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2172169 No.2172169 [Reply] [Original]

My mother has been sick for the last 5 years, and only two years ago went to the hospital, and is still there. She's the kind of hardcore Christian that believes in afterlife and God and everything that Christianity teaches. I've always hated her because she always says "it's not that simple" when I explain why I'm an atheist and why God CAN'T exist, etc. She's so stupid she doesn't even want to listen to me.

Well guess what? Today I was visiting her at the hospital, and now she's questioning her own beliefs. She asked me nearly in tears "does heaven really exist, am I going there?" and I could see in her old scared eyes how she was desperately begging for me to say "yes, of course". What a stupid bitch, after all these years finally she's realizing what imbecile cunt she was to believe in fairy tales. I just answered "no, I've told you this many times. There's no heaven, there's no God. You've been lying to yourself for your whole lifetime and you know it", she didn't even say anything after that. I finally said goodbye and that I would visit her next week at the same time. Then I left.

That's what you get when you're stupid. Life wasted.

>> No.2172185

Are you certain?

>> No.2172204

Would it hurt so much to tell her than although you don't think so, nothing is certain, and that she has nothing to fear? She could be right, and if she is not right, it will not matter anymore. She's your mother. Comfort her, fuckwit.

>> No.2172213

Either you're a strawman or an asshole.

Either way, sage.

>> No.2172219

this thread had me rollin'

>> No.2172220

Do you really think there is a God? Ask yourself that question for a second. ;)

Should I lie to her? No, it's part of my principles.

What's a strawman?

>> No.2172222

You could've told her that, because consciousness is just an illusion brought about by brain chemistry, it's possible that, at some far distant point in the future, nature could come together to recreate the conditions in her brain. Thus her consciousness, her very sense of self, would then be recreated far, far in the future, allowing her to live again. And, at that point, what she wakes up in to could very well be the heaven she seeks.

>> No.2172229


>what's a strawman

No man, you're the imbecile

>> No.2172234


haaa i can just see some neckbeard babbling about this shit while his mom is dying in the hospital

babby i dont know what you talkin' bout... oh babby im gettin cold, im scared... why you always talkin' crazy... you was such a nice boy, what did i do wrong

>> No.2172235
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you are the imbecile.

those are the situations in life where you lie to someone in order to not hurt their feelings and make them feel better.

social intelligence of OP = 0

>> No.2172236

>omg u shuld hav lyed 2 her becuz shes dyin!
bullshit. should you lie to people just because they are scared?

>> No.2172237

I don't have enough information to make that statement. However, I do understand that believing in God makes others happy without affecting me; so why should I pass judgment?

>> No.2172242

Lying is not inherently bad. You should probably rethink your principles a bit. Comforting a seriously ill loved one with a white lie does not make you a bad person. Then again I don't know about your relationship with your mother so I guess there could be reasons to be an asshole in such a situation. Or maybe you are just trolling.

>> No.2172240

op you are a bad person and you should feel bad

>> No.2172248

Am I a bad person because I was honest?

>> No.2172251

It's not a lie to say you don't know she isn't right. YOU DON'T.

>> No.2172253

you're a bad person because you're a dick

>> No.2172254


learn to social intelligence.

sometimes it's better to let other people belief what's right. it gives them stababiltiy

>> No.2172255


Not bad, but certainly lacking in compassion. You come across as somebody who has Aspergers or something.

>> No.2172259

Your comfort could be the difference between her recovering or passing away.

>> No.2172266

No, I'm just a normal atheist.

Do you really think there is a heaven on the clouds where people go after they die? ;)

You must be stupid as fuck. Social intelligence is just a definition some guy gave, it's nothing real or important. I personally think it is much more important to live in a society where people are not dumb. Religion only retards scientific advancement and is bad for everybody. (c.f. crusades, 9/11, stem cell research, etc.)

>> No.2172273


Talented troll is talented.

>> No.2172274

dolan is a well known troll. Try not to fall for it so easily. He made a point, but likes trolling too much to leave it at that.

>> No.2172284


Even if he is a troll, I've invested nothing more than I might give to any other person. So, from my perspective, this is nothing more than an ethics test.

>> No.2172301

^ this

>> No.2172338


No, I don't believe there is. And I do think such beliefs are unhealthy to the future of humanity.. but your mother is too old for that to matter now. She just needs to die, feeling at peace. Don't tell her anything is right or wrong.. Tell her that only she can decide whether she was right or wrong.

>> No.2172339

> I've invested nothing more than I might give to any other person
no surprise there, as you probably answer to all the other troll threads with all seriousness being the dumb guy you are
>So, from my perspective, this is nothing more than an ethics test.
and all the other troll threads are just a test about whatever subject the troll is talking about
keep on being awesome

>> No.2172353
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i'm a deist, and i would do the same thing as OP, except instead of say that there is no God, I'd say: "Why are you so self-centered that you think a deity would care about *you*, specifically?"

>> No.2172357


D'awww...it's good to see that some /sci/entists do care! ^_^

>> No.2172359

I love this OP.

>> No.2172361

deist pro-tip. It isn't a matter of whether or not the god cares. If you look at the god as if he was scientific, performing an experiment, He chooses not to interact to contaminate the process. Then again it's all view. I meanwhile am a deist and that's kind of my view, which stems from so many christain people blaming the devil when something goes wrong, yet congratulating themselves when things go well.

>> No.2172374

Seek a relationship with God the Father through His Son Jesus. Tell her how much you love her and inform her of your decision about Christ.

Or find someone who can talk with your mom who actually agrees with her. Being a Christian != to leaving your brain at the door. See Dr. William Lane Craig, he has never lost a debate on the subject of God.

>> No.2172376


my conception of a deity is not an omnipotent one, simply a prime mover

>> No.2172384

who's the dude who's friends with dawkins who was in a car accident and went in a coma and when he woke up his family said they'd been praying for him and the FIRST THING he said was "Gee, did you also sacrifice a goat?"

I always love that one, totally uber quick thinking and logic... if a little low on gratitude. But it's what I'd have wanted to say.

>> No.2172386

>Social intelligence is just a definition some guy gave, it's nothing real or important.

You're just saying that because you're socially retarded. Dunning-Kruger effect: you are so incompetent you can't even tell how incompetent you are.

>> No.2172388
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>> No.2172389

Why would you tell your dying mother that you don't beleive in god? even if you honestly don't, for her sake, just lie. Now she's all questioning god and all uncomfortable about it, way to go son!

>> No.2172426

>mfw i have no face

Atheist: Default position
Self described Agnostic: Atheist in denial
Monotheist: Retard with a daddy complex
Polytheist: Retard with an incest complex
Deist: Full Retard

>> No.2172431

I don't even believe in god and I am trying to hate you to death.

>> No.2172433

>No, I'm just a normal atheist.
"normal" atheists aren't giant assholes who make up stories to troll a dead board.

>uses emoticons on an imageboard
op confirmed for underageb& and social retard.

>> No.2172436

>uses emoticons on an imageboard
What are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.2172440


>> No.2172447
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>> No.2172448

>Should I lie to her? No, it's part of my principles.

Yes, it would have been better to lie. Having a principle against lying is naive: sometimes it is better to lie than to not.

>I personally think it is much more important to live in a society where people are not dumb.

Then you are a ridiculous idealist: someone who lies to themselves about reality. Society will always have "dumb" people.

>> No.2172456

>sometimes it is better to lie than to not.
only because others lie (or to serve selfish goals)

>> No.2172458

Why are all atheists assholes that can only insult people without having actual arguments

and when they do have arguments none of them are original

>> No.2172460

You disgust me dolan

Since you clearly don't have any social talents, it's not a surprise you spend all of your day on /sci/

>> No.2172463

>"Why are you so self-centered that you think a deity would care about *you*, specifically?"

Why do people want to ask these stupid questions? I'm not talking about deism, i'm talking about asking people "rational" questions that are supposed to make people doubt some supposedly irrational belief they have. Why do you assume that it is better for them to have what you call "rational belief" than "irrational belief"? Why do you want everyone to have similar beliefs to you? Don't you think that some people aren't meant to, or able to, bare certain "rational beliefs"?
And then you beat your head in the wall when people refuse to behave rationally, as though humans were supposed to behave rationally.

>> No.2172467

Not necessarily, lying can be for mutual benefit or it can even be merciful, as it would have been in this case.

>> No.2172478


people aren't your fucking mother

>> No.2172484

Your problems are two fold, one, you hate your mom cause you're likely a useless piece of shit who never accomplished anything, and you blame her.

Two, you're an idiot. A true scientist is never sure of anything without proof, and the answers you give would be from an experiment humans have never done succesfully.

We don't know that there is not place for the conscious post posthumous.

To be a skeptic is commendable, to be a cynic is illogical.

A man is truly judged by how he treats those he has no use for, which means you are clearly a shit eating dick moron.

>> No.2172499

OP never watched the invention of lying. Fucking dick.

>> No.2172507

Bitch doesn't know 'bout non-existing heaven.

>> No.2172510
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>> No.2172520

>only because others lie
>this case
if the people around her wouldn't have made up some bearded dude ruling our lifes, then OP didn't need to lie

>> No.2172528

Nice troll, OP

That kinda attitude is all that is wrong in the world.

>That's what you get when you're stupid. Life wasted

...says someone on 4chan

>> No.2172555

If you tell someone which you know to be true, then how can you be lying? If I am sure of God and I tell you of his existence, how can I be lying? Was his mother really lied to?

>> No.2172556

I know this is a troll, but as an atheist, you should have said something like:

"Whether it's real or not, I can't say. I don't believe in it, but as a matter of fact, I can't prove it doesn't happen that way. Regardless of the truth, it doesn't change the state of things now. Live you life without regrets, and leave the world a better place than you entered. If there is a god, and he does love you, then he won't care if you believed in him, but how you lived your life."

>> No.2172580
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Irrelevant thread explodes
flawless victory

>> No.2172583

You can't be sure that god exists. So when you say 'he exists', then you're lying.
Besides, someone has to have invented god.

>> No.2172665

There is no absolute right or wrong in ethics.

>> No.2172666


Gravity is proof God exists. It's God's love pulling everything into His embrace.

>> No.2172669

>You can't be sure that god exists.

I think some people are very sure.

>> No.2172675

because they were lied to, which was my original point

>> No.2172677

i lol'ed at this post thanks op
finally some good trolls

>> No.2172693

I lolled
your arrogance is what gives the rest of us a bad name. Some people believe in God through "personal revelation". I might personally think that a lot of God stuff can be explained through the misinterpretation of the way a huge number of random events may sometimes through up a doozer, and because most people don't think of the huge number of non-doozer random events, the one random doozer seems to be proof of God... but I don't make out it's all some huge conspiracy of lies and manipulation. It's the way people fucking work. You might not like, I might not have the same view, but shit... unless they're total tards they deserve to be treated with respect.

Obviously for bibletards or korangelists who shove bullshit down the throats of the vulnerable, it's open fucking shooting season.

>> No.2172699

You cannot guarantee anyone that gods are a lie

Whos telling you the evidence wont show up one of this days? Whos telling you it will?

>> No.2172722
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>> No.2172727


You are basically saying that people are being lied to and then pass on those lies, but you still haven't addressed wether or not the people are conscious of it being a "lie" or not. If they believe what they are saying, then are they truly lying?
It doesn't matter WHY they are sure, it only matters IF they are sure. You said that they can't be sure of God's existence and I said that they can. If being sure of something means knowing something to be true beyond most doubt, then I am sure people can be sure of God's existence. However, this conception of knowledge separates itself from "the truth." Knowing something to be true does not mean that it is The Truth. You pressupose that The Truth exists, and that knowledge is knowing The Truth. The problem with that is, how are we supposed to verify if our knowledge corresponds with The Truth or not? Theories are adjusted or abandoned quite often.

>> No.2172729
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>> No.2172737

To the religious peeps in here: until Space Jesus parks his Honda accord on my roof and screams "get on board, we're going to MEEXICOO bitch! And don't forget your crack pipe!" I respectfully say: why should I even care about a possibly maybe creator of the Universe?

Also, OP is sperg lord at life. When someone's sick isn't the time to make drama. Go back and say "I don't know, but I know I'm here for you."

And hell, if you consider "God" as the ultimate ideal of Humanity we can strive for, then fuck yes God is with her.

>> No.2172741

OP sounds like a Virgo. Or a Capricorn.

>> No.2172743

this thread is a copy off the guy who felt bad about lying to his dying mom that he believed there was indeed a heaven

but yea short answer, no you can actually not be sure if there's a god or not
just like you can hardly prove anything without fully understanding everything

actually I don't even believe in atheists, remember that it's the notion that there is no god. why would anyone who actually thinks come to that conclusion?
I can only understand butthurt people who did not get their wish by praying
but no will ever admit something like that

>> No.2172749

fu. Jesus was capricorn. And so am I. OP is probably a Libran cocksucker.

>> No.2172857

Or a Leo because he thinks he's right.

>> No.2172871

> dolan OP
> 69 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Stay classy, /sci/.

>> No.2172874
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My face when I see you guys in the next life.

>> No.2173265
