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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2241037 No.2241037 [Reply] [Original]

The things that made you rage uncontrollably related to science misunderstanding.

>> No.2241047

That "processed" vitamins are somehow different than "natural" vitamins. The chemical formula is the same whether its from a pill or a homecooked meal.

>> No.2241048

>In HS physics
>Some brings up antimatter as a smartass response to a teacher's question
>Clearly he's not qualified to talk about something he knows nothing about
>Some girl asks the kid who brought it up, 'What's antimatter?'
>He responds 'A black hole'

For fuck's sake, even from watching History channel documentaries back then I knew that antimatter and black holes were two very different things.

>> No.2241051

That caffeine is somehow bad for you.


>> No.2241053

the brotherhood is watching

>> No.2241054

That god can guide evolution.

By fucking definition that's impossible, evolution is a chaotic search that is unguided and merely results in the best, most efficient adaptations surviving, if a cloud nigger guides that shit then it's not evolution!!

No compromise in science, ever.

>> No.2241055

That physics and maths are the same thing.

>> No.2241056

When there's a harsh winter full of record-breaking snowfall and everyone says it's proof that global warming isn't real. If anything, it's evidence that it *is* happening.

>> No.2241060
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>So I heard you like astrology?
I like astronomy.


>> No.2241063

Why cant we fix other peoples countries? why can't we live properly?

>> No.2241066
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>From a relatively well-off, well-educated family (father makes 400k per year, uncle is a project lead at Boeing, etc)
>at family function/party
>wives, sisters, cousins all sitting together
>one talking about astrology and how she has to be careful doing some shit because of mercury's orbit
>others encouraging people to get a tarot reading/do craniosacral therapy/take homeopathic medicine/some other stupid shit

Why is it that rich, white women buy into so much psuedoscientific mystical bullshit?

I tried explaining why homeopathy cannot and does not work but as usual "oh X you are such a know-it-all, maybe you should trust these people a little more since they know what they are doing"


>> No.2241070
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>> No.2241077

Kill them in their sleep.

Homoeopathy needs to be eviscerated.

>> No.2241083

And don't forget
>Oh look, it's snowing outside. So much for global warming

>> No.2241087

things i prove
intelligent design

>> No.2241091


>> No.2241098

god had faith :S

>> No.2241108

>All this practice is making me good at the task. My muscles must be developing muscle memory to that task.
>Zero gravity must be hard for astronauts.
>"Insert anything regarding more evolved species or errors on the whole regarding evolution"
>Why is "insert problem here" such a big deal? I heard from "insert media/clinical website" that "said problem" can be easily fixed by "insert misquoted citation from a scientist in a different field than the actual field that deals with said problem".
>You are interested in the physiological changes brought forth by zero-gravity? How can you get funding for that? You would have to spend millions of dollars to get your subjects in space (fun fact: a professor in my department told me this).

>> No.2241109


You're so good that sometimes I wonder if you're not just trolling but literally retarded.

>> No.2241118

>You are interested in the physiological changes brought forth by zero-gravity? How can you get funding for that? You would have to spend millions of dollars to get your subjects in space (fun fact: a professor in my department told me this).

They're right

>> No.2241120


>> No.2241122
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>> No.2241126

>Weightlessness Simulation

>> No.2241128


True but people aren't saying that right now because of local weather, they're saying it because of an early, cold winter in which half the world is buried in snow, people are stranded at airports for days, Iraq has its first recorded snow fall ever, etc etc.

When coupled with the fact that the Earth has been cooling for 10 years it's easy to see how people can think such a thing.

>> No.2241130

>Microgravity Simulation

>> No.2241132


Watch this, you'll enjoy it. Homeopathy is talked about somewhere nearer to the end but this is awesome.


>> No.2241135
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ur so fucked

>> No.2241139

that was a good one

>> No.2241141


Not samefag but there's a lot you can learn about the dependence of a biological system on gravity by changing the effects of gravity on an organism. One example would be growing a plant upside down.

>> No.2241142


Don't fuck with Kringle. Guy's pretty cool.

>> No.2241145

Iraq had major snow fall back in the 90's during the gulf war, the SAS mission Bravo Two Zero suffered losses due to hypothermia because of blizzards.

>> No.2241146

that sounds reli interesting...what happens?

>> No.2241147

Getting your nutrients from natural foods is quite different than getting them from processed modules. Reductionism in nutrition has been pretty much nothing but fail.

>> No.2241150

the moon covers the star

>> No.2241151

>Microgravity Simulation

>Change gravity
>Turn plant upside down

Pick one

>> No.2241154


It looks all fucked up because the branches grow against gravity.

>> No.2241155

No evolution is what is observed to happen - the change in biological morphology. Chaos is how you are assuming it occurs (subject to natural and sexual selection).

You are wrong.

>> No.2241156

The moon the begins by diluting stars

>> No.2241160


Same thing, really. You learn from growing a plant upside down that gravity guides the growth of the plant. In zero gravity it would be an undifferentiated mass of roots and branches (sort of).

>> No.2241161
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When people say quantum mechanics says that the act of observation has an effect on the outcome of an experiment.

Its the act of interaction not observation! Observation requires interaction and as such observation will always effect experiments on a quantum scale. But its the interaction that causes the effect, not that fact that theres a consciousness observing the interaction!!!

>> No.2241168
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>> No.2241170
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>father makes 400k per year
>rich, white women

While a wife can use the husband's money and be "rich", I'm quite sure the same cannot happen with intelligence.

Also, anyone who didn't EARN the money isn't really rich, just using someone else's money.

>> No.2241171

>Weightlessness (or zero-g) is any condition equivalent to experiencing little or no acceleration or gravitational attraction, e.g., far from a planet, star, or other massive body
>Condition in which no acceleration, whether due to gravity or any other force, can be detected by an observer within a system. It also means the absence of weight or the absence of the force of gravity acting on a body. Microgravity, gravitational force between 0 and 10 -6 g, is included here. (From NASA Thesaurus, 1988)
Thank you for showing that you clearly have no knowledge regarding this field.

>> No.2241174

Your wife is nature, you can't see nature, but it's good, you can feel it,

>> No.2241178


I share your rage. Especially since I see it so often here.

>> No.2241182

And it comes when you least expect it,

>> No.2241183

>He doesn't understand why there are queues to be able to do experiments in space rather than just do them earthside

>> No.2241186


This but it's perpetuated by scientists themselves, you know. They just say observing changes the state of the matter observed because it sounds more magical than the real explanation.

>> No.2241187


The initial process is chaos, it is random mutations occurring, with the beneficial mutations surviving.

If a species experiences no negative mutations and is guided through the process by god, then it didn't fucking evolve, it was just improved by magic niggers from space.

>> No.2241188


>implying someone who won the lottery isnt rich

>> No.2241189

Because most vitamins are water soluble, your body does not absorb vitamins by themselves they same way it would vitamins trapped in food.
Caffeine overdosing can result in death. Personally I would consider that bad for you.

>> No.2241191

because observations cannot occur without interactions

>> No.2241196

Everything has got end sometimes..

>> No.2241197
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>> No.2241198

Simply skipping a step. Do you also hate it when people use acronyms?

>> No.2241199


It is true that I have encountered some non-quantum physicists that perpetuate this idea. It makes me sad.

>> No.2241200


I think the real issue is that you can never obtain 100% purity in a lab and there will always be some kind of contamination in the form of some other substances, known or unknown (mainly reactants).

>> No.2241201


Ive wondered about the vitamin thing. Ive heard it before, sounds like bullshit to me, but I could see it being possible. That perhaps theres other things in foods that assist in absorbing the vitamins.

Also, caffeine is much worse for you than people realize. It has a 6 hour half-life in your body. So if you drink a cup of coffee at 6pm. Its like drinking half a cup of coffee right before going to bed (If you go to bed at midnight like me). Also, even if you fall asleep fast, the processes your brain goes through change when you have caffeine in your system. Even if you get the same amount of hours of sleep, you end up with a much worse nights sleep because your brain didnt go through its proper phases.

>> No.2241205


Do you think they actually don't understand as well? I shudder to think so.

>> No.2241206

Benny Hinn. That is all.

>> No.2241207
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Pascal long time no see!

And for my science rage? When people say that nuclear power cannot be used because it is "incredibly dangerous."

Also when people pronounce it "nukular." Go die in a fire.

>> No.2241208


Yeah, but the real explanation is just as magical. Its no less strange. The one involving observation as opposed to interaction, just makes it sound like humans have a special place in the universe. Which is why people like it so much.

>> No.2241209
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>> No.2241210

>>You have Type1 Diabetes? Stop eating junk food and get some exercise you fat lazy piece of shit. I don't want my tax dollars going to your medication and research for a cure.

FUUCCCKK!! When will people learn type1 diabetes is an auto-immune disorder having nothing to do with lifestyle like type2.

>> No.2241212


It's just as magical to scientists like us. Not necessarily to morons like them.

>> No.2241213

i can't go to either heaven or hell supposedly

>> No.2241215


Some of them, yes, yes they do. It is very saddening.

I have also seen it presented as an information flow type of thing. But these examples often don't makes sense and still ignore that it is interaction with a non-quantum mechanical system that results in wave function collapse [though I suppose that most quantum mechanics courses don't even really cover what it means to be a quantum mechanical system does not help either].

>> No.2241217

Atheism is the lack of a belief in gods

>> No.2241218
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>> No.2241219
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That's not even bad. Quoting a friend of mine:

"So uhh, since you're allergic to sugar, you can't eat any candy...right?".

She wasn't even joking.

>> No.2241227

Oh my fucking god
There was a kid who was trying to convince people that the string theory meant that if you weren't looking at something then it doesn't exist. I told him otherwise and said no I read a book on it at the library. Next he tried explaining that we might not exist according to string theory.

>> No.2241230

People who believe string theory but not alchemy and get butthurt when I tell them that things being made up of vibrations are the basis for both, they both use 10 spacial dimensions

>> No.2241231

hm... kind of like when people suggest that consciousness might not exist according to materialism

>> No.2241233

Chin up bro, surely nanobots'll fix it.

>> No.2241234

I personally, don't get anything out of this,

>> No.2241238

When global warming is mentioned, nobody gets ANYTHING right.

>> No.2241240
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>Nothing's wrong with high-fructose corn syrup - it's natural, it comes from corn

>> No.2241244


Thats true. The problem with it, is that we use way too much of it.

>> No.2241246

"we live in fear for our lives, instead of hope for prosperity"

>> No.2241247


What in the name of fuck are you rambling about? Are you one of those hobo preachers?

>> No.2241248


Well, compared to other sugars, that argument is perfectly sound.

It's too many calories that are the problem, HFCS consumption just correlates with it.

>> No.2241251

If you got the I-Virus you understand it

>> No.2241255

Just anyone who talks about very advanced science concepts as though they know what they're talking about, when really they can't even remember their junior high mechanics courses.

Well, just idly talking about them is fine, but basing beliefs and opinions on things you only have a flimy understanding of is not. Eg:

> Quantum mechanics tells us that electrons can basically be anywhere in the universe. The electrons in your body might be several yards away from you at a given moment. I think that's why sometimes you can tell whether or not you'll like someone before they even start talking, you can sense their electrons.

>> No.2241257


I hate people... Did someone seriously say that?

>> No.2241260


dude, im totally sensing your electrons right now

>> No.2241266

>Imaginary friends (god) are real

Shit alwasy makes me rage

>> No.2241267


Yeah, but thats more of a misunderstanding of basic logic. Not a misunderstanding of science.

Although pretty close.

>> No.2241272

It's embarrassing that this self-gratifying thread is constantly being bumped to the top...

>> No.2241277

'Photons have no energy because E=mc^2 and mass is 0'

>> No.2241278


>> No.2241282

quantum = what ever imaginary shit you just come up with is real

>> No.2241286

>The laws of physics prove anarchism is the only system that will work. If you disagree with me you are a retard who doesn't understand the laws of physics.

>The second law of thermodynamics says energy distributes evenly in a closed system. Wealth is energy and the government is the system, so if we close the government wealth will distribute evenly so there will be no more poor people.

>Also karma exists because Newton's second law says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

>> No.2241289

I don't know how widespread homeopathy is in the US, but in France it's very common. My mother uses homeopathy, homeopathic pills are sold in pharmacies like real medicine, and it makes me rage.

Seriously, I don't understand. My mother does know that homeopathic substances are extremely diluted, but she still thinks it works.

>> No.2241295

But placebo does work

>> No.2241296
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hiper space travel

>> No.2241299

that science isn't a belief system that requires faith to operate

>> No.2241300

Yeah, I guess you are right. Either way those stupid people make me rage.

>> No.2241301
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Jesus Fucking Christ.

Who was the demented person who said that ?

>> No.2241302


Do you know what science is?

>> No.2241304

>Person A claims you only use 10% of your brain
>Smartass person B steps in and claims you only use 10% of your brain at any given moment
Person B pisses me off even more than retard person A.

>> No.2241309

It has been a while. Came back because I would rather be on a /sci/ island

I think it has to do with absorbsion time. I'm sure if you took 20mg every few hours vs 200mg once a day it would work out better too.

>> No.2241312


I have run into people saying similar things. It seems to be something popular amongst pseudo-intellectual libertarians in the US.

>> No.2241316

Some moron in my real analysis class thinks numbers are "real".

>> No.2241317

Water overdosing results in death by drowning. Is water bad for you? No, the overdose is.

>> No.2241319

>Schrodinger's Cat is when you put a cat in a box and close it. You can't see it so it might be there and it might not because quantumz

>> No.2241320

>>Zero gravity must be hard for astronauts.

But it is. They get all sorts of muscle wasting effects.

Furthermore: objects in freefalls cannot be distinguished from objects not experiencing gravitational effects.

>> No.2241321

Without the daily grind, what do women have?

>> No.2241330

Don't bother with theoretical stuff like about how heavily it's diluted. The whole point of homeopathy is that substance concentration supposedly doesn't matter, it's supposed to somehow modifiy the water itself. Just cite clinical trials.

>> No.2241338

The most common cause of death during marathons is heart attacks caused by over hydration

>> No.2241342

He thinks numbers exist in reality and gets really upset when anyone questions him.

>> No.2241343


Woah woah woah. That's philosophy. If observation cannot occur without interaction you can't seperate them in any meaningful way. That's outside the realm of science.

>> No.2241355
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Applying physics to politics, economics and philosophy is the most retarded thing pseudo-intellectual can do.

I have a high tolerance degree for bullshit, but things like that take me out of my mind.

My mom raised me and my two siblings with homeopathy and I'm very wealthy but I wouldn't credit it to homeopathy.

Though my family is lettered and educated there are still many cultural superstitions attached to their beliefs.

>Watching the Universe at the history channel
>mom sits by and say "aren't you bored with this ?"
>"No mom, I think how stars and planets are formed and how big the space and universe are is very awe inspiring"
>she replies "well I fell small and insignificant with all this"
>mfw when science and technology are things that intimidate my mother and my sister doesn't have much interest on it besides trying to enter a med school.

>> No.2241356


l2platonism. Or more seriously, the existence of numbers is a hotly debated topic which you can't dismiss off hand. Or rather, you can, but there's no reason to get angry about it.

>> No.2241358

Observation cannot occur without interaction, but interaction can occur without observation.

>> No.2241375

>Referring to entropy in a context not related to thermodynamics at all
>Improperly using the laws of thermodynamics to prove any goddamned thing

Sadly I'm not just referring to evolution refuters.

>> No.2241376

dont get me wrong, i want to learn science, but i want to learn it knowing the truth.

>> No.2241380
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No, I understand what that Anon is saying. It is actually physics, not philosophy. The confusion you have is due to how they use the word "observation" in physics.

By "observation", they explicitly mean interaction. It is stated in just about every actual quantum physics textbook. Observation is in fact defined as "any sort of interaction that collpases the a wavefunction of the system".

Read up if you don't beleive me

>> No.2241381

If the iteraction is not observed, does it actually occur?

>> No.2241385

>Improperly using the laws of thermodynamics to prove any goddamned thing

How does this even happen? They're not fucking complicated.

>> No.2241386


>I'm very wealthy

Fuck, just replace the w with an h.

>> No.2241390


Observation is a class of interactions in which meaningful information is extracted from the system. Other interactions will result in the collapse of the wave function that do not return meaningful information [and actually "destroy" meaningful information].

>> No.2241392


An unobserved interaction will still collpase wave fucntions. Observation in a physical sense, hase nothing to do with the general definition of observation. Observation = interaction, in physics.

>> No.2241394

>If interaction is not observed, does it actually occur?

Also, remember that science is based on the concept of experimental empiricism.

>> No.2241397


You can tell via later measurement after the interaction which caused the first collapse.

>> No.2241413


But how do you know that a wave function has been collapsed?

>> No.2241416
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>> No.2241417


Which is observation.

>> No.2241426
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>> No.2241429

String theory is a lot more complicated than you think it is. Also, where did you get the idea that alchemy predicts/requires 10 dimensions?

>> No.2241434


"I'm in the sciences."


"No, but I'm writing my doctoral thesis now. Loosely put, I'm studying cosmology."


*Sigh* "Yeah, they told us to be careful around the eyes."

--Act retarded, get laid, feel ashamed--

>> No.2241438

Platonism? Fuck that watered down shit, Its the Pythagoreans you want.

>> No.2241439

... dude, how can you live with yourself?

I would feel dirty.

>> No.2241448
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In internet terms, you just stood up in front of a crowd, crapped your pants, and now feel proud of it.

>> No.2241450


I have a question about this: Isn't it true that multivitamins have poor absorption rates? Isn't the idea of 'natural' vitamins that broccoli is better for you than the vitamin A from a multi because it has some arrangement of phytonutrients that help it work better? Or breakfast cereals for example, where the grains are damaged in some way in processing? I might just be getting misinformation, a clear and detailed response to this would be very helpful.

>> No.2241452
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You do the fucking problem you retard. It is just mostly math.

Example, say you have:
a systems in State A, wave fucntion A'
a systsem in State B, wave fucntion B'

Say the first system comes in contact with the second system. A' and B' collapse. You now have a new system, C, with wave fucntion C'. You can caluclate C and C', from A, A', B and B'.

>> No.2241455

I don't know about the guy you're responding to, but Sting theory has pretty much the same evidence for its validity as alchemy, that is precisely none.

>> No.2241460

It is mostly the term zero-gravity that I dislike. It is true that those settings cause physiological changes in the body, it is incorrect to say that it is zero gravity, since your body will always at least some force due to gravity effecting it, although it may be very very small. It is a nitpick, but after you read up on so much of it you start to become very anal about things types of things.

>> No.2241461


It does raise stress levels though. Any excessive secretion of cortisol should be bad for the body, right? These nutrition facts are killing me, it's a field I've been dabbling in out of interest but I haven't had much time. I mean like 2 cups of coffee aren't going to harm you if you're healthy, but 5 or 6 certainly might. Or is that completely wrong?

>> No.2241464

Newton was an alchemist.

>> No.2241465

funny thing is, you're treating this whole experience, as science.

>> No.2241470

But how do you know the light in your fridge goes off when you close the door?
But how do you know that when a tree falls in the forest it does make a sound, or at least longitudinal pressure waves?

>> No.2241471

Tell me how to find out anything about system C without observing it.

>> No.2241477

And my aunt is a jeweller. What the fuck is your point?

>> No.2241478

Yeah, and its thought to have driven him insane from tasting his experiments, let that be a lesson to you.

>> No.2241479


Newtons also did not believe in atoms and that heat was a fluid that flowed between objects. In short: Newton believed in shit that we know is retarded today.

>> No.2241480


Hammock scimitar, hinterland rockstar shim sham swam bob-a-doodle.

>> No.2241481

>return home for the weekend
>watching "The Universe" on black holes/wormholes/extra dimensions
>Mom walks in
>"You really don't believe all that nonsense, do you?"
>My reply: "It's our current understanding of the universe. If we discover new information, our view could change."

Oh, and I live in Alabama. Maybe they should air an edited version of "The Universe" for rednecks like that Family Guy spoof.

>> No.2241483


Er...interaction of quantum systems do not result in a collapse of wave functions. They change, but they do not collapse into an eigenstate. If they collapsed, quantum computing would be meaningless.

>> No.2241486

"Retarded" is a bit strong a word. Caloric theory is a perfectly sound explanation for many phenomena associated with heat.

>> No.2241495

I want to take lsd and read all of your posts in a row. They might start to make sense.

>> No.2241503

The math works for it. We just don't currently have the technology to truely find proof of the theory.

But String Theory happens to work very well in trying to bridge relativity and quantum mechanics.

>> No.2241506
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Again, you do the math. I already gave you a book to look at. The Book will explan that shit step-by-step.

I am not gonna waste my time with you, trying to explain it. Plus you need pre-reqs to understand this shit. Do you know regular mech? What a lagragian or hamiltonian are? How to use them?

You should probably just go read a book if you want tp understand physics. Here is a good introphysics book for you. Maybe if you learn it, you will be able to understand Quantum Mechanics one day. Good Luck.

>> No.2241507

Now you're getting it.

>> No.2241522

Fine, don't answer the question. It's ok. Einstein disagreed with this as well, but at least he tried to think his way through it.

>> No.2241526


Want a science cookie, hotshot?

>> No.2241529


Yes, which is why it became hugely popular, and was the leading theory of its day when it was proposed. However, this doesnt stop it from being "completely" wrong. That is, that heat is a physical substance.

>> No.2241543
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>doesn't understand what a wavefucntion is

If I have info about two systems, and combine them, you can acertain info about the combined system without physically looking at the system. You are a fucking retard.

>> No.2241550

But to obtain information about the two systems you need to observe them.

How is this hard?

>> No.2241552
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>> No.2241566


Well, one of its predictions was currently shot down by the LHC I had read somewhere [something to do with a lack of micro-black hole creation]. It was not a death shot, but enough to show that the present form is not correct.

>> No.2241568

Even better: he was a full metal alchemist; he eventually had problems with mercury poisoning.

>> No.2241595


Religions = big mother fucking INSULT to all scientists.

>> No.2241602
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I know the energy levels of Hydrogen. I didn't have to observe the hydrogen atom in order to calcuate that shit. It can be derived from pure deductive reasoning alone. Likewise, there is tons of info about systems that can be directly figured out, without observation. You fail at basic reasoning.

Also, you can find "probablistic information", without direct physical observation as well. This is still infomation about the system.

Anyway, I really gtg now. Think about reading those books if you are intrested in physcis.

>> No.2241613

:) I remember

>> No.2241614

Any conspiracy theory related to 9/11.
>It was physically impossible for the buildings to fall like that!
All of my hate.

>> No.2241632

Electric and magnetic fields. NOT THE SAME THING.
This initially made me rage because Walter Bishop (on the tv show fringe) mentions an electric field and then later refers to the same thing but says 'magnetic field' instead. rage.

>> No.2241644


Ok, let's say I have an electron. It behaves quantum mechanically [it can exist in a superposition of several states at the same time on reasonable time scales for the system]. I also have an electron detector which is a classical system [it cannot be in a superposition of states for the time scales of the system]. I also have a double slit experiment set up with a plate that will detect where electron's hit it.

I ask you to put on/take off/switch the slits of the electron detector at your heart's content. The detector will collapse the wave function of the electron. This will result in a significant change at the plate which measures where the electrons hit. With the detector, there is no interference pattern as the wave function collapsed at the slits. Without the detector, there is an interference pattern as the superposition only collapses at the screen. The only way I can tell whether or not you put the electron detector on is by the pattern on the screen. So, by my measurement, I can determine an earlier interaction.

If I use quantum systems rather than classical for the interactions, it does not work out as the quantum systems lead to entangled states which do not necessarily decay into eigenstates.

>> No.2241662

Eigenstates of what?
You can always form Eigenstates, you just need to redefine your Eigenfuctions....DURRR.

>> No.2241671

>Also, you can find "probablistic information", without direct physical observation as well.

Oh yes, you can deal with probabilities. You have to deal with probabilities because you can't find other information about the system without observing it. Which is what I've been argueing this whole time.

>Think about reading those books if you are intrested in physcis.

I'm currently doing a physics degree. But you don't need one to understand this issue.

>> No.2241686

this was a good one

"man when you sweat, the sweat is little droplets of fat coming off you. so the more you sweat, the thinner you will be. I think it's funny how people are still looking at something and trying to find an exlanation that works with their knowledge even if it doesn't fit. this guy didn't finish high scholl so not really his fault.

>> No.2241687


By the same logic, there are no superposition states as I can just redefine my basis to eliminate them. If I maintain a consistent basis, interactions between two quantum systems do not inherently result in a collapse into an eigenfunction while the interaction with a classical system will.

>> No.2241707

That's all fine, but it has no relation to my argument.

I'm saying that you can't tell if there's been an interaction without observing the system and thus altering it. In your example you observe the system at the end plate, so it's not the case I'm dealing with.

>> No.2241742


Ahh...yeah, the only way to determine if there is an interaction is to do a measurement, but the only way to determine anything is to do a measurement, even in classical systems as it is then purely an information flow problem.

If I do not have information, I cannot say anything meaningful. The only way to get information is to do a measurement, irregardless of whether or not the system is quantum mechanical or classical.

>> No.2241770


Exactly. I knew it wasn't a hard concept.

>> No.2241802

The other day some religious guy was talking to me and i just wanted him to go away since i had to get to class, so i just agreed with whatever he said so he would give his little booklet about how i will burn in hell etc. and i can leave. He said one thing that made me almost break:

"I mean science is purposely going against God. They make such obviously wrong claims just because they dont agree with the bible, like the Big Bang. Since when has anything good come from such chaotic energy?"

OH FUCK Mister. Well guess what, there isn't good or bad energy, there is just ENERGY, and it can be directed out or in, exothermic/endothermic. Inside your body are little molecules known as ATP, which hold energy that is used to power all of your cells. To give away this energy, one of its phosphorous atoms BREAKS off in a tiny EXPLOSION, and that energy is given to the cell. If nothing good can come from explosions, then i guess every human is being run by dark evil magic warlock powers. Sadly i didn't have time to argue since i had to leave.... man i wish i said it while kicking him in the shins.

>> No.2241805

>evidence that it is happening

>> No.2241815


>> No.2241829

Retards who still think that the experiments at the LHC will create black holes, that will suck up the entire planet.

>> No.2241918

but scientists have said it's possible

>> No.2241936 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 321x340, 1283614841104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its the act of interaction not observation!
you`re wrong.

>> No.2241940
File: 16 KB, 321x340, 1283614841104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Its the act of interaction not observation!
you`re wrong.

>> No.2241947


Oh man do they ever! In my PHYSICS class, a girl had to do a presentation about the LHC. She started it off with "So the LHC is this giant machine that makes black holes."

She instantly failed.

>> No.2241948
File: 28 KB, 450x338, bitch_please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch please

>> No.2241953

Idiot. It DOES make black holes

>> No.2241956

It might create black holes, but they'll have the mass of two protons and destroy themselves in a fraction of a second.

If Hawking is right, of course. If he's wrong then I'll see you in hell.

>> No.2241958

Erm. It might make them. That's not it's main function.

>> No.2241970

Hawking's wrong about a lot.

>> No.2241978


Not entirely. Roots do not develop on a plant unless it needs to find water. keeping water from a plant for a while will make it develop more roots. (There's a reason why cacti can have several hundreds of meters of rootsystem.)

Furthermore, roots will not develop in the top or middle of the plant either, unless it's very very moist.

and what really guides a plant's growth is light and the type of light it gets. (If a plant gets mostly infrared light for example, it will stretch more.)

So it is not entirely true that it is based on gravity, not solely anyhow.

>> No.2242020

the people in the comments are hilarious
"The null results were predictible because there are no Highs particles,no Leptons,no Hadrons,no Photons,nothing from the Einstein quantum theory.
Real science is funded on logics and maths,both were rejected by Einstein.
All real phenomena can be explained by Electromagnetics ,no one can be explained logically by quanta. If official scientists do not believe me they may try to explain atomic spectra that are understood easily by E.M.
I believe the quantum theory will dye out before the end of this century "

>> No.2242075

new science/technology wiki recruiting staff, contact buildwikicontact@gmail.com

>> No.2242224

Black holes, yes. Ones that will destroy the world, no.