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File: 25 KB, 225x214, 225px-Memristor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2208516 No.2208516 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Cool near-future technologies.

I'll start: Memristor.


>> No.2208530

quantum computing

>> No.2208531


>> No.2208536

/sci/ is slow today..


>> No.2208598

room-temperature superconductor

>> No.2208668

nigger culling tech

>> No.2208684

Self-driving cars

>> No.2208746


>> No.2208772


I work on developing these technologies.

You jelly?

>> No.2208818
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Man made star for energy, Pic related

>> No.2209076

Oh man, and people were worried about the LHC. Haha.

>> No.2209090
File: 33 KB, 318x299, Centurions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the near future...

>> No.2209096

Carbon nanotube clothes.

>> No.2209111

So, the laser uses 1000 times the generating power of the US, and plans to create 10 times that energy in the reaction.

How will this end well?

>> No.2209120

>plans to create 10 times that energy in the reaction.
I didn't see that in the article. Also
>the experiment will mark the first step towards building a practical nuclear fusion power station and a source of almost limitless energy.
This is just an experiment to see if it can be done.

>> No.2209122

There are some big worries about nanotubes causing similar problems to asbestos.
Although asbestos clothes would be cool, minus the cancer.

>> No.2209130

>The result should be an explosion in the 32ft-wide reaction chamber which will produce at least 10 times the amount of energy used to create it.
>at least

>> No.2209142

Oh hahahah, I got to the "related articles" part and thought that was the end of the article.

>> No.2209146


But seriously, where is 10,000 times the electric generating power of the US going to go when it shows up?

>> No.2209189

The longer this question goes unanswered, the more worried I become.

>> No.2209209


Energy can be stored you know. Also, it only needs that energy to start.

>> No.2209233

Wait, what? Creating more energy than what they started with? Doesn't this violate a law of thermodynamics?

Yeah, I know, stupid question, but I am ultraretarded and am curious.

>> No.2209244

>energy can be stored you know

Show me the capacitor that can hold that much energy. Please do.

>> No.2209248


Worried about what?

>> No.2209255


No, because the energy that goes into the reaction is basically being used to overcome the "activation energy barrier" required to convert mass into energy.

>> No.2209258


Not necessarily.

If you start a fire you are producing more energy than the match it took to start it.

It's just a self sustaining fusion reaction.

>> No.2209281

What the answer will be.

IE, I dunno lol

>> No.2209294


>> No.2209335

Power versus energy. Its a 500 TW laser, yes, but its only going to be on for picoseconds. Thats 500 joules per picosecond, if you're wondering. Not a huge amount of energy, but a huge amount of power.

Its not as if they'll be able to power the United States with this thing. Its really no more optimistic than the magnetically confined torus being built in Europe.

>> No.2209407
File: 256 KB, 821x539, zbv scan via forbes ASEscan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is now.

>> No.2210374


>The skin cancer is now

>> No.2210385
File: 50 KB, 755x500, sail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, my beloved solar sails, soon...

>> No.2210387


>> No.2210392

Do I need to do my obligatory speech about sailing around the curvature of the universe and forgetting where the earth?

>> No.2210397

Japs did it. Too bad the probe that deployed it, probably failed it's mission though.

>> No.2210401
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Not entirely necessary.

I could just quote The Lady Who Sailed The Soul for a change.

>> No.2210403


IKAROS is still alive and fluttering though. Akatsuki failed because them idiots decided to add a totally experimental ceramic nozzle to the damn thing.

>> No.2210491


>> No.2210534


>> No.2210565



>> No.2210825

Probably the most important tech will be a very good battery.
We could store solar and wind better and finally have good electric cars. Not sure the link below is ever going to happen but it would be nice.

>> No.2210839

if this works, it will be the most amazing thing ever, if not, it will be the last thing ever

>> No.2210845

Not really "near future" but I'm looking forward to:

Cheap digital pen/notebook devices. I'd like one that could work on graph paper, and maybe be loaded with a traditional ballpoint pen or mechanical pencil led.

Cheap 8.5x11 ebook readers, at, at least 80 pixels per inch. I'm ok with higher density devices, so long as the 80 pixels per inch of the original 8.5x11 paper is held constant, like a 160 PPI 4.25x5.5 display would be fine for me, though it could be hard as fuck to read.

Netbooks with a screen size of at least 1366x768 resolution, 1.6ghz dual-core CPU, and graphics chip at least capable of the ATI 4350 desktop card. Hopefully the AMD Bobcat chips will force development of cheaper or less-power consumptive devices. And price point, under $300 would be nice, but even $400 would be good.

OLED high-res screens. Dupont, and another company developed separate processes for cheaper and more mass-producable OLED screens, so hopefully within 2 years there'll be some for <$300 @ 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 resolution.

>> No.2210892

They're hoping to create a relatively sustainable fusion process. That means fusing atoms of some element ( Probably Helium ? Or hydrogen ? idk ) into larger atoms, of some other element ( ED: hydrogen + hydrogen = helium ). The resulting atoms have slightly less mass than the two starting atoms combined. That mass has been converted into energy in accordance with Einsteins ' E = mc^2 ' .

So, getting more energy out than you put in is not impossible, because you are converting mass to energy.

In a regular fire you would only be breaking the chemical bonds in molecules. You might say that you are getting more energy out than you are putting in, but that energy was already potentially there, in the form of volatile molecular bonds.

>> No.2210927


>implying fusion is dangerous hurrdurr star on earth you am playing gods

>> No.2210939

Right, because mass is energy there's no violation of the conservation of energy.

>> No.2210941

I'm certain it can be done. Really, this is an experiment to do it.

>> No.2210942

Supposedly Poland patented a process to turn electricity+atmosphere into gasoline years ago. I'm wonder where that's going.

>> No.2210959
File: 70 KB, 431x300, 1comicbaddies-gal-docock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because it worked out so well for this guy.

>> No.2210966

I know DARPA is working on quantum computing right now. It's in its fiscal budget for 2011-2012

>> No.2211014


Gravity says what?

>> No.2211019

Oh, fuck off, Doc.

>> No.2211190

>In the spring, a team will begin attempts to ignite a tiny man-made star
>In the spring

That article is dated as December 2008.
Did it actually happen? Or was it delayed?

>> No.2211191

Hands down, MRAM.

>> No.2211204


Fusion experiments happen every day all the time, there's nothing new to it.

>> No.2212460


>> No.2212516
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this shit right'er, nigga

>> No.2212527
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Cold Fusion

>> No.2212564
File: 22 KB, 200x200, wtf am i reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to avoid the hassle of having to launch a few big solar panels into orbit to take advantage of the huge-ass fusion reaction already happening just a few million miles away, scientists feel that the most workable solution is to CREATE A FUCKING STAR RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF CALIFORNIA?

>> No.2212889

Bumper cars

>> No.2213242


>> No.2213527


>> No.2213751
File: 1.30 MB, 1275x1831, Ovshinsky - SRO_Aug_2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hi, guys! Just to let you know I patented the memristor in 1959. Back then it was called the Ovistor, named after me. But I'm sure your reinvention will shake up technology entirely, according to your press releases and grant applications.

>> No.2213766

And you can read all about it in the Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, vol 2, Jan 1970.

>> No.2213767
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 1280125551649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night time occurs even in CA. Don't bogart that joint, pass it on, dude.

>> No.2213779
File: 64 KB, 600x391, 66facedba3b5f94a38418b4f30da3511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you advocate some other fictional character with a better solution?

>> No.2214592

Take your pick

Quick, before some WikiCop nominates it for deletion.

>> No.2214836


>> No.2214890

It would be pretty damn cool to create the first super smart AI, like in Neuromancer, that could have it's own "wants" and "needs"


>> No.2214938

Justice league.