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2240838 No.2240838 [Reply] [Original]

so, how'd your finals go?

>> No.2240847
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Multivariable calculus, .1 point from "aceing".

>> No.2240846
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she is so fit

>> No.2240849

13 page linear algebra final. when she said cumulative, she really meant it.

2 page analysis final. not so bad.

needed to write two 7 page papers. sadly, i waited until this weekend to write it. i had no time to study for my two math exams. i winged those and simply utilized the knowledge i gained throughout the semester. i was an A- in the course, though; i believe i scored at least a B+ or B on the final though. i also did the extra credit, which should bring my grade up overall.

anddddd, i think i did reasonably well on my other exam(physics history).

>> No.2240848

My neuroimaging exam is tomorrow.

>> No.2240850

I've still got one

Real Analysis at 4:00...

>> No.2240858


Shit was so cash.

>> No.2240879

I'm so, so sorry.

>> No.2240893

I could make a study of the backside in that picture. I'd ace the final on it too.

>> No.2240900

Mine went very well. I'm assuming I got a 100% on my History of Math final presentation, I got an 87% on the Number Theory final (which isn't bad for this professor's exams, but thank goodness he grades on a curve), and I aced my Elementary Analysis final (just had to present two proofs on the board).

Fingers crossed that I pass those classes.

>> No.2240926

EE Undergrad here.
Finished mine back in early December.
I've had them available for a week, but I've been hesitant to look at my grades. I will do it today, and probably cry in a corner after fapping.

>> No.2240931

I think I'll fail chemistry, everything else should be B or B-.

>> No.2240937

got all A's motherfuckers. Though is some cases it was like a 91 like in linear systems. Other cases it was awesome like a 100 in Digital signal processing. And avg. A's in other classes.
Question: Does anyone think that linear systems is still an important class to take??

>> No.2240939

random computer science class : 70 to100 %
physics (waves andn stuff) : 95%

>> No.2240943

What school do you go to?

>> No.2240956

University of Dan Diego, why? What school do you go to? And what'd you get on your finals?

>> No.2240975

A in calc
c in required language course
c in stats
A in RF design

Fucking stats, how do they work?

>> No.2241004

86 in mechatronics.
85 in nuclear science

>> No.2241030

CMU here and all a's except for my b in data structures

>> No.2241033

You're either a brit or a fatass

>> No.2241040
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A in Econometric Forecasting (EC513)
A in Design of Experiments (ST561)

I actually opted out of my final in econ. If we met certain criteria, we could take our current grade instead. Had a perfect 100 on the G/ARCH model exam that the rest of class were gnashing their teeth over. Seriously, the class average tanked on that second exam. Fortunately, I'm a statistics guy, so while I've never had an econ beyond 101/102, it was typical hypothesis testing with some new test statistics. Good stuff. It has perked my interest in time series actually.

>> No.2241043

I have to repeat chemical engineernig process thermodynamics.

Feels bad man.

>> No.2241068

F - Real Analysis
F - Assembly
C - Abstract Algebra
B - Geology

>> No.2241112

Data Structures was the one class I aced back when I was doing my undergrad degree in CS.

>> No.2242426

failed computer science
67% in chemistry
83% in music theory

2.7 gpa, yeah buddeh

>> No.2242448

98% at my complex analysis, fuck yeah.
And an A on my oral exam in geometry.
Haven't got any results on my particle physics yet, but it felt good.

>> No.2242463
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Psychology B
Algebra B
Government A
Astronomy A
Shakespeare F

Not a single fuck was given that day.
GPA 2.4, is that bad?

>> No.2242527

A+ baby

>> No.2242538

I can't believe I got a B+ in microbiology. I was certain that I kicked that final's ass. My score came back as right on the average somehow. I think the graders have it out for me.

>> No.2242555


on that note, i got the third highest grade in my micro class of 500+ people. granted, most of them were fucking retarded. stopped going to lectures after the first week.

>> No.2242572

Second year EE faggot here

Electrical Circuits I - B+
Introduction to Digital Logic Design - B+
Engineering Thermodynamics - B
Technical Communication in Computer and Electrical Engineering - A
Differential Equations - A+
Calculus III - C

Pretty indifferent to the grades overall. I fucked up the final for the circuit class, since I was going in with around an A as far as I know. I could really care less about the calculus class though, seeing as vector calculus has jack shit to do with most electrical engineering stuff.

>> No.2242578
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Chemistry: A
Biology: A
Psychology: A
Spanish: A
Calculus: B

MFW I was retaking calculus after getting a D in it last sem.

>> No.2242579
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A in Acct Info Systems
A- in Auditing
A in Financial Statement Analysis
B in Advanced Finance
A in Intermediate Accounting 2

>> No.2242636

Calc 3: another easy exam from an "easy" teacher.
Biochemistry: it was pretty ridiculous; couldn't have had more than a 50-60 raw score on it.

>> No.2242645

C in ochem1 was my lowest grade. Shit sucks ... I deserved a C in thermo but got a B.. grade inflation at work

>> No.2242659

ODE's/PDE's - A
Discrete/Proofs - A
Linear Algebra - A
Fluids/Thermo - A
Waves/Quantum - B+
German - A-

Should'a done better on my Waves and Quantum class, missed a couple stupid questions on vocabulary. :/

>> No.2242692

Databases - A+
Data Structures and Abstractions - A+
Mathematical Modelling - A

feels good man

>> No.2242703


Except for Social sci. Which I didn't study at all for. I'll probably get a B on it though which is just as planned

A on precalc, Bio (& lab) and Chem (& lab)

>> No.2242712

Intermediate Microeconomic Theory I - Don't know yet.
Linear Algebra I - Don't know yet.
Introductory Quantitative Methods in Economics - Don't know yet.
Chinese 101 - Don't know yet.
English - MOTHERFUCKING B!!!!!!!

Don't want to guess at the others, almost everything was curved. I didn't ace anything. Choked some MAD dick on econometrics.

>> No.2242769

O Chem: A-
All my other profs are being lazy niggers and don't have my grades yet. Only one I'm worried about is a Research Methods class that had a final project not a final exam. The teacher is a cunt who gave a 3 sentence outline for the project (she said to look at "sources" to figure out how to make it) and I'm retarded when it comes to writing.

>> No.2242818

>1st semester trig physics - A
>Capstone neuroscience seminar for my major - A (fucking raped that class too, got a 99% final grade whereas a lot of people were struggling. Prof fucking loved me)
>Honor's Research I - A
>Stress Reduction and Flexibility (PE GER) - A

>> No.2242841

straight A's at a community college.

shit sux brix, am i even learning anything?

>> No.2242859

lol i got an A+ in O chem, but sadly my school will only give out A's, B's, and ect. so My A+ is now an A.... but still better than an A- :p

>> No.2242863

so whats the diffrence in an A+, A, and A- when it comes to calculating GPA?

>> No.2242867
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You would prefer bad grades at a community college instead?

>> No.2242875

98% whew

>> No.2242878

A+ = 4.3
A = 4.0
A- = 3.7

A more subtle but more important effect though is that if your school uses the A+ grade (and the GPA is thus on a 4.3 scale instead of a 4.0 scale) the A+ becomes the "new A", an A is now an "A-", etc. Hence why most schools don't use an A+ grade.

>> No.2242910

Did any math majors have classes NOT curved? Wtf is this shit? I am so fucking mad.

Linear algebra: A
Probability: A-
Stats: B (fuck that piece of shit field)

>> No.2242920


@ muy skewl A+ and A are both 4.0

The + is just for looks, which is alright, because I am no less motivated to aim for A+, in fact even moreso because that's fucking classy.

>> No.2242932
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>> No.2242936

A in probability
A in functional analysis
Grad school grading is a joke.

>> No.2242946

Curved grades is for retards

>> No.2242941

Is that UofA or do other schools use that grading thing?

>> No.2242951 [DELETED] 


UofA?... Alberta?

I'm looking at Bear Cacks and it looks similar but it clearly is not the same .....

>> No.2242950

It's a common software that many schools use

>> No.2242955

B+ in math =[
Also, math major here.

should I just kill myself already?

>> No.2242967

>F in real analysis
Did you claim 0.999... != 1?

>> No.2242970
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I've thought about it.

>> No.2242979

It sucked. I failed the first exam, but got As on the second exam and the final. You think he would just disregard the first exam, buuut nope. I forget that the numbers just dont add up sometimes.
At least I know I'm not a complete idiot I guess.

>> No.2242995

mean value is a bitch sometimes.

If you get one test wrong, you'll need to get 100% for and infinity amount at test in order for you mean value to be back at 100%

>> No.2243008

Exactly. I also think this happened because he used a straight scale (which I guess means loads of people failed).
I hate that the grad schools Im apply to wont even know this shit.
I'm done.

>> No.2243042

Only got one grade back so far...
The Firm: C

I'm not American so we have a different grading system, C is considered "good" So I guess it's okay, only spent about 10-15 out of the 114 hours of Self studying we're supposed to be doing..

>> No.2243068

C is never "good" unless you are from a really good university. Although in natural sciences and math the averages are usually D or less, C is still average tier in (a C in a course directly related to your mayor and you are better off repeating it). our percentage range for a C is 70% to 79% with a slight deviation in some of the harder courses.

>> No.2243126

As I said not American. We use the ECTS grading system. So we have E as the passing grade, not D.
An ECTS: C is equal to an American B.

>> No.2243176
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>Studied hours a day for Cal 2
>Still got a C

I've never been good at math but always loved it. I just can't bring myself to do a shitty major.

>> No.2243205

i aced my premed final

>> No.2243228
File: 10 KB, 182x161, sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess you just have to practice more then.

>> No.2243237
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Well from what I've heard Cal 3 is easier, so I'm looking forward to that. Didn't help that the prof was a dick, but that can't ever be helped.

>> No.2243251
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