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2253090 No.2253090 [Reply] [Original]

God is real.

The only way so many people could believe in something as stupid and illogical as a "God" in our modern society is if some sort of supernatural and omnipotent being were influencing them to do so.

>> No.2253096

hm... this one is actually a good one...

however no

it still can be a social construct, cause human is a social animal and needs some way to organize, rather than have perpetual Hobbe's fight

>> No.2253099

Xenu is real.

The only way so many people could believe in something as stupid and illogical as Scientology in our modern society is if some sort of supernatural and omnipotent being were influencing them to do so.

>> No.2253108

Scientology is a parody religion bro.

>> No.2253112

That's right. Which is why I used it.....parodically? I think that's the word I'm thinking of, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.2253113

no cure for cancer is real

merry christmas

>> No.2253140

You find that it is a simpler explaination that some great omnipotent being wants us to have free will after milenia of influencing our every decision by appearing to people in the dessert only to then go on vacation for 2000 years, but just "influences" people to believe in him?

I think mass stupidity is a MUCH MUCH simpler explaination.

>> No.2253155
File: 9 KB, 251x182, togepi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

word. and thats the problem with everything, really. If the masses were just reasonably intelligent. which is not to say I or we are better than "the masses", just smarter...

>> No.2253165

its called stem cells

>> No.2253174

What cartoon is this?

>> No.2253178
File: 34 KB, 680x510, 1285732548706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the magic schoolbus! ms. frizzle was a crazy bitch.

>> No.2253523

>implying there isn't natural ways to get rid of it without the help ( more like making it worse ) of big pharma

>> No.2253541

Or if they were naturally prone to delusional thinking.

>> No.2253648
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>> No.2253680

It is a known fact that the human brain is hard wired for supernatural explainations. Try harder.

>> No.2253704

Actually OP there are cognitive theories explaining religion so the argument that widespread religiosity proves God is now as ignorant as saying that lightning proves Zeus.

See, for example:


>> No.2253782

10/10, OP, holy shit my mind is fucked.