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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 519x546, mythbustersgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2175934 No.2175934 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of Mythbusters? Are they thorough enough with their experiment?

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>> No.2175940

I heard an interview with them on NPR.
They don't have any background in science, they just have a television show and a lot of money.

>> No.2175941
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Almost never thorough enough. They are generally a bunch of fucking idiots who don't know shit about physics and set out to unambiguously prove ambiguous shit.

>> No.2175946

Thorough enough?
Entertaining. Depends on the specific myth, but yes, generally.

They test things properly and give 'science' a nice image, but like I said, they're not very thorough - but it's hard to be when you need to reduce all experiments to a 25 minute piece of entertainment aimed at the general population.

>> No.2175952

Jacob? is that you?

>> No.2175956
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>> No.2175959

Adam, Jamie, and that Asian guy are awesome

everyone else drags the show down to almost unwatchable

>> No.2175960

Nothing they do is ever really a strictly controlled scientific experiment. It's just "fun".

>> No.2175962


"Plausible" is hardly unambiguous.

>> No.2175965

>implying confirmed/busted aren't

>> No.2175969
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>implying this fine piece of ass isnt the best part

>> No.2175974

I appreciate what they're trying to do, but the fact that they're necessary is a testament to how shitty our society is.

There was an amazing CS tv show back in the 80s, I believe. Can't for the life of me remember what it was called, but that's the type of shit we REALLY need.

>> No.2175976

>Monday, 7PM, SBS
>Mythbusters time.
>Introduce Kari
>Suddenly Monday, 7PM, SBS becomes masturbation time.

>> No.2175980

She is the absolute worst part of the show

The white guy wouldn't be so bad if he didn't constantly chat with her all the time too

seriously, get that bitch off the show ,and Mythbusters is perfect

>> No.2175982

For what it is, it's an excellent show. It's not trying to be a BBC documentary narrated by David Attenborough, it's trying to make science entertaining and goddamnit did they succeed. Sure you can say that half of the myths could be solved by equations without any need for experimentation, but that isn't the point.

>> No.2175984
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ITT haters are jelly that Mythbusters have brought glorious attention to science and have made mad ca$h, while you all hotpocket eating neckbeards poasting on 4chan

>> No.2175990
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Is it possible that Jamie Hyneman is the reincarnation of Nietzsche?

>> No.2175992

Why all the hate, man?

>> No.2175999
File: 49 KB, 282x238, deal with it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even get me started

>> No.2176003

Please do get started. Unless you have nothing to back up your statements.

>> No.2176010
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labfag just knows he'll never get laid so he hates on womes , espically women in science that are intellectually superior to him

>> No.2176017

In all honesty, I don't think she's that bright. She's more focused on making things look pretty then actually building anything intricate.

Not that I want her off the show, she gives me mad boners, but I still don't think she's 'intellectually superior' except to maybe people of below average intelligence.

>> No.2176023

u insecure?

>> No.2176026

How does this make me insecure? I'm sure there are plenty of smart women, she just does not seem to be one of them.

All I'm saying is that her role on the show is largely irrellevent and she's clearly just there to be a piece of eye candy. She seems to be above average intelligence too, but not what I'd call a 'very smart' person, just a notch up from the average.

>> No.2176029

I enjoy mythbusters and the fact that they at least "attempt" to apply the scientific process to debunking myths, and it is entertaining televison

>> No.2176032

>sure is self esteem issues ITT

>> No.2176034

Kari is an artist, not an engineer, special effects expert, or robot builder. I don't think she detracts from the show, in my opinion. Besides, she can work my blowtorch any day of the week.

If you know what I mean

>> No.2176037

Spoilers don't work on sci? You learn something new every day, I guess...

>> No.2176041

all you see in the episode is the final result, they do 6+ trials of EVERYTHING THEY DO.

>> No.2176042

i disagree slightly. she definitely makes things pretty, but she's also either A) a very good actress, good at memorizing lines and seeming like she understands everything or B) actually and genuinely scientifically inclined.

Either way, she has to be smarter than average. She's also a nerdgasm all day everyday, but that's aside from the point.

>> No.2176051

behind the scenes they actually do much more thougrough experiments, so their results aren't completely full of shit.

Man, I would fuck Kari <span class="math"> so [/spoiler] hard.

>> No.2176062
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Tori is a bro. I could see him getting plastered in Cabo on Spring Break and slipping roofies to high school chix and then fucking them while going hella blow

>> No.2176072

OK, so you're just trying to troll.

>> No.2176074

Keri is annoying and stupid. She somehow embodies everything men both love and hate about women. Love her tits, hate her personality and everything she stands for.

She only got the job by bothering Jamie enough that he gave her a small spot on the show. Audiences are retards armed with boners so they loved her and she got the job. There are plenty of women out there who are more scientific and beautiful than her, I mean shit what is she like 200 years old with 37 kids? They shoulda kept that welder girl that had half a brain.

>> No.2176087

I think you're confusing being amicable with being dumb. Rookie mistake.

>> No.2176103

>She only got the job by bothering Jamie


>> No.2176105

no, the people hating on Kari obviously have mommy issues or some other reason why they hate women. anyone that says she is not smart, or as smart as a man is retarded

>> No.2176110
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>> No.2176116

Yea, I could see that.

>> No.2176126

My life is science. Coming from a background of biology, chemistry, medicine and side interest in physics, Mythbuster is my favorite show on TV.

Its a perfect balance of interesting myths, interesting approaches to solving it, interesting contraptions, and entertainment.

To be honest its the characters that make it great. Everyone are dudes I want to be bros with, even Jamie.

Come on, the last episode I saw they built a repeating autocrossbow that worked. How can you hate that?

>> No.2176136


She is of average intelligence, which is terribly retarded especially for a show of this type. It is obvious that she also hates science, thinks it's nerdy and only wanted to be on the show to be on TV and make money.

This has nothing to do with gender, the girl who subbed for her Jessi Combs was much better in every way and was an actual welder and could build shit when the cameras weren't rolling. The only thing Keri does when the cameras aren't rolling is apply her makeup.

>> No.2176142


>It is obvious that she also hates science, thinks it's nerdy and only wanted to be on the show to be on TV and make money.

Now you're just making shit up.

>> No.2176145


they are not scientists, they are engineers...its why they have to "See it for themselves" to under stand why shit works..

>> No.2176148
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lol, no

>> No.2176152
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>> No.2176153

>She is of average intelligence, which is terribly retarded especially for a show of this type.

I bet you're the type of guy who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Get off your high horse, you snobby prick.

>> No.2176154

they get in over their head a lot. The episode where they test if sonic booms can shatter glass by firing bullets down range between wine glasses pisses me off every time.

The problem is that they set out to falsify things that are not so easily falsified.

>> No.2176158

They are not engineers. They are stage-hands. Engineers learn basic laws of physics at the college level. The lack of understanding of basic physics makes the MB set up MANY of their experiments completely wrong from the start.

>> No.2176160

>The episode where they test if sonic booms can shatter glass by firing bullets down range between wine glasses pisses me off every time.

I don't see what's wrong with that unless it didn't work and they said it had been disproven.

>> No.2176161

This doesn't happen that often, and sometimes they don't realize how difficult a myth is going to be until they've already invested too much time and money trying to test it.

>> No.2176165


No I am not very intelligent that's why I shouldn't be on a show like Mythbusters.

You obviously have a crush on Keri, hope she will be your future wife and will defend her to any stranger who has a bad word to say.

>> No.2176170

"She became involved in the show after persistently showing up at Hyneman's M5 Industries workshop in a desire to get hired by his company"


>> No.2176174

If you're not very intelligent, what makes you think you're qualified to judge the intelligence of someone you have never met?

>> No.2176179


give it up dude she isn't going to have sex with you...

>> No.2176182
File: 38 KB, 450x600, mullah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you didn't just edit her wikipedia page to say that

>> No.2176185


>> No.2176186

Hell yeah I'd marry the shit out of Kari. And you can continue to make broad judgments about the intelligence of people you have never met in real life.

>> No.2176212


they did.

>> No.2176217

Oh. And they just tested it with bullets? That's retarded.

>> No.2176225

Not sure if this is related but they also did a test to see if the sonic boom from a jet airplane could shatter glass. It couldn't.

>> No.2176243

I would have sex with her.

>> No.2176248

So your a pre-med drop out?

>> No.2176252

I just hate the fact they take on mysteries of science that have been ongoing for thousands of years.

Yes in a week or so you will solve perpetual motion or build a motor out of gunpowder. Give me a fucking break.

Next time on mythbusters: is it possible to build a productive fusion plant? Find out when we throw an entire 90 hours at the problem and show the results in 10 minutes. Results: plausible we have no idea what we are doing.

>> No.2176255

So you're no good at English?

>> No.2176257

people believe this stereotype? damn...

>> No.2176264

I don't think you get the point of the show. Who cares whether or not a ceiling fan can chop your head off? It's all about the scientific method.

>> No.2176268

As funny as this sounds, I'm a doctor.

Have a bachelor in bio with chem minor, and master in bio.

Full score on IB physics and math, and read up on physics when I can.

I'm very much at home on /sci/.

>> No.2176272
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>> No.2176293

they are both married to women.

there are plenty of pics/background that proves this on the net.


MD or Ph. D.?

either way you fail... I laugh at your knowledge of physics.

>> No.2176299
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1290207823765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said brains, all they've got are string theorists.

>> No.2176304


noone (whose opinion matters) ever claimed that string theorists were scientists.

they are mathematicians.

mathematics is not science.

it is math.

3 disciplines related to technology

1) science

2) math

3) engineering.
Medicine is not a science, nor is it "bio-engineering"
MDs are the equivalent of Biological mechanics... (at least most of them are)

most of them simply diagnose problems and recommend solutions.

the extreme minority of doctors who actually "discover" and "research" problems that are elusive or confounding...

they are "borderline" scientists.

the absolute ultimately extreme minority of MDs who actually do research...

they are not even real doctors anymore. They are PURE scientists.

>> No.2176314

I don't care about the string theory 'punchline'. You can ignore it if you want. I just posted the comic because I thought the subject matter was relevant to the thread topic.

>> No.2176315

haha you have a bachelor in bio too, and shit who would of though that came before a masters. Oh wait is that a minor in chem too?
And I laugh at you also.

>> No.2176317


yeah bro, not engineers.

engineer = has an accredited degree in engineering.
they are both nothing more than "skilled" artisans/tradesman.

they are special effects specialists

they worked in TV and film building special affects.

they have about the same level of knowledge as:

an electrician, a welder, a plumber, etc.

they have "application based" knowledge, coupled with community college level (2nd year university, AA level) understanding of physics and/or mathematics.

>> No.2176321

while they may not be very thorough with their expiraments, the point is they are applying some (albeit watered down and incomplete) form of the scientific process, and by doing this in front of their audience (a metric fuck ton of people) it gets people to QUESTION things. and with all the growing fundamentalism today, we definately could use some more of that!

>> No.2176334


I will stop laughing when you can tell me how to use variational calculus to find the simultaneous equations used to minimize the wavefunction in UHF and RHF theory.

>> No.2176336

I mean the the wannbe MD

>> No.2176342

>math is not science.
Sorry, what?
I can't hear you over the sound of my omniscience.

>> No.2176430
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Physics is a hobby. Not my job. I like reading about it, but I don't do the math and theoretical work behind it. There isn't a prereq to be hanging out on /sci/ as far as I know.

>I will stop laughing when you can tell me how to use variational calculus to find the simultaneous equations used to minimize the wavefunction in UHF and RHF theory.

I will stop laughing when you can tell me how to clear someone's C-spine after a trauma, what the screening guidelines are for prostate cancer, and what medications you'd use in someone who show acute ST changes in leads V1-V3 and aVR on 12 lead ECG.

See what I did there?

>> No.2176572

Wait? Are we seriously hating on doctors here? Really? The people that save lives and do more good than 99% of /Sci/ combined will ever do? Based solely on the fact that their degree is not as hard as others? This is just getting silly, faggots.

>> No.2176583

I dont need to. I know much much more prestigious and well known (and more well educated) doctors than you will ever WORK WITH in your entire life.

my best friend's sister just got back from Israel where she got her MD (she is not jewish, BTW)...

another of my friend's dad is a leading Oncologist (and a lawyer) in the US...

his name is Kass.

I live in Santa Barbara.... Fuckin baller ass doctors are dime a dozen round these parts.

>> No.2176605

>I know much much more prestigious and well known (and more well educated) doctors than you will ever WORK WITH in your entire life

And you're not one of them.

>> No.2176606

I'm a lifeguard over the summer. My mere presence has saved more lives in a hour then a doctor might do in his or her entire life. Your point is invalid.

No one is saying they aren't necessary. However, society needs so many doctors that plenty of idiots get in, and are in fact required to get in to fill the need. It isn't hard for a relatively smart person to find out that there doctor is significantly less intelligent then they are.

Hell, my mother was having debilitating migraines. The doctor kept on prescribing several drugs that just made things worse. My mother then searched a little online and diagnosed herself with a vitamin B12 deficiency. She suggested a prescription for a B12 supplement to her doctor, got it, and several weeks later the migraines were gone.

And any science major that has classes with or teaches pre-med students will tell you some of them are as dumb as a bag of rocks. The only thing they are good at are memorizing.

>> No.2176617
File: 106 KB, 554x439, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my penis is THIS BIG

I don't see an answer in your post to my questions.
Knowing a bunch of "supposed baller" people doesn't justify your asswipe attitude, doesn't prove you know a fraction of what you claim, nor make me care or leave the board. If anything else your post made me laugh harder. Good one!

>> No.2176627

>implying you save lives by babysitting and not actually saving lives
>implying you can quantify how many lives doctors actually save

>> No.2176637
File: 61 KB, 222x314, databeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same applies the other way around. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.2176648

wow, now you're just making shit up

>> No.2176649
File: 324 KB, 560x700, squidcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post invalid argument
>call all other argument invalid when they use your invalid argument back at you
>no fucking duh
>random reaction image

two can play at that game mister

>> No.2176656


please, ask me a question about real world physics, chemistry, or engineering (I fully admit, I know absolutely nothing about relativistic particle physics or astrophysics, I dont care about it either)...

I will answer them, if I can, which is likely given the fact that you probably dont know enough about these subjects to ask a coherent question that is beyond my knowledge.

also, Im livin large being paid to go to graduate school.

yep. 5 years of graduate school:

loans = $0

tuition = $0

stipend = $20,000/year.
graduate school cost me -$100,000 (IE I MADE $100,000 from it)

>> No.2176658

which one here is the scientist?
a. anonymous faggot parasite living in his mom's basement
b. theoretical physicist w/ a physics degree who specializes in string theory

>> No.2176664

>real world physics
>largely disproved by gen. theory of relativity
don't so arrogant b*tch

>> No.2176667


seriously, nobody on an ANONYMOUS board gives a fuck about who you know, or what obscure problems you can solve.

>> No.2176668


>> No.2176673

>graduate school cost me -$100,000 (IE I MADE $100,000 from it)

The fact that you felt you needed to clarify this alone makes me believe that you're full of shit.

>> No.2176677

lollz, i trol uu

>> No.2176681

They usually consult experts on safety and junk or to get an opinion, not on how to actually test the myths. They never discuss the details about their experiments, i.e. how they got their numbers, measured stuff, etc.
Its an entertainment show first, science show, about 15th

>> No.2176687

a good paramedic of army field medic knows all that.
Good try doc

>> No.2176711

are you one? no?
good try kid.

>> No.2176714
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>army field medic
>cancer screening guidelines

>> No.2176719

redirection, classic move

>> No.2176730

I don't remember your questions but let me see if i got this right, jaw thrust, frequents increase in urine?enlarged prostate bonus if plus 50 and I dont remember what you SVT drug treatment is like adenosine man

>> No.2176735

Oh I forgot to answer your question no I am not one man.

>> No.2176738
File: 163 KB, 576x432, ADAMWAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hai guiz ;)

>> No.2176740

>make claims
>ask if you are one to see you can back your shit up
>call it redirection, back nothing up

your dumb is showing

>> No.2176744


>> No.2176795
File: 14 KB, 430x521, Peter-Noone-feather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noone (whose opinion matters) claimed that string theorists were scientists.

Take that back, I have never claimed that string theorists are scientists

>> No.2177035
