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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2232306 No.2232306 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /sci/?

I'm an underachieving genius. I have an extensive knowledge in everything and the potential to know everything else if I wanted to but I just can't organise my brainwork. If I could focus my genius there's no reason why I couldn't go to space in a homemade rocket but unfortunately I'm not able to follow my dreams.

Wat do?

>> No.2232316

>underachieving genius
>implying a genius would ever let itself become mediocre
3/10 a died a bit inside

>> No.2232312


Become an hero to humanity.

>> No.2232319

>there's no reason why I couldn't go to space in a homemade rocket
If you were a genius, you would understand that you could never make it to space in a homemade rocket.

>> No.2232326



>> No.2232331


>cannot figure out how to focus

lol fag

>> No.2232342

You are an idiot if you think you know even 1/100 of the stuff in a given field.

Unless you spend literally 20 hours a day reading at 900 words per minute and have an IQ of 180, and have an extremely good memory.

In reality, you just simplified subjects so that they are logically consistent in your own mind, even though most of what you "know" is undoubtedly wrong.

>> No.2232343
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Refer to the convenient diagram to the left.

>> No.2232344
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making unintelligble comments and then backpedaling by saying "trolled?"
sounds legit.

>> No.2232360


person who said trolled wasn't OP though. problem?

>> No.2232370

im an underacheiving genius too, LOL

>> No.2232382

OP is still a genius tho...

>> No.2232417

Quit samefagging.

>> No.2232436


Homemade != Built by an internet retard with blu-tak and cereal packets


That's the worst thing is I totally understand how much I don't officially know but I'm soaking everything I can up like a sponge. Unfortunately (coincidentally it's almost parallel), like a sponge, it's incredibly difficult to arrange everything you soak up into something more useful.

This is my problem.

>> No.2232442


I'm talking to myself in the third person you cunt.

>> No.2232454

OP, you have not said anything remotely intelligent in this thread that you started. You are clearly an attention whore. I'm going to set this thread to 'ignore' now and I advise others to do the same.

>> No.2232456 [DELETED] 
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no, that's ME. get it right, fag.

>> No.2232474

bump lol

>> No.2232483

>>2232454 Blah blah blah

and you're a faggot that thinks he's smart.

>> No.2232498
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>> No.2232533

>>2232498 bro,

Keep up with the story. Mad Scientist moar like it.

>> No.2232548


I've said I'm smarter than you and it's true. If you were half as smart as me you could fly to the moon with ease but you're not so it's a difficult task.

>> No.2232555

what evidence do you have?

>> No.2232568

Why would a genius want to go to space? What is there to do in space?

>> No.2232569


Evidence can mean so many things.

>> No.2232574

troll detected.

prove your a genius or fuck off.

>> No.2232577


I'm sick of watching niggers fight bears over a cactus in the middle of a rainforest. I want to see something interesting, space is full of tons of shit.

>> No.2232599


I've made myself clear.but your attention span is so obstensibly obsolete you've failed to notice this elephant cock (elephant) in your mother's anus (the room).

Get back to me when the retard falls off.

>> No.2232606

jesus, how stupid do you have to be to realise that you can be the smartest person in the world but you don't have the RESOURCES to go to the moon

>> No.2232621

hahaha wow. is that your impression of what a bond villian evil genius would say?

>> No.2232636
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>sees thread is still alive
>looks at it out of idle curiosity
>"I'm sick of watching niggers fight bears over a cactus in the middle of a rainforest."


OP, you are not a genius by any means.

>> No.2232639

>I'm an underachieving genius.

How do you figure?

>I have an extensive knowledge in everything
>and the potential to know everything else

Fallacious, presumptuous and also physically impossible.

>I just can't organise my brainwork

I can see that.

>I'm soaking everything I can up like a sponge
>it's incredibly difficult to arrange everything you soak up into something more useful.

This is trivia, not genius.

Being unable to formulate new and novel ideas is the exact opposite of being a genius. It means that you are a dullard with notable memorization skills.

>> No.2232688

>Get back to me when the retard falls off.
>your attention span is so obstensibly obsolete you've failed to notice this elephant cock (elephant) in your mother's anus (the room).
>I'm sick of watching niggers fight bears over a cactus in the middle of a rainforest.
>Evidence can mean so many things.
>If you were half as smart as me you could fly to the moon with ease but you're not so it's a difficult task.
>Unfortunately (coincidentally it's almost parallel), like a sponge, it's incredibly difficult to arrange everything you soak up into something more useful.
>I have an extensive knowledge in everything and the potential to know everything else if I wanted to but I just can't organise my brainwork.

This is autistic behavior, which even if high-functioning is not the same thing as genius.

>> No.2232708

Are you an engineer?

>> No.2232712

i bumped again lol

>> No.2232711

>>2232639 How do you figure?

I'm a genius, I can recognise these sort of things.

I've done things most people can only dream of. I've got rockets off, I've designed and made my own railgun launching pad and I've been able to encrich titanium (at home!!) to reactor quality with relative ease.

>> No.2232724

>attention span is so obstensibly obsolete

how can attention span be "obsolete", numbnuts? I assume you just threw in the "ostensibly" to make it sound better, but next time you might want to try spell check before you use words that are too long for you.

>> No.2232753

>encrich titanium (at home!!) to reactor quality
>encrich titanium

Wow, are you even trying?

>> No.2232759


No, it was thrown in there because it actually fits. Give yourself a pat on the balls, you deserve it, fucking dictionary queen.

>> No.2232764

I never try and I always excel. Without trying. That's how smart I am.

>> No.2232769

>encrich titanium (at home!!) to reactor quality

You're not even trying. It's pathetic, really.

>> No.2232775

lol narcissism

>> No.2232778

commence the saging

>> No.2232788

sage goes in the email field

>> No.2232791


so...you think people dream of enriching uranium...yeah...

There's a problem with you but since I am a true genius I can't lose my precious time on you. Good luck on being an idiot,

>> No.2232799

you forgot to sage

>> No.2232806

>>2232778 implying saging does anything

^^You fucks are getting shit confused because of the 'ium', titanium is magnitudes superior to uranium as soon as you make it radiate.

>> No.2232829
File: 24 KB, 450x485, SAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all fields

>> No.2232832

I didn't read anything OP posted, but I'd like to say that I'd let the woman in the OP pic mongle my cock.

>> No.2232853

>one of the slowest boards
>implying this thread wasn't on the front page from that 7 sage streak.

Faggarothian confirmed for retarded.

>> No.2232864

sage goes in all fields

>> No.2232865

Practice your personal kaizen.

>> No.2232867

>implying he isn't trolling.

>> No.2232880

>encrich titanium (at home!!) to reactor quality
i'll assume you mean uranium
do you even understand how mindbogglingly stupid that is to say
to enrich uranium you need hundreds of uranium fluoride centrifuges the plumbing alone would cost millions for even the raw parts and the centrifuges would cost hundreds of millions to manufacture all this and the leaking uranium fluoride would get you very much arrested

enrichment needs the effort of a county event then its hard

>> No.2232890

OP clearly has autism so I'm just going to hide this thread rather than yell at him when he can't even comprehend what he's doing wrong.

>> No.2232909

Narcissism, delusions of grandeur, hallucinations....
OP could be the next jesus...

>> No.2233210

this thread belongs on the front page

>> No.2234246


>> No.2234281

Your quick, genius is worked on.
There's a neat psychologist who made his two daughters chess grandmasters at age 12ish just by getting them to practice constantly and making it fun, they WANTED to do it so tried.
If you don't try your just going to be another brilliant idiot, *hint* (you won't try, sorry D: )

>> No.2234326

Well, I agree with that but 1/100 might be a bit exaggerate. Some fields are easier.

>> No.2235291


Chess hasn't really got anything to do with genius levels, it's all about memorising plays.

>> No.2235293
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>> No.2236799
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>> No.2236816

remember your agruing over thwe intranetwork

>> No.2236877

Beware the lollipop of mediocrity. You lick it once and suck forever.