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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 411x500, acupuncture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2186503 No.2186503 [Reply] [Original]

How does /sci/ deal with people who believe in pseudosciences?

Recently someone keeps nagging to see her acupuncturist and she's totally convinced that it works.

She also believes in healing crystals, chakras and alchemy.

>> No.2186514

Teach them about the placebo effect. Or turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.2186513

Laugh at them.
Direct them to James Randi.
Laugh some more.

>> No.2186517

Healing cristals are stupid, but acupuncture is a sort of massage. That probably has a direct effect on stress and such.

>> No.2186520

Generally speaking, you don't. They are too emotionally caught up into whatever fantasy they have and would ignore anything on the contrary.

>> No.2186525

>>2186514 Or turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Oh you..

>> No.2186523


i tried telling her that acupuncture was probably a placebo and she responded with


>> No.2186524

Acupuncture can cause the release of inflammatory chemicals, at least in the peripheral nervous system. Probably the central too, but needling the spine would be BAD.

Also, sage, because this is not r9k or adv

>> No.2186531

See my second sentence, then. Or can you not moonwalk?

>> No.2186533

ask her if crystals can store energy why didn't anyone make quartz watches.

>> No.2186535

Turn 360 radians and puke away.

>> No.2186538

Acupuncture has been proved to have be very slightly more effective than placebo.

>> No.2186541

You mean walk onto her face? Good idea.

>> No.2186543

Placebo effect

>> No.2186544


funny story actually

her explanation was because quartz makes clocks run means it's science and not a fairy tale

>> No.2186545

I think you should just give up on her, shes a dreamer and she will never be anything else.

>> No.2186549


"Acupuncture being a pseudoscience" is a subtle troll it seems.

>> No.2186553

Because it hurts and is mysterious. Expensive placebo medicine also has greater effect than cheap one.

>> No.2186554

Do nothing, she's just a human. It's easy to get caught up in the brutal objective realm of truth, and forget that we exist below that. Believing in something false is a minor flaw for most. If the belief is offensive by all means state your objection to it, but don't get into the trap of trying to rectify another persons ignorance. Only they can do that, and if they wanted to they already would have.

>> No.2186555

tell her to read Bad Science by Ben Goldacre

>> No.2186557

No it doesn't

>> No.2186563

I think you missed his point.

>> No.2186567



>> No.2186569
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tell her this

>> No.2186570
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>> No.2186572


>implying anything is objective

>> No.2186579

I think you missed the point

>> No.2186581

I think you missed a point.

>> No.2186583

>Patients, meanwhile, have been voting with their pocketbooks. In 1993, the Food and Drug Administration reported that more than a million Americans spent about $500 million each year to get up to 12 million acupuncture treatments. Patients pay for most of those treatments because few insurers cover them.

thats a lot of dosh

>> No.2186588

>Doctors use dry needling to relieve MPS

>Acupuncturists use acupuncture to relieve MPS

Yes, all the meridians and qi stuff is bullshit but the actual act of using needles to stimulate myofascial trigger points to relieve pain is well known NOT to be bullshit.

Y'all niggas got trolled.

>> No.2186609


Read and become enlightened, OP.

>> No.2186626

pick 1

True acupuncture is done by fucking hermits in china who know their shit.

>> No.2186635

>qi stuff

>go to china
>see shaolin monk
>ask him to prove qi is real
>tells me to pick up that iron bar and hit him on the head with it
>i do
>it breaks
>he's fine and no pain at all


>> No.2186663

It works for those who believe in it. But it cant cure serious illnesses.

>> No.2186666

>hurp durp modern science knows all hurp durp

>> No.2186670

>Get high carb steel
>Quench it at orange to make it incredibly brittle
>Some faggot ask me to to prove ki is real
>Tell him to hit me over the head with the, iron wink wink nudge nudge, pre-prepared steel bar
>It breaks
>He buys lots of shit in town
>I get my commission

>> No.2186682

>implying atheism isn't a religion
>implying modern science knows all
>implying modern science research papers aren't bias

>> No.2186687

>implying atheism isn't a religion

The need to prove this is insistence on a belief founded upon evidence, which negates the premise of reduction of all perceptions to faith. In other words, you can't bring everyone down to your level, christfag.

>> No.2186688

>>2186503 pseudosciences

You mean medicine that can't make an extortionate amount of money for big pharma?

>> No.2186691

Atheism: The belief there are no gods

Sure sounds like a religion run by pope baaaaaaaaawkins

>> No.2186694

>iron bar breaks on human skull
>everyone who are watching are dumbasses if they dont get that you cant break iron on bone+a bit of skin.
>You got shaolin-trolled

----alternate ending

>You take out a metal crowbar you ahd with you in your backpack and hit the monk in the head with all of your might.
>His skull breaks, brains splattering all over you.
>Wellcome to Shaolin-jail.
>You just got shaolin-trolled.

>> No.2186698

>>everyone who are watching are dumbasses if they dont get that you cant break iron on bone+a bit of skin.

That was rather the point

>> No.2186706
File: 42 KB, 511x700, 1291817153451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no matter what the results of the experiment are my conclusion will be the same
>and I call myself scientific

>> No.2186709

Pseudo Science is fun :)

>> No.2186730

your mother is fun.

>> No.2186733

your sage is meaningless

>> No.2186738

No, apart from not bumping this thread with my post it also helped to convey my opinion on the whole matter that is the major subject of the discussion that is currently going on in this thread.

>> No.2186744

Oh, hey, it's aether, that faggot who came in yesterday and said he's devoted his life to making sure atheists everywhere die.

What's it like to be criminally insane, faggot?

>> No.2186748

lay off the methamphetamine

>> No.2186761

Your opinion is uninformed and valueless. Do you always have to shout about shit you know nothing about?

>> No.2186768

Only if they don't stop suppressing peoples beliefs, I couldn't care less! People aren't even correctly educated on the beliefs they're supposed to be following -- an example is: I'm sitting here, unafraid of death, with a secure logical belief that after death, my soul will continue (due to the fact soul derives from humanity); whilst Atheists don't want that belief in people, they'd rather, instead of teaching them about their belief fairly, teach them away from it, misleading them from what's true. My belief requires me to be creative, otherwise I wouldn't be able to believe in it -- and I'm happier, more culture loving, I respect my people for who they are regardless of class, gender, looks or race; I hope that humanity goes on forever and I've made it my duty to do that. All because I'm a well-educated theist.

>> No.2186774

You're a lonely, lonely man.

inb4 jesus

>> No.2186781
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>> No.2186785
File: 115 KB, 1440x1190, aethersfaggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at this pic. This is what you said yesterday. You are a psychopath, a danger to society and you should be locked up.

This thread is now shit because of you. I hope you're happy, you cocksucker.

>> No.2186784

>Your opinion is uninformed and valueless.
I haven't even voiced my opinion. How can you know that it's uninformed and valueless?

Your accusation appears to be void of meaning, lacking any credibility due to the fact that, as I just pointed out, it makes assertions about something which you know nothing about.

So, in conclusion, I fear it is you who is uninformed and irrelevant, rendering your post sadly ironic.

>> No.2186795

that's nothing compared to what some people think...

>> No.2186799

>he thinks that makes a difference
>he thinks he's special and the rules don't apply to him
>he thinks that changes anything and makes him less bad
So, what's like, sucking your father's cock every other night?

>> No.2186803

i like humanity

>> No.2186806

>helped to convey my opinion

Either your opinion is still a tightly kept secret so that you don't have to see it judged, or your sage implied your opinion. Yo can't have it both ways, kid. Grow up and stop trying to hack a godmode out of conversations.

>> No.2186809

If you gave a shit about humanity, you'd abandon your religion and look into science to find a way to use it to better mankind.

You're just an underage faggot who wants everyone to suck your e-cock

>> No.2186814

it's alright having an e-cock, i'm not a woman

>> No.2186822

>not a woman
But you act like a hysteric one. And you probably dress like one too.

Go back to /r9k/, you're not getting your e-cock sucked here, you lying psychopath.

>> No.2186824

whether anyone wants to suck it or not that's up to them

>> No.2186862

Use her delusions to fuck her.
▲ ▲

>> No.2186867


>> No.2186864

▲ ▲

>> No.2186874

Acupunture has some evidence supporting it.

I cant be fucked to post it.

>> No.2186875

Oh, look. A faggot who is religious is being a religious faggot. Why haven't the mods banned you yet?

>> No.2186894

I'm always a bit sceptical unless double-blind tests are done. Which are kind of hard to do with acupuncture.

As for believers in pseudosciences, i ask them if they think rain dances or human sacrifices work?
Then offer to chop off their arm and ask them if they'd prefer a) a doctor and a hospital or b) A power crystal and a 30 minute chakra massage.

>> No.2186907
File: 119 KB, 468x495, 1288146920596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW they choose option b)

Fuck-ups going to fuck up

>> No.2186910

Then offer to cut off their testicles and do the same. Problem solved!

>> No.2186928

Then pick option B from this persons options >>2186514

>> No.2186932

And all it leads to is a stupidly determined believer of pseudoscience missing an arm and their testicles.

>> No.2186937

You can't do any better than strawman arguments? As if chakras have anything to do wit amputated limbs...

>> No.2186943
File: 66 KB, 1600x1600, 1284508676291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As if chakras have anything to do with anything about human health....

>> No.2186953

You could advise them not to 'chop off an arm' in the first place.

>> No.2186962

So someone makes strawman argumenst about what chakras are supposed to do, nand wen they fail to support that strawman argument yo take it as evidence that they don't do anything. Ok, that's great logic right there.

>> No.2186963

Get out of here, you snotnosed little brat.

>> No.2186964

The scientific community still doesn't have a definitive answer about if acupunture really works or not and the correct way to apply it.

healing crystals: Clearly placedo

chakras: Seems to be a mix of empirical knowledge and superstition (just like feng shui)

alchemy: primitive form of chemistry before the scientific method. (just like until 19 century people still believed in spontaneous generation)

>> No.2186966

Aaaaand another thread derailed by aether.

You're keeping up the rep, good job brah.

>> No.2186968

Besides, the same could be said of a lesser injury, such as a broken nose or a black eye. The limb chopping is just so that they have something important on the line.

>> No.2186975

wtf alchemy isn't a pseudoscience

it's just wrong

>> No.2187098

>alchemy: primitive form of chemistry

Of course, there were many alchemists deriding the people who believed that alchemy was anything like chemistry. But that's ok, you don't have to know what you're talking about, you're a skeptic!