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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 86 KB, 419x508, n84137_1284470794328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2175968 No.2175968 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /scientists/;

I came to this board a few weeks ago, a refugee from /k/ and /new/ and sometimes /x/. I started a thread about what are the education levels and professions of the average poster on here, and it was mildly successful.

Anyway, lets try this again. I'm a 9 year law enforcement veteran with 5 of those years in military law. I currently serve the community of a medium sized Californian town as a law enforcement officer. I am a huge fan of science/mathematics and technology, and the practical applications thereof.

I hope to get some good responses like last time, and hope to enjoy a spirited discussion with you all.

>> No.2175973

also, please ask any and all law enforcement questions you might have, and I will be delighted to answer, just expect a science related question from me.

>> No.2175983

Senior Physics/Astronomy Undergrad here. Feel free to shoot any questions. Here's mine for you:

As a law enforcement officer, especially in the semi-pot-friendly California, what are you opinions on legalization?

I live in Vancouver, BC, and this is a big issue for us as well.

>> No.2176020

thank you for answering. I am a staunch supporter for the legalization of marijuana. first off, it would bring in untold revenue for this state, which is admittedly a bit in the red. secondly I find it reprehensible that prison time is meted out for those who just want to have a good time with some drugs. as long as it's done responsibly like alcohol consumption, I see no problem.

As for my question, what did you think of Pluto being downgraded from planet status to a "pluton?" also, interplanetary travel (in our own solar system) will we see it in the next 200 years?

>> No.2176024

forgot my trip, oddly it won't save ;_;

>> No.2176028

>also, interplanetary travel (in our own solar system) will we see it in the next 200 years?
We've had it since 1960, hell, we can reach Alpha Centauri in 100 years. Its just that neanderthals afraid of nuclear power freak out about ships powered by nuclear bombs and cockblock it every chance they have.

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_%28nuclear_propulsion%29

>> No.2176035

guess you learn something new everyday, thank you for the info. it saddens me that the intrepid spirit humanity had during the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution and hell, the arms race of the Cold War, is lost to our generation.

>> No.2176036

>One aspect of the proposed vessel seems counter-intuitive today: because of the force involved in the thermonuclear detonations and the need to absorb the energy without harm, massive vessel designs were needed. Early designs had crew compartments and storage areas that were several stories tall, as opposed to contemporary chemical rockets whose height was almost all multi-stage fuel tanks with relatively little payload.

Jesus, that could fit a lot of people. Well its comforting to know that we can get the fuck off earth if there ever were a dinosaur killer hurtling towards it. Who cares about 1-10 people getting cancer (Actually, not really due to new research, this isnt 1958 anymore) every time it launches when they're going to get blown to smithereens by a several hundred megaton meteor.

>> No.2176044

>To reach low Earth orbit (300 mi), this sequence would have to be repeated about 800 times, like an atomic pogo stick.
Why am i laughing so hard at this.

>> No.2176045
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>I'm a 9 year law enforcement veteran with 5 of those years in military law

>> No.2176048
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>police man, military

Were you always such an underachiever?

>> No.2176050

Neuroscience student here...

If you see someone walking around and you can tell theyre high, do you have any motivation to bust them, or even any ability? Do other officers?

>> No.2176054
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>law enforcement

How did you end up in the shit-tier of shi-teirs?
Were you abused as a child? Homeless?

>> No.2176068

We need something called probable cause. Probable cause is met with the following:

Reasonable grounds for belief that an accused person may be subject to arrest or the issuance of a warrant. The Supreme Court has ruled that police can't stop and search people on a vague suspicion or hunch. Probable cause requires specific information that a particular person has committed a crime. The four sources of this information can be observation, the direct detection of a crime or pattern of suspicious behavior, expertise, skills of detection gained in special training, testimony, reports by witnesses, victims, or informants, or circumstantial evidence, which indirectly implies that a crime has occurred but isn't necessarily proof.

tl;dr I can't just stop someone on a hunch. I can inquire as to if the person is "ok" and take it from there, but that's about it.

>> No.2176071
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It's nice to see the mentally retarded being productive members of society. Maybe one day, if you try hard enough, you can get a real job.

>> No.2176079

Why are some people so butthurt over this. I wouldnt be surprised if it was just one guy trying to hammer home a point.

>> No.2176082


I'm sorry, gentlemen that I'm not a nuclear physicist or a theoretical mathematician. As much as I would have loved to pursue these fields, I know they are way out of my grasp. I do what I know, and that is law enforcement. Now, if you three care to contribute to this discussion, please do.

>> No.2176080
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>> No.2176086
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I don't see any butt hurt here.
Just people making fun of your failed life


>> No.2176090

Picture of your badge or you're a faggot.

>> No.2176093

>Implying its three different people rather than just one guy wanting to use reaction images and troll.

>> No.2176100
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>I'm sorry...I'm not a nuclear physicist or a theoretical mathematician

>I would have loved to pursue these fields, I know they are way out of my grasp.

Hmm.....ok, lawdog.
/sci/ now accepts you! ROCK ON BROTHER

>> No.2176102
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A humble man is a good man

>> No.2176106
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It is ok, not everyone had the time and ability to do science. At least you have a good attitude about life.

>> No.2176107
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Don't mind the pretentious, they're just insecure of their erudition.

>> No.2176109

Out of curiosity, how often do people treat you like infantiles with how they blame you for arresting them as if its your fault, rather than you just doing your job.

>> No.2176118
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OP, Physics grad here. Why is it that whenever I see you guys on campus (or off), you freak the hell out of me? I've done nothing wrong (that I know of), and yet you frighten me to no end.

Are you designed to be this way?

>> No.2176119

failed life? sir I promise you that I lived quite an enriched and fulfilling one. certainly, I will never bask in the accolades of a grateful society for finally curing cancer or aids, or discovering a new planet in a distant solar system, but in my own way, I have helped society by ensuring they sleep safe at night.

>> No.2176115
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B.S. physics
B.S mathematics
M.S. physics (condensed matter)
Currently, I'm a Phd student working at the LHC, in experimental particle physics.
I also own a small company (related to computer programming).

I lika the Tits!
Nice to meet you

>> No.2176125
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h-how....how is this possible?

>> No.2176127
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GTFO Aether!

>> No.2176131

more often than not. but, quite frankly, being apprehended is never a good experience. we live in a society that values freedom of ideas and movement, and to restrict these, even temporarily, or forbid, for a full sentence, is psychologically damaging to say the least.

>> No.2176132
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Problem officer?

>> No.2176134

Oh, so you thought you could fool /sci/ by changing your trip? Pathetic.

>> No.2176140

holy shit, you are impressive. i have a B.A in Criminal Justice, and that is all

designed to be frightening? an interesting concept, but I was trained on "look professional, be respectful and get results" not sure if I answered your question, sir.

>> No.2176143
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I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not using any tripcodes.

>> No.2176164
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You do a grunt job, a job that requires little if no skill or ability. Anyone can do what you do, it is fucking trivial. Yes it is nesscary, but shit-teir non-the-less. It is a vocation, not a profession.

However, society needs shit tier people. People that can do the grunt work. And we do apprecite the shit out of you for your service to this country, just as I appreciate my dog for the undying loyality he offers me.

In anycase, there need not be debate on this matter. I don't want to derail this thread too much.

Doing my masters in Chemistry, specializing in ferrofluids.

>> No.2176167


Still need someone to keep the crackheads off our college campuses and ALF away from our bio labs, so I support OP.

>> No.2176175

They confuse the shit out of me.

>> No.2176183
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I'm sick of you pretentious dogmatists.
Oh, and Kant hates you too.

>> No.2176184
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I do as well. I did say we appeciate him.....DURRRR

>> No.2176192
File: 39 KB, 640x478, 12848229215n26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I not fucking tell you to GTFO!
GTFO Aether! These are your last days! ( I hear)
Spend them IRL not on 4chan!

>> No.2176193
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What do you want to know?

>> No.2176194

a chemist, huh? that's pretty cool. now scathing, utterly unwarranted attack on my career aside, I have a few questions to ask you:

1) Ferrofluids, from what my limited, grunt brain can grasp, are liquids that react to magnetic fields and contours to the shape., correct?

2) What applications, that benefit society as a whole, can be derived from this?

>> No.2176195

scientific french baccalaureate specialising in mathematics
3 languages
bachelor of science (advanced mathematics) at university of sydney
4 years of jazz
6 years of tap

>> No.2176199
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Aether = english major who was banned from \lit\
He now trolls /sci/

>> No.2176200

a scholar with talents in the arts, color me impressed sir.

>> No.2176206
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Goddammit people like this break my heart. If they were intelligent (Not that they're stupid) they'd put it to great use. While im sitting here with a 164 IQ being lazy with a mediocre engineering job since im happy as long as i've got good food, good internet, and a good bed to sleep in.

>> No.2176214

i'm not a sir ;)

>> No.2176213
File: 235 KB, 667x1000, Buzzsweep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Aether? I have no idea who you're talking about.

>> No.2176220

he's a troll and a massive faggot

>> No.2176234
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1) Somthing like that

2) Currently, I am wokring on ferrofluids for cancer treatment. The Goal is one day to be able to fully control the paths the fluid takes in your body, allowing for extremly physically precise forms of cancer treatment. Only effecting the cancer cells, and leaving the health cells completely unharmed.

>> No.2176236

then I stand corrected, ma'am

i await your response to my query with baited breath, sir

>> No.2176241

>>2176234 Currently, I am wokring on ferrofluids for cancer treatment. The Goal is one day to be able to fully control the paths the fluid takes in your body, allowing for extremely physically precise forms of cancer treatment. Only effecting the cancer cells, and leaving the health cells completely unharmed.

fuck, that sounds fascinating, and I wish you luck with this noble enterprise

>> No.2176247
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Oh, well, I'm not him. I'm not sure why someone would even think I was him.

>> No.2176249
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Yeah, OP's story is heartbreaking, buts its good to see that with is limited intellegence he still tries.

You however (despite your low intellegence), picked engineering? WTF? Why would you devote your entire life to Gay SEX?

>> No.2176258
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>> No.2176259

What can i say, i tire of bitches and whores.

>> No.2176270
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>guy called out for engineering

>shit-storm of homo-posts likly to ensure

>anon pokes fun of himself for being gay (probably isnt gay though)

>shit storm averted

>anon is a cool dude

>> No.2176280
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WTF is the point of this thread OP?
Besides the joy some get for making fun of you?

>> No.2176286

no worries, one final question if I might be bold, how would you target the cancerous cells, explicitly? from what I gather from (my admittedly limited knowledge on the subject) is that a cancer cell is simply "abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues."

with that being said, is their an indicator that "flags" the abnormal cell?

thanks for answering in advance

>> No.2176295

just wanted to get a feel of the general intelligence level of this board, as I stated in the original post, I'm a refugee from boards that are filled with pseudo intellectuals.

>> No.2176308


Congratulations! You have upgraded from pseudointellectuals to armchair intellectuals!

>> No.2176309

Its a diverse mix. You've got the people with insane amounts of degrees, self taught geniuses, people who troll with religion, the assholes from /sp/ who misclicked on /sci/ and that one normal guy who just likes science and math.

>> No.2176312

>I'm a refugee from boards that are filled with pseudo intellectuals.
If you were expecting anything different here, I have horrible news...

>> No.2176316


Protip: this board is mainly college students in engineering or science fields, a few grad students, some highschool kids, and the usual faggots that come from /b/ to troll religion/evolution/etc.

Personally, I'm a third year in physics and math, I've been working in an atomic physics lab since freshman year.

>> No.2176330

This board has the highest range of IQs, but its average IQ isnt that great.

>> No.2176331

Well, it would appear I have to go, my shift begins in 2 hours. I thank you immensely for the time we spent with each other, albeit briefly. I find it sad that the art of polite discourse, friendly discussion like we had, is pretty much a social impasse in real life. Heaven forbid a blue collar knuckle dragger like me be caught talking with you guys in person over a cup of coffee, you know? Anyway, in closing I just want to say that in all your endeavors, scientific or otherwise, I hope you keep altruism first and foremost in your minds and hearts. It would appear that FATE has deemed me unworthy for scientific greatness, so please don't squander your intellect on the trivial. Cure a disease, Make life better for your fellow man, /sci/.

Goodnite, and see ya around, sometime.

>> No.2176332
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>how would you target the cancerous cells, explicitly?

Ohh, well that's more a bio question. There are somekind of markers that the bio lab we have been working with is developing, I really dont know the specifics though.

Science is a collabrate effort. Our labs part is just the physical control of the ferrofluids in the body. The Bio lab we are working with is doing the bio-related stuff. Eventually all our work will be full integrated with another, but that is still many steps away.

>> No.2176337

Damn you've got bad timing. Literally the post after he leaves.

>> No.2176340


EPR affect via a polymer/chemo covalently bonded conjugate.


>> No.2176343

Thats it, this must be some elaborate troll to make lazy intelligent people to feel bad. My conscious cant take any other answer.

>> No.2176347


No, as someone who occasionally visits /k/ he isn't a troll.

>> No.2176352

Fuck, I don't care if you're Hawking or a janitor, I hate these "HURR ASK MI NETHING" threads.

Also, what the fuck is with these avatar fags? Fuck off!

>> No.2176361
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>> No.2176374

Jesus, I can FEEL the spite. People are so sensitive these days. You'd think the internet, with its decapitation montages and CP, would toughen people up, but no, quite the contrary. Even the cop can't handle some childish ridicule.

>> No.2176397

[citation needed]

a decent human being comes on here to talk, and you script kiddie faggots mock and ridicule? go back to /puddi/ you colossal faggot

if you're reading this lawdog, we're not all assholes, and welcome to /sci/

>> No.2176410

See? Look at the asspain. Listen, IQ is an adequate measure of intelligence, and everyone on this board agrees that those below a certain level (say, 115) should be sterilized. Furthermore, if you don't study science or engineering, you should be sterilized. Also, if you're not Nordic, you should be sterilized.

That's just how it works around here.

>> No.2176420

oh, hehe, look at me, I thought I clicked /sci/ but it would appear I accidentally wandered onto stormfront.

do the world a favor, you anti-semite, trailer trash, community college drop out, and fuck off.

>> No.2176424

Wouldnt it just be simpler to solve the population problem by unleashing uncurable super aids. About 3% of the human race will be naturally immune to it and we can still continue on with 3% of 6 billion.

>> No.2176432



>> No.2176433

You forgot a few. If you're not 6 feet tall or higher, you're getting castrated. One more. If you're circumcised, you're not allowed to have sex, unless you're uncircumcised, in which case you're not allowed to have sex.

You know what? Fuck it. If you don't agree that I am fucking amazing, or you don't agree with people who agree that I'm fucking amazing, you're getting sterilized. End of discussion.

>> No.2176453

For CP busts, is a SWAT-like team sent to the suspects house, or is it a low-key thing?

>> No.2176461

the OP is gone, man.... fucking trolls. ;_;

>> No.2176476

I have a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Film. I wanted the Film major but was denied into the program as a major, hence English. I've always identified more with the film aspect than the English aspect of my degree.

I own my own business which is modestly successful. I got the degree to satisfy the wishes of my parents, the business is my true dream.

>> No.2177739

Quantum Physics undergrad here, you jelly?

>> No.2177852

pics of transcripts or gtfo

>> No.2178505

not jelly at all, Engineer here

>> No.2178550
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>>2178505 Engineer

>> No.2178619

This thread is full of hypocrites.

You bash this guy for being a cop/military man that works for a living.

Yet, I bet a majority of you are probably living in your mothers basement contributing nothing to society. And the ones that are in college, will probably quit on your dreams once you get your bachelors and get some mediocre job somewhere doing nothing that crazy as well.

>> No.2178640
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>> No.2178642

>quantum physics undergrad

>> No.2179203

this. a decent guy comes on here, and gets mocked for his profession

>> No.2179479
File: 66 KB, 380x600, i am badass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Leonardo da Vinci. I am the most famous autodidact of all time. I am a champion of autodidacticism.
School rots your mind.

pic related, it's me