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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2173538 No.2173538 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/
I can't relate to other people in real life on any level.
Socializing doesn't come to me naturally. I've been like that for as long as I can remember. When I try to do something I think would be funny I get called retarded and weird. I've tried to get a friend and lost him in 5 days.

But that doesn't depress me or anything. I just feel bored all the time because other people find joy in socializing, unlike me. So I'm asking you, /sci/. What should a socially-isolated person do with his time? Could you please suggest some useful scientific hobbies?

P.S.: Yes, I'm autistic.

>> No.2173574

Look for secret patterns/messages in newspaper articles, washing machine noise, sudoku puzzles, etc.

>> No.2173579
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But seriously, if you got it that bad, use your special interest to wedge into the world. Take classes on the subject you like, and find others who don't mind you babbling about train schedules for hours because they like it too. Ask for help at your local health services. And do something different every week where socializing MIGHT happen, but if it doesn't that's good too. Read the newspaper at Starbucks, do Tai Chi in the park, fly a kite with a key during a thunderstorm.

Don't over think it! Above all else, science is about learning and interacting with the world. The books are just the most efficient way to do it, not the most fun.

>> No.2173597

i feel the same, but everyone in my classes love me.
I don't know what's so fun about having the company of other people.

>> No.2173602

Dig a hole and see how far you can go.

>> No.2173608

play wow, join a guild, and be as weird and stupid as you want. People arent freaked out near as much by weirdness over interwebs.

>> No.2173625 [DELETED] 


>> No.2173624
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Well, I was interested in astronomy (the most) and science in general since I was 5 years old. (My parents bought me books about it and thought I would get interested, and I did) Since then, I learned a lot about astronomy that it became quite boring, but I'm not particularly wise at math. It would be nice if you guys could link me to some serious math forums for me to request information on.

You guys also should stop trying to pity me, because I don't feel bad about it nor am I depressed. I just feel bored and need stuff to do, because I quit playing computer games because they became boring to me, after playing same games for about 8 years. (And I also realized that I need to do something more productive)

>> No.2173637
File: 64 KB, 500x512, CuSO4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scientific hobbies?
If you know chemistry 101, you can make crystals of most kinds, and not just salt/sugar crystals. Try SrSO4 (Celestine) or even CaF2 (Flourite). The chemicals can be easily bought and utilised to make a myriad of solutions from which to precipitate crystals.
Pic is copper (II) sulfate, an easy crystal to grow.

>> No.2173661

Don't worry dude. You're not as out of the ordinary as it seems.

At the nearest bar, ask someone sitting alone if they want to play chess or MtG. You'll be surprised that there is a pretty big market for these things.

>> No.2173669

>I've tried to get a friend and lost him in 5 days

Tell us this story, it sounds intriguing.

>> No.2173673

I'm quite antsocial even though I'm not really bad at socializing.

Sometimes I think I can guess social clues better than most other people, actually.

Which is why I always realize when people don't care what I'm telling them

>> No.2173690


How the hell is growing crystals a hobbie?

>> No.2173705

First explain how it's not a scientific hobby.
It uses chemistry, and it's done for the fun of it. I used to do it a lot as a kid, with my most favorite being potassium dichromate crystals.

>> No.2173708

Basically I tired to hang out with someone who's disliked at school also. We exchanged our interests and ideas, and I didn't know what I was supposed to talk afterward. So I started to do something I thought would be funny and he thought I'm weird/retarded and stuff. Things which I think would be funny often turn out to be retarded and strange to other people for some reason.

This happens all the time when I try to make friends. Well, most of the time I can't even start a proper conversation.

I don't really want to have friends anyway. The only reason I did for some time was because I was bored because I stopped gaming much, but I realized that I don't find any joy in socializing - only in exchanging special interests, which the vast majority of people don't display.

I also don't know what to talk about with women because they don't share any interests with me, so I ended up to be the only person who doesn't ever talk to the opposite sex in our class.

>> No.2173718

Holy shit. Seems very interesting, that's what I wanted to do since early childhood. Thanks a lot.

>> No.2173760


You sound like a self-centred cunt. No offense.

>I also don't know what to talk about with women because they don't share any interests with me, so I ended up to be the only person who doesn't ever talk to the opposite sex in our class

You talk to them like a human being - it's REALLY not difficult.

>> No.2173785

How do I talk to them like a human being?

>> No.2173863

What kind of stuff do you think is funny? I make jokes about shit, piss, rape, Jews and the holocaust and everybody finds it funny (except the pseudo-intellectuals who think that smart people don't swear, who think that rape isn't funny, etc.). Shit's hilarious if you know how to talk.

>> No.2173873

Making cat/dog-like noises, beating my friend with open hands continuously (I thought it would be taken as a joke).

>> No.2173874


You forgot dead baby jokes.

>> No.2173876


>> No.2173883
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>> No.2173896

You better not be OP, nigger. Or maybe I have no idea how autistics behave.

>> No.2173902


I usually sneak up behind people and do an inward breathing scream, making me sound like something between a pig getting slaugthered and a demon. Shit's hilarious.

>> No.2173911


I would like to start doing this, I have no idea where to get the materials from though or how to create these using household products.

>> No.2173915

Also I forgot to add, are both Copper Aulphate and Potassium Dichromate dissolvable in water

And yeah I have just realised, its just dissolving powder and recrystalizing it.

>> No.2173916

you should play minecraft

>> No.2173917


I would like to start doing this too, but I have no idea how to get the sound through or how to create these screams. Could you link me some tips?

>> No.2173934

I play it a lot, usually 17 hours a day on holidays.

>> No.2173946

>You talk to them like a human being - it's REALLY not difficult.

Please look up what "autistic" means...

>> No.2173948

using drain pipes and hairspray (although cold start spray should work better as it is just methane to pressurise ether in an aerosol can) construct a series of bigger and better spud guns, culimnating in a spud artillery peice capable of taking out the moon

>> No.2173954

I guess OP refers to Asperger's Syndrome - a mild form of autism without intellectual impairment:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperger_syndrome

>> No.2173955

op, don't take this the wrong way but you probably have asperger's.

I have it myself, so

[/spoiler]Minecraft helps![spoiler]

>> No.2173956

Yes, both are adequately soluble in water.
The potassium dichromate was a special purchase, and I forgot which supplier I used. chemicals.net is a good supplier, although there might be less expensive chemical supply companies. However, I've found more enjoyment through using chemistry to make compounds from common materials and I've even bought crystals so that I could turn them into other crystals.
The hobby was expensive though for all I wanted to do, so I don't do it any more. But you asked for a scietific hobby, and chemistry is one of the coolest things you can do.

>> No.2173964

Yes, that's what I have.

By the way, >>2173955
are you trolling or really have Asperger's?

>> No.2173974

Someday you will be able to make crystals in minecraft. then i will never see the sun again

>> No.2173977


autism doesn't stop you talking to humans, especially not aspergers syndrome. It just means you are less than willing to communicate so you need to work harder.

Seriously, alot of people who are fucking retards just cry aspergers syndrome, check out this slut for example.


>the most private thing i'm willing to admit
>i have aspergers syndrome

She updates her page every day with new shit. What i'm getting at is the majority of those claiming to have aspergers/mild autism are just fucking attention whores and the OP is no exception.

OP - to get better at something you need to practice; go talk to people until you're good at it.

>> No.2173985

He's not trolling. He's lying to himself, he wants to believe he has Asperger's because it makes him unique and makes him feel like a child genius who sees patterns everywhere.

>> No.2173991

The intensity is different for everybody. For some it makes social relationships impossible, while others can become popular.

>> No.2174003

OP here

Asperger's Syndrome doesn't really have any benefits. In fact, people with Asperger's Syndrome very often have poor non-verbal reasoning (spatial etc. stuff) and short-term memory (It's often used to suggest the diagnosis).

>> No.2174008

Play video games

That's what I do

>> No.2174009


Please see >>2173985

I have bad social skills. I dont claim to have asperger's syndrome because i'm not that fucking dense.

I know my awful social skills stem from childhood bullying giving me an aversion to new social contact and a general distrusting of people.

Same goes for relationships; never had one and it's doubtful if i will in the next 5 years. I want to lie in bed cuddling the woman i love yet i hate people touching me due to my insecurities about my body due to said childhood. Combine that with depression, paranoia & hallucinations from chronic poly-drug use during my "clubbing days" and it makes intimate relationships about as likely as terraforming Mercury.

I don't have autisim or any other neurological disease, im just fucked up in the head.

>> No.2174051

Don't worry, it was just soft Wednesday night trolling (if that can even be called trolling). Why don't you work out? It helps pretty much everything. Increases your testosterone levels, helps with depression, makes you more confident, you get fit and whatnot. Cut your hair short, clean your room, wash your hair, be organized, etc. All that makes you feel better with yourself. I used to be one of those shy and dirty teenagers before.

>> No.2174063

OP here
>>2174009 is not me
I guess it's another guy with Asperger's.

>> No.2174184


I'm 21, i workout 5 days a week, my hair is short and i'm very organised.

In essence, fuck you.

>> No.2174196
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don't feel so much pressure when socializing -- the more you feel the need to be funny/impressive, the more you seem like that guy/girl 'who makes all those shitty unfunny comments'; relax and allow the flow of conversation to take its course, and contribute when necessary. If you're not a funny person then don't try to be, be different.

if i had any advice to give to you, it would be to be 'imaginative', with this as your standard you wont fail -- watch some anime/movies/etc and try and take egos (from characters) and apply them to your own -- this is 'creative knowledge' which will make your imagination more wild, allowing you to be more than just yourself.

be cool, be quiet - speak when necessary.

>> No.2174197

(not op)
No one wants to be have Asperger's/Autism (or any disease). In modern society, people are disconnected and you will inevitably get people who don't know how to deal at all with others. 200 years ago, you knew the same people your entire life. Nowadays you never meet the same person twice. Some people are fine with that, others aren't.

New things are stimulating, and few things are as intense as meeting new people. It can be even be traumatic, and people will shy away from traumatic things. 200 years ago they didn't have a disease, because they rarely met new people they needed to cope with. They were fully functioning members of society: bakers, farmers and blacksmiths who stayed home and happily did the same thing all day every day, did it with creativity and zest, and people loved them for it.

Society has changed and now they (okay, I'll admit it: I'm an autism type too) have trouble. But autism has always been here. It's not that "Things" aren't more interesting than people to me, but they are much, much easier to deal with.

Basically, I can remember where everything is in the Walmart after a few trips (but not the names) but I have no idea what the name of my neighbor is... or the even professors I had for this semester... or the family name of my best friend for the past 2 years... I don't even like Walmart. It's filled with loud strangers. :(

>> No.2174205


Sorry about him, he's just some faggot from /r9k/ who comes here to troll us.

>> No.2174212

i've never posted on /r9k/,
well, i did once, to organise a raid here.

>> No.2174218

FUCK OFF! Leave this poor man to his sorrows, you inconsiderate jackass!

>> No.2174306
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This thread is now about autism.

So do autistics have any sense of humor whatsoever? I heard that they can't even comprehend humor at all.

Do you know the answer OP?

>> No.2174310
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and fucking dolan why do I always see you on /sci/ faggot.

>> No.2174344
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>> No.2174352

Retards like yourself can sometimes put a smile on my face. But most of the time joy or entertainment lies in my interests.

>> No.2174371


So in other words, no.

>> No.2174604
File: 32 KB, 600x450, Gay-Away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this may be helpful to you, OP.