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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2215326 No.2215326 [Reply] [Original]

So when will you guys finally accept timecube and save your future Children?

>> No.2215329
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>> No.2215333

Aethers trolling isn't up to the standard I'd come to expect of him.

>> No.2215340

You used to lead into it a bit. Have a vaguely worded philosophical question at the start, and slowly deteriorate into complete insanity later.

>> No.2215341
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Lol Physics Guy.

>> No.2215348

>future Children
does not compute

>> No.2215350
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You've lost your touch aether.

>> No.2215351
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With respect to Gene Ray, what he wrote was uhh.. kinda offensive to some people, but, he was doing it with a good heart (and in actuality he's doing it against evil people). I could re-write timecube to be more eloquent, would that make you want to convert to the truth? (or do you want to force more children into an evil lie?)

>> No.2215354
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Sod off, you nitwitted bastard. We don't want your garbage stinking up this board again.

>> No.2215360
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umad and evil

>> No.2215367
File: 173 KB, 600x570, angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad that there's a fool on this board that thinks he can convert us all to his new religion, despite the fact that more established and influential religions have never been able to do so. Your ignorance is quite offensive.

Evil? Bah, I'm not perfect, but I probably don't fit into evil.

>> No.2215392
File: 64 KB, 640x621, lucis (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umad cause you're field of expertise is a hoax, physics guy

>> No.2215399

Naggarothian, you seem very very easy to troll. I'm going to have to come around more often to troll the pants off of you.

>> No.2215433
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Engineerfag, not a physicsfag. I just happen to be studying for my mechanics exam (shit, that's today, should probably resume studying that).

Nevertheless, it is your belief that the world is a cube that is a hoax. Thing about how gravity works: Gravity between any 2 objects is directly proportional to the mass of the objects and inversely proportional to the distance between their centers of mass. If the Earth was a cube, then the gravitational force of the Earth on us would vary wildly from place to place, being the lowest at the corners (where the distance from the Earths center of mass is at its greatest) and the highest at the center of any side of the cube (where the distance from the Earths center of mass is at its lowest) However, the gravitational force is fairly consistent across the Earths surface. Taking the rotation of the Earth into account, we can conclude that the shape of the Earth is not exactly but very close to a sphere.

You mad?

>> No.2215455
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You know what, I think I'll bump this. Just for the sake of trolling aether.

>> No.2215464
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Whoops, forgot to not sage. How ironic.

>> No.2215470

Not really I've explained it to you before, Res Judicata, you're on thin ice retard, and I will be under it when it breaks.

>> No.2215484

>on thin ice
>I will be under it when it breaks

Then you're probably suffering from hypothermia, unless we're talking about some incident where there is a layer of ice but no water underneath it. Which means you're either underground or standing beneath a piece of thin ice suspended in mid air by something.

Either way, it leads me to doubt your intelligence.....ah, but I am so easily trolled! Whatever then, I shall adjourn now and resume studying mechanics. So long, you crazy cubist commie.

>> No.2215490

Ok adult who denies evolving from child.

>> No.2215535

fascinating theory Aether.

so, any testable predictions? something I can run an experiment on perhaps? you know, do science with it.

>> No.2215646

It means you need to stop predicting and star preserving.

>> No.2215670

He hasn't lost his touch after all. Not like it's hard to troll this board.

>> No.2215726
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Oh, also, I forgot to add this:

The Earth must be a sphere because, in addition to the argument given above, gravity pulls in the direction of the center of mass. That means that only in the center of the 6 faces of the worlds would there be any points where gravity is tangent to the ground. At the vertices and edges of the faces, we would have gravity acting at a 45 degree angle to the ground. Could something so extreme really have gone unnoticed all this time.

TLDR: the consequences of the proposed 'timecube' model of the earth deviate far too extremely from the results of observation to be taken seriously.

timecube: -9001
scientific method: 9001