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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2206078 No.2206078 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Engineers equated with homosexuals on this board?

>> No.2206081

Cause they are men who enjoy sex with men


>> No.2206083

because they like having sex with men

>> No.2206084

I'm an Engineer but I do not enjoy sex with other men.

>> No.2206090

Are you a woman? That would explain it. You're a lesbian.

>> No.2206093

are you female?

>> No.2206097

I am an engineer, I love men on men action

>> No.2206099

/sci/ is just mad they can't get past diff eq

>> No.2206102

Diff eq is pretty shit teir

>> No.2206103

have you ever tried it?

if no: how do you know you don't like it?
if yes: your gay.

>> No.2206125

Its a meme. Meme's don't usually make logical sense (see rickrolling). This one started because someone who's on here 24/7 posted gay porn in every engineering thread until it stuck.

>> No.2206127

Because everyone here is retarded including you and me.

>> No.2206133

>your gay
And have you ever tried reading a goddamn book?

>> No.2206139

and have you ever read other posts on 4chan?

>> No.2206222

I like engineers. Humanity wouldn't be shit without them.

But then I'm a software engineer that really likes science :(

>> No.2206530
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because engineers don't give a shit about gravitons, higgs bosons, evolution and determinism that all these obsessive athiest's do that are trying to take over the board with their claims. These pedantic bros feel really threatened by the engineer's mindset of whimsicality, serendipity and just generally trying to freely create whatever we will even if we have to break a few 'laws' in order to do so. In fact a good engineer seeks to break conventions and they are in no way required to clean up the theoretical fallout that it may cause.

It all makes sense because a _militant_ atheist HAS TO believe in everything being explainable so they NEED certain conventions (absolutes) to remain unchanged just like the compilation and interpretations of books in an idealized bible. You'll never get them to admit this however apparent it may become so expect them to use bitch tactics in order to defend their silly dogmas about how the universe was created and is explained by CERN. This may seem far fetched but you'd be surprised at how contrived people can be under a "rational" and "logical" guise.

tl;dr militant atheists don't want engineers to succeed and want them to hate religions and religious people by trying to condition everyone with memes.

>> No.2206554
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I should also mention that I'm agnostic. You should also take note at how hated on that word is too and pretty much all by atheists. Theists are generally very polite when trying to persuade an agnostic. I'm not trying to wage an argument and I don't carry screenshots, I'm just putting this stuff out there and truly rational people -- people not only able to use reason but also able to derive and understand other's reasoning -- will take all of what I said into proper consideration.

>> No.2206571

on the other hand I'm not foolish enough to not consider that all of this could be an EXTREMELY concerted effort by theists but Occam's Razor would lean one towards the 'garden variety militant' atheist having the incentive and conscience to waste their time doing these things on a trashed out board such as /sci/. Your typical theist just wouldn't be motived by anyone or anything to do any of this subversive shit.

>> No.2206576

>Your typical theist just wouldn't be motived by anyone or anything to do any of this subversive shit.
unless money was involved but then we'd be talking about conspiracies and fintoils hahts.

>> No.2206577

Homosexual is not an insult on 4chan. For example OP is always a faggot.

>> No.2206588

I'm a computer engineer, atheist and i'm interested particle physics and application of scientific method to about anything (reproducible results for prayer, anyone?).

Oh, and i also think transhumanism is reasonable since it's simply inevitable that we will either die out or have to leave the planet, and adapting to changing conditions will change what it means to be human.

Where is your teapot now?

>> No.2206614

somewhere within the multiverse not being given a fuck about.

Are you associating transhumanism with militant atheism or are you just wanting to try and start an argument with that alien tea party bullshit?

>> No.2206625

and for all points and purposes I don't give a fuck if we're in the goddam matrix. I'm just fed up with deterministic-but-wait-we-don't-believe-in-absolutes cunt material.

>> No.2206657
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just playing to the general sentiment on this board.

Anyway, militant atheists may be annoying. They even may lack the arguments to back up their conviction (which makes them quite pitiful), but that does not mean that atheists in general are wrong.

I myself fall into the raging atheist trap too when i see people spouting things like "but reason does not apply, i have faith" because i see it as an affront to what makes us human... the ability to reflect, analyze and question things.

As an engineer I also see scientific method as the only method has has been empirically proven to be able to tackle currently explained things.

TL;DR: I'm an engineer and a vocal atheist, those things are far from being incompatible.

>> No.2206663

Because they are jealous that engineers are the jocks of the science world.

We get the bitches (aerospace eng grad student here)

>> No.2206670

but are you gay?

>> No.2206681

Because engineers subject themselves to a difficult profession. So difficult, in fact, that it has been equated to being the recipient of forcible anal sex. With the majority of engineers being male, one can logically conclude that they choose to subject themselves to anal sex. They are homosexuals.

>> No.2206691

Engineers are capable in Science, except they just apply it to real life circumstances.

I'm currently studying for a BEng in Mechanical Engineering and will probably ditch it later for an MSc in Applied Mathematics. An example of somebody who did a similar thing is Paul Dirac and I need not say much about him.

>> No.2206707

straight and forever alone

>> No.2206714

religious views in general are modular to science and the scientific method but not ethics. Transhumanism is another issue entirely which I find threatening to society. On a personal level I'm comfortable with dying and not preparing myself for what to expect or even a life in some kind of hell. Things like eugenics and transhumanism though typical come packaged with some kind of determinism which I'm against ethically speaking so therefore I cannot promote those views from them being taken let alone forced on society. If you want to upload your consciousness to the net or home LAN fucking cool shit but don't you dare try and tell other people that they should do the same or be ruled inferior. Those who don't know how to die don't know how to live.

>> No.2206760

you misunderstand transhumanists. Sure, uploading your brain or getting some nice cyborg gadgets would be nice and all. But in general it's simply about adapting what it means to be human to ever accelerating progress (*hat tip to the singularitans*).
Evolution works very well, but it also works very slow. The longer we live the slower we're going to adapt biologically. Evolution does one thing we humans don't... it reaches local efficiency maxima very very well. Organic systems reproduce, repair themselves, need relatively little fuel, are versatile etc. etc.
When we imitate nature we often create inferior surrogates.

So the goal is simply to improve the human condition by engineering our own minds and body to adapt faster to a changing environment.

Lets say brain uploading ultimately will become a workable solution and we'll also be able to upgrade the computing capacity of the brain. Then there are transhumanists who discuss the ethical implications of this. I.e. that everyone should eventually get access to this technology as it would cause segregation otherwise.
Those who refuse cannot be forced to, but they will quickly become obsolete in in a society where upgraded humans will outperform them in most if not all tasks.

There are various solutions to this, personally i think it's everyone's free choice. But those who choose the path of staying behind have no right to demand special treatment. But they do have to not be discriminated purely for the fact that they're not upgraded. Life will already discriminate against them simply due to competitive disadvantages.

>> No.2206776

Because engineers do all the bitch work for scientists and mathematicians.

>> No.2206795

cause my school didnt offer the science degree i wanted. idc though this is close enough

>> No.2206799

And get all the pussy and cash

>> No.2206838
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You know how in all media every scientist is used to build gadgets for the jock hero to kill the big bad.
Well most of the shows which use these superscientists mad scientist geniuses are writen by artistic types who don't get that scientist discover new laws and formulas mostly and engineers are the ones who use that knowledge combined with their intelligence and skills to build the cool toys mostly.
As I was saying the artists don't get that they've conflated the terms and in the end half of the good publicity scientist get should go to the engineers and they know it so in order to guard their ego they mock engineers

>> No.2206843

ITT: faggots