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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 59 KB, 310x260, tedwomen_home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2199221 No.2199221 [Reply] [Original]

So today was an interesting day for me. Why? because my class watched the live TEDwoman stream, and what I watched for roughly 40 minutes were mostly grown women saying how they are becoming superior to men, how men are becoming less needed, and how they are more intelligent than us...

After we had a debate about it, and all the girls with their invalid agruments kept blah blah blahing on how it was true. To also top this off, both of my teachers in my class are women, one of them is a really feminine bitch.

All im asking is for /b/, yes /b/...( they can sometimes bring up good arguments and facts) to basically help me create a list for why Women are not superior, are not as intelligent, and why we will remain Superior. +++
!Bonus for Scientific facts, and evidence.

>> No.2199265
File: 209 KB, 640x423, hyena_eating_itself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, biologically, with modern technology, women really don't need men. May the amazons have mercy on us. Men can never reproduce with just other men (or at least not very well; only have of our gametes would be viable [you'd have to get an X from one and Y from another]). You could actually 'breed out' the Y chromosome if all women used artificial insemination with only X containing gametes.

>> No.2199295

They have vaginas.

And they are nasty.

>> No.2199304


this video is all the proof you need

>> No.2199310

Why is that hyena eating itself?

>> No.2199321

The lions are just looking at it like "what the fuck man, the fuck bro" "dude, that guys crazy, wasnt even gonna eat him"

>> No.2199324

Different but equal, bro.

Different but equal.

>> No.2199331

>All im asking is for /b/, yes /b/

>> No.2199333
File: 87 KB, 407x405, I-just-want-to-tell-you-men-that-you-are-dirty-and-evil-and-everything-wrong-in-the-world-is-your-fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes to watch it
>Reads description first

"In this passionate talk, Eve Ensler declares that there is a girl cell in us all -- a cell that we have all been taught to suppress. She tells heartfelt stories of girls around the world who have overcome shocking adversity and violence to reveal the astonishing strength of being a girl."

>Not sure if I should even bother watching this now.
>meh, it can't be that bad.....

>> No.2199337

well we're more athletic....but that doesn't really matter in a high tech society so eh you're screwed. btw it's better to get laid than to voice your opinion for something not that important

>> No.2199338

OP if you want misogyny then just repost this on /r9k/. Half of their threads are just hating on women.

>> No.2199340

>girl cell

>> No.2199342

OP, appreciate the situation properly.

A group of women who believe themselves superior meet regularly, write papers, and generally preach to one another.

How is this a problem? They're relatively self-contained, and really, quite easy to ignore. What's more, they aren't spending all that time and effort doing something else that could genuinely annoy me.

There's a dog in my yard shredding my tennis ball. Fuck it, though. I don't even play tennis. If I took it away from him, he might wreck my garden hose instead.

>> No.2199345

>look at length
>It's almost 20 minutes long


>> No.2199360

>surviving without men

>> No.2199365

wheres that pic that explains that women are actually stupid whores, the one with the cartoonized blonde?

that pic would succinctly shut down any feminist, or make them rage even harder, either way you win.

>> No.2199366
File: 1.30 MB, 250x229, chaos reigns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I remember correctly (I can't find the site I got this from), the lions ripped him open but he fended them off and then "protected" his intestines by ingesting them.


>> No.2199387

>and then "protected" his intestines by ingesting them.

>> No.2199393

brains of rock.....

>> No.2199390

You made me lol so hard, thanks dude.

>> No.2199392

how the fuck is it protecting itself by eating its intestines?

>> No.2199396


>> No.2199410
File: 273 KB, 1000x708, 1270017693939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaos... and nightmare fuel

>> No.2199471


read this .. mostly second part ...

keep in mind this is column for /fit/ related site .. but they like science and shit so its not blatant ranting ..

they look at differences and what they imply .. mostly on level of endocrine system ..

don't judge a book by its cover .. it's interesting read ..

>> No.2199489
File: 273 KB, 1024x576, groudon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw I spent 4 years at an all-girl school and it was all crying, all the time

>>mfw I was the school lesbian because I was interested in science and parkour

>>mfw I was the happiest girl at that godforsaken place

I've given up on my gender, and feminist can take their feelings and shove them up their lonely, lonely vaginas.

>> No.2199513

way to make me happy and have regained faith in women

you bitch

>> No.2199516

Look up that research about using DNA from 2 eggs to make a baby. If it's a guy leading the team throw it in their face and laugh.

>> No.2199519

because the only thing they know what to do is cook and clean

>> No.2199522
File: 4 KB, 116x175, 1289779818183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is redunk. Both virilization and feminization have benefits, and not every man or woman is virilized or feminized respectively. Gender is fluid and to look at one or the other in absolutes is simply foolish.

>> No.2199532

>Men can never reproduce with just other men (or at least not very well; only have of our gametes would be viable [you'd have to get an X from one and Y from another]).


If anything we don't need women to reproduce.

>> No.2199560

Yeah, but I *LIKE* having women to reproduce with.

Dunno 'bout you.

>> No.2199570
File: 22 KB, 400x307, ^_^Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when

>> No.2199581


you're just as retarded as they are.

>> No.2199582

and most women "like" fucking men, these are just butthurt feminists. My gf would say the same, theres no competition between us, only different roles we play. Praising one niche over the other is completely retarded.

>> No.2199585
File: 14 KB, 211x339, second.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2199594


It's not retarded when you're gay. U mad bish?

>> No.2199598
File: 10 KB, 370x302, 1291178819180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminists suck.
But don't be a reverse feminist.

>> No.2199599

If you turn off the libido it doesn't matter. Sex becomes irrelevant with a non existent libido and artificial reproductive techs.

>> No.2199604

The word is misogynist.

>> No.2199621

shut up nigger, we need more masculine women. If the ugly lesbian bitch whos interesting in science wants to act manly, encourage her to do so.

>> No.2199623

Thats so trickery.
You still need a female uterus (unles you produce a somewhat uterus-like machine)

>> No.2199628

how does that have anything to do with that post... by niche i just meant parts of the relationship, it just takes 2 adults... I don't even know why I'm explaining this to you. You are probably one of those teenage "I want to be different" gays.

>> No.2199632

>(unles you produce a somewhat uterus-like machine)
Not hard, amniotic fluid suspended in a a sterile bubble with a nutrient transporting hose.
Problem solved.

>> No.2199637


Axlotl tank?

>> No.2199639

Well, you can go ahead and disable your sexual urges. Personally, I find it enjoyable.

Kinda like dancing and music. Sure, you don't *need* either to survive, but they'll make surviving a whole lot more enjoyable.

>> No.2199655

Well, not entirely solved with just that. There's more than nutrients moving through the umbilical cord.

>> No.2199672

Same thing.

>> No.2199677
File: 133 KB, 500x375, faggot detected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Likes dancing

>> No.2199682

Have incoming and outgoing pipes for whatever you need.
Problem Solved.

>> No.2199680

I should elaborate: I don't hate people with the XX, but I hate it when they use social and cultural gender stereotypes to be lazy about developing themselves as human beings.


Bitches don't know 'bout my ability to do pull-ups despite decreased muscle mass.

>> No.2199681

You know 'dancing' includes moshpitting, right?

>> No.2199686

>implying bumping into sweaty men isn't gay.

>> No.2199692

>I'm asking for /b/

>> No.2199733


Wow. That's some real faggot shit right there. Try ballroom dancing, you unrefined nigger.

>> No.2199741

>implying that ballroom dancing is manly
Nice try.

>> No.2199782


>implying you aren't a negro, or a negro accessory

>> No.2199932

On average, women surpass men at all academic subjects at all levels. The dispute is over, OP. Science has prevailed. Deal with it.

>> No.2199977


Not programming.

>> No.2199989

they did a study at our university, and the top 10 students of every year in the science and engineering department was men. the girls were clustered in the middle of the group. the funny thing was that it was a feminist bitch that tried to prove women are smarter than men that did the study.

>> No.2199986

[citation needed]

>> No.2199994

*top ten in every year in every field

>> No.2199996

Not because they're working harder means they're actually smarter

>> No.2200004

Oh boy i can only imagine the trollfaces of all the men after that bitch got fucking told

>> No.2200031

Men are superior if you are a male
Women are superior if you are a female.
This is how it always has been and this is how it always will be.
Truth: Both should shut the fuck up about it and stop wasting time.

>> No.2200045

This is the truth. No matter how much you may argue, at the end of the day you still belong to your corresponding gender, and bickering over the "superiority" of one's gender is a pointless pursuit.

"If you are an orange, you should love oranges and hate those dumbass apples!" /applesandoranges

>> No.2200049

cool story bro


>> No.2200096

You are the best type of woman. Keep being awesome.

>> No.2200164


>In terms of overall university enrolment in 2001-2002, women outnumbered men in: education; visual and performing arts and communications technologies; humanities; social and behavioural sciences and law; business management and public administration; physical and life sciences and technologies; agriculture, natural resources and conservation; and health, parks, recreation and fitness. Men remained in the majority in mathematics, computer and information sciences; architecture, engineering and related technologies; and personal, protective and transportation services

Sounds about right.

>> No.2200189

>in other words women are good at: SOCIALIZING, COOKING AND BITCHING

>> No.2200213


And in gestating, feeding, teaching, and educating ungratefull boys.

>> No.2200224
