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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2231575 No.2231575 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /sci/, you and a group of scientists at CERN have discovered a way to cause the programmed cell death cycle to be removed, and humans to live forever. However, the Intelligent Design community (in the gov't) says you cannot continue, as it is unholy to play god. You have one hour to prove that your scientific advancement should be continued, and you must appeal to Christians. What do you say?
Picture unrelated.

>> No.2231598
File: 6 KB, 216x212, 1261719256324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all:


My face.

>turning off programmed cell death

Enjoy your cancer.

Ignoring that, a big ol' "fuck you" would probably suffice.

>> No.2231600

Silence, you insufferable fools! You have always held back science, trying to squash all rationality and empiricism just so you could keep the followers of your silly little superstitions brainwashed! Well, no more! Today, science reigns supreme!

Also, sage for inevitable science vs religion thread.

>> No.2231629
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Why should I appeal to the Christians. Fuck their shit i'm going to the stars.


>> No.2231638

They are the ones paying for the research though.

They are like, what, 85% of all income?

>> No.2231639

Yeah, literally everyone would just become tumors.

Barring stupid arguments with babies that refuse to accept logic, I'd say it'll give them more time to find God, or something to that effect.

>> No.2231643

So..... It's not like this particular incarnation of civilization is going to last much longer anyways.

>> No.2231646
File: 11 KB, 200x252, Hayley1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the hormone that prevent`s senility hasen`t been discovered decades ago and has been covered up ever since.

>> No.2231648

Which government? The US doesn't control CERN.

The secular EU does, and even the christfags there dont stoop to ID's level.

>> No.2231655

Watch them last another 5 or so thousands of years. The judeochristian god is a resilient one.

>> No.2231660

Say: Fuck you christians.

Then I would proceed to talk to major drug companies about funding my research somewhere that christians have zero power.

>> No.2231670

>somewhere that christians have zero power.

Muslim countries? I'm sure they will open up to an infidel like you.

>> No.2231677


Did you know the vatican did it`s fair contribution on the project.

The investigations will ultimately lead to a prove of our creator, the vatican says.

>> No.2231698
File: 16 KB, 286x232, the office jim_halpert impression2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"discovered a way to cause the programmed cell death cycle to be removed, and humans to live forever"


OP remember never go full retard

>> No.2231702

As a theist, I do not think it will. We will probably find X or Y thng about physycs we did not know about, but the debate will not budge one milimeter.

>> No.2231707

Can you imagine how over-populated the world would be?

>> No.2231726

A cure for aging, in pill form, would be worth billions to whoever sells it. The drug companies would find a way.

>> No.2231748

Lol, OP clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.

In any case, I'd go underground and approach some seriously wealthy corporate executives with an offer: fund my research and I'll let you live forever.

Bam. I get to study science for all eternity, and some CEOs with a vested interest in my survival are going to become even more powerful.

Fuck everyone else.

>> No.2231752

become a scientist get whatever used to have people live forever. inject it into myself and anyone who wants it and fuck the christians

>> No.2231763

I'd spend an hour uploading the information to wikileaks, saving it to various portable media formats, and dispersing the information. I don't have the time or the patience to argue my way through an incompetent board of zealots.

>> No.2231777 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 600x436, fail2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CERN (European)
>Design community (in the gov't)

>> No.2231785
File: 136 KB, 450x338, fail-boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CERN (European)
>Intelligent Design (American) community in the gov't

>> No.2231790

No biologists or biochemists left on /sci/ I see. Shame.

>> No.2231791

also, why would the european centre for nuclear research be doing human biology?

>> No.2231802
File: 105 KB, 639x477, fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh dear...

>> No.2231846

Ask them where it says we can't play around with biology. The bible tells us to try to be as much like god as possible.

>> No.2231859

Disregarding all the problems involved in that post... I would just go over to /K give them eternal life and they have to show all the people that are talking some shit about "playing god" the fastest way to him (or her, or them).... with an bullet.

I´ve talked with so many religious people in my live and I find it interesting, I like to talk about that but if someone demands that I believe in an god or if someone wants to influence my live because of his religion.... I´ll influence their live with science.
And taking eternal live from me is an death sentence... so lethal force is acceptable.

>> No.2231865

>The bible tells us to try to be as much like god as possible.
God was born on earth so he could die. Therefore you should die to.

>> No.2231873

>You have always held back science
We invented science. We are science. Galileo was a cock.

>> No.2231881

Tell them that if they're so sure the rapture is coming soon, it won't make a difference anyway.

>> No.2231890
File: 26 KB, 640x459, Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millions of people have seen ghosts.

I wouldn't fuck with life and death.

>> No.2231896

But that was the son, not the father and we must honor the father. Screw the son, he was just a dirty hippie.

>> No.2234308

i'd then make a strongarm move to disable genes and cell signal cascades from moving cells into S phase and otherwise, so you wouldnt become a tumorous heap. (apoptosis, anti-apoptosis. this would be the MAPK and Akt (GSK-3 downstream) paths primarily.)

this attempt would be feable, however.... replication is a good thing. figuring out what causes the wear-and-tear of cells to AGE is paramount (so far as i know it has to do with mitochondria and diatomic oxygen- the cleaving of it, and the free-radicals thereof, causes some problems...

otherwise, the cells will divide and then keep living. and dividing. like cancer.

also, in a social setting, you'd need to have a viable (and acceptable) solution to population control. humans dont yet have the restraint to not continuously have kids if they can. we are weak.

>> No.2234342

>No biologist left on /sci/

No, we're still here. giving answers. OP went full retard when he suggested you can give immortaility by stopping programmed cell death. Big fail. You would literally have tumours growing out your ass if you stopped programmed cell death.

As for the hypothetical situation.. a great man once said,

"If you could reason with religious people, there wouldn't be any religious people."


>> No.2234391

This has already been found and can be countered with altered embryos.

Lrn2Free Radicals.

And yes, religionists of course was successful in their "obstruction of knowledge" here.