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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2218597 No.2218597 [Reply] [Original]

>Be 18
>Amazingly passionate for cosmology, astronomy, and the sheer beauty of the universe
>Realise nobody actually gives a toss about the universe
>Friends and family consider my future career choice a waste of time, because what use is cosmology or astrophysics, RIGHT?

So /sci/, have you found that 99% of people simply couldn't care what lays beyond the Earth?

It shocks me to think that very few people even know what a star IS, let alone a galaxy or any other of the majestic realities of nature.

Feels bad man.

Feels so, so bad.

>> No.2218608

I care what lays beyond the Earth but certainly not about anything that lies between your ears

>> No.2218607

>It shocks me to think that very few people even know what a star IS

That...that isn't true...is it?

>> No.2218616
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>It shocks me to think that very few people even know what a star IS

>> No.2218615

>It shocks me to think that very few people even know what a star IS
It's a firefly that gets stuck in the big black stuff in the sky. Duh.

>> No.2218618

Has a point. What you choose to spend your time studying is usually determined by your interests. Alot of people simply don't care about anything that doesn't effect them directly. This lack of curiosity is sad, but common.

>> No.2218624

while you sleep, i will stick your mattress onto my catapult and launch you into space to make you happy.

>> No.2218628

jesus christ where do you live OP, and remind me to never live or visit there

>> No.2218631

leave home, move to moon, it's what i did

>> No.2218637

who gives a toss about the universe?i mean tosse are straight up gay and pointless.the universe may hold nothing or evrything

>> No.2218641

My Mom is a cosmologist (PhD in Theoretical Physics), My Dad was in high energy physics (PhD in HE Physics), and my Grandfather is a professor of Physics. The other Grandfather was a Mechanical Engineer, and grandmother was a Aerospace engineer (she worked on Buran in the 80s)

I have to say they are very much pleased with me choosing to go into science.

>> No.2218645

what did your cocksucker dad do in HEP, I bet he flunked out and built boards for some real scientists

>> No.2218651


Associate professor at stanford, He worked at SLAC and at the SCSC (before it was cancelled), then he went into programming to support the family

you jelly?

>> No.2218649

Really. No pressure there.

Captcha : Huygens resuppwr

>> No.2218654
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You lucky son of a bitch.

>> No.2218661
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Yeah, I know.


Again, that's Australia for you.

If it doesn't involve a football or tits, it's of no interest to the public.

>> No.2218666


Every year I come back from college I can read more and more books on our science bookshelf.

Haven't touched the quantum gravity/supersymmetry/string theory books. But I've gotten through Jackson and Sakurai as supplementing my Undergraduate E&M and QM

>> No.2218670

associate, huh, sounds like he failed to get tenure, not "jelly" at all

>> No.2218676

Feels bad, Ausbro.

>> No.2218679

>associate, huh, sounds like he failed to get tenure, not "jelly" at all

Yep, you can thank congress for that. When they cancelled the Super conducting Super Collider prematurely pretty much 70% of the HEP field lost their jobs.

Don't lie, you jelly.

>> No.2218682

either you have some of the best science genes in the world, or your bullshiting

>grandmother was a Aerospace engineer (she worked on Buran in the 80s)
this makes me think you're bullshiting. in your grandmothers time women werent even allowed in engineering.

>> No.2218686

Allow me to quote you.
>So /sci/, have you found that 99% of people simply couldn't care what lays beyond the Earth?
Where did you come up with this incorrect number? Most people are curious, but most people don't get into the specifics. They would rather just make their own conjectures.

>> No.2218695

not really, since it was most of the support staff and lesser "scientists" that lost out. cleared the way for me to come into the field, in fact

>> No.2218699


Yes I know anon, thank you for pointing out it's not exactly 99%.

>> No.2218701


>this makes me think you're bullshiting. in your grandmothers time women werent even allowed in engineering.

This was the soviet union, hence "buran". Women were allowed in engineering in the 70's and 80's

>> No.2218711

Bullshit. I'll call it right now:
You will never do anything significant in your life.
You exist on this board only to hate and troll.

>> No.2218713

Do want to know more about your family. Could you indulge me?

>> No.2218716


He was a young postdoc (his doctoral work was based on work for the SCSC) from the soviet union so it makes sense he was canned, you got lucky, he didn't

>> No.2218726

OP, take a few years of physics classes before you start being pretentious about it. Physics research is hard work and often unrewarding.

>> No.2218727


What do you want to know. Great Grandfather (the physics prof's dad) was an architect turned Physics professor. The grandmother I didn't mention has an advanced humanities degree.

At least two of my direct ancestors are on wikipedia (albeit the article is much bigger on wikipedia.ru), although they aren't famous so you probably haven't heard of them.

>> No.2218729

well I guess it pays then to not be a fucking commie then doesn't it

(btw I work with tons of Russians who didn't have such problems...)

>> No.2218731


This was my great-great-great...great-grandfather

>> No.2218743


I'm sure you do, lots of people emigrated in the 90's, those that emigrated in 1990 in HEP (and there were quite a lot of them) were the hardest hit.

>> No.2218744
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>Be 22, and understand more then my 60 year old father.
Feels bad man.

>> No.2218767

>you jelly

no, not jelly of sheep at all.


>> No.2218772


yeah you jelly.

>> No.2218771 [DELETED] 

22 is pretty old faggot, and comparing yourself to someone who grew up in a completley different time, where there was less knowledge and didn't have access to the internet is a retarded comparison. in fact, if you just barely understand more than your father at age 22, then you are probably a lot less intelligent than him.

>> No.2218777


>> No.2218794
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That would be a dandy explanation if my father didn't convert to religion after turning 50 for his 5th wife. He's just derp.

His favorite sentence is "How could all this be without a God."

Feels bad man. I'm going to turn full retard when I turn 50 too.

>> No.2218803

You inherit sudden retardation at 50? Lucky bastard. I've got heart attacks and liver failure to look forward to.

>> No.2218814

That sucks man. I'm preparing for when I go full retard, I will put every religious book I can find in my personal library to read, and enough alcohol to drowned my self to death in.

>> No.2218818

I don't feel bad for you, OP. Try being a Chef in the States.

>why you bein' all faaaaancy?

What? Making a roux? Its just a way of thickening sauce.

Seriously if it's not applebees it's fucking fancy as shit to these people. I cook food that is rustic as fuck and people call it fancy. Why? because it's home-made. If you do something beyond opening a box and heating you're a master chef here. It is so fucking sad.

>boo hoo no one cares about the stars

I don't want to be one of those "there are bigger problems in our world" kinda guys, but you should suck it up. If you family doesn't support you - fuck them. Do what you love.

>> No.2218823
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>If you family doesn't support you - fuck them. Do what you love.
Words to live by.

>> No.2218829

mfw my dad is a high school drop out who earns a lot as a business contractor. He doesn't even pretend it's not utter bullshit. My mum got a Master's in Creative Writing. On one side I have a systems engineer as a grandfather, and on the other side I have an art director for an advertising firm.

I am not from a science family.

>> No.2218841

The world doesn't give a fuck about space

Welcome to the real world. Good luck finding a job in the field.

No seriously I hope you excel and make great new discoveries in the field that I will one day read on science blogs. I'm stuck going into a trade instead of science I simply can't risk doing something like that due to being poor as fuck.