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2229462 No.2229462 [Reply] [Original]

You can say I'm an asshole for not being an Atheist......but fuck dude, this is just wrong

>> No.2229467

Believing something to get away from the truth doesn't change it.

>> No.2229474

"Wrong" as in incorrect, or as in "painful to accept"?

>> No.2229479

Fucking red pill. Get out of my /sci/.

>> No.2229481

Just because you feel it shouldn't be that way, doesn't mean it isn't.

>> No.2229484

religion: you believe in myth because you're too much of a pussy to handle the truth.

>> No.2229494

Dude fuck, whats so bad about oblivion?
I get the feeling that theists are comprised of those who never realised that you can't suffer after death.

I can't believe someone wrote that comic with a straight face. It takes the statement of neutral facts and amazing scientific breakthroughs and somehow turns it into an object of despair - as if being part of an unimaginably bigger universe than we thought wasn't cause for awe and wonder. As if the fact that life - and sapience - is rare doesn't make us pretty damn special.

>> No.2229499

Think about it like this. Either you life forever, or you don't. Those are the only two choices.

Living forever would be an unimaginable nightmare (if you don't realise this, have a good think about it).

So not living forever is better. The only remaining thing to fret about is how long you get to live. Well, is a human lifespan long or short? What is there to compare it to?

>> No.2229501



"Just because you feel it shouldn't be that way doesn't mean it isn't"

What knowledge do you have that I dont? Last I heard we all have the same books and the same info but apparently you are some God among men who died and came back and told me exactly how the Universe is and that there is nothing after this.

Excuse me your Godness as I bend over and allow you to rape me in the ass with the cock that is your extensive knowledge of all things Divine and Interdimentional.........

oh wait you cant cause your just a faggot behind a computer.

>> No.2229504

>t takes the statement of neutral facts and amazing scientific breakthroughs and somehow turns it into an object of despair
It's an object of despair because we die. Please do think about it.

>> No.2229514


So? Yeah we die. That much is obvious to anyone. If you don't get over that you'll never be happy. Recognize that all you can do is lead the best life you can; and after that you won't give a fuck. The story will end for you, and hopefully, if you've lead a good life, it will be a happy one.

That stuff about the scale of the universe and its lack of personality? Why would you get upset about that?

>> No.2229515

You seem mad that the universe doesnt care about you.

>> No.2229516


We have access to the same information; fortunately for us we also take the time to read it.

>> No.2229517

You don't get it. Let's think for a moment about how ridiculous the concept of an afterlife is.

We are physical creatures that have gradually evolved out of simple proteins. Our behaviour is controlled by our brain. If you hit your head, you become a tiny bit dumber. If you poke someone in the right bit of their brain, they smile. If you remove someone's brain, they die.

An afterlife is borderline-incoherent. There's nothing to "go somewhere", and even if there was, how does it "copy" the information in the brain? What is the last update of the brain that it copies?

You need extraordinary evidence to back up extraordinary claims. We're not saying we know there isn't an afterlife, we're saying that it's irrational to believe in one.

>> No.2229526


This is one of those cases where theists (and agnostics) like to shift the burden of proof. If they do this, they leave themselves in the uncomfortable position of having to believe in goblins until someone disproves them. And you can never conclusively disprove something by induction.

>> No.2229528
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>> No.2229532

Who gives a fuck about the universe.

>> No.2229531

It's funny, because of all the people in this pathetic planet, atheists are the most terrified to die and resort to the gods in the end.


This is rich. I think one of the few who didn't complain was Carl Sagan, but he was drugged out of his gourd when it happened, the weakling.

>> No.2229535


Ooo. Saved.

>> No.2229538

Hell no, man. I'll go to the halls of Mandos, and I'll help sing the Music at the end of Arda.

>> No.2229540


Not many people manage to be wrong by definition. You fall into that special category of deep retard.

>> No.2229544

Dying people are certainly the most logical people imaginable. Calm and devoid of fear and emotion. I'm not sure what their arguments were for the existence of gods, but I bet they were good ones.

>> No.2229547

Too fucking stupid..

>> No.2229550

You're an idiot and using those videos as backup for your claim is proof

>> No.2229575


When I go I want to be calm and devoid of emotion. That'll show the theists who come to hover over by deathbed. With my last breath I spit my last troll at them.

>> No.2229569
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My claim? No, I am not claiming that atheism is wrong. My claim is that atheists chicken out. A lot.

At least hold steadfastly to your beliefs to the end, dammit. Nothing is waiting for you, right?

Unless, of course, you didn't believe in your own shit either. Just plain sad.

>> No.2229571

It's wrong because skeletons are real, wtf?

>> No.2229579

you can be a dumbass and look at either side with misery.
religion: god gives us an impossibly illogical "choice," making life on earth akin to slavery simply because you were born. You have no way of knowing how nice you have to be to get into heaven, and if you are born to a religion/area without a specific god (among hundreds), you get to suffer for eternity.

no religion: you are meaningless, a brief combination of matter etc..

atheist view of religion: power hungry assholes who take advantage of dumb people.

religious view of atheists: no morals, counter-culture/tradition, are insecure, love the devil etc...

i may be biased towards atheism, but living either way is completely respectable if you are satisfied with life and you do mostly what you want to do. with that said, being on a science board complaining about the reality of the universe as science has determined is counter-productive. go pray for a cure for loneliness or whatever you do.

>> No.2229582

>At least hold steadfastly to your beliefs to the end

This is exactly what is wrong with religious people.

>> No.2229585


There have been several cases of faked deathbed conversions. Charles Darwin, for instance.

>> No.2229586

many of those quotes didn't admit the god is real. they expressed fear of death, which is a pretty normal human emotion.
all animals fear death, it's a survival trait.

>> No.2229590

Oh boy, you sure figured us all out with those videos. We're all like that.

>> No.2229597

You won't. Every cell in your body will scream for 1 more second of Life.

>> No.2229607

I see you're the expert on dying. How many times have you done it?

>> No.2229615

When my grandmother died, she was on some medication to keep her alive. She was sick and miserable.

They kept giving her these pills to keep her alive, but at the end she just said "no more" when they tried to give them to her. She went to sleep smiling that night, and never woke up.

>> No.2229621

Can I be clear about something?

I believe in a Higher Power and I believe that when I die something happens.

Other than those two points I fucking love science, I love watching specials on Earth and animals and the Universe, I played with Chemistry sets as a kid and I still look at the stars when I go upstate to see family.

Not everyone who believes in God is an asshole bible thumper or an ignoramus. Just saying its a state of mind and it doesn't have to control everything about a person.

>> No.2229623
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Don't need to. Seen plenty of people die before me. Their eyes tell me everything I should know.

People without faith die in fear. Always. Theists die more peaceful deaths, most of the time.

It is this kind of experiences that make me doubt seriously if atheists even actually believe what they claim. Because I no longer think they do.

>> No.2229626


If thats true, sorry about your Grandma bro

>> No.2229633

>its a state of mind

No it's not. It's a belief.

>> No.2229635

>Seen plenty of people die before me. Their eyes tell me everything I should know.

What's your line of work where you see lots of people dying in fear? I hate to ask.

>> No.2229643


actually bro all beliefs are a state of mind.

Believing in Christ puts you in the State of Mind as a Christian

Believing in science puts you in the State of Mind of a Scientist.

Believing your hopeless puts you in a State of Mind of Depression

and Believing the world is an open playground puts you in the State of Mind of Life.

>> No.2229644


Serial killer, of course.

Deathbed conversion is the surest way to save souls from damnation!

>> No.2229645


Tell me you dont subscribe to that theistic evolution crap which says random mutations arent random and due to divine intervention.

>> No.2229651


That was a nonsensical side dish of word salad that means absofuckinglutely nothing.

>> No.2229652

He just chills in hospitals and goes over to dying people while the nurses aren't looking. Atheists get freaked because of murderous stare he gives them, but theists usually think he's an angel to take them to heaven.

>> No.2229654
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A humble internist. Nothing fancy. Big hospital though. Spend too much time near dead or neard death people to my liking.

Death has made me jaded.

>> No.2229660


Wow. You must have a hard time reconciling the idea of a loving god with reality then, right?

>> No.2229673
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Nah. Death is merciful.

See >>2229615

He made such a good example I need not say anything. <3

>> No.2229700

Atheist misconception!

The christian god is good, but he is not nice and has a nasty sense of humor. And for God to be "fair" he would need to send us all to Hell. So no, the christian god is not fair either. This is why he sent Jesus in the first place. So we could stand a chance.

>> No.2229707

>This is why he sent Jesus in the first place. So we could stand a chance.

Nobody would give a fuck if people weren't convinced of importance of some jewish zombie in the first place. Only a fucking marketing...convince people that they need some shite and then start selling them this shite.

>> No.2229710

Are high, bud? Because you make little sense.

>> No.2229726

that makes no fucking sense at all.

i can understand you need to believe in something, but you should at least pick a religion that is logically consistent

>> No.2229732


Send us all to hell because some nitwit and his wife disobeyed him? It's retarted to think that children are born with sin.

>> No.2229739

No good god would send a good man to burn for eternity just because he never found a reason to believe in him.

A good atheist has stronger morals than he would have if he was religious because he is motivated to good things because they are good instead of fear of going to hell.

>> No.2229744

Explain yourself.

>> No.2229760

Ever heard of "God's Grace"? It is a kinda mistranslation. It should actually read "UNDESERVED mercy". Since every human sinned, we are all damned. God, however, is willingly merciful despite our shit.

This is exposed a couple of times in the Bible. The sacrifices? They were made so humans did not have to pay the price themselves, nevermind that they could not even come close to doing it.

God currently damns you according to how much you know of Jesus. If you didn't know, you are judged for your deeds. If you did know, you are doomed. If you are a christian and sucked at it, you are EXTRA damned.

Also, the hell of blazing fire is not biblical. See Gehenna, a valley, used as a garbage burning site. The actual Hell is currently unknown, but is supposed to be unpleasant and God is not there.

>> No.2229765
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>> No.2229778

And to quote.

Matthew 25:14-30
Luke 19:12-28

Read them if you will. Just backing up my sources. SHould clear any questions left.

>> No.2229798

perhaps the sequel to the bible will pinpoint the location of hell so i can update my shipping information before i get there

>> No.2229806

You fools will burn for your ignorance.
Enjoy your eternal suffering.

>> No.2229809

Too soon to make those claims. Maybe a few of them will convert near the end thanks to this thread? You never know.

>> No.2229823

Given infinite time, a chance exists that the particular combination and orientation of matter which constitutes who you are would be recreated at some future point, meaning you would live again, after you died.

>> No.2229828

>Atheists are assholes because they try to tell me that my god doesn't exist and I should their superior life philosophy
sounds a lot like what Christians do to everyone
except most of the time Christians would kill you if you didn't

it's terrifying that in this day and age atheists can assault peoples beliefs with logic and reasoning, isn't it?

>> No.2229830

Why do you debate a blatantly obvious troll?

>> No.2229876

>This is why he sent Jesus in the first place. So we could stand a chance.

I never really understood this too well. How does sending Jesus to Earth to get murdered help us save ourselves? Like Jesus died for our sins. What the hell does that even mean?

>"UNDESERVED mercy". Since every human sinned, we are all damned. God, however, is willingly merciful despite our shit.

I don't get this one either. God makes everyone a sinner. Then forgives us for being sinners and that makes him merciful. Wat

>> No.2229937

Jewish faith stated that sins required an aninal sacrifice as payment, Jesus became that payment.

>> No.2229941

animal ~_~
or living sacrifice would be a better term for it

>> No.2229959

>You fools will burn for your ignorance.
No, we will burn for our non-ignorance.

>> No.2229972

"Deathbed of dying skeptics".

See, that's a biased sampling. Why don't they show quotes from the deathbeds of non-dying skeptics?

wait, I think I'm on to something... nope, lost it.

>> No.2230001

So he makes us defective on purpose and then punishes US for HIS crappy design? And we're supposed to be thankful that once in a while he doesn't?

This conjures an image in my head of a retarded child building a LEGO house and when he realizes that the house looks like roadkill after a few turns in the blender he stomps angrily as if it were the LEGO's fault.

>> No.2230006

The best definition of Yahweh I've seen in a while. Also, 'grats on the almost-get.


>> No.2230016

Yeah. There are too such things as skeletons. I saw one when I was doing dissections.

I don't know, I'm pretty sure that it's possible to live a fun, arbitrarily long life if you're smart about it. Even if it gets boring eventually no matter what, you can at least get electrodes implanted in your pleasure centre and bliss out for eternity.

>> No.2230069

So by telling good people who know nothing of Jesus about him, you're greatly increasing the risk of their damnation just to spare your own skin? You're a loathesome coward.

>> No.2230102

The only thing that comforts me is the thought that when I die, I will cease to exist completely. I'm tired enough just walking through this life. The idea of nothingness brings me peace.

But to each his own, I guess.

>> No.2230110

So which scenario is more fearful:

Everything that makes you 'you'; your consciousness ceasing to exist after physical death?


'You' continue on in some other form of matter, in a different reality?

>> No.2230172

Clearly they both suck.

>> No.2230205

How is this sad? This is only sad if you've been taught all your life that you're more than that.

>> No.2230222

which is why people don't hurry to commit suicide all around.

>> No.2230770

Humanity chose this nature. Or are you claiming you do not have responsability for your own behavior?

Maybe. But what is certain is that christians are under strict orders to do so.

>> No.2230783

Question: why doesn't God provide evidence that Christianity is true?
He's had no problem doing miracles before, and it would result in an enormously lower number of people burning in hell. Doesn't he want the best for us?

>> No.2230799

Religion is the easy way out. You can find your own purpose, or you can get it from a book. You can craft your own values, or you can get them from a preacher. You can face down the vast, indifferent universe that looms above our heads, or the oblivion that awaits us when we die, or the reality that life is a game of chance and humans are nothing but biological automata - or you can hide it all away under a patchwork quilt of convoluted dogma and wishful thinking.

>> No.2230800
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A man named Thallus wrote before the 100-200 (Before any other christian apologist, and before the church had any power at all) that there was incident in Judea with buildings falling down, earthquakes and a "fearful darkness" which he thought was an eclipse, which made no sense to him since no eclipse was supposed to happen at that moment. This is the earliest mention to the death of Jesus Christ to exist. Of course, there are arguments against it.

Take this any way you feel like.

>> No.2230801

but it's true. you don't just "not believe in something" because it makes you sad

>> No.2230816

Funny, as I dn't remember ticking a box in a form anywhere that says I choose to be beneath some arbitrary standard of which I am not aware.

Just admit that saying people are born with sin is the same as saying that we're defective by design, which means that the blame is with the designer, not the product.

>> No.2230834

Shifting blame is what the original sin is all about, actually. Not directly disobeying God or wanting to be a god yourself.

Read the myth again. You will know what I mean.

>> No.2230835
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Report and sage for not science.

Pic related, as it makes as much sense as Christianity and is just as impossible to prove or disprove.

>> No.2230858
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>the myth
My point exactly. Regardless of "what the original sin is all about", the fact that being born with sin implies that sin sin't our fault (since we had it before we could make any choices at all) is plain, simple logic. The fact that you deny it without offering even a shadow of an argument proves that you're closed-minded and incapable of having a rational argument.

Pic related, it's how normal people see nutjobs like you.

>> No.2230890

We are falling in a circle here. You claim to not have responsability for your own misdeeds, regardless of whatever nature you might have.

The Bible says that God has created people to be upright, but they have chosen to do evil. We are not condemned on the basis of Adam and Eve's original sin, but our own. Our condemnation is rightly deserved due to our rebellion and disobedience of God's laws. God is not responsible for our sin, but we are, because of our own lusts.

But hey, if you hate it that much, you can just ignore it.

>> No.2230895

>Pic related, as it makes as much sense as Christianity and is just as impossible to prove or disprove.

It's very possible to disprove Christianity. It's been done several times in this thread.

>> No.2230915
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How do we know how old the item was? Through some method of dating. Said method of dating can be used to prove an earth older than 7,000, which goes against the timeline of the bible. U mad?

>> No.2230926

>We are not condemned on the basis of Adam and Eve's original sin
>mfw pain during childbirth is a condemnation based on Adam and Eve's sin

>> No.2230947

Quote the Bible on that one.

>> No.2230970

No, you're not an asshole for not being an atheist.

You're an asshole for posting about religion on a science board.

>> No.2230981

Want your mind blown?

Read the Bible with the perspective that all the people were atheist, and that references to God, heaven and hell and sin are are metaphorical for the nature of mankind. Still fits.

>> No.2231340
