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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 88 KB, 400x582, bernankeheadache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2166636 No.2166636 [Reply] [Original]

I have enemies. I also have supporters. If anything happens to me, it is certain that China will discover what has transpired, although to be fair and honest, they may already know or be in the process of learning.

I plan on getting a settlement for 8 million dollars, which is more than reasonable. The man in the photo would be wise to be forking it over, or he risks even greater damage to his assets. If China doesn't already know, I will agree to keep my mouth shut, although to be fair and honest, the USA will eventually pay China in some way because of karma.

Fact and witnesses prove that my internet has been censored.


This censorship can be proven to have sentenced not only the USA to six additional years of oil imports at a minimum of 700 billion dollars a year for a total of 4.2 trillion dollars directly, and a total of 42 trillion dollars in economic damage via the damage to the GNP and GDP via the ten to one ratio of leveraged capital in the fractional reserve banking capitalist system. It has also sentenced China to six additional years at 500 billion a year for a total of 3 trillion / 30 trillion dollars in economic damages.

>> No.2166639
File: 53 KB, 400x225, Picture3(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China has every right under the Uniform Commercial Code to seek (or even impose, as the USA's main creditor) a settlement for themselves.

I can easily get China to also arrange a settlement for myself for the 8 million in damages that I seek for the loss of two sets of patent rights. If I deal with China, the USA will suffer having to pay at least 2.5 trillion to China in damages. If I die off without the issue resolved, the USA will pay China at least 30 trillion in damages. All I have to do to limit the damages paid to China to 3 trillion is to ask it of the Chinese. However, my willingness to ask this of them steadily decreases. The minimum amount may increase.

The internet is not my only outlet or means of communication. I have a working satellite uplink (visible from the outside in one of my southern windows) with many friends and supporters on the receiving end.

>> No.2166647

If the price is paid via karma, the payment rate will be far less painful, the payment schedule much longer and payments much smaller, and there will be no interest.

>> No.2166655

The faster I get my settlement, the faster the design will become finalized and the faster my factories will be built.

The faster my factories get built, the faster ethanol and electricity will begin reducing the demand worldwide for crude oil.

The faster the worldwide demand for crude oil decreases, the better the odds of avoiding $8 / gallon gasoline and diesel fuel 6 or 7 years from now, and the attendant economic destruction of the United States.

>> No.2166671
File: 21 KB, 480x360, red pill 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World oil production is falling 7% per year. In 7 years time, this may well mean that there is only 51% as much oil being produced as today. For example, Mexico's PEMEX production has fallen 30 percent in the last decade, and the decrease is going exponential.

In 2008, world demand was 87.1 million barrels a day, but supply was only 85 million barrels a day. Price had to increase considerably to kill demand, and we suffered a doubling of gasoline price to $4 per gallon because of it. This is merely a 2.5 percent difference between supply and demand.

What will the effect be of a 49% difference between supply and demand, or even a 10% difference?

Censorship of the internet has already sentenced the USA to $6 or $7 per gallon in 3 to 5 year's time.

>> No.2166678
File: 175 KB, 500x394, 2179948102_60847fa309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$4 / gallon decimated the USA economy: business failures, tens of millions of jobs lost, millions of home foreclosures. Wait until you see what $6 / gallon does for you.

>> No.2166696
File: 25 KB, 250x219, LargeThumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What internet censoring retards have inflicted upon their own families and interests.

>> No.2166745


>[citation needed]

>> No.2166777



>> No.2166793


>> No.2166811
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>> No.2166814
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>> No.2166830 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 320x240, Star_Trek_Kingons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, be happy

>> No.2166840
File: 31 KB, 320x240, Klingon Burger King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, be happy

>> No.2167133


>> No.2167211

I take issue with the statement that food prices falling to just about the cost of shipping is somehow a bad thing for the open-land farmers that this new technology replaces.

I mean, honestly, the monetary savings from better efficiency means that you can pay the newly unemployed people to sit on their asses with no overall losses. Sucks for them, sure, but who wants to sit around all day making buggy whips?

Also, go get venture capital funding yourself if you think its that much of a money maker. Make a really solid presentation, and use it to fund a prototype. Use the prototype to secure more funding and expansion. Snowball that shit, man.

>> No.2167248
File: 14 KB, 600x399, ChinaFlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that venture capital source will be China. Whatever works, I suppose. I guess they are the only ones left with any real money anymore anyway, and I have needs, same as those who are starving do.

>> No.2167264

Not necessarily China. Geopolitics has remarkable little to do with small-scale economics like this. Whoever is going to back this project is going to back it because it will make them oodles of cash if it works out. What you are doing is taking a relatively small amount of money and turning it into a demonstration that your idea is worth a much larger amount of money. Repeat that until your business is making and moving actual product, like that one company that is selling robotic warehousing systems to Amazon and the like.

>> No.2167299
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My main concern is the peak oil problem, how to address that while repairing my own damage and improving my position, along with several other issues that exist like feeding the starving.

As near as I can tell, China has the most massive industrial production capacity on Earth, and they have surpassed the USA in energy usage. Therefore it is logical that China can implement this technology much more rapidly than anyone else, and that will have the fastest and greatest impact on reducing worldwide crude oil usage. It will limit ow how the price of fuel rises in the USA.

Dealing with the Chinese also allow me to get further ahead, faster. It also allows a level of revenge against certain enemies. "You cost us 25 trillion dollars, and now you're gonna wish you hadn't" seems to be the only way to get certain faggot dogs off my leg and avenge myself upon them. It really can't come back down on me, but my enemies enjoy no such protection.

I appreciate the advice, but there are a lot of issues that needs to be dealt with and these are only two, and conventional means are not an option.

I am 50 years old. At my age, obviously, I need to do what I need to do to get me the furthest ahead the fastest. I have also had a lot of my potential and my standard of living degraded and lost, and so putting some serious butthurt on my enemies is an issue. And now I have found the means to do just that.

>> No.2167313

Just so you know, you're starting to sound... uhh... not quite exactly sane, you know?

Good luck finding someone willing to work with the crazy.

>> No.2167336

I can get a progressively larger series of government grants from China, because of the easily obvious nature of the technology: it eliminates China's food shortages, and eliminates China's need to import fuel. It also reduces the possibility of war, possibly nuclear war, over the world's dwindling remaining oil reserves.

Way better to deal with a legitimate, intelligent, and patriotic government than to deal with a venture capitalist. I have a truly impressive insurance policy that will screw my enemies if they try to pull their bullshit. This is basically a public offer to limit the damages to the USA to 3 trillion rather than having it be 30 trillion is all.

In the long run, the USA is still ahead because of the value of the Speedbox eliminating oil imports. The government had, and may yet still have, the chance to fix my situation without it costing 3 trillion dollars, and so far has chosen not to.

>> No.2167342

I am a pissed off scientist, not a mad scientist. There is a difference. These posts are only directed at a certain selected audience.

>> No.2167346

do you have a proof of concept? did you farm at least one of those boxes yet? for at least one season? have you documented everything? video and photos from the crops? etc

>> No.2167354
File: 149 KB, 648x486, DROP-AND-GIVE-ME-20-STUPID-FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advanced concepts always sounds insane to the stupid. Pay that no mind, which should be easy for you.

>> No.2167373

uh awesome! i was looking for a subject for thesis. guess ill start setting up one of those mothers on monday if my prof gives me a green light.

>> No.2167381


Not necessary. That the concepts are valid is documented, a brief search of the web shows this. The only real questions are the costs vs. profits, and the longevity of the produced boxes and pallets. If it wasn't for the second issue, I could immediately get a huge grant from China, but as it is, to start with it will only be a small to medium sized grant.

The videos will be arranged and refined better for the proposal DVDs, rather than Youtube or computer AVI files, and all the reference sources will be present. My getting a grant from the Chinese government is a foregone conclusion, a done deal.

As I said, these posts are only intended for a certain audience. The rest of you, make what you will of it.

>> No.2167403

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

>crazy person randomly spouting words

Sage and ignore people.

>> No.2167408

Your video opens with a slide containing estimates of strawberry production. It is interesting. Then, rather than support your estimates with data, you draw a box in a 3D program, and basically zoom and spin for six minutes.

If you're going to burn six minutes, use it to make your point effectively. How the upper layer slides into place isn't significant. It's a fucking box, we get it.

>> No.2167416
File: 81 KB, 401x299, russia-flag_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is one issue not addressed in the videos. You really have to laser drill the tiny holes in the vinyl tubing. Epoxied foam components can be made by hand inexpensively, but laser drills aren't cheap unless you make them yourself. Blu-Ray lasers can be hacked for this purpose. There exists a water pressure vs. droplet size issue which is resolved by each tube having the same number of holes, each hole being the same size, and having a uniform sized constriction (water pressure regulator) at the end of each of the tubes and at the main water manifold inlet.

It will work OK without this, but the concept is a mix of aeroponics and drip irrigation. Just poking holes in the tubing with needles give high drip irrigation %, low aeroponic %. With precise regulation, very high aeroponic %, and low drip irrigation %. The aeroponic aspect is what produces the massive growth rates.

By thesis I assume you mean collaboration. Anyone who tries stealing this idea is certain to be put to death, and their family likely also. I have Russian friends who owe me who know I invented it, and they will waste your ass. If you wish to die, then proceed on accordingly.

>> No.2167440

As I said, this is for a certain audience, the rest of you, make what you will of it. You have to watch numerous of the videos before you can follow the technology, and it will take time. If you watch enough of them you will understand the concept. Apologies for the lack of organization there, but this was for some people I invited who witnessed its development over time, and have seen all of the videos.

If you wish to devote enough time to see enough of the videos to understand the concept, please post your responses there on Youtube.

>> No.2167452

>You have to watch numerous of the videos before you can follow the technology,

If you have a concise explanation somewhere, please post it. I won't sit through 60 minutes of spinning boxes just to learn you're spraying water on plants.

>> No.2167472

I have nothing against anyone using this technology, or profiting from it, and neither does anyone else.

But an attempt to steal or claim credit for it will truly piss off some powerful and capable people I have done large favors for in the past. It would personally and considerably insult them, and you wouldn't like the result of having made that mistake. This has already happened more than once over much lesser issues in the past.

>> No.2167478

"If you have a concise explanation somewhere, please post it. I won't sit through 60 minutes of spinning boxes just to learn you're spraying water on plants."

Well, sod off then

>> No.2167483

Oh look, another guy who's solved all the world's problems, but just doesn't have enough funding. Oh the humanity!

>> No.2167494

China will set the value of their settlement for whatever I request them to set, in the range of 3 trillion to 30 trillion.

Don't piss me off too considerably or waste too much more of my time, or I will be going to the high side.

This isn't an argument that you can win.

>> No.2167495

> This isn't an argument that you can win.
That's because this isn't an argument.
Enjoy spending your $30 trillion! Can't wait to hear about it on the 11:00 news.

>> No.2167501
File: 6 KB, 300x300, oh_no_the_russians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, sod off then


With your permission, I'm going to water my rhubarb with this. I'd hate to piss off the wrong people.

>> No.2167507

That is the only choice left in this matter.

China will get its settlement, or it will quit buying US Treasury securities and the US dollar will collapse almost overnight. Because of the Speedbox, China doesn't need the USA anymore as an export market. It will have a hard time keeping up with supplying the world's demands for Speedbox components. You know full well who China will side with.

>> No.2167522

It is hard to say whether China will enjoy spending its 30 trillion or not. After all, it is merely green paper, with nothing of any real substance backing it up.

>> No.2167541

My guess is that China will demand six years worth of Alaskan oil after two years of establishing drilling preparations, or it will collapse the US dollar, if the amount ends up being the full 30 trillion. Not much choice in the matter, the Chinese get free oil from Alaska for 6 years.

>> No.2167549

Or the US dollar collapses and the USA goes the rest of the way to being a third world country in the span of two months time.

>> No.2167561


or the USA nukes north korea and starts another war. east vs west.

good luck to your rice paddies surviving molecular disassembly.

>> No.2167562


Paul Volcker recently held an economic gun repeatedly to the head of the US Congress, and got what he demanded each time, simply by threatening to collapse the economy if he didn't get his way. Its just business.

>> No.2167570

Well, dumbass, what good is your "settlement for 8 million dollars" going to do you, then?

>> No.2167572



Careful what you try to start up. Hard to win a war like that without a Navy. The alliance of Russia and China isn't a small time banana republic like Iraq and Afghanistan.

>> No.2167576


yes it is, russia will back out and chinese navy is nothing more than fishing boats.

>> No.2167577

What I do with money I earned is my own business.

>> No.2167589

Russia or China either one can wipe out your navy with those torpedoes, without nukes ever being used. You are ill equipped to wage conventional warfare without a navy.

Then the question is, after, are you going to take action that results in the nuclear destruction of your entire country? I think not. Russia and China will start nothing, but they are more than capable of finishing anything you start.

>> No.2167598
File: 4 KB, 300x57, gravely deluded..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you are really aware of the sheer degree to which China has the USA economically by the balls. Or militarily either, if the USA were to attack China.

>> No.2167608


fuck the navy, nuke beijing and moscow.

>> No.2167616

I am actually trying to save the USA from a far worse fate than economic destruction. It is within my power to do so, and I am exercising that power.

>> No.2167626

OP, take a look at this thread.

You made a cartoon rendering of a box to grow strawberries and posted it to YouTube. Now you're on 4chan planning a hypothetical nuclear war between China, Russia, and the US over your strawberry boxes.

You have one of two options at this point:
A) Pretend that you were just trolling all along.
B) Continue the discussion and continue pretending that it has any basis in reality.

If you go with (A), you'll at least get some cred on the Internet for being a good troll. Hell, I'd give you at least a 6/10.

If you go with (B), you'll eventually have to take a long hard look at your life and try to figure out where it all went wrong. Bad times.

>> No.2167632


money is not everything.

>> No.2167635
File: 14 KB, 300x330, putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"fuck the navy, nuke beijing and moscow"

The problem with that is that they nuke back.

>> No.2167637


/sci/ is not roleplay. Try elsewhere..

>> No.2167639


USA has the X37b and a satellite defense system.

>> No.2167644
File: 22 KB, 400x400, mastercard_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most everything. For everything else, there is MasterCard

>> No.2167678
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>> No.2167681

Please don't let this thread die

Come back, OP!

>> No.2167682
File: 29 KB, 547x410, 1290302250957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


exactly. all economic hardship disappears once china is nuked from the face of the earth. russia stands no chance against the military technology of the USA.

end of story.

>> No.2167696

I will get paid for the work I do, a reasonable percentage of the value of what I contribute, or I will extract a considerable vengeance.

The starving will eat, or they will extract an even more formidable form of considerable vengeance, in what amounts to total spiritual warfare, and the losses of their enemies will be a totality. Bobby Layne and Chief Tecumseh have nothing on this.



absolutely nothing

>> No.2167707

>get 8 million dollars
>cars, big houses, girls everywhere
>when that money could of have been used to save the world
>looks like another rich person needs his ass kicked
>i'm coming

>> No.2167729
File: 73 KB, 1431x813, tu-160_blackjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tupolev Tu-95

Fuck with the Russians a tad too much, and these four nuclear weapons will kill 98% of your population, and there would be nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.2167744
File: 31 KB, 400x400, NFL-Football.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get 8 million dollars
>cars, big houses, girls everywhere


What I do with my income is none of your business. My IQ is 180. Go fuck with the NFL.


Money builds factories, gets me a wife and stability and some repair I need, and preserves my considerable potential as an inventor. It feeds the starving. It nullifies the peak oil problem.

>> No.2167753
File: 110 KB, 600x800, airstrike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My regards

>> No.2167756

>>ass kicked


Call me a pussy first so you can tell everyone later about how you was pussywhipped.

>> No.2167765

Don't want to cooperate. no big deal. I will get it from the Chinese.

>> No.2167775
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>> No.2167778


this video is very educational.
maybe the man deserves his 8 million.


>> No.2167796
File: 101 KB, 900x726, 1291612583366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those of you who weren't invited, you haven't found a weak or flawed aspect in the Speedbox concept or design yet that could be attacked, even after 2 hours... or you would have attacked it. You won't find one, because there are none.

>> No.2167848

Yo, OP, I don't know if this is your first time on 4chan or what, but when you are replying to someone, you should click their post number. That will insert a link like this:


Then we can figure out what you're replying to. I don't think it will help, but hey, worth a try.

>> No.2167863
File: 13 KB, 375x265, 1290363738052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shark is bragging to his shark friends about how he rode Vladimir Putin and survived it, and what an invigorating experience it had been.

>> No.2167865

Oh, is that what we're supposed to be doing? We didn't know. I'm still trying to find the flaw in TimeCube, too, but I haven't found one after all these years.

>> No.2167885
File: 46 KB, 840x632, GoneRhettDamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only you can decide what it is you are supposed to be doing, Grasshopper

>> No.2167900

Hey look, a genuine crazy person on the internet. there are less and less of you as time goes by, it seems. why not start a website with simple html coding and ALL CAPS ALL BOLD 40 POINT FONT?

>> No.2167917

I can't find a flaw in your design, assuming your design intention is a brown box that spins virtually for six minutes.

>> No.2167921
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>> No.2167946
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You're not going to be able to understand the concept in six minutes. Perhaps fapping would be a more efficient use of your time.

>> No.2167961

Bro, you're a kook. A kook comes up with scientific nonsense and then dares everyone else to find the flaw.

A non-kook comes up with an idea, patents it, sells it, or gives it away for the benefit of mankind.

Choose your own adventure, my friend.

>> No.2167981
File: 140 KB, 648x486, Who-The-fuck-said-that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would seem to me that your area of expertise would be advising faggots, not inventors.

>> No.2168004

Being dense, you must not have realized there are other options like getting a grant for it, or more importantly, leveraging it. Advanced concepts always appear insane to dense, stupid, or retarded people. Pay that no mind.

>> No.2168031

>I am the way and the light and the truth. Whosoever shall believeth upon me shall not perish, but have eternally low fuel prices, a strong economy, and a modern technologically advanced civilization.

yeah totally sane.

ok, you want serious criticism? it looks needlessly complex. granted i don't understand a lot of it, due to the poor presentation, but why exactly do you need half of this shit? what is the importance of 'epoxied foam' as a material? is that really your substrate? in which case it isn't aeroponic at all... what use is the fancy lattic top layer?

if you want to make aeroponics equipment, go for it, nothing's holding you back. ok, well, the inability to get any kind of funding atm sucks but still, there is no conspiracy here, at least not specifically against you.

>> No.2168057
File: 34 KB, 500x345, geithner-bernanke-pointing_rt_20090114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no substrate. The epoxied foam is much cheaper than injection molded plastic to construct the structural growing frames.

This thread was started for those who already know I am right about the Speedbox. Those who don't, if you have comments, place them on Youtube.

So what does Timothy Geitttthhhhhhner think about all this, I wonder? Will history remember him as a fool?

>> No.2168088
File: 9 KB, 259x194, max keiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean those who don't already think of him as such...

>> No.2168104
File: 46 KB, 510x419, 1288986764677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool references, bro. A pair of random images and three links to youtube sure sound convincing. Come back once you actually have scientific evidence for peak oil, instead of just acting like some hipster teenage fag.

>> No.2168124

frankly op, i think this is pretty moot because if the megacorps that controlled our world really wanted sustainable energy, or at least vastly more efficient fuel source, they could come up with shit nobody imagined. talking about GM fuel crops at the very least, algae-oil, etc., but more like a mechanicallhy sustained vacuum that energy is drawn out of seemingly by magic (zero-point energy).

what you have is a aeroponics system. it isn't the only one. it isn't the first, won't be the last. and there is nothing to convince anyone it is unique or worth investing in.

>> No.2168144


So, you are more knowledgeable than T. Boone Pickens, a multibillionaire oil and gas geologist who made his billions using his knowledge as an oil and gas geologist.

I am very honored to have your posting in this little forum in my thread. Aren't you supposed to be out advising the President, and buying Learjets with your billions? What brings you all the way down here?

>> No.2168145
File: 30 KB, 450x274, genius-unspeakable-evil-thumb-450x274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /sci/ is too dense to understand my amazing strawberry technology

>> No.2168160


Yea well. But this isn't about what you think, or what they think. Its about what I think, and what the Chinese think.

>> No.2168182

The Chinese don't think about this. And neither does anyone else, except for you. But your thoughts about it are surprisingly entertaining, so I hope that you continue.

>> No.2168190 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2168235
File: 11 KB, 410x180, TheArchitect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> 2168182 The Chinese don't think about this. And neither does anyone else, except for you.

But you are thinking it.

Ergo, you are a nobody.

>> No.2168252

I am ok with this.

>> No.2168264

Strange... that was quicker than the others.

>> No.2168278
File: 32 KB, 410x410, matrix destroyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2168354

Honest feedback for your stuff: I have no idea if it will work or not just by looking at the designs. Have you tried making one of them? Get the materials as close as you can for whatever minimum size makes sense, and see if you actually get the yields you expect from them.

If so, great, show someone and get funding by demonstrating actual value (instead of by, say, insane rantings about China, Bernanke, Russia, and whatnot)

If not, you're just another loonie.

>> No.2168606


Please, by all means show me some scientific papers suggesting that we're facing peak oil. One man's word is worthless, even if he's a billionaire.

>> No.2168907

124 million people are lost, so far. Today is another 60000. My guess is that all 330 million in the USA will die in spiritual warfare over the total of 480 million who have starved to death over criminals in the USA delaying this technology. But for now, only 124 million are certain. Doesn't hurt to try to stop the increase, but that doesn't mean it is possible.

>> No.2168929

Since the Chinese are a spiritual people, obviously they already know, or will know that 124 million people in the USA are already guaranteed lost to the spiritual warfare that will be arriving soon.

What I don't know is whether they would want to stop further losses to their massive investments here in the USA, or whether they would want the USA destroyed, for new land to add to their current territory. I figure it could go either way.

>> No.2168965

Dec 24th / 25th, 2004: tsunami kills 230,000. What you probably don't know is that the event was part of a spiritual argument between the Gods and Japan, where Japan was attacked numerous times, and the tsunami event was a warning that the Gods could annihilate Japan if they wanted to.

I suppose you all missed that. Unfortunate, considering what it is already certain to cost, and what it is likely to cost.

The more details of this society I witness, the more I wonder if maybe it isn't such a bad thing after all.

>> No.2169029

Japan then agreed to a settlement for the offense they had committed.

Then, around 1/15/2005 or so, some maggots in the USA started talking bullshit about "terrorism" and prevented the Japanese from settling the issue.

Basically, government retards in the USA rose up against a pissed off God in the face of spiritual warfare. So far, in having done so, they have sentenced 124 million people that Providence had tried to help instead to a slow suffering death by starvation. The total is 480 million (20 years of delay), but we in the USA are only certain, because of the blasphemy, to lose 124 million, a number equal to those that were sentenced to starvation by the blasphemy.

I was hoping not to lose all 330 million, but it may not be possible. China appears to be the best hope that remains.

21 million people die of starvation a year. The Speedbox is capable of preventing all of those deaths while providing an economy so the third world can afford birth control. 21 million x 5 11/12 years (since 1/15/2005) is 124 million.

>> No.2169058

This will get very ugly before it fully runs it course.

However, the fact is that the ugliness will only be a reflection in a mirror.

>> No.2169077

kremlin.ru has valuable relevant historical information.

>> No.2169093

The retarded government has driven the USA economy and outlook so far into the ground that as it stands now, ironically, for the 124 million who perish it will likely be an act of mercy, and may actually make it economically possible for the remainder to have fuel, food, and heating in the wintertime.

>> No.2169230

TimeCube > Speedbox

>> No.2169254


gamecube> timecube

>> No.2169261

what the fuck is this thread about?

>> No.2169380
File: 87 KB, 1550x1226, Game_Cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I love Gamecube

>> No.2169405 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2169406
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>> No.2170313


So yes, its not all about the money, but it is about the money. 8 million is very reasonable. China would agree.

For two lost patents worth 4 million each.

Or a direct common law lawsuit in a Chinese common law court based on the Uniform Commercial Code against the US State of Minnesota over the loss of one patent.

The facts, when shown, clearly prove beyond doubt that:

I invented a technology that prevents head on train collisions in 1984

The railroads installed it in 1987.

I didn't make a dime from this invention, and was screwed out of a certain US Patent and $200,000 a year for 17 years, and that a family friend, Sam Walton, was screwed out of $4.8 million a year for 17 years. The Chinese knew Walton, and they know his offspring, Robbie Walton for example. I would expect his estate to be part of the plaintiff party.

That China has lost 30 trillion dollars in the last six years because the criminal maggots screwed me out of my income and my potential. (or 120 trillion in the last 20, beyond a reasonable doubt)

That the Minnesota government has made ~$400,000 per year from my railroad invention for each of the last 22 years. That this is true for each of the 50 States, $20 million a year divided up 50 ways, and that another $20 million a year was made by the Federal government, and that combined with the $10 million a year the system save AMTRAK, the total benefit to the combined State and Federal governments so far has been 50 million a year for each of the last 22 years for a total of $1.1 billion dollars, even though I never made a dime.

That almost 490 million people have starved to death because of the loss of my potential and income.

That this is a spiritual matter, and these criminal maggots have greatly endangered China's economic interests.

>> No.2170315

Hey, fucker. If you designed these, let's see some proof of concepts. How many speedboxes are already in place? Is there an existing harvester? Can existing equipment be easily adapted for the purpose? I'm guessing no, so a new device must be created. Is it possible to create a tractor-powered device that would succeed in this regard?

How much would it cost to obtain a harvester? How long would it take to produce the first one, and what would its running costs be?

How do you know your yields will be anything close to this good? You need a proof-of-concept. What is the innovation in this device that makes it better than other aeroponics? What is identical to other aeroponics systems?

>> No.2170319

This is an open and shut case in a Chinese or any other legitimate common law court under the UCC; my Minnesota driver's license at the time and the Statute law that Minnesota abused constituted an unconscionable contract, and there is no statute of limitations on a human rights case in common law.

Minnesota would be forced to pay me triple damages on the initial $3.4 million, plus penalties and interest, the total would be somewhere between $25 and $30 million dollars. The settlement the Walton estate would receive would be 25 times larger.

So yeah, 8 million is pretty fucking reasonable.

I have offered to the Federal Reserve, who were paid probably at least half of the 1.1 billion the government took in, to accept a settlement of $8 million, and this offer has been extended for months, at least 2 months before the idea of China dealing with it was ever breached.

>> No.2170385 [DELETED] 

"Is there an existing harvester? I'm guessing no, so a new device must be created."

Ah, a wolf among the sheep. A genius amongst the tards. Yes, and I plan on being in China to help design the Speedbox planting / harvesting combine.

"Is it possible to create a tractor-powered device that would succeed in this regard?" Now the rest of your questions you yourself also should be capable of answering with a little applied analysis, like that one: The answer being obviously, no, unless you want to increase the space between Speedbox rows and suffer the considerable loss of 1/3 to 1/2 of the total growing real estate area.

>> No.2170394

If I get this right, China should attack the US economically, causing significant economic damage to BOTH parties, because you don't have enough money to start building an untested aeroponics box? And this box is magically sure to work, and the infrastructure for supplying it is magically easy to put in place, and it's MAGICALLY just going to work without other equipment in place, for farmers all over China, where access to many resources available in the US are difficult to obtain, and you could implement it if you had those dollars, but China is going to exact economic retribution and cost themselves untold millions instead of funding the idea with $8 million?

>> No.2170398

"Is there an existing harvester? I'm guessing no, so a new device must be created."

Ah, a wolf among the sheep. A genius amongst the tards. Your guess is right, and I plan on being in China to help design the Speedbox planting / harvesting combine.

"Is it possible to create a tractor-powered device that would succeed in this regard?" Now the rest of your questions you yourself also should be capable of answering with a little applied analysis, like that one: The answer being obviously, no, unless you want to increase the space between Speedbox rows and suffer the considerable loss of 1/3 to 1/2 of the total growing real estate area.

>> No.2170469 [DELETED] 


No magic, son, just straight shootin'. this issue is obviously too complex for you.

You see, the Chinese are very highly motivated whereas you are not. They will be, if they are not already, desperate to do that preliminary proof of concept research themselves, because from their point of view, if it works, it addresses three vast and immediate and dangerous problems of critical importance to China.

1) Ends widespread food shortages 2) ends considerable odds of having to fight conventional or nuclear war over the world's remaining oil 3) ends economy crippling oil and other fuel imports into China.

2) and 3) are also critical issues of dangerous immediacy to the USA, but unfortunately the USA is paved with nothing but retards and traitors from one sea to shining sea anymore.

Also, China also possesses a powerful economy and a very well funded R and D arm, and the USA is too pathetically bankrupt anymore to afford most R and D activities. It sucks, but as FDR said, there is no blinking at a fact.

>> No.2170479
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No magic, son, just straight shootin'. this issue is obviously too complex for you.

You see, the Chinese are very highly motivated whereas you are not. They will be, if they are not already, desperate to do that preliminary proof of concept research themselves, because from their point of view, if it works, it addresses three vast and immediate and dangerous problems of critical importance to China.

1) Ends widespread food shortages 2) ends considerable odds of having to fight conventional or nuclear war over the world's remaining oil 3) ends economy crippling oil and other fuel imports into China.

2) and 3) are also critical issues of dangerous immediacy to the USA, but unfortunately the USA is paved with nothing but retards and traitors from one sea to shining sea anymore.

Also, China also possesses a powerful economy and a very well funded R and D arm, and the USA is too pathetically bankrupt anymore to afford most R and D activities. It sucks, but as FDR said, there is no blinking at a fact.

>> No.2170516

You are one of those who does not see the entire truth, like many who believe that China's economy actually depends on the USA, but it is not necessarily so.

If China has to choose between siding with the Gods, and siding with those who side against the Gods in spiritual warfare who kill millions of people the gods try to assist, their code requires them to side with the Gods, and this is the choice they will make.

The first generation of Speedboxes can get along quite well in China spaced apart for manual planting and harvesting, and because the boxes are portable, can later be moved close together for combine operations. The Speedbox does not depend on the existence of the combine.

>> No.2170523


>> No.2170559

Again, you need contacts with the Chinese government which, I assume from what you are saying, you do not have. Also, what's to stop an R&D department from implementing it directly with no royalties paid to you?

But still, that avoids my real question. Why would China not have already contacted you with an offer to fund the needed research directly?

>> No.2170561

Um, could someone explain what this thread is about?

>> No.2170575
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>I am the way and the light and the truth. Whosoever shall believeth upon me shall not perish, but have eternally low fuel prices, a strong economy, and a modern technologically advanced civilization.

Well, it is true. What, you want me to lie? OK, Aunt Jemima was not your mother.

>> No.2170632
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" Again, you need contacts with the Chinese government which, I assume from what you are saying, you do not have"

With a Chinese UCC court settlement, I need no contracts. As for contacts, a short trip down the road and back will easily repair that.

" Also, what's to stop an R&D department from implementing it directly with no royalties paid to you?"

Ask me if I really care. In fact, I would hope this happens on as large a scale as humanly possible.

"But still, that avoids my real question. Why would China not have already contacted you with an offer to fund the needed research directly?"

Because I have not contacted them yet, and neither has anyone else. This will change, soon.

>> No.2170646

And when I said magic as a turn of phrase, I was suggesting to you that, as much as you like your idea, it is untested, requires additional innovation, and is far from a sure thing. Besides all this, it requires additional innovation and will be much less affordable to China than to those in the US. I don't know about global demand of strawberries, but locality is important, so your sales would be in places like the US. On the other hand, large amounts of food could be grown by this in China, but it is less affordable there, where locality is an issue.

And as for tractor-mounted solutions, you seem to have shut me down before I even started. How much space would be between two speedboxes anyway, and how much do you anticipate? Even so, a tractor-adapted solution might be viable regardless. Imagine a whole field of boxes, with a little extra space on one side, and a front-mounted pusher to line a box up under the tractor, and a harvester-replanter and then a device to push the box the rest of the way, leaving a new path for the tractor.

>> No.2170717

Well, I wish you the best of luck with contacting them.

I think you desperately need more work towards implementing cheaper equipment for planting and harvesting. Can it be done easily by unskilled labor in China? Can you make something easily worked by unskilled labor in China?

>> No.2170719

Labor and materials are cheap in China.

As for the final form the initial "clay" takes, it is hard to say. Different areas and climates will have different approaches. Put a triangular A-frame on top to hold a misting line or three similar to the laser drilled vinyl tubing in the aeroponic spraying manifolds, and you have an overhead misting rack acting as an evaporative cooler; grow crops in the 160 degree Saudi Arabian desert with the plant's temperature never exceeding 110 degrees. It may be possible to adapt a tractor, I don't know. I have doubts, but anything is possible.

>> No.2170743

The Speedbox is entirely workable and profitable (especially in a place like China) using manual labor, but once the combine starts appearing in his area, a producer would have to have one to remain competitive and profitable and survive as an enterprise.

>> No.2170761

Switchgrass / ethanol or fuel pellet for electricity production is the area of main interest to China.

Their system of government is easily capable of implementing it, since their government basically tells their factories what to produce, and those factories produce what they are told to produce.

And this will immensely benefit the USA by dropping worldwide demand for, and therefore the price of, crude oil.

>> No.2170777

I highly suggest looking into it, as a device which can be pulled by available equipment simplifies the design of the equipment, reduces the cost for companies that own equipment (and smaller farmers that own the equipment) and reduces cost of development, time of development, and total time to deploy the complete system (boxes, irrigation infrastructure, harvesting equipment). This is vital to anyone who might want to invest in your product, and it should be vital to you.

>> No.2170799

China and India and Brazil, the world's three fastest growing economies, are all three capable of implementing switchgrass ethanol / electric hybrid or full electric car technology rapidly and on an immense scale. I would estimate that these two countries could reduce the world demand for crude oil below the level of the world supply within 6 to 10 years time, and keep it that way afterward even with declining oil production, since the worldwide Speedbox switchgrass production should rise at or above the inverse level of the decline in oil production.

>> No.2170821

So, question: How does an unskilled worker in any part of the world make a new root mat for growth?

Cellulosic reduction wasn't mature the last time I heard any significant news about it. Is switchgrass-to-ethanol a mature technology? I thought that cellulosic reduction was still having significant downfalls.

Does aeroponics help with better water management? Does it allow significant water conservation in places that are ideally suited for growing a particular plant? Because a plant that can grow in the semi-arid Great Plains region does not need the constant evaporation of water off its roots to cool it, and such water evaporation would be a significant detriment to growers trying to get so much yield in areas with low water access.

>> No.2170822


It is not that big a deal: agriculture is already all financed by banks that create money out of thin air, and all major Speedbox production will have to be financed. Wide spacing between rows would be required, cutting down yields by 1/3 to 1/2, and that is not efficient or acceptable. Speedbox combine production will help to create jobs and drive economies.

>> No.2170856

"So, question: How does an unskilled worker in any part of the world make a new root mat for growth?"

Probably in a hand press that makes one square foot mats.

As to the rest of your (good and valid) questions, getting those answers requires financial resources that I do not possess. But the current ethanol production rates for switchgrass indicate somewhere between 15,000 to 22,000 gallons of ethanol per acre vs. 1000 to 1500 in open land farming using current 2nd generation ethanol production technology. The 3rd generation fluidized bed production will be even higher.

But switchgrass to fuel pellet to electricity to pure electric car is the 3.5 times as efficient as switchgrass to ethanol to internal combustion. The ethanol / electric plugin hybrid car can equalize a lot of this difference.

>> No.2170862

No, no, no! You can't assume it's not a problem, because it is. Besides, how wide is a row? Say a speedbox is three feet wide. You need width of tire overhead. That could be as little as, what, 8 inches? That's only 1/5 of the land, not 1/3 or 1/4. 20% is a lot, but tractors can be substantially wider than that, so you might get double-width boxes underneath. You could get down to relatively insubstantial overhead, especially given the boost in growth. You could also push the harvester ahead, which could avoid some of the problems with tall crops, obviously.

>> No.2170881

It might make sense especially as an electricity generation alternative, but it's probably not coal-competitive. That's really the issue. Switchgrass is prized as being an energy-positive way to provide ethanol which can replace gasoline with limited modifications in existing infrastructure. If you want your system to be competitive, see how well it fits existing infrastructure, or it won't take off.

>> No.2170883

*to existing infrastructure

>> No.2170887

Okay, with all due respect, based on my understanding, what you are doing is as follows.

1. Developed a biofuel system to solve the peak oil crisis. Boxes to grow plants and convert them to fuel.
2. Pitched the idea to China, who will then make bajillions manufacturing them.

But how is this superior to algal biofuels or genetically engineered bioorganisms that generate fuel. Your system requires planting, harvesting and far more processing steps. An algal biofuel plant could be completely mechanized and far more efficient in my mind.

>> No.2170894

The boxes are 4 1/2 feet high: no tractor has that kind of ground clearance. It might be possible to set a tractor at each end of a row or even one end with the presence of an anchor post at the far end, and then use the power takeoff(s) to run a transport cable over the top of the row to transport the harvesting appliance.

If it is possible, I am sure someone will figure out how to do it, but I doubt that I will be the one who gets it done.

>> No.2170912

Untrue. There are existing tractors with that sort of clearance, but most of them are designed for spraying tall crops, like corn, before they are full-height. If the boxes can be set into the ground, you would avoid that issue, as well, but that is also time-consuming and costly, so a high tractor might be the best bet.

>> No.2170917

I don't know who this kook is or what he's rambling about but you will never find evidence of peak oil. You really think the gov't would ever release anything that could cause a panic? First thing that would happen is the Saudis would rebel against their masters for promising that oil would bring about a new age of prosperity for the people and then a domino effect would follow across the globe.

That being said we aren't doomed because of peak oil. We just need to become more efficient and frugal towards how we utilize resources. Solar power for example could resolve a lot of our energy issues if we ever decide to get truly serious with it and stop those BS projects we run out in the desert. We need solar panels on every roof so we can use the power locally instead of shipping it out at a loss to efficiency.

>> No.2170925


Switchgrass is a higher calorie source than algae. Speedboxes can be used for food or switchgrass.
Speedboxes produce far more volume and BTUs from a given area than algal fuel, the new plant being built near Columbus, New Mexico clearly shows this.
Algal infrastructure is considerably more expensive than Speedbox infrastructure.

As for coal, global warming is a problem, and much of China's population is threatened by rising ocean levels. Banks can print unlimited amounts of paper money so long as there is certain return on investment, and this is a case of certain return on investment. Banks can therefore arbitrarily choose to bankroll coal production, or Speedbox production.

Since Speedbox production does not destroy the quality of life for the Chinese population as coal does (in many ways, from miner deaths to unbreathable dense smog and lung disease), so the choice is perhaps not to be made arbitrarily.

>> No.2170934

Drainage issue prevents subterranean installations. But if tractors exist that possess that ground clearance, then designing and manufacturing the required implement should be fairly straightforward.

>> No.2170935


Will an optional 6 feet of clearance be enough?

>> No.2170955
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>mfw 36lbs of strawberries per sq ft

>> No.2170966

Per cubic foot figures are more relevant for vertical vs horizontal

>> No.2170967

Dense smog is produced by existing factories in cities, not by power generation. Power generation can be done nearly anywhere, allowing smog from it to be negligible. And the fact remains that it is not economically competitive.

Besides which, your approach to economics is hack-and-slash. Banks can't simply print money, and simply printing more money has been tried and has failed; it can destroy an economy. There's no sure return on their money, because you don't have well-defined ideas of the cost of implementation, projections of sales, the time it would take to provide a return on the investment, etc. These are all things that scare banks and governments alike, although governments are more likely to invest money in research under the principle that the return will be to its people, not directly and monetarily back. Regardless, uncertainty makes this idea a good idea that needs significant additional work before venture capital will seek the project.

>> No.2170985
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"Regardless, uncertainty makes this idea a good idea that needs significant additional work before venture capital will seek the project."

Ergo, I am acquiring either $8 million, or $25 to $30 million worth of funds for research, depending on if Minnesota is wise and settles out of court, or makes the mistake of going into court.

>> No.2170997


After the sheer scale of that mistake, one assumes that the Chinese are -> particularly <- cautious in such matters...

>> No.2171029

That's another thing. I wish you luck in reclaiming your patent dues, but what if your lawsuit gets bogged down or, worse, ultimately rejected? You should pursue alternate channels for your research, and what if $8M is not enough? It might require more money. And you should look for gaining a profit off the idea quickly for the purposes of reinvesting it in wider distribution of product. With money you can get your boxes farther, and with wise business management, more product distribution will get you more money. I strongly advise you to turn your boxes from a stand-alone aeroponic system to an entire farm concept which can then be implemented quickly. That will make you money, and money can make better systems, which make more money, which develop the use of the system more, and possibly provide ethanol infrastructure, etc.

Basically, a self-contained aeroponic box could possibly revolutionize agriculture, but you have to be able to move it. That probably involves more than just inventing it and giving it to the world. That requires thinking about how to make it practical for farmers to implement.

Do you know how much of strawberry production is labor cost?

>> No.2171057
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>Drainage issue

Kooks gonna kook

>> No.2171063

Wait, so they don't recycle water? That's inefficient. How can you remedy that? Can you sink the boxes into the ground and allow tractors to drive over them or at their level?

>> No.2171117
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Holy fuck


>> No.2171121

Take it one day at a time, and hope for the best...

Do you know how much of strawberry production is labor cost?

Entirely different animal here. Search the net for "strawberry burrito", a drip irrigation system using a hanging vermiculite bag: starts strawberries from seed and produces 3 lbs. per plant. Starting from seed, there is no transplant, no ground preparation, no plastic laying operation, no spraying operation, and no shoot/runner cutting operations since the shots will almost immediately find adequate locations and take root.

>Drainage issue
>> Kooks gonna kook

Partial burial of the boxes would allow standing water in the bottom of the boxes after a good rain, submerging the roots and allowing considerable fungal and bacterial growth in and on the roots, which would outright defeat one of the main advantages of an aeroponic system that allows for the phenomenal growth rates. Drainage is for rainfall removal more than to remove excess overspray.

>> No.2171180

Is picking unsubstantial?

Also, think about the applications to rooftop farming. Do you think an electric version could refresh a rooftop version? What is the weight like of these boxes, fully wet and filled with plants?

>> No.2171182


traitors... i guess thats the problem with democracy and capitalism..

oh well, i guess il go learn a second language and get out of the USA and move to south-america, china or india...

>> No.2171183

Electric box harvester, that is.

>> No.2171219

Day neutral everbearing strawberries, once or twice a week, tilt the pallet up 45 degrees and shake it, no picking required. But yes, picking is fairly unsubstantial, compared to the total labor involved in open land farming.

Actually, a strawberry specific box with tilt-out pallet stacks is a better idea: I didn't post it to Youtube because it would complicate the matter to focus only one one specialized crop.

>> No.2171252
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>unsubstantial cost

kooks gonna kook

>> No.2171310
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>> No.2171347
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Lets just say then when harvesting 45 times as much produce per crop, harvesting costs are 45 times less expensive than open land farming.

>> No.2171355
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Perhaps some grey poupon to go with your crow

>> No.2171400

can someone sum up this thread I tried getting halfway through it but jesus christ on a cracker

>> No.2171412

Vengeance gets a man nowhere. If people must be killed then kill them without mercy, without anger, without anything save blunt necessity, as you would the ants attempting to destroy your home, or the bacteria in your raw meat when you cook it.

>> No.2171441

Man preaching to God? God already knows.

>> No.2171451
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Perhaps you would also like some grey poupon