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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2236685 No.2236685 [Reply] [Original]

All humans no matter what race or creed have a natural ability of measuring God (freely re-defined in this case as the creator or required element to all creation); when humans read the bible they should comprehend the fact that is was created as a human philosophy handbook, used to create a working community, to teach the people what existence is and the difference between good and evil – otherwise the generations that followed would have been stuck in the primitive starting position, confused and/or anti-communal (through being untouched by education, seeing a community can seem either strange or a threat). In the modern era we have so much understanding of communities and some of us ‘morality’ that when we study the bible, we should under the impression that the ‘older it is, the more relevant it is to understanding existence’, in this case the most relative part of the bible would be “In the beginning God,” and shortly after “Created the Heaven and Earth.” We ought to look at the words in these sentences as un-defined and universally archaic – in most testaments there is a distinct ‘1’ next to the sentence which signifies the beginning, and in the translated texts we have an explanation shortly after the ‘1’ that defines its primordial status.

>> No.2236696
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On terms of the English language, God, being a Pronoun, can be interpreted as anything within the Pronoun limits; this is the first step of measuring God; is God male/female or neither, and as humans we use our wisdom to decipher this – as said previously God cannot be either male or female for one gender without the opposing opposite part cannot reproduce or create a child image (only fictionally, if people were to believe that God was using a magic wand or super paintbrush to create living things, which is dumb). The second step to measuring God is more scientific: perceiving existence, how we observe existence and so on. Everything in the universe exists between top, bottom, left, right, front, back, future and past – in the exact same image; to explain this more clearly, all living things abide by the structure mentioned before, we all have two opposite sides (not exactly opposite, but it’s genetically coded into our being, we must have these two sides to be fully structured), we all have a top and bottom, we all have a front and back, and we all have a future and past – furthermore, we can all look up and down, left and right, forward and backwards, and we can think about the future or past (remember and predict), ergo, we live as these cubic opposites, within the laws of these cubic opposites. The cubic nature itself results in a 0 value existence, what this means is, for example, neither ‘left’ nor ‘right’ hold any significance over each other, they are simply reliant on each other, without the opposing part the other ceases to exist, both existing as a 0 value pair (none of them is ‘1’).

>> No.2236699
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Another religion thread?

>> No.2236708
File: 10 KB, 286x251, lucis (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another ignorant Jew,

>> No.2236775
File: 81 KB, 447x364, lucis (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong /sci/ you really mad ?

>> No.2236788
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All religious nuts are religious nuts, you and Jews included.

>> No.2236806

Your implication suggests that I'm neither willing to learn, able to survive, intelligent or wise by any standards; when clearly I've took lots of time out of my life to learn about God, religion and philosophy, I'm also pretty good with Mathematics, English, Computing, Law and my communication skills are not too shabby either. Your implication is that of a programmed senseless fool, there it shall be dismissed like every other parasitical faggot.

>> No.2236830
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Learning about religion and believing it are 2 entirely different levels of faggatory.

>> No.2236834

An even higher level of faggotry is being the only person other than aether to bump his thread.

>> No.2236836
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Also, your thread is still a religion thread misplaced in /sci/.

>> No.2236841
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Sorry, forgot to sage.

>> No.2236862

When interpreting the next part of the testament we must use our knowledge combined with our imagination, remembering the rule of opposites where neither hold more significance, both our imagination and knowledge equate to a 0 value existence, they’re opposites and rely on each other to be present – utilizing both results in wisdom; we can imagine what elements we require to construct a universe, we use our knowledge of what we’ve experienced to design a better mental portrait, in this case the conclusion that was reached for ‘heaven’ was nature and that of ‘earth’ was time – where time is the father to all creation, the ‘matter’ or ‘hot’ family tree, and nature as the mother of all creation, the ‘space’ or ‘cold’ family tree. Time was described further on as being ‘without form and void’ and natures face was ‘deep and in darkness’; this, reinforced with knowledge, seems to be depicting dark-matter (time) within a black hole (nature).

>> No.2236872
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Thread has been reported.

>> No.2236900

It's science, at no point is it depicting Atheists or Theists as wrong or right, nor is it pitting them against each other -- it's explained and it makes sense (just because it isn't written in code, or with language that you 'self-proclaimed' scientists use does not make it less-credible). If you don't like it don't post, I don't want you here, you don't want you here, so don't be here; allow the people that seek this type of wisdom the opportunity to read a clean thread without your suppressive shit.

>> No.2236909

Threads by Lucite always invoke that feeling you get when something is WAY out of place.

Like seeing a giraffe on your roof, in lingerie, or for the first time noticing that bicycle behind Mona Lisa.

>> No.2236915
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You aren't even wrong.

>> No.2236926

>or for the first time noticing that bicycle behind Mona Lisa.

I know you're joking about that, but I have a strange urge to check...

>> No.2236933

>my communication skills are not too shabby either.

>> No.2236939

>It's science
Troll harder, knuckle-dragger.

>> No.2236983

Our imagination and knowledge combined wisdom can be operated in two ways, each is a child image variant, again neither holds more significance; firstly we have the creative type that is governed by imagination, and secondly the destructive type that is governed by knowledge. The creative-type is generally used in art and other creative activities – we use our knowledge to characterize our creations, is it a ‘man’ or is it an ‘element’, and so forth; we then use our imagination to design our own version of the knowledge in whatever shape or form that we desire, this variant can be used in many different ways. The destructive-type is generally used in academia or other destructive activities – we use our imagination to allow our mind to be overtook by knowledge, so that we can live amongst societies (fully understand what we should and shouldn’t do, alike the knowledge of good morality destroys our imagination to do certain actions), or create advancement for ourselves, an example being, we take the knowledge of a cube or structure along with the knowledge of wood or stone, we then use our imagination to design the blueprint of the finished product, in this case a house or abode – the finished product is then imprinted in our minds, we know and understand what a house is, and after examining further we recognize what we can and cannot do with it, and what we should and shouldn’t do with it. Evidently what we ‘can’ and ‘cannot’ do with the finished product is ruled by cubic laws, but what we ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’ do with it is ruled by the knowledge of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ (smart and stupid).

>> No.2236984

Can you prove calculate how much i cum given my cock is x long and y wide?

>> No.2236997

someone ban this tard

>> No.2236998

No but I can prove that you don't deserve a cock.

>> No.2237003

How so?With math?
Otherwise you are a poser

>> No.2237058

Cubic math, yeah, the master math.

Male + Female = ???

>> No.2237069

basically, love all, know all

Do you think like that?

>> No.2237076

Knowledge of Good and Evil.
God has been measured,
I know God, and therefore to be in Gods image, I would love all and know all (which I'm born with the ability to do)

>> No.2237108

You didn't hear?
We had a few short threads about it when it was published.
It was in a somewhat faded region and was uncovered by some new pigment-resolving technology.

>> No.2237136

Typical American Jew
Ignorant, Suppressive and Self-interested.

>> No.2237452

When we discuss the terms “mind, body and soul” we are really referring to the “brain, heart and spirit” – the brain and heart together create a special bond or connection that results in the life force that humans require to proceed, this is the spirit, the drive to continue. Upon examination of this phrase “the drive to continue” we can decipher what exactly each does: ‘the’ refers to the mind (its being), ‘drive’ refers to the heart (its doing) and ‘continue’ refers to the spirit (its meaning); to ‘be’ and ‘do’ is pointless without reason. If we were just a heart and brain with no spirit then we wouldn’t be able to move or think; imagine a mathematical problem, without ‘spirit’ in the following equation “1 + 1” there is no answer, it just is what it is, however, with ‘spirit’ added there is an answer, as there is ‘meaning’ to the question “1 + 1 =”, thus “brain + heart = spirit. The effects that existence has on the mind and body have already been discussed, we do what we are taught to do, and we think how we are taught to think, our answers have been given to us by the educators; however, the mind and body come with binary opposites, the minds reason is thought, the hearts reason is action – without these opposing factors neither would work. The spirit on the other hand comes equipped with an ideology, what all of us choose to live for, in most cases this is represented by a belief such as Capitalism – the ideology can be anything as long as it abides by the cubic law of nature (for it’s impossible otherwise); meanings opposite binary bond is ideology, the ‘spirits’ meaning to continue requires reason to live – if we were born with meaning alone without reason then again it wouldn’t work, meaning to achieve the ideal state of actuality as oppose to ‘having meaning’.

>> No.2237837

Within society there are many factors that can be considered educators, they do not always have to be the professionals that we find in schools, universities or on documentary channels – the news for example is a source of education, advertisements are sources of education, they answer our ‘question’ for us and we receive a given impulse depending on the information that’s set, all education is dependent on language, written and spoken words. Since the beginning of civilization we have evolved mentally, physically, sexually and spiritually through the word semantics evolution – although most words are defined with a given definition, the actual semantics that we use to interpret each word is free, as in, it doesn’t have a solid defined meaning, for example, if we see a ‘Dog’, the definition of the word is our initial standpoint that explains what the being is (governed by knowledge), and our semantics is our personal reflection “What the Dog means to us” (governed by imagination), this is mostly wordless but we can use our descriptive knowledge to describe it; if we look at the sky and automatically think it’s beautiful, we usually receive a given wordless impulse, if we were to describe with words then we would say something along the lines of “It’s beautiful, I think the colour blue is wonderful,” this is our personal semantics of the object – with a destructive semantic (governed by destructive-wisdom) we would describe the object with evaluative adjectives or scientific data , with a creative semantic (governed by creative-wisdom) we would describe the object with descriptive adjectives or artistic awe.

>> No.2237848

The evaluative adjectives to tell whether the object is ‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘useless’, etc – and the opposing descriptive adjectives to tell whether it’s ‘beautiful’, ‘amazing’, ‘cool’, etc; utilizing both is important for survival, and is a required ‘trinity’ of both destructive and creative wisdom that humans must develop if we want to live a meaningful and long lasting existence – being entirely destructive will lead to nihilistic consequences such as: depletion of resource, world wars and pollution; whilst being entirely creative will lead to: overpopulation, lack of mental advancement and communal dysfunction. Using both we balance our progression, our use of resources and our moral order, although committing murder may seem ‘beautiful’ to some people, it is said to be ‘evil’ (an example of a trinity of evaluative and descriptive adjectives).

>> No.2237853

Don't run to other threads,aether,you are suffering a lot.You are destroying yourself

>> No.2237866


>> No.2237880

>mfw I'm listing to Repo!'s soundtrack

>> No.2237903
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>> No.2237919

) “No, I shall not commit murder for I want humanity to progress” or on the other hand “Yes, I shall commit murder for I want humanity to fall” and this is where we separate the good from the evil. In modern day science humans, particularly youth, are taught to be completely evil by using the concept of ‘one’ described earlier, this makes us un-resourceful, un-peaceful and un-caring to the environment, and rather than morality stopping murder from occurring it’s said to be the police force set up by the governing entity; we don’t live in hope our prosperity, we live in fear for our lives.

>> No.2237942
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>> No.2237944

I will continue with your therapy another day.I will not say when;surprise is better.

>> No.2237946

evaluative to evaluate objects to see if they’re required to survive or progress and descriptive to describe objects, to admire the beauty for happiness or love. The evaluative route tends to be the order and comes from the mind, whilst the descriptive route tends to be the chaos and comes from the heart – we create the trinity for love of our spirit, not for love of ourselves.

>> No.2237951
File: 13 KB, 261x350, 70870871094645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see why you did so shitty in your first semester, for an english major (who is english), YOU FUCKING SUCK AT ENGLISH!

Swtich majors buddy

>> No.2237955

He is Jewish, you can tell by his lies.

>> No.2237957

I think I'm going to study the way this guy talks. It's not actually intelligent or informative, but it has this quality to it that sounds mystic and "enlightened". Hopefully I can copy his style and stick a bunch of rambling words in a book that I will sell to stupid housewives and new age faggots everywhere.

>> No.2237970

Aether just uses buzzwards, it's not fucking big deal. He is actually terrible is syntax and grammer. He reminds me of those conservative radio DJ's, just hours of nonsense.

>> No.2237973

I moustache you a question, if its wrong, why you in my threads dribbling all the time?

>> No.2237988
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It is fun to make fun of stupid people. You are my entertainment. Thanks for the laughs.

>> No.2237995

It's okay Mr. Time and Nature

>> No.2238001
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>> No.2238008
File: 8 KB, 251x249, lucis (39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your face when you know that I know that you know I know

>> No.2238050
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I measure God in CP

>> No.2238058
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yummy yummy. every day I thank God for giving me such special abilities in camouflage. None of the people in my life know I molest children, the good Lord made it so.

>> No.2238063
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Now you're just teasing.
And how is that even relevant to his post? I mean, I know all of your posts are far too long and far too poorly written to have any relevance to anything, but come on. If all you're going to do is throw around slurs, you're not going to get anyone to agree with you.

>> No.2238073

Being entirely destructive will lead to consequences such as: depletion of resource (through lack of respect to nature), world wars (through lack of respect to time). Being entirely creative will lead consequences such as: overpopulation (through lack of attention to nature), unintelligence/digression (through lack of attention to time). Using both wisely we can balance out our civil and moral progression so that we advance accordingly as a species; we would have civil order through determining resources that we need and rationalizing, respecting both time and nature; and we would have moral order through our relationship with the surroundings and each other, again respecting time and nature. In the modern era we are not educated moral order but rather complete civil order, and by not having morality (through the worship of the concept of ‘one’) we are automatically evil, for we worship an evil (stupid) entity, meaning we are neither rational or moral, but civilized and greedy – which leads to world wars and depletion of resource, as said before.

>> No.2238075

Aww....aether is sad and alone. You post nonsense cause you crave attention. You need to learn the difference between bad and good attention. Maybe if you stoped being such a faggot, people might actually like you.

>> No.2238083



>> No.2238086

What makes you think I'm not liked, or that I'm alone ?

>> No.2238108

>he doesn't care about depletion of resource or world wars
>unfit to live on this planet
>gas chamber

>> No.2238139

it seems as though most people on /sci/ are just as ignorant as the creationists

>> No.2238141

This will be my final post if you chat with me now and explain to me why it is you don't like timecube, without using 'it's insane' or 'it's bullshit' -- what is the problem with it and what will it cause if the truth is known? Give me a good answer and I might actually keep to my word.

>> No.2238147

Your posts are nothing more then the ramblings of a lonely little kid, with piss poor social skills, seeking attention. You post so much fucking nonsense that 'Aether' now means troll. There are entire websites with nothing but degaragtory pictures of you. You are a Joke IRL and on the net.

>> No.2238152

you probably think i will screen cap it and use it as evidence (i just put myself in your position), 'like thats required' -- just tell me with good answers and this will all be over, you can go back to SFN and pollute children

>> No.2238184

ITT: A kid who wasn't raised properly

>> No.2238192

No. I was raised correctly, by the best parents that anyone can have.

>> No.2238195
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Then why are you so socially inept?

>> No.2238209

You really want to know eh? If I tell you my story will you tell me the real reason behind you not liking timecube and what you believe will happen if it's educated to the people?

>> No.2238218

Perpetual Motion? Wont work.