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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 750x600, Epicurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2176328 No.2176328 [Reply] [Original]

>"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark 11:24)
>"You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." (John 14:14)
>"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven." (Matthew 18:19)
My question for you /sci/ is why doesn't "god" heal amputees?

>> No.2176339

Samefag shameless bump

>> No.2176338

They serve as a warning to watch your step.

>> No.2176351

because god hates amputees!

>> No.2176355

God only loves you if you're one of his straight, white, male creations, right? :P

>> No.2176358

Probably because he doesn't exist...

>> No.2176363

Because he wants them to learn and grow from the experience.

>> No.2176366

Probably because sage saging sages a sagey sage sage

>> No.2176375

Sages sage indeed.

>> No.2176378

>blah blah blah I deserve stuff.
Oh hey, you're sense of entitlement is showing.

>> No.2176382

How much sage could a sage sage if a sage could sage sage?

>> No.2176385

I was just reading up on Russel's Teapot and began to wonder this point, just another reason to not believe in god. (:

>> No.2176444

A fictional short story about possible god who would fit descriptions of 'able', 'not willing' and 'benevolent'.

Look at this as a logical construct.


Militant atheism is actually harmful for society. You [the USA] need to change the fact that people are against teaching science. You'd get better results if you wouldn't hammer on people, who want to believe in free will.

>> No.2176452

seeing your pic, how about you ask /b/?

>> No.2176478

because your picture has a fallacy since benevolent and malevolent are not the only two options

>> No.2176486 [DELETED] 
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>Asks why a fictional character acts the way he does?

Fuck if I know! I would say ask the author, but all those guize have been dead for years.

Also, while we are on the subject, why doesn't Santa bring me sexy big breasted slaves for chirstmas? Why didn't Gandolf just give the ring to the bird, and have him fly it to mount Doom?

>> No.2176496
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So we are asking why fictional characters do the shit they do?

How is this science?

>> No.2176499
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>Implying there a stories of god that aren't fictional


>> No.2176500


>> No.2176508

Dear god you guys are dumb. Once again. Epicurus was never supposed to be used to disprove God, it's only supposed to be a philosophical question about the nature of God.

Quoting Plato which will DESTROY Epicurus argument if you use it to try to 'disprove' God. Thank you very much.

Then God, if he be good, is not the author of all things, as the many assert, but he is the cause of a few things only, and not of most things that occur to men. For few are the goods of human life, and many are the evils, and the good is to be attributed to God alone; of the evils the causes are to be sought elsewhere, and not in him.


Undeniable proof that OP is a fag.

>> No.2176517


I don't know why Epicurus said what he said and I was not questioning it because I am sure he believed it, but I just needed to point out that his logic was flawed since disproving benevolence does not automatically prove malevolence since there is also apathy and other options.
Also Epicurus was a real greek philosopher who lived circa 341 BCE – 270 BCE.

>> No.2176522

sage goes in all fields

>> No.2176525

Epicurus's dilemma is abstract construct. You are capable of abstract thought, aren't you?

Q: If it is raining then ground is always wet. Does it mean raining is necessary for ground to be wet?

A: What if we build a hugeass umbrella? Then ground wouldn't get wet! Logic exercise : 0 Smartass kid : 9000

>> No.2176527


>> No.2176536


Plato's rebuttal works only for evils inflicted on humans, by humans. It falls apart when you consider shit like plagues, parasites, tsunamis, etc.

>> No.2176543
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fight for it

>> No.2176547

What's the problem really? You can just hide the threads you don't like.

>> No.2176555
File: 72 KB, 404x512, 005677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Gandolf just give the ring to the huge bird, and have him fly it into the Volcano?

>> No.2176558

If you worship God, you're a retards that needs to grow the fuck up.

Sorry but it's 2010, we're not living in the illiterate Middle East anymore, Jesus fags.

>> No.2176563



>> No.2176564

No, his rebuttal works for all cases. You're assuming the Christian God who is responsible for all things but Christianity =/= all religions. There are plenty of religions that explain why bad things happen, even earthquakes, being the cause of a malevolent being or beings.

Hell even some Christians believe that Satan is almost as powerful as God and the cause of many tragedies in the Earth.

You're simply trying to create debate when there is none because you don't want to admit that you're wrong.

>> No.2176576

Umm, I think he's agreeing with you.
Could be wrong though.

>> No.2176577
File: 163 KB, 377x398, confucius-757900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Obi-Wan Kenobi say that Luke Skywalker is "their only hope" in Star Wars Episode IV?

Yoda replies, "No, there is another."

But Obi-Wan knew this, he was at the birth of the twins in Episode III.

>> No.2176582


since he was there he knew the other one was a weak little girl and assumed she would have grown into a woman who knew her place and was in the spacekitchen

>> No.2176587


A stupid bird can't be trusted with that kind of power

>> No.2176590

No he's trying to say that Epicurus is right after all because Tsunamis are bad and created by God therefore God is evil etc. etc.

Look man, I went to a religious university, I took a class once that dealt with one thing only, Theodicy.

You don't even know what Theodicy is, which is why you're using silly arguments like you're using. Go study it awhile, you can even look up the term on Wikipedia if you like.

>> No.2176596
File: 25 KB, 300x385, Oliver_Heaviside2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minority Report: Why was Anderton's wife able to gains entry into the jailhouse using her husband's eyeball?

He's was already locked up inside, so his eye would not still have access to enter as it pleased!

>> No.2176594

God does heal amputees, but he's particular about the conditions under which he does this, which are impossible to understand except in the context of a relationship with him, and difficult even in said context.

>> No.2176597

People didn't have sex in Lord of the Rings. They were just holding hands and looking deeply in each others eyes. Tolkien did not believe in sex.

>> No.2176598
File: 12 KB, 231x231, 1288723638598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're now aware that long ago someone prayer for God not to exist anymore

>> No.2176603
File: 26 KB, 640x625, 1267919568387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Morpheus and his crew rescued Neo from the Matrix, how was it possible that Neo's real self had his ear pierced? WTF?

>> No.2176616
File: 26 KB, 405x315, 6-dmitri-mendeleev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edward Scissorhands: At the end of the film, we see Edward carving ice sculptures in his mansion. How did he get the ice up there?

First of all, it takes place in a warm climate and I didn't see a freezer up there in the castle. He couldn't have gotten ice from town because firstly he had scissors for hands and couldn't have gripped the ice. And, even if by some miracle he could, he wouldn't be able to buy any from town because everyone in town but Kim was convinced that Edward was a killer, so they wouldn't have let him in their shop without calling the police. And Kim didn't bring it to him because she told her granddaughter in the end that she never saw him again after that night. So where did he get that ice?

>> No.2176618

I think you just proved god.

>> No.2176625
File: 1.38 MB, 1276x1754, 12-alfred-nobel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minority report:
The precogs? They don't work. At all. We're told they predict the future but nothing they predict ever happens. If they actually predicted the future properly, they'd predict the people getting arrested, not committing murders.

>> No.2176629


of course the scientist who made edward from scratch owned a deep freezer because it is impossible to give sentience to a glob of reinforced gelatin without a big deep freezer with electrical connections inside

>> No.2176636


It is clearly stated that the act of predicting the future changes the future. The whole plot hinges on the fact that once he knew his own future he was free to make a choice that could change it.

>> No.2176638
File: 32 KB, 468x599, 468px-Thomas_Edison2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The empire Strikes Back

Luke gets trained by Yoda on Yoda's shithole of a planet. To break up the sequence, the film cuts to the Millennium Falcon getting chased by the Empire to Lando's cloud city.

When they arrive, they get captured, at which point Luke has finished his training.

Well, that doesn't work. Were they chased for months? Or was Luke trained in an afternoon? Either we were spared some extended scenes on board the Millennium Falcon featuring starvation and debates about when they'd have to eat Chewbacca, or becoming a Jedi is easier than getting a cub scout merit badge.

>> No.2176639


The same reason his entire back, head, arms and legs were full of holes

>> No.2176643


nonlinear plot progression

>> No.2176650
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>> No.2176660
File: 41 KB, 254x288, 1267395213977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gremlins: If you can’t feed them “after midnight,” at what point during the day does it cease to be “after midnight” so you can feed them again?

How does the mogwai know what time zone it’s in? Suppose I get my mogwai in New York and then take a vacation to San Francisco — should I not feed my mogwai after midnight Eastern Time or Pacific Time? What about Daylight Saving Time? Considering the consequences, these details seem pretty important.

>> No.2176663

Isn't this a thread about fictional characters?

>> No.2176669



It has to do with time passed since dusk, so is it works out the same regardless of time zone since the sun sets later in later timezones

>> No.2176672
File: 40 KB, 360x410, B23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A supernova destroys Romulus and all its inhabitants.In the 21st century, we can already know millions of years in advance when a star might die. A supernova is not a surprise. If Romulians were not retarded, they would not have been caught by surprise by something that announces it's arrival millions of years in advance.

>> No.2176674
File: 82 KB, 540x370, they can fly&#44; jackass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

I dunno, he's old as shit? (apparently too old to remember, but Yoda isn't :/ )

How was John Anderton able to use his eyes to get into the facility with the Precogs to escape with Agatha? They clearly don't change the locks


...he found it...

Past the fact that they do successfully predict Agatha's mother's death, John explains in the movie how that happens (the scene with that detective guy where John rolls the ball along the glass and the guy catches it "Why'd you catch it?" "It was going to fall." "But it didn't."

For plot convenience (jedi weekend seminar?), and HE'S ALSO SUPPOSED TO BE THE BESTEST EVER BEING TRAINED BY THE PREVIOUS BESTEST, I guess he's just a natural

>> No.2176679


accurate predictions of supernova are not predictions on when they will burst, but when the burst will be visible on earth based on measuring changes in gamma ray radiation

>> No.2176685
File: 450 KB, 2145x2888, Benjamin_Alvord_mathematician_-_Brady-Handy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:

WHY THE FUCK doesn't Harry use his time travel, to say, prevent his parents Death? Stop Voldemort? OR ANYTHING ELSE IMPORTANT!

Instead, Harry use the time machine to go back 3-4 hours in the past. And they are acting hastily even though they have all the time they need with a time machine. The simple fact that Hermione can get a time machine in order to have more classes show how easy it is to get a time machine. This is completely retarded.

>> No.2176692
File: 13 KB, 298x340, curie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of the movie, Batman takes the blame for Harvey Dent's few kills in order to maintain Dent's white knight image. But it could have been a lot easier to blame the kills on the Joker who already killed a lot of them. Thus saving Batman the trouble of being pursued by Gotham's police forces.

>> No.2176694


He would need too much power to go back that far or to use it that often. Also changing things further back in time causes changes to be more drastic due to the butterfly effect. Also all time travel scenarios present paradoxes you just have to deal with it like in the terminator how terminators were only able to be manufactured because the company accidentally found terminator scrap metal and invented the terminator.

>> No.2176696


>> No.2176697


>> No.2176706
File: 42 KB, 421x600, Wolfgang_Pauli_ETH-Bib_Portr_01042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Batman saves Rachel at Harvey dents partry, but then it cuts to a completely new scene.

We never know what happened to the Joker in Wayne's Mansion, who was still trying to find Harvey Dent. WTF HAPPENED?

>> No.2176708


The Joker is still alive, so he would not admit to it and possibly expose the fraud.
If he could prove they were lying about Harvey's victims, all of his crimes would be suspect and he would have a good chance of going free which nobody wants.

>> No.2176712


>> No.2176716


He obviously left and went looking for Harvey elsewhere

>> No.2176722
File: 57 KB, 435x600, Sigmund-Freud-photo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transformersr, EVENGE OF THE fallen

It is said that only a Prime can beat the Fallen. Then why is it that in the past, there were 7-8 Primes that could have destroyed him, but instead chose to melt all their bodies in order to create a cave to protect the matrix of leadership? Wouldn't have it been simpler to not commit suicide and simply kill the fallen 7-8 vs 1 ?

>> No.2176729
File: 11 KB, 340x312, rutherford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avatar: The spaceship that was supposed to bomb the Tree of Souls could have simply bombed them from a higher altitude where the flying creatures could not breath.

>> No.2176749

I have a bigger problem with the fact that they were allowed to use military force at all. In the media age it's 100,000 times harder to commit acts of violence against a technologically inferior race because of the way people are able to get news. Look at the guff the US gets fighting a war in Afganistan against known terrorists. Imagine what it would be like if the terrorists had bows and arrows and the US had started the war. That would be international relations SUICIDE.

They would never in a million years be allowed military action against a native species even if that native species were not human on a planet 4 1/2 light years away.

>> No.2176759
File: 17 KB, 380x550, max-planck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doc. Brown comes back from the future and claims that he needs Marty and Jennifer to follow him in order to save their future children. This is one of the most retarded things ever put on a screenplay. If your children are in danger in the future and you go to the future to save them; when you are coming back to the present nothing that you did in the future changed anything. You will still have to save them AGAIN when the present will reach the future moment.

Since the future is not shaping the present (unlike the past) there is no logical reason to go in the future to save your children...because they don't exist yet. The only thing Doc. Brown needs to do, is to inform them of what is gonna happen in the future so that they can alter it later.

It could also go further then that. If Doc.Brown comes back from the future and informs Marty and Jennifer that their children are in danger; the simple fact of exposing them that they are going to get married and have kids might destroy the possibility of this specific conclusion to happen.

>> No.2176761


where on pandora did you see all this media?

>> No.2176776
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>> No.2176797
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>64 posts and 19 image replies omitted.

>> No.2176951

>plagues, parasites, tsunamis, etc.