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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 190x250, kurt_godel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2187974 No.2187974 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any intelligent Christians on this board? I am a mathematics major, and a Christian.

>> No.2187999

>intelligent Christians


>> No.2188006

Pick one, don't be a hypocrite.

>> No.2188009

Im a christian, it's a very common name in denmark. I'm not religious tho. :> feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.2188010

Hey now /sci/, smart people can trick themselves into believing stupid shit too, and since they're smart, they're better at it.

>> No.2188024
File: 55 KB, 400x388, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart people can trick themselves into believing stupid shit too, and since they're smart, they're better at it
Sadly this is true. mfw

>> No.2188025

Christianity identifies yourself as religious.

It's like saying "I'm a caucasoid, but not a human".

>> No.2188035

Here are the options, as I see them;

A) You're intelligent, and claim to be a Christian on culutral grounds (i.e how you were raised) and are basically an atheist
B) You truly believe in God, desoite being intelligent, and therefore choose to ignore certain well documented facts and evidence, which is blatant defiance of the scientific process
C)You truly believe in God, and are not intelligent.

tldr: Truly intelligent people are not religious

>> No.2188060

Fuck that reminds me about all the great inventors and scientists. They were all successful because they had an open mind but that cost them their sanity too.

>> No.2188075

Looks like it's not uncommon among scientists today, and is apparently a known hazard.

>> No.2188076

I'm not so bothered about the "god" thing. It's the "rising from the dead, virgins giving birth" thing that is insane.

>> No.2188081


>> No.2188087
File: 1.00 MB, 4877x4500, sigh22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think intelligence denotes wisdom, and vice-versa

>> No.2188095

>certain well documented facts and evidence
such as?

>> No.2188104

You truly are an idiot

>> No.2188110

Pick one. Don't be a hypocrite.

>> No.2188117

>intelligence means having the same opinions as I have

>> No.2188150
File: 26 KB, 254x400, Genesis and the Big Bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Chemist and a devout Christian. Southern Baptist denomination. We're the ones that most atheists (read heathens) would consider the "worst" of the Christians, because we actually believe what Jesus said: if you don't accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior, you will burn in Hell for eternity, no if's and's or but's.

Genesis: first there was nothing, and instant later there was everything.
The Big Bang Theory: first there was nothing, and an instant later there was everything.


>> No.2188162

Telling stupid people that they're stupid is not more intolerant than telling intelligent people they're intelligent.

>> No.2188166

I am biologist and I am racist.

>> No.2188168

Then why is calling niggers niggers considered racist?

>> No.2188174


Nigger god said 7 days, which is far from instant.

>> No.2188180



>> No.2188183

Because they're niggers

>> No.2188185

Neither the genesis norr the current big bang theory claim that there was nothing at first.

Genesis says at first there was the verb.
Big bang theory says at first the universe was a point, and that before that time-related concept such as before are probably inapplicable.

>> No.2188187

stokes trial
what is a day to god may not be a day to us
do some reading before you spout crap

>> No.2188188

After all the shit fundies have bee doing why should they deserve tolerance?

If you tolerate fundamentalists, you are a fucking retard.

>> No.2188190
File: 50 KB, 1207x935, whoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not more intolerant than telling intelligent people they're intelligent.
You're going to have to expand on this a bit.

>> No.2188193

Because them beings niggers is not a relevant fact.

>> No.2188194

time is irrelevant for god
she is outside of space and time

>> No.2188195

only ignorant teenagers think religious people are stupid.

Protip: Not all of the christians in the world are retarded american creationists

A friend of mine is evangelic and is a pretty cultivated person, hes currently studying physics.

>> No.2188196

>tldr: Truly intelligent people are not religious

>implying you're truly intelligent enough to be able to make that judgement

Let's forget about Isaac Newton, for example, who was clearly an idiot because he was a theist. Obviously you are more intelligent than he was,.

>> No.2188200
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The fact that people like you managed to get into the science community so successfully makes me question the legitimacy of it.

>> No.2188203

Science cannot comment on the existence of God.
Science can neither confirm nor deny that God exist.

Just because you cannot disprove it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

>> No.2188206

It is when you want to hang around with someone who won't steal your stuff, rape your sister and leave a knife in your stomach.

>> No.2188207

Mathematicians and physicists aren't necessarily well versed in matters of philosophy.

>> No.2188209


I know more calculus than he ever did, and he invented calculus. How smart could he be?

>> No.2188211

It's been a century since philosophers were well versed in math or physics...

>> No.2188217

could you have invented it on your own?

>> No.2188222


That's why they leave the math to the mathematicians and the physics to the physicists.

>> No.2188226

>mfw you actually try to define and distinguish intelligence and wisdom.
I have no face.

>> No.2188229


Even retards can learn calculus when books collect all the knowledge of Analysis from the past 400 years. Newton basically had to pull it out his ass without help. Your point is invalid.

>> No.2188236

Bad example. Newton was shit tier as a scientist. Anyone who things otherwise is a brainwashed anglophone.

>> No.2188238

The difference is math and physics are relevant, philosophy is bullshit

>> No.2188244


Well then belief in God is bullshit. Enjoy your cognitive dissonance.

>> No.2188245

Tolerance is not an abstract concept. Human realities matter : regardless of the negavity of a label, if it corresponds logically to a relevant fact, it's not intolerant.

>> No.2188247
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>mfw you can't

>> No.2188248


okay, so now 7 days = instantaneous.
before is was 4 billion years so that science and religion matched up. make a choice, faggot

>> No.2188252

math and physics have no meaning if taken out of the context of philosophy

>> No.2188256

Okay, some random anon says that the guy who has principles of motion names after him was shit-tier scientist. I guess we can all just accept that label, then.

This is pretty much just an advertisement for how stupid you are.

>> No.2188257

i.e. age of planet

my guess is that religious scientists re-interpret their religion in a way makes it compatible with scientific facts. imho this boils down to christian flavored deism.

>> No.2188259

The bible has been retconned to shit and back by various things, any person literally believing in its contents is not worthy as a floor mat.

>> No.2188265

It's not like he believed in absolute space and absolute time.

It's not like his version of calculus was based on geometry and utterly retarded.

Sage for Newton fan.

>> No.2188267

How exactly am I inferior? believing in a higher entity which is the (0,0,0) of the universe (not necessarily the christian god) kills neurons now?

>> No.2188268

What does these people have in common?
Pascal, Newton, Cantor, Godel

They were:
1) More intelligent than anyone in this thread
2) Believers of God or a higher being.

>> No.2188274

>implying the age of the planet not agreeing with an old book disproves god

>> No.2188275

>unless he got things perfect first try then he's retarded
>don't mind me i'll just ignore how actual scientific advancement works

>> No.2188281


Look guys, he's just jelly because he'll die and will not be remembered as one of the best minds in human history.

I hope you were trolling, because reading that made me feel bad for you

>> No.2188282

So its cool to devote your life to a book with factual errors?

>> No.2188284

>It's not like he believed in absolute space and absolute time.

So, for example, if Stephen Hawking believed in some property of the universe which gets disproved fifty years from now then Stephen Hawking will retroactively be an idiot?

>> No.2188286

just because i believe in god does not make me a christian

>> No.2188288


Higher being =/= colloquial god imho

>> No.2188291

It's not like Galilei already explained how absolute space and time are bullshit years before.

You are just mad, Newton fans.

>> No.2188297

>Universe is R^3

>> No.2188309


>> No.2188319

then stop responding to posts that weren't meant for you, or changing your argument to evade the rebuttal.

>> No.2188321


Did the egyptians have objective evidence of black holes?

>> No.2188324

You have the fallacy that the lack of evidence proves the non-existence of something that can't be tested.

>> No.2188326



>> No.2188329

why? its a free country? I can respond to whatever I want. hy do atheists think everyone has to be like them? fucking fascists

>> No.2188334

How about this. Animals are unable to perceive intelligence above their own. No matter how long a dog watches a game of chess progress, he no wiser that pieces have distinct motions and that two people are competing. He would not even have concepts to begin to describe what his eyes see.

So I see the universe as the higher being. It's right before use, and we are trying to understand it. But obviously, until our understanding is taken leaps and bounds further along, we watch it and its actions without seeing the higher intellect behind its actions.

Problem, christfags?

>> No.2188346

what do you think the unknown 75% of the universe is?

>> No.2188348


Name one christian that invented the general theory of relativity. THERE ARE NONE

Not sure why anyone would want to be yall.

>> No.2188352

I'm Physics & ECE double major and a Catholic.

>Pick one, don't be a hypocrite.

Don't drag down all of us to the level of evangelical nutcases on TV. Catholics believe in science and God and are the best of both worlds. (Plus, condoms suck anyway....)

>> No.2188360

einstein believed in god. you mad?

>> No.2188362

>Catholics believe in science and God and are the best of both worlds.

Yeah, conveniently leave out the bit where you believe that prayer works, Jesus rose from the dead, Mary was a virgin, and people have free will. You know, the obviously false bit.

>> No.2188363


That 75% is stuff most likely. I don't believe it is anything more than stuff. I don't see much God around the universe, but I do see lots of stuff.

>> No.2188368


einstein did not believe in god.
u mad?

>> No.2188369

what kind of stuff? you have no proof that the stuff even exists.

>> No.2188372

>(Plus, condoms suck anyway....)
Sure, its not like overpopulation is a bad thing. African countries are doubling in population each year at the same time as famine is widespread and catholic organizations are fighting against contraception and family planning programs.

>> No.2188374

you cannot disprove any of that

>> No.2188376

einstein did believe in god.
u mad?

>> No.2188387


>Catholics believe in science and God and

Most Catholics don't know what they believe.

They think the "immaculate conception" describes the brith of Jesus.

They think limbo is in the Bible, somewhere.

And other such basic shit about their religion they get completley wrong.

It is one thing to say you know or believe, but in reality so few people do either.

>> No.2188395

>you cannot disprove any of that


Okay, here's my take: I don't have to disprove it, you have to PROVE it. All four of those things are ridiculously crazy. Where's your evidence for them?

>> No.2188396

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. Albert Einstein

I think I am an intelligent Christian. I'm lucid minded person, and I dont bother proving my beliefs (unlike most of the people irl) to other people like atheists, narrow-minded christians other religious fanatics and ect. I like math, it helped me to understant some really important things for me about God. I like physics, I like phylosophy. And I like going to the church, I really enjoy time I spend there. It was really pain in the ass for me searching for the balance between god and science, until I understood some really important things for me. I cant imagine my life without God, I cant imagine myself being an religious idiot too.

>> No.2188401


"I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."

To me, this god sounds like nature. Do you imply religious peoples see their god as nature itself?

>> No.2188412

Prayer doesn't work, studies confirm this.

Jesus was not the son of God, which is obvious because he made prophecies that didn't come true.

Free will is an absurd claim that only makes sense if you don't know what brains are.

>> No.2188413

Sheeples everywhere. Why don't you become a psychopath and control your urges?

>> No.2188415

Some do.

>> No.2188418


>Do you imply religious peoples see their god as nature itself?

Christians hate those people. They believe something else created nature, and that thing they call God.

>> No.2188425

>I dont bother proving my beliefs

More like you can't.
Can you prove to us that someone has risen from the dead? That's a pretty bizarre claim.

>> No.2188428


From our previous scientific examinations of the universe we have only identified physical things. Stuff refers to the unknown physical things which may or may not have a name. I am intentionally being ambiguous because I do not know what is there.

Belief in concepts without evidence or proof is anti-pragmatic. It's is utterly useless to us to believe in the infinitely many ideas that may be conceived when there is no evidence for them. If you claim to be an artist of action then believe in God; but don't pretend like it is a matter of fact or truth, as our knowledge of truths and facts requires proof or evidence.

>> No.2188433

>Yeah, conveniently leave out the bit where you believe that prayer works,
God listen, just cause He says no to you and laughs at the fact that you think He's entitle to do whatever you ask doesn't change the fact.
>Jesus rose from the dead,
Like people have never been brought back from the dead before?
>Mary was a virgin,
could happen
> and people have free will.
The universe is not deterministic, not by a long shot. If you ever had any serious study of physics/Quantum mechanics you would know that

>> No.2188461

>just cause He says no to you and laughs at the fact that you think He's entitle to do whatever you ask doesn't change the fact.
Does not change WHAT fact, exactly? Every study ever done confirms that prayer doesn't work.

>Like people have never been brought back from the dead before?
Not after three days of being dead. Not after losing most of the blood in their bodies.

How does this help your cause? In this case, Jesus would not be at all divine, 100% of his genetic material would be from his mother.

>The universe is not deterministic, not by a long shot. If you ever had any serious study of physics/Quantum mechanics you would know that
I'm a physicist. It doesn't matter how you interpret quantum physics, we still don't have free will. Lack of determinism doesn't imply free will, it just means we're buffeted about by random forces.

>> No.2188466

>Prayer doesn't work, studies confirm this.
Oh, what studies are this? "Oh God, wipe my ass." "He didn't, thus God doesn't exist!"

There are countless death bed miraculous recovery after praying to God for help through out history that medical science can't explain...

>> No.2188469

>universe is modeled with math
>implying the deductive apparatus of math can model anything other than deterministic relationships

>> No.2188473

>There are countless death bed miraculous recovery after praying to God for help through out history that medical science can't explain...

Source please.

>> No.2188483
File: 66 KB, 300x300, 1284827480201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geology Major and Christian here.

Nothing annoys me more than how atheists around here assume that religious background is based on acceptance of the supernatural and rigorous adherence to obscure and oft ignored passages from a massive ancient text rather than a decision to shade ones morality and lifestyle with the teachings of said book and the thinkers who commented on it afterwards.

They want to claim that it has something to do with evidence, but they're all perfectly willing to accept as irrefutable truth things which they have no comprehension of (or the inclination to find it). I'm sure we have a lot of takers on Quantum Physics, even though I'd be highly surprised if anyone on the whole board knows anything beyond what they can regurgitate from Youtube or Wikipedia. It's only a question of what kind of hat the person in question wears, and whether their 'gut' tells them it's true or not. They might mask it in quotes from whatever source they think makes them look the smartest, but at the end of the day, these 'logical' and 'reasoning' people looking for 'objective evidence' are the exact same kind of dumb sheep they claim to oppose, they're just from a different flock.

I am a Christian because of all religions I've seen. I agree most with the teachings of Jesus. The truth or falsehood of any supernatural portions of my religion are entirely irrelevant to me. I don't care about heaven or hell, I don't try to convert unbelievers, I don't even attach much significance to whether Jesus was a real person or not, and while I do believe in God (for reasons too lengthy to discuss with so large a group of people who have don't give a damn about them anyways), if I were to die and have nothing, I would still consider myself to have gained for having religion throughout my life.

>> No.2188486

yes it can

>> No.2188487

>implying the deductive apparatus of math can model anything other than deterministic relationships

serious all the philosophy major need to gtfo! This is Science & Math, not philosophy.

>> No.2188489

go ask the people that were saved by prayer. they will tell you from their heart

>> No.2188492


You're exactly the same as me, and I call myself an atheist.
If you told a Christian what you believe, they would tell you that you're not a Christian.

>> No.2188496
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>> No.2188501

so? if i feel I am a christian then I am christian. what others think is not important

>> No.2188504
File: 55 KB, 284x298, 1327823982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw determined randomness is determined

>> No.2188509

Sure thing, you can call yourself whatever you want.
But you understand, the atheists in this thread aren't attacking YOU. You're not making supernatural claims, you have no reason to defend those who are.

>> No.2188514

i defend those incapable of defending themselves from atheist bullies that think they are superior.

>> No.2188517


You see, there are some christians who believe in bible literally and blindly. I'm not one of them. For me, resurrection of Christ is a symobol. I dont say that it didn't happened. I'm saying that words and texts are inert, their dead, every person understands them in their way. For you maybe it didn't happended, for me did. On the other hand, something really had happened that day, because we are talking about it even 2000+ years later. Maybe you imagine a fucking zombie jesus for those three days, i don't. I cant prove it to you. I cant prove it to anyone, exept myself.

>> No.2188528

>i defend those incapable of defending themselves from atheist bullies

But you know perfectly well WHY they're incapable of defending themselves. It's the same reason why believers in astrology are unable to defend themselves.

Why not let the natural thing happen, and let unfounded beliefs get thrown out? It doesn't mean you have to stop believing in God, and it doesn't mean you have to stop following the teachings of Jesus. It just means that the world gets a little bit less insane.

>> No.2188529

they are countless people that are cured spontaneously without prayer and without medical explanation. not to mention the vastly larger amount of people that die despite prayer, which are ignored completely.

I can't remember the name of the fallacy, but its similar to the one where you say "when I look up at the digital clock, the hours and the minutes are the same a lot of the time, isn't that weird?", they conveniently forget all the times that this didn't happen because its not noteworthy, so when it happens it feels probabilistically unlikely to happen so often.

>> No.2188534

no, I don't. tell me. why?

>> No.2188536


I agree man : )

>> No.2188539
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Cuz they're dum anti-rational sheeple.

>> No.2188540

god only saves those that aren't supposed to die yet

>> No.2188544

the same could be said about many atheists

>> No.2188551

you fall into this group

>> No.2188552


It's because they're making bizarre claims on the basis of faith rather than on the basis of evidence.

Logically, someone rising from the dead is an incredible claim. It requires incredible evidence.

And what do we have? A bunch of contradicting reports by people with a large stake in it, and the Jewish authorities claiming that it was the work of a graverobber. What seems more likely here?

>> No.2188557

I'm a christian and I'm sad because of those loudly shouting fanaticly religious christians, who defame my religion.

>> No.2188563
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And this is why I have resigned from society.

>> No.2188564

is there are reason you feel the need to speculate on something that neither party has any means of knowing the truth about? you choose to pick on christians and yet you are just as unlikely to be correct

>> No.2188569

That's okay, I'm an atheist and I'm sad because 4chan is full of underageb& gits who think insulting other people for being religious is hip and edgy.

>> No.2188581

quoting something that is relevant

"Okay, I'll put this in layman's terms. And I'm not going to get into a huge argument about religion, I'm just going to tell you why you're retarded.

Burden of proof lies on neither the atheist nor the theist because many religions are able to coexist with science. The burden of proof always lies on whichever theory would refute commonly accepted fact. So, for example, to say that electrons don't exist would refute a lot of commonly accepted scientific fact. Or to say that Bigfoot exists would mean that some of our predetermined notions about ecology and zoology are actually incorrect. This is different from God in that we haven't actually looked for God because we have no scientifically sound way of doing so. Furthermore, since the existence of many Gods wouldn't destroy any commonly accepted scientific fact (like the existence of God wouldn't mean that the Earth is made of cheese), we can't place the burden of proof on either side."

>> No.2188590


I believe in a god that is a meataphysical cat dick that eats babies and posts on 4chan. Prove me wrong.

>> No.2188598


There are things we cant even imagine. Why is it so hard to believe in anyting a little bit more complicated. You are asking for a proof, dear non-believers? Just notice things in your life. think about you, about this amazing opportunity you get every day to live this live. You may see farther than your life, you may understand that believing in god and believing in theory that everything just happened by accident is much the same insane.

>> No.2188608


The only solution is to not believe in anything.

>> No.2188606 [DELETED] 

You guys talk about science like its the alternative to religion, as if science was something suitable for the religious, when it can easily be. A friend of mine says that physics shortens the path between man and God's mind :)

>> No.2188610

You guys talk about science like its the alternative to religion, as if science wasnt something suitable for the religious, when it can easily be. A friend of mine says that physics shortens the path between man and God's mind :)

>> No.2188612

So you really don't understand the burden of proff then.....LMAO

Take a basic phil or logic course faggot!

>> No.2188615








>> No.2188623

you are no christian! Math is the devil's work! Only sinners and nonbelievers use this magic!

>> No.2188625
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You mad?

>> No.2188640

>implying burden of proof lies on those disputing baseless claims

>> No.2188647
File: 47 KB, 419x333, 1282687441214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>125 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>my face

>> No.2188668

Loads of stuff if the bible has pretty much been proven wrong (i.e. age of planet, no evolution etc.), given that so many things in the bible are wrong you cannot blindly accept the rest. Actually, you should not just blindly accept it anyway. Who knows under what circumstances the bible was written. It could just be a fiction book that slowly formed into a religion, or it could be an elaborate lie made up by a man in an attempt to get them to do what he says.
Christianity could be correct, but it is a complete travesty to just blindly believe something jsut because it's written in a book.

>> No.2188703 [DELETED] 

[EQ]\exists x[/EQ](Hx [EQ]/arrow /forall x)[/EQ]

>> No.2188774

relativist detected.

>> No.2188844

This thread is incredibly gay

enough said

>> No.2188856

there's no atheists in the internets, only christians trolling each other

>> No.2188870

Anonymous 12/11/10(Sat)18:25 No.2188590

I believe in a god that is a meataphysical cat dick that eats babies and posts on 4chan. Prove me wrong.


new religion?

>> No.2188879

>A friend of mine is evangelic and is a pretty cultivated person, hes currently studying physics.

He thinks that someone ROSE FROM THE DEAD.
How is this not crazy again?

>> No.2188919
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>> No.2190934


believe what's best for you.

>> No.2190946

>believe what's best for you.

No! Don't do that!

You have a duty to humanity and your society to believe things that are TRUE. We don't make progress by people just believing whatever the fuck they want.

This is why right-wing politics is a bad idea, and always leads to public rejection of science.

>> No.2190966

If it's true, then your belief on the matter does not change it, and so no belief is a more reputable way to deal with truths.
I think that was the point he was making.

>> No.2190976


What kind of crazy anti-logic is this? You can say the same thing about lies!

>> No.2190982

My physics professor is very good at physics, yet he's a christian.
tl;dr: I agree with:
>Hey now /sci/, smart people can trick themselves into believing stupid shit too, and since they're smart, they're better at it.
>inb4 >you wrote tl;dr after only one line of text!

>> No.2190986

>If it's true, then your belief on the matter does not change it

Um yes, but that's sort of not very comforting.
"So what if we're teaching our children that evolution is a lie! It doesn't change the fact that evolution is true, don't worry about it!"

>> No.2190995

There is an apple.

Person 1: It is an apple
Person 2: It is an alternative-coloured orange.

Whatever you believe does not change it from being an apple.
Let's say that you're also allergic to oranges. Fatally so.

You eat the alternatively coloured orange and you don't die!

>> No.2191007
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Did this make sense to anyone else?

>> No.2191011
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>> No.2191059


>You have a duty to humanity and your society to believe things that are TRUE

If it is true for you it may be not for me

>> No.2191065

Fuck off Derrida

>> No.2191069
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>To all the Christians and any other religious people reading this reading this...

You are idiots. Imagine the pretension and ignorance it takes to actually look around and see all the other religions in this world yet still claim that your belief system is the correct one. There is no point in operating under the assumption that any kind of a god exists.

You have my tolerance but you will never have my respect.

>> No.2191075


If you're arguing for objective truth then you need to go to the philosophy realm. And then the only honest atheist is a nihilist...

>> No.2191085
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>> No.2191112
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to me this is the knock down argument against christianity.

not some stupid argument about the evidence.

the question a christian should ask themselves is not how they can justify their beliefs in a scientific context, but why are they choosing this set of beliefs over all the other ones out there.

why aren't i arguing that the elephants the world is perched on actually denotes the higgs field?

pic sorta related

>> No.2191122

Because the world is perched on a tortoise.
Get your shit right.

>> No.2191135
File: 133 KB, 627x398, tortoise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


elephants stand on a tortoise

tortoise represents cosmological constant

pic related

>> No.2191140


world, elephants, tortoise

lrn 2 hindu

>> No.2191152

Let's focus on some finer details, like all of Noah's bullshit ark and flood.

Either you're a young earth creationist, aka retard, or you really have to question the particulars of genesis, like plants were created several days before the sun. That's a fun one.

Also, do you believe in genesis chapter 1 or chapter 2? 1 says god made Adam and Eve at the same time, but in 2 he made Adam, did some shit, Adam named the animals, then god did the whole rib thing to make Eve.

>> No.2191157

who did cain marry?

>> No.2191160
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adam had a hot ass first wife before eve called lilith who was a djinn

>> No.2191173

>There are countless death bed miraculous recovery after praying to God for help through out history that medical science can't explain...
No there aren't. If there were, then we would have published studies on this. What you have is what's normally called "anecdotal evidence". Please take a basic class in stats.

>> No.2191175

Confirmation bias. Look up reporting bias for a related fun one. Basically, most people have no fucking clue when it comes to statistics.

>> No.2191182

>you may understand that believing in god and believing in theory that everything just happened by accident is much the same insane.

Einstein defined insanity as "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." That is, if you practice something inconsistent with inductive reasoning, aka the scientific method, then you are insane. I tend to get along quite well without being insane without the god hypothesis.

>> No.2191195

Actually he's right.
There are countless numbers.
Why are there countless? Because they can't be counted.
Why can't be counted?
Because there aren't any.

>> No.2191196


>> No.2191199

I'm a Jesuit, if that counts OP (and yes I'm very intelligent and conditioned with religion).

>> No.2191207
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>> No.2191208

>capable of logical thought

Pick one. Don't be a hypocrite.

>> No.2191215

I know a couple who have 5 Ph.Ds between them and who are Christians. This does not change the fact both of them hold doctorates, but it also does not change the fact they don't always think logically.

>> No.2191217

There is an infinite number of concievable, but non existent, objects. There is a finite number of concievable, existent objects. Therefore, there is an infinitesimally small chance that a given concieved object is real, in the absence of supporting evidence. We will dismiss such claims until evidence is forthcoming.

You don't take a random hypothetical thing and say it has a 50/50 chance of existing; that's ridiculous given the difference in cardinality of the two sets.

With no evidence for the existence of something, the overwhelming probability is that it doesn't exist.

>> No.2191222

Science and religion really good match. Sadly, most of the people think opposite.

>> No.2191224

Looks like someone's mad at Pascal's wager.

It's a bet he lost. Pascal was so mad that he bet on a horse with an infinitely small chance of winning rather than not betting at all.

>> No.2191227




None of us are logically flawless, stop pretending.

>> No.2191232

Excuse me good sir. You see, there's this other god over here. He says his name is Jim-Bob. He says that if you don't worship him, then he'll make all of humanity burn in hell forever.

If we apply your logic of Pascal's wager, then you must worship Jim-Bob, otherwise we could all burn in hell forever! Think about it. If you're wrong about Jesus, then only you burn. If you're wrong about Jim-Bob, then everyone burns. It appears to be a simple conclusion for this wager.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.2191235


Counterargument or GTFO

>> No.2191238

>None of us are logically flawless, stop pretending.
Atheist here. I'm not pretending. I'm practicing the scientific method and process, in this case freedom of speech. By making the best arguments known to me, I let the idea circulate in the marketplace of ideas. If a superior one comes along, mine will be trounced, but I will have learned the better idea. No atheist here is claiming they're flawless. We're simply claiming that we think we have the better idea.

>> No.2191264
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I've got eagle vision OP.

>> No.2191268

and I would tend to agree with you. That doesn't mean that any of us are right, or can even assume that we are for practical purposes.

>> No.2191275

>and I would tend to agree with you.

>That doesn't mean that any of us are right,

>or can even assume that we are for practical purposes.
And here I disagree. For practical purposes, I think it's ok to use condoms and perform two day old abortions, aka the day after pill. If I believed in the popular form of the Jesus god thingy, those would be no-nos, but luckily Jesus (as a god thingy) is just a figment of their imagination.

>> No.2191284

here's no way for you to know that, or even be able to assume it safely. You're now making a positive claim against agnosticism and the lack of belief.

>> No.2191290

Yes it is reasonable. That's the whole point. It's reasonable that Jim-Bob is a false god, just like Thor, Zeus, and Jesus. They're all equally full of shit. It's the invisible pink unicorns all over again. Simply thinking of something does not give more credence to its existence, and a randomly constructed thing is generally very unlikely to exist, mostly because so many goddamn constructions are entirely inconsistent with most other constructions - eg: For most of the popular gods, the existence of each is entirely inconsistent with the rest, which strongly suggests that the likelihood of any particular one being true is next to 0.

Note that this is different than a proof against all gods. I've simply shown that any particular theist god is likely full of shit.

>> No.2191295


>> No.2191315
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>> No.2191322

I can see dark energy OP, can you?