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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2175826 No.2175826 [Reply] [Original]

so sci... some kid at my school started arguing about the moon ladning being fake. now i don't believe this junk at first vbut he made some really interesteing points see if you can spot them

1) the flag was waving, but e=mc2 tells us that due to the gravity on the moon the flag shouldnt be waving
2) the crater was wrpong
3a) live television in space all the way to earth. not possible
3b) nothing can travel faster then e=mc2 except light, not even teleivion waves

help me to disprove his theories or confirm them

>> No.2175836

Can't refute what's true:


>> No.2175842

Eh, good luck. Most people on /sci/ are too narrowminded to question anything the 'facts' tell them, even when piles of evidence points to the contrary. And they call themselves 'scientists?' Most of them are just high school drop outs that were a bit ahead of the curve but will die uneducated and poor (and alone).

Anyway, sage'd until you learn how to spell.

>> No.2175847
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>> No.2175846

1. Waving because the flag was being moved by astronauts. Not waving because of wind. wtf does relativity have to do with this?
2. What? what does that even mean?
3a. Radio waves, yes it is.
3b. Who ever said it was faster than light?

>> No.2175855

1. it was waving not turning
2. the crater was wrong with how the velocity hit the crater impact site so the crater would be a different sides.
3. is there proof?
4. it has to get backt o earth to be watched

>> No.2175858
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>Question everything

>> No.2175861
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>> No.2175864
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Hijacking troll thread to upload photo for my friend.

>> No.2175865
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>Implying this has anything to do with religion/creationism
>Sage for retarded thread

>> No.2175871
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>> No.2175872

>1) the flag was waving, but e=mc2 tells us that due to the gravity on the moon the flag shouldnt be waving
Do you know what e=mc2 means? Do you know what gravity is? Do you know what flags are?
>2) the crater was wrpong
>3a) live television in space all the way to earth. not possible
you being this retarded. not possible.
>3b) nothing can travel faster then e=mc2 except light, not even teleivion waves
>faster then e=mc2
not true. f=ma is just slightly faster than e=mc2.

>> No.2175874

NOPE. it wasnt waving, it was being jiggled by the astronaut as he put it in its just moves like that because its in a vacuum. watch it video, it ONLY moves while hes touching it. NEVER at any other time.
2. wat
3,A+B Why the fuck not? This is outright retardism, of course there was a very slight delay in transmissions, but not NEARLY enough to make it impossible or even impractical.

>> No.2175879

At least /x/ is willing to talk about this stuff like adults instead of resorting to childish faggotry whenever someone goes against popular belief. Yet science is always changing. You contradict yourselves but not listening to some arguments, but then others? Why? Is it just because you don't want to beleive your precious little Government would lie to you? Grow up.

>> No.2175882
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pathetic troll is pathetic

>> No.2175880

1. facepalm
2. facepalm
3. yes, substantial
4. facepalm

>> No.2175876

I hope I'm not falling for a troll because the answers to those are very obvious..

But I'll answer you anyway.

1) <span class="math">E_{0}=mc^{2}[/spoiler] has nothing to do with gravity. They had a pole running along the top of the flag to hold it up precisely because there is no wind, then while they were moving the flag that pole which is attached to the main pole is going to move of course giving the flag the illusion of waving due to wind.

2) Can you be more specific about this?

3a) ALL "live" television has a delay. It's never instant, most people are actually aware of this. If you ever watch news and they are talking to someone far away they will say something and you will see a very delayed response from the other person.
Signals can definitely reach Earth from the moon this is possible, it is just not instant, there is a delay.

3b) <span class="math">E_{0}=mc^{2}[/spoiler] is not a speed. So what you said doesn't make sense.
But I think what you were trying to say is that nothing can travel faster than light in a vacuum.
However, radio signals ARE light!! Just not the visible kind. I don't know what they broadcast in, but:
radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, infrared, are all actually the same thing as light, "light" is just a small subset of Electromagnetic phenomena.
But again, no one said it had to be instant... We see light from the moon all the time, so clearly information can reach us from there, it is just a matter of time. They call it "live" because as soon as the information reaches them it is immediately sent out to the public, with as little delay as possible.

>> No.2175891
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>> No.2175901

>you contradict yourselves but not listening to some arguments, but then others?

Only listen to logically sound arguments, accused of contradiction. lol

>> No.2175904

You don't know if it's logically sound until you listen to it and test it but I'm not going to bother wasting my time with you babies anyway. Go ahead and believe all the shit that's crammed down your throats by the modern education system.

I'm off, retards.

>> No.2175908
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You have no arguments.
You are a TRoll Or really really fucking retarded. Either way you can kindly fuck off

>> No.2175915
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>> No.2175923

>until you listen to it and test it
> talk about /x/
>loling my face off

>> No.2175930

Case in point.

>> No.2175944

I agree, its good to question everything

Even the questioners.

Just because someones asking questions doesnt by default make their motives pure and right.

I personally always listen to both sides. I did it for this topic, I did it for 9/11 truthers(FYI,bullshit), and will always do it. And yes I even question the government sometimes. Question every, but mean it.

>> No.2175981

Go back to /x/

>> No.2175993

Sigh. Arguing with truthers, moon landing hoaxers, and other conspiracy theorists is like trying to eat an entire elephant. You don't even know where to start.

These people spout crap so incorrect that it's not even wrong.

>> No.2176002

>not even wrong

what??? it is sooo very wrong. I mean some idiots believe the world will end in 2012 because of the Mayan calendar and you say that's not wrong? Go back to /x/ you fucking moron.

>> No.2176007

Don't bother arguing with trolls, bro.

>> No.2176011
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I'm not even sure who's trolling who anymore.

>> No.2176033



>> No.2176076

It can be proven wrong.

>> No.2176083
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>He thinks Wikipedia is a reliable source of information

>> No.2176085
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>> No.2176094


Sure is year 12 around here.

>> No.2176098

People still use Wikipedia?

>> No.2176108

Yes, he's a fucking idiot for using Wiki, but no need to get drilling it in. We get it.

>> No.2176124
File: 261 KB, 705x687, 1283749743820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/x/ spawned trolls
>they expected us to take them seriously
>they expected something other than 'no, explanation of why not, GTFO'
>As if this has never happened before on this board

>> No.2176162

stupid kids who can't even Google before posting stupidity. very possible

>> No.2176209

E=mc^2 is simply the representation of the rest energy of a particular substance of a particular mass. It is not a speed and so nothing can travel at E=mc^2.

The two points regarding E=mc^2, you can now see, were outrageously ignorant. If he honestly believes they're correct then everything else he says can be disregarded.

>> No.2176261

Hmmmm. Popped in from /x/ to collect our idiot. Doesn't seem to be one of ours.

Judging from the fact he's staying anon and not tripfagging under some misguided desire to be cool on 4chan, he's not /x/. He's either 12 or /b/ or both.

I would recommend not going to /b/ and asking them to collect him. The kiddy pool is full of piss as always.

>> No.2176515

>Kiddie piss


>> No.2176566
File: 163 KB, 768x1024, 1263724631861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f=ma is just slightly faster than e=mc2
yep! one multiply versus two!

>> No.2176573

y'all trolls postin inna nigger thread

>> No.2176593

>saging with an image reply
>thinks sage goes in every field

>> No.2176698
File: 27 KB, 581x475, 1274541933562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I'm curious. Does saging with an image actually bump the thread...

>> No.2176700

No, no it does not.