that on their minds.

>> No.2261165


>mfw you think a large enough population has the ability to be a physicst that you think a bunch of random navy seals could fill the role

although I agree with everything else you said, these are probably "regular" people with no real interest in deep science, and probably no regard for the intricate beauties of things like Quantum Mechanics

>> No.2261180

>implying I couldn't be a SEAL if I wanted

>> No.2261204

>'alpha beta' terminology with regards to humans
>on /sci/
Our last stand has fallen.

>> No.2261229

Humans aren't all that different from other apes in that early grooming and social status define later perception of self.

There's a phenomenon in humans of what others would call a "natural aristocrat." That is, certain people will rise above their assigned social status and become more "alpha" or assertive based on their supreme competence.

I think being an alpha is something you either have o r you don't, and I believe that in different contexts it means different things. Guys who pull dumb girls and sleep with a lot of women they have no intellectual interest in could in some ways be considered alphas, but then, what of a man who attracts many beautiful women because he uses his intelligence to generate great resource wealth?

Both of these cases are alphas in different contexts and both probably became so not as a result of wanting to be alphas but because their personality preferences and interests led them to it.

tl;dr read it

>> No.2261242

Same poster here.

You can also note that in less developed societies, hierarchies are maintained which actually lead to genetic differences among people segregated groups. The best example that comes to mind is the caste system in India, which over thousands of years has produced separate ethnic groups beyond what regional separation would have created.

Natural alphas are less likely to occur as deviations from assigned caste because, beyond actually being different genetically, these individuals are suppressed by the minority group in control.

In America, where there is a lot of social mobility (relatively), your best shot at becoming an alpha is to find a niche where you can assert a high level of competence and develop confidence based on that. If you are a talented and hard-working mathematician, you should devote focus to that and find a way to reinforce desired behaviors through it.

>> No.2261280

I'm actually annoyed at how badly worded your post is.

>> No.2261295
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alpha as fuck

>> No.2261315
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>> No.2261324

>Humans aren't all that different from other apes in that early grooming and social status define later perception of self.

Humans are very different than apes in terms of all cognitive and behavioural functions. This is because we're sapient beings, while they're not. Saying that there are "alpha" humans just because humans are apes and it's true of other apes is an example of the fallacy of denying the exception, because humans are clearly exceptional apes in the relevant aspect.

>There's a phenomenon in humans of what others would call a "natural aristocrat."

mere assertion

>certain people will rise above their assigned social status and become more "alpha" or assertive based on their supreme competence.

More competent people have reason to be more assertive, because they have greater leverage to actually change things. There is no need to invoke a spurious extrapolation from biology, or even refer to biology at all to see that this is reasonable.

>I think being an alpha is something you either have o r you don't
I think there's no such thing, and that nobody has it or doesn't have it because it's meaningless.

>I believe that in different contexts it means different things
Frequently, this gives a clue that really it means nothing and is in fact an illusory concept.

>[....]Both of these cases are alphas in different contexts
Neither of those cases displays all or even most of the elements of behaviour common to alpha males (true, biological alpha males in species wherein this is a well-defined concept). The fact that you can't even decide who is and is not a member without some nebulous "context" impugns the whole concept. In no species with alpha males is there any such contextual difficulty.

>> No.2261342

I'm sure it was some typical 12 year old facebooking fag who created this shit. Alpha male status has nothing to do with social prowess. It has more so to do with just being a fucking badass in general. E.g: Ip Man was obviously an alpha male (anyone who says otherwise is a faggot), but he was nowhere near what society would consider a social king.

>> No.2261352

I was hopeful that you were going to say a "typical 12 year old facebooking fag" created the entire concept of human alpha males. I think that's probably closer to the truth.

>> No.2261360

Do you know what alpha male means? It is the highset rank in the community...so it does have to do something with social prowess, becuase you can't be No.1 in social group without social prowess.

>> No.2261370

So again it is undefined, because there is no natural ranking for humans.

>can't be No.1 in social group without social prowess.
Sure, you could be the fattest in your social group, the stupidest, the best at making up bullshit, or the best at sticking beads up your urethra. None of those individuals need have social prowess, a term which itself is quite poorly defined.

>> No.2261379

The only way to become an alpha male in today's world is to become dictator of a 3rd world country. Good luck!

>> No.2261382

There is, alpha is the leader...with chicks. There is always some leader. Other primates have social hierarchy with alpha males and we are no different.

>> No.2261392

Being alpha having whatever qualities the opposite sex wants in a partner. In mammals its size and strength to protect the females and young.
In humans its good health, physical attractiveness and the means to look after the woman and young, be it money or power.
Its why men who are ugly but have loads of money/fame/power have women who on a purely looks basis are way out of their league.
Look at Flavio Briatore or Tom Cruise or Rod Stewart or Mick Jagger.

>> No.2261396

>Other primates have social hierarchy with alpha males and we are no different.
See the first part of >>2261324

>> No.2261403

>In humans its good health, physical attractiveness and the means to look after the woman and young, be it money or power.
I meant OR the means, not and

>> No.2261421

>lolno, you are now overrating human cognitive abilites. Just look at the effect of height...even pre-school children were able to choose the winning candidate in presidential elections...because they chose the heigher man...just like adult people during elections did. Pretending that humans are purely reasonable or even logical is bullshit.

>> No.2261448

red herring

>> No.2261465

Nope, because one the things that makes you alpha is exceptional height. I could find some more research into it, but I don't care that much.

>> No.2261504

Really? I haven't seen anyone actually list the supposed traits of "alpha" humans. Furthermore, such a biological concept does not admit of cultural variation, so you're going to have to demonstrate more than a moderate propensity in American politics to elect the taller candidate. How about testing that hypothesis against every democracy in the entire world? America could be an outlier, but there's no room for any culturally derived influence in our biological characterization.

>> No.2261529

you cannot control the circumstances leading up to your birth. in some ways this alpha question is like asking, 'how does a bear become a bear?'

but perhaps if you drive yourself beyond what any other man would consider reasonable, you may surpass him, or at least surpass many others. that is at least sufficient to get laid...

>> No.2261534

I have seen reports of studies where taller people are paid more.
Not presidential races but still shows that being tall is related to success.

>> No.2261580

>be uranium 238
>decay to thorium 234
>alpha as fuck

>> No.2261591

1. I can't be sure without knowing you or speaking with you at length, but you seem to lack an understanding of the intelligence of other apes. They really aren't that different from us. Compare a "primitive" society to an ape society, or for that matter primate society, and you will see that a few defining characteristics are shared...
a. Value is placed on the male who can gather the most resources.
b. Males recognized as possessing this capacity are given preference of mates, meaning they can select more mates and can select mates of any social standing.

This is the relevant behavior, but your assertion that apes differ in "all cognitive and behavioral functions" is vague. Even if you defined it more narrowly, it would probably be false. Our behaviors are geared towards survival and reproduction and beyond that are very close as compared with other animals.

As to my comment that "alpha" status means different things depending on context, I think it's a perfectly reasonable idea given the use intended by the OP. If you can't infer what he means by "alpha" because you're hung up on whether that definition of alpha corresponds precisely to a biological one, you're missing the point.

He's essentially asking how someone becomes a socially dominant male, and I think it's by developing some form of competence whether that's brute strength or applied intellect.

The more important component is that traits leading to social dominance are inherited genetically and in one's upbringing. Your claim that human alphas don't exist is kind of silly and at best a petty assessment of word choice.

Your critiques are all kind of petty. Sorry for not meticulously spelling out what I meant in the couple of minutes I devoted to this topic.

>> No.2263757
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if anything the alpha males are the politicians who send these people to die for their economic interests.

>> No.2263777


>social prowess


>badass in general

nope. what is this i don't even.

>> No.2263806

how does one get out of being a victim of circumstance and control his/her emotions. then 'alpha' means garbage ass animal. no?