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2174316 No.2174316 [Reply] [Original]

Can you do it?

>> No.2174323

>Can you do it?
Your homework? Bayes' Theorem. Look it up.

>> No.2174327

50%. He either did or he didn't.

>> No.2174329 [DELETED] 

zero dumbass

>> No.2174337

A didn't receive answer.

>> No.2174341

(n-1) / (2n-1)

>> No.2174345

50% his reply may have been lost in the mail

>> No.2174350
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but what if b got the letter but his REPLY was lost in the mail?

>> No.2174357


>> No.2174358

THe answers obviously has to be in terms of N, you fuckin' idiot.

>> No.2174361

That's wrong.

>> No.2174367


OK, 2n then if you want to be all scientific about it

>> No.2174374

2n is the correct answer
n it was lost in transit A to b
n the reply was lost in transit
n+n or 2n

>> No.2174377


>> No.2174381

P(~A):1/n+(1-1/n)*1/n = 1/n+1/n-1/n^2 = 2/n-1/n^2
P(B|~A) = P(B)*P(~A|B)/P(A)

>> No.2174382

the proability that B gets his letter is
1-1/n since that is the chance its lost in the mail.


>> No.2174384

1/n are lost in the mail
1 - 1/n are not lost in the mail

answer: 1 - 1/n = (n-1)/n

>> No.2174385


>> No.2174388

Either he got it or he didn't. It's 50%.

>> No.2174390

1/n chance that B did not receive that letter. Period.

However, if we're considering the possibility that B did receive the letter and his reply was lost in the mail.....


>> No.2174392
File: 26 KB, 694x539, aaad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. FOr such an easy Baye's Problem a lot of people have no clue.

>> No.2174395


Oops, I forgot the return probability.

(n-1)/n that B got it

(n-1)/n x 1/n that his reply was lost = (n-1)/n^2

1/n that the original was lost.

1/n + (n-1)/n^2 = (2n-1)/n^2

Not very hard.

>> No.2174394 [DELETED] 


We know for a fact that he did not receive the letter

>> No.2174399

>>2174381 here

>> No.2174401

n/(2n - 1)

>> No.2174409

Saying it's not hard while failing to get the answer makes you look like an ass. What you've calculated is simply the probability of A not receiving a reply. (P(~A) in this solution >>2174381)

>> No.2174412

>implying the problem stated more than it did

>> No.2174417

Keep on keepin' on, brotha'!

>> No.2174418

i think a few people assumed that B would write back if he didn't receive a letter

>> No.2174420

How so?

>> No.2174421

How can you write BACK to something you haven't received?

>> No.2174430


yet a few of these solutions seem to based on something like that

>> No.2174431


>Dear A,
>Where the fuck is my letter?

>> No.2174433

>one in n letters are lost in the mail
>what is the probability that B recieves the letter

if it stated that you waited for a reply and got none, you would have to account for the fact that it was lost on the way back, but not as stated here.
Also not the same as 1 - A recieves reply

>> No.2174436

OP here.

Interesting problem, huh?

Later tonight I will post another interesting one to which I have an answer that disagrees with an answer I found on the internet from my textbook's publisher; but I know mine is the TRUE and HONEST answer. Stay tuned for that question, coming up after the break.

>> No.2174443


What's so hard?
If B got the letter, he would have replied.
So if A gets no reply it can mean one of two things:

> the letter got lost on the way to B
> or B's reply got lost on the way to A

>> No.2174450

>reading comprehension fail

>> No.2174453

People answering 1-1/n are assuming that the letter didn't get lost going from B->A, since 1-1/n, is the overall probability that B received the letter. What you need is the probability that B received the letter GIVEN that A did not receive a reply, which is why you need to use Bayes' Theorem.

>> No.2174454


IT'S: 2/n

Really think about it. For fuck sakes.

>> No.2174458


>> No.2174459

You'll have to elaborate.

>> No.2174465


Just because I rushed/didn't check my answer doesn't mean the question isn't easy, thus I don't look like an ass.

Given A didn't receive a reply with probability (2n-1)/n^2, we can find the probability received the letter by finding the part of this probability which has his return letter being lost, because he always sends a letter back if he receives one.

The probability of his return letter being lost was (n-1)/n^2

((n-1/)n^2)/(2n-1)/n^2 =(n-1)/(2n-1)

Not very hard.

>> No.2174467

Not him, but he did it right. The question asks for the probability that B received the letter GIVEN that A did not receive an answer.

>> No.2174471
File: 35 KB, 651x278, problem for english retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2174472


>> No.2174474


>one in n letters are lost in the mail
>what is the probability that B recieves the letter

>one in n letters are lost in the mail
>what is the probability that B recieves the letter

>one in n letters are lost in the mail
>what is the probability that B recieves the letter

If A sends a letter to B, there is a 1/n chance it is lost

the chance it is not lost therefore is

>> No.2174475

>hard enough to take you two tries

>> No.2174477

whether B wrote back or not is irrelevant

1 in n letters get lost in the post

the chance A's letter arrived is n-1/n

>> No.2174480


>> No.2174485


Never heard of Baye's theorem and I arrived at the correct answer. (n-1)/(2n-1). My solution is the one in 3 parts with a lot of text. Just use common sense.

>> No.2174490 [DELETED] 

Let S be the event B receives a letter and T be the event A does not receive a letter.
Then we want:
<div class="math"> P(S\mid T)=\frac{P(S\cap T)}{P(T)} .</div>
The probability of S and T is given by the probability of B receiving a letter, <span class="math"> \frac{n-1}{n} [/spoiler], multiplied by the probability of A receiving a letter given that B has received a letter, namely <span class="math"> \frac{1}{n}.
Thus <div class="math"> P(S\cap T)=\left ( \frac{n-1}{n} \right )\left ( \frac{1}{n} \right )=\frac{n-1}{n^2} </div>
The probability of T can be found from the probability of the complement event, namely the probability of BOTH A and B receiving letters. This is simply <span class="math"> \left ( \frac{n-1}{n} \right )^2 [/spoiler].
Thus <div class="math"> P(T)=1-\left ( \frac{n-1}{n} \right )^2=\frac{2n-1}{n^2}. </div>
Finally we have:
<div class="math"> P(S\mid T)=\frac{P(S\cap T)}{P(T)}=\frac{\frac{n-1}{n^2} }{\frac{2n-1}{n^2}}=\frac{n-1}{2n-1} </div>
Note: This answer makes sense, since if n=1, we would have the case where 100% of all letters are lost in the mail thus the desired probability should be 0.[/spoiler]

>> No.2174488

Suppose n^2 letters get sent to B. n^2/n = n letters are lost, which means that n^2 - n replies are sent to A. Of those n^2 - n replies, (n^2 - n)/n = n-1 letters are lost, which means that A receives n^2 - 2n + 1 letters.

For the remaining 2n - 1 letters that A sends but does not receive a reply to, where did they get lost? N letters got lost from A to B, and n-1 got lost from B to A. B received the letter and A didn't only when the letter got lost from B to A. A never received a letter 2n-1 times, and of those 2n-1 times B received a letter n-1 times, so the odds are (n-1)/(2n-1).

Now its time for me to look at the thread and laugh at those who fucked it up.

>> No.2174493


One half-hearted, 30 second attempt that I knew was wrong, so not really a 'try' at all.

Obvs if I had this question in an exam I'd actually think about it for more than 2 seconds before diving into an answer that I knew was overlooking something.

>> No.2174495

Let S be the event B receives a letter and T be the event A does not receive a letter.
Then we want:
<div class="math"> P(S\mid T)=\frac{P(S\cap T)}{P(T)} .</div>
The probability of S and T is given by the probability of B receiving a letter, <span class="math"> \frac{n-1}{n} [/spoiler], multiplied by the probability of A receiving a letter given that B has received a letter, namely <span class="math"> \frac{1}{n}.[/spoiler]
Thus <div class="math"> P(S\cap T)=\left ( \frac{n-1}{n} \right )\left ( \frac{1}{n} \right )=\frac{n-1}{n^2} </div>
The probability of T can be found from the probability of the complement event, namely the probability of BOTH A and B receiving letters. This is simply <span class="math"> \left ( \frac{n-1}{n} \right )^2 [/spoiler].
Thus <div class="math"> P(T)=1-\left ( \frac{n-1}{n} \right )^2=\frac{2n-1}{n^2}. </div>
Finally we have:
<div class="math"> P(S\mid T)=\frac{P(S\cap T)}{P(T)}=\frac{\frac{n-1}{n^2} }{\frac{2n-1}{n^2}}=\frac{n-1}{2n-1} </div>
Note: This answer makes sense, since if n=1, we would have the case where 100% of all letters are lost in the mail thus the desired probability should be 0.

>> No.2174496


either way, the probability is equal both ways, so you need to consider Not A, and A, Not B if you want to consider the probability it is lost,

>> No.2174497


>> No.2174520

Bayes' Theorem helps formalize it, but if you know the right populations to divide with each other (for probability of A given B, divide all the times where A and B occur together by the number of times that B occurs)

I sincerely hope I am not embarrassing myself by fucking up this explanation.

>> No.2174524


>> No.2174529

aaaaannnnnndddd I look like a retard, since I forgot that Bayes' theorem has multiple formulations, of which one of them I stated in plain English. And I only remembered off-hand the formulation that used P(B|A) to calculate P(A|B)

>> No.2174531


>> No.2174537

That's basically just a restatement of Bayes' Theorem.

>> No.2174545


>same probablilty each way so not hard to figure out the >probability it is lost on the way back which is what you >are doing.

>> No.2174574


>> No.2174592

The lack of a reply is irrelevant to the question.


>> No.2175128


>> No.2177026

Man, look at these trolls.

>> No.2177044

Nice one OP. Don't think people going on about conditional probability and return letter were trolls. They just fell for your clever question.