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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2225225 No.2225225 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested in doing a bit of science.

I masturbate with my right hand, and my penis curves slightly to the left, I hypothesize it is because the periodic pressure of masturbating reformed my penis. If my hypothesis is correct, then there should be some correlation between the curvature of a penis and the dominant hand of the masturbator. Science survey go! what hand do you masturbate with and does your penis curve, if so, in what direction?

>> No.2225246

Bumping with persistence

The validity of our survey goes up with the square root of respondents, we need more data points.

>> No.2225256

(right, right) reporting in.

>> No.2225268

I'm righty when it's comes to wanking and there's a curve to the left but I'm primarily left handed.

>> No.2225281

both hands, no lateral curve.

>> No.2225288

I'm the same as you, OP.

>> No.2225290

right hand left curve.

>> No.2225296

hand curve left, no curve, curve right
left 0 0 0
ambi 0 1 0
right 4 0 1
ve make data, goot data

>> No.2225324

I was exactly same as you OP, right handed and penis curves only slightly to the left.
However, when I first noticed this years ago it got me worried, so I managed to switch hands.. Now I've been masturbating with my left hand for years, and I am unable to switch back to the right hand.
This did not affect my penis at all.

>> No.2225359

I also experienced some concern regarding this, I wasn't as disciplined as you in my attempts to rectify it however, but it could be a growth period thing, like the first couple years are the ones where it matters, and changing hands after the fact is less relevant. Kind of like how you learn your first language much more easily than the following ones.

>> No.2225386

I'm right handed, my penis curves to the right
in b4 no correlation

>> No.2225410


holy shit OP

I'm right handed, but have only masturbated with my left hand for the last 5 years, maybe more

penis curves to the right when erect, normal when flaccid.

I can barely orgasm when I use my right hand though, I'm weird.

>> No.2225439

hand curve left, no curve, curve right
left 0 0 1
ambi 0 1 0
right 5 0 2
yay, data entry in the left handed row
good data to have would be the truly ambidextrous masturbator, unfortunately i wonder how reliable it a descriptor it would be.

>> No.2225442

Mine curve downwards. I masturbate with right hand.

But it is a pretty good indicator of the way I masturbate. (Figure that one out /sci/).

>> No.2225449

left hand, right curve!

>> No.2225481

hand curve left, no curve, curve right
l e f t 0 0 2
ambi 0 1 0
righ t 5 0 2
other 1
so far this supports my hypothesis more than hurts it. We should ask other boards to contribute as we might be running out of people here.

>> No.2225486

left hand, minor right curve

>> No.2225497

/sc/i is too stupid again

the shape of you penis depends on what side you lie when you sleep. (same with breasts from women) when you sleep on your right side all the time, you going to have a penis that is shaped to the right, cos the tissue stretches

>> No.2225500

right hand curves left

>> No.2225505

Left hand, right curve.
Also, as long as I have been wearing boxers, I've always hung to the right; could this be the result of the curve, the cause, or the result of a third factor?

>> No.2225508

If that is the case then either dominant masturbating hand should either be uncorrelated, or also correlated to dominant sleeping side.
hand curve left, no curve, curve right
l e f t 0 0 3
ambi 0 1 0
righ t 6 0 2
other 1
we are seeing fairly decent correlation so far, so that would suggest some cross talk between these three things.

>> No.2225509

Right Hand
Curves left.

>> No.2225516

hand curve left, no curve, curve right
l e f t 0 0 4
ambi 0 1 0
righ t 7 0 2
other 1
sorry for the tally spam, >>2225505 posted right before i posted the last one, and i want to keep count accurately.

>> No.2225517

Left hand. Curves upwards

>> No.2225523

I ALWAYS slept on my left side when I was younger, but mine curves noticeably to the right. While the mass of breasts would certainly seem to be enough to cause some deformation, I don't think the same could be said of the penis.

(inb4 small penis jokes)

>> No.2225534

Right handed, fap with left, no curve to penis.

>> No.2225549

naturally right handed. Wank with left. curves to the right slightly

>> No.2225552

right handed
fap with either
no curve

>> No.2225553

Fapping for science. I use my right hand exclusively but it curves left.

>> No.2225554

Same as OP

>> No.2225555

hand curve left, no curve, curve right
l e f t 0 1 5
ambi 0 1 0
righ t 7 0 2
other 2
I'm somewhat interested in the prolific nature of left handed fapping, but i guess i maybe a toss up whether a person browses for porn left handed or needs their right hand for the computer.

>> No.2225556

It could be partially due to the hand one strokes oneself with, but the major factor may be sleeping position. If you lay on your side or stomach, then the penis while you're asleep will bend to a side.
Right Handed, Left Hand Used, bends to left, lay on right side in bed.

>> No.2225561

ffff /tg/ must have come in while i was tabulating last time
hand curve left, no curve, curve right
l e f t 0 1 5
ambi 0 2 0
righ t 9 0 2
other 2

>> No.2225563

supporter from /tg/ joining in your survey.

Penis curving right and using my left hand to pleasure myself.

>> No.2225569

Right hand = fapping hand
curving left...

>> No.2225571

left-left here.

How can you guys fap with your right hand? How do you manage to use the mouse while doing it?

>> No.2225581

when i masturbate i like to jump up and down on my chair and tell my self im getting laid so idk which side my penis moves

>> No.2225578

same here

>> No.2225583

If I HAD to browse while fapping? Stop and go.

>> No.2225603

both hands, straight penis

>> No.2225615
File: 37 KB, 377x468, AnnaSophia-Robb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fap with right curves to the left

>> No.2225623

back from lunch, updating

>> No.2225632

hand curve left, no curve, curve right
l e ff t 1 1 6
amb i 0 3 0
right 11 0 2
other 4
28 responses so far, 20 fit within, half that are counter to the hypothesis are outside of the paradigm altogether, so we have 5 times as much data supporting the hypothesis than against it. the hypothesis.

>> No.2225655

So, now that we have our data... how do we go about working with it? this is sort of a does/does not correlate kind of question... I've never done that, i've done some least squares fitting and evaluating the goodness of the fit with reduced chi square, but correlation is kind of a biology thing from where i'm standing.

>> No.2225659

fap with right hand, penis curves to the left

>> No.2225660

I'm also (left, left).

>> No.2225695

right handed. my penis doesnt really bend, but it does sway/rest to the left.

>> No.2225718
File: 212 KB, 1341x1281, slapcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to perform experiments and see if the results are as predicted by your hypothesis.

Surveys however are for research prior to forming a hypothesis. They form the basis of your observation so that you may then begin making predictions.

You seem to have formed a conjecture and accepted it as a hypothesis without first performing said research, so you are not off to a good start.

>> No.2225750

hand curve left, no curve, curve right
l e ff t 2 1 6
amb i 0 3 0
right 12 1 2
other 4
observational sciences can't do controlled experiments to test hypothesies, they can only collect data and then try to compare collections that correct of possible external factors, astronomy and sociology and some portions of medical science have this in common.

we seem to have a disconnect about our usage regarding "hypothesis", "conjecture" and "theory", a hypothesis to me can occur at any point in the process, usually with very scant evidence (personal experience) as many are only slightly glorified guesses. You on the other hand are ascribing to it a kind of significance I'd usually reserve for "Theory", however this is a semantics argument that is somewhat silly.

doing research to prove/disprove a hypothesis is what science is about man, conjecture, hypothesis, theory, the point is collecting data and explaining it coherently.

>> No.2225773

Left hand and right curve

>> No.2225782

right hand left curve

>> No.2225814



>> No.2225824
File: 932 KB, 356x334, moon wobble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'd be surprised at the ingenuity of astronomers in performing valid experiments without pulling the universe into a tiny laboratory. Take for example the M100 supernova, or the Jupiter-quasar experiment.

I can't speak for sociology, but if it cannot do the same it may be because it is not a hard science.

>a hypothesis to me can occur at any point in the process
>prove a hypothesis

I do not believe that you grasp the scientific method as well as you think you do.

You start with an objective. "I want to find out what causes my tallywhacker to curve to one side."

You move to the initial observation. "I whack off on that side all the time. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?" (this is not a hypothesis at this point, which is where you seem to be getting confused)

Then you research. "Which tissues, if any, could be affected by this in the necessary manner?"

Then you research some more. "Which way do you hang and what hand do you use?"

If you discover a possible cause and a correlation, THEN you can form a hypothesis. "Regularly whacking off on one side could preferentially stretch this soft tissue, leading to a permanent list or curvature."

Now you must perform an experiment, and giving up on devising one because it's "too much trouble" is not acceptable. Just because formulating one is not an easy task for you does not mean it cannot be done or should be omitted. You could hire volunteers and have them attempt to alter their curvature over a period of time using the principles your hypothesis predicts, for example.

>> No.2225839

I've come to the same conclusion.

Two reasons for not doing this:
1. It feels awkward
2. I'm afraid the curve back to the right won't be at the original pivot point creating an S shaped penis.

I'd prefer to have a slightly angled penis and enjoy masturbation as opposed to having it take forever due to the awkward sensation my left hand makes while creating an extra pivot point.

Also, my right hand might get jealous.

>> No.2225844

We're getting into an argument over semantics, because it sounded to me like you thought I claimed that astronomers didn't do "experiments" while all i said was that astronomers don't do experiments the same way chemists do.

And seriously, getting hung up on the text book definition of Hypothesis and Theory with fancy capital letters strikes me as asinine, we have an observation, we have an idea, we are collecting more observations and comparing the to our original observation, we haven't yet made any conjectures about what connects the two because I'd like the suggestion of a biologist on what mathematical methods are used to define things as "correlated", as I think our data suggests that there is indeed a correlation between these two phenomenon.

>> No.2225846

Left hand, no curve

>> No.2225847

>observational sciences can't do controlled experiments

Bullshit. Only pseudoscience can't.

>only slightly glorified guesses

That would be a conjecture.

>this is a semantics argument

There is no room for arguing semantics in science. We use rigid definitions for each technical term, and deviating from them is improper.

>> No.2225856

You know science is supposed to be a joyous exercise, yes? I'm not saying it's wrong to get excited about it, but vitriolic? Uncalled for good sir.

>> No.2225859

>We're getting into an argument over semantics, because it sounded to me like you thought I claimed that astronomers didn't do "experiments" while all i said was that astronomers don't do experiments the same way chemists do.

There are no alternate definitions of scientific terms in their respective contexts. You are not performing a chemistry experiment, so it is pointless to even make that distinction or pretend that it was in any way appropriate to apply here.

There would be no problem with semantics had you not applied them incorrectly.


That's all well and good but you must be more rigorous in science.

>> No.2225869

left hand, right curve

>> No.2225882

Ok let's start off with where we're coming from. I'm hoping I don't miss anything that I'll regret later in the conversation.

Empirical sciences require observations. You start with an observation that fascinates you and motivates you to explain or explore it.

You come up with a notion of how it behaves with respect to some parameters (mass, heat, charge, direction of movement) this rough estimate is tested by observations gathered after the notion is formed. If you can manipulate the relevant parameters directly, you can do experiments that change them in controlled ways(chemistry, solid state physics, small scale plasmas) however if the parameters are beyond the control of the observer (a stellar body with several solar masses, or the eating habits of a large populace) then one has to observe nature for circumstances where these parameters were different of their own accord and you get the observations that way.

These observations will then tally with your previous notion or run against it, strengthening it or demanding you to develop a new idea.

How does this differ from your method of a scientific endeavor?

>> No.2225895

Fenamon here. I'm interested in doing a bit of science.

My boyfriend masturbates with his right hand, and his penis curves slightly to the left,. Since my dominant hand is left if I reapetedly masturbate him will penis curve shift to the right????????

>> No.2225900

Righty, no curve.

However, I do *hang* to the left.

>> No.2225918

hand curve left, no curve, curve right
l e ff t 2 2 8
amb i 0 3 0
right 14 2 2
other 4
updating, thought interest is waning in preference for discussion over the nature of science and how important being anal retentive about synonyms, mathematical anal retentiveness is justifiable, but language is inherently somewhat mutable.

>> No.2226111

And it's dead, saving thread for posterity in some deep anal of my computer.

>> No.2226115

My penis doesn't curve; it twists. I swap between hands quite regularly, so I think I'm just fucked up.

>> No.2226130
File: 144 KB, 387x700, being-a-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying you could possibly care to jack him off enough to compensate for how much he masturbates
> implying you're female

>> No.2226163

Operate mouse with right hand
Fap with left hand
Penis not curved

>> No.2226253

No curve; I use both hands, but predominantly the right.
I'd say it's split 60/40.

>this thread is kind of pointless anyways, hasn't it been proved that "ur penis points which way you masterbait" is an urban legend?