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File: 138 KB, 442x450, cow-milk-for-babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2169203 No.2169203 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me why people like milk?

Don't worry this isn't a homework thread.

>> No.2169229

Because it tastes fucking good. It's also looks interesting and cool which attracts people.

>> No.2169240

Delicious high fat content which animals have evolved to enjoy the taste for (as fatty acids such as those seen in milk were uncommon for our ancestors.)

>> No.2169255

because commercials tell them to.

Humans shouldn't be drinking milk past childhood though, it's not healthy.

>> No.2169285


>Because commercials tell them to

I'm pretty sure it's because I fucking love dairy products and my flavored milk.

>> No.2169311

Enjoy being a fat fuck. It's not healthy to be drinking milk as an adult. It's much too fatty and not very nutritious.

>> No.2169328

As long as you aren't lactose intolerant; there is nothing wrong with drinking milk. The problem is people who don't stop eating/drinking in general.

>> No.2169335


Milk is a pretty good source of nutrition, bro. You also gonna swear off dairy and stuff, too?

Look, I understand that not everyone's bodies are set up for it. Lots of people have immune issues and milk is one of those inflammatory foods that causes acne, exacerbates asthma, etc. But some people can exploit milk painlessly. Why hate on them? Organisms are meant to find nutrition from what they can manage to get their hands on, and humans in particular are pretty good at exploiting the land around them.

You've got some sort of food purity dysfunction, if you ask me.

>> No.2169338

Can someone explain to me why you keep making shitty threads?

Don't worry, this isn't a homework thread.

>> No.2169347

>mfw I drink 8-10 glasses of milk per day
>mfw I'm drinking a glass right now
>mfw I'm 6' and I weigh 130lbs.

>> No.2169362


You're probably white. In which case that's not very amazing.

>> No.2169481

When we were raised we had breast milk (Most people), We just got addicted to the stuff and wanted moar. So we take it from other animals. Bet it also has some effect on us of how it is just like moms. (I think thats why we like milk warmed up to)

>> No.2169499


>> No.2169508

Well, humans are very sick people you see, some of us get off to smelling woman feces.

We aren't used to milk, some of us get very ill from drinking it because we really don't have a long time drinking milk, therefor, we're not used to it (cow milk)

however, there are sick fucks out there.

>> No.2169509

Because it contains fat and fat tastes good.

>> No.2169515

Everyone becomes lactose intolerant over time without drinking milk. The only reason you wouldn't be lactose intolerant is because you still drink it regularly and thus trick your body into thinking it's still an infant.

>> No.2169526

interestingly though, the enzymes for catalyzing lactose (a sugar!) breakdown provided such a huge evolutionary benefit that they spread throughout a huge fraction (>8/10) of the human population in less than 10,000 years.

but evolutionherpaderpa

>> No.2169547


Actually milk isn't really that nutritious. It has a lot of calcium, but your body's ability to intake calcium is bottle-necked by the lack of vitamin D in your body. Furthermore, your digestive tract can't really absorb vitamin D very well so taking vitamin supplements even the crazy super massive vitamin D supplements doesn't really do anything. The only good way to absorb vitamin D is through sunlight exposure, just a couple hours of sunlight a week is vastly superior to drinking a ton of milk.

Besides that most milk out there on the market is ultra pasteurized, homogenized, and processed the fuck out of. You can't even make cheese with milk you buy off the shelf. I've tried it. The molecular structure of the proteins are too fucked up so it won't stick together.

I guess what a lot of people in the united states do is buy shares of a cow. Then they all own a portion of the milk that cow produces. It's illegal to sell raw milk in the US and Canada. You can't sell dairy products made from raw milk unless they've been aged for longer than 30 days.

Even then, that doesn't even bring up all the hormones and shit that are introduced into the milk supply through the farming methods of cows.

Overall it's just a bad life decision bro.

>> No.2169557
File: 239 KB, 500x500, shutupbillymays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up you vegan pussy.

>> No.2169563
File: 31 KB, 608x448, Fahgoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2169568
File: 28 KB, 290x372, fuck your theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a goddamn vegan you faggot.

>> No.2169575
File: 73 KB, 640x449, you fight like a cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not the one who takes pleasure in sucking down white liquids.

Maybe if you didn't spend all your time chugging cock you'd know it's not good for you.

>> No.2169584
File: 43 KB, 740x600, HeMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2169583


>You've got some sort of food purity dysfunction, if you ask me.

Reasons why I love /sci/.

>> No.2169580

No, you're right you're not the one drinking milk, you're the one drinking cum.

get the fuck out you giant vagina.

>> No.2169591

>I like penises in and around my mouth.


>> No.2169602

>supposedly the most intelligent board here

>> No.2169607


I do not even know where to begin...
>Actually milk isn't really that nutritious.

Actually, compared to soda, it is. Compared to energy drinks, it is. Compared to anything but water, it is.

>Besides that most milk out there on the market is ultra pasteurized, homogenized, and processed the fuck out of. You can't even make cheese with milk you buy off the shelf. I've tried it. The molecular structure of the proteins are too fucked up so it won't stick together.

Do you know why it is pasteurized? So that we don't get sick from drinking bacteria-laden milk. It doesn't chemically change the milk.
Do you know why it's homogenized? Because people don't like having to stir the milkfat in with the rest of the watery part every few minutes in order to enjoy it. It doesn't actually chemically change what is in the milk.

>I guess what a lot of people in the united states do is buy shares of a cow.

What the fuck are you smoking?

>Even then, that doesn't even bring up all the hormones and shit that are introduced into the milk supply through the farming methods of cows.

Yes, because there aren't hormones in EVERY ANIMAL PRODUCT YOU EAT, EVEN IF YOU WERE TO GO OUTSIDE AND CATCH A FUCKING RAVEN AND COOK IT AND EAT IT. And there aren't hormones in plants either, I assume you are thinking. And you would be thinking incorrectly.

>> No.2169627



How did a question on evolution of taste for milk turn into a faggoty gongshow? Not to say it isn't amusing following along, /sci/

>> No.2169653

Er, milk tastes good and it's healthy.

If I drink milk, I only have to consume about a glass of water a day since milk is 87% water anyway.

Also, milk is god-tier for bulking and gaining muscle.

>> No.2169665

>Actually, compared to soda, it is. Compared to energy drinks, it is. Compared to anything but water, it is.

>implying water is chock full of nutrients as it has more than energy drinks, soda, and milk.

>Do you know why it is pasteurized? So that we don't get sick from drinking bacteria-laden milk. It doesn't chemically change the milk.
Ultra Pasteurized is different than pasteurized. It's when they pasteurize to a much higher temperature so that they can transport it across the country in trailers without it going bad. This does molecularity damage the milk and destroys a lot of the nutrients in it which later have to be re-added in.

>Do you know why it's homogenized? Because people don't like having to stir the milkfat in with the rest of the watery part every few minutes in order to enjoy it. It doesn't actually chemically change what is in the milk.

That is one of the reasons it's homogenized, it's also done to regulate the fat levels, and overall nutrient levels of the milk so that each glass of the same brand is more or less the same. However, during this process the milk is treated and stuff is added in.

>What the fuck are you smoking?
just google 'cow shares' or 'milk shares'. It's a common practice and the only way to make real cheese at home in the united states.

>Yes, because there aren't hormones in EVERY ANIMAL PRODUCT YOU EAT, EVEN IF YOU WERE TO GO OUTSIDE AND CATCH A FUCKING RAVEN AND COOK IT AND EAT IT. And there aren't hormones in plants either, I assume you are thinking. And you would be thinking incorrectly.

Yes every living thing has hormones and requires them, but there are massive doses added to cows in order to increase production.

>> No.2169668

Reference material.


>> No.2169676

milk is so yum unhomogonised <3

>> No.2169720

I don't know about you guise, but I don't drink cum.

>> No.2169736


Water is fairly healthy for you, as far as drinks go. Soda is chock full of sugar, and caffeine. And so are energy drinks. Milk has some sugar, but also has a lot of protein, which is the same reason why peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are great.

>This does molecularity damage the milk and destroys a lot of the nutrients in it which later have to be re-added in

So what you're saying is that nutrients are destroyed and then added? Therefore, milk is nutritious.

>It's a common practice and the only way to make real cheese at home in the united states.

Don't tell me what is common in the United States when I live here and have never heard of this. While SOME people may do that, I do not believe it is that common of a practice at all.

>Yes every living thing has hormones and requires them, but there are massive doses added to cows in order to increase production.

>Implying increased production makes things unhealthy.

>That is one of the reasons it's homogenized, it's also done to regulate the fat levels, and overall nutrient levels of the milk so that each glass of the same brand is more or less the same.

I see no problem with that.

>However, during this process the milk is treated and stuff is added in.

Care to be more specific about this "stuff" that gets added in? It wouldn't happen to be the Vitamin D they add to milk, would it?

>> No.2169933

>It's a common practice and the only way to make real cheese at home in the united states.

Amerifag here. I have never even heard of this and my grandma lives on a dairy.

>> No.2169973

>So what you're saying is that nutrients are destroyed and then added? Therefore, milk is nutritious.

>implying that added nutrients have any sort of bioavailability at all

>> No.2170012


It seems there are two arguments here.

1) Drinking milk as a whole is bad.
2) Drinking processed milk is bad.

>> No.2170022

I love all this shit about molecular damage to proteins. Let us all remember that the moment any protein hits your stomach is becomes molecularly damaged (Word of the day is denatured). In fact the whole point of digestion is to break up protein enough so we can actually absorb it.

Doc here, bored and waiting for calls --- milk is fine for those who can tolerate it. But also use common sense, dont drink a shit ton of it and you'll be fine. There are plenty of other more important sources of potential toxins in the world. Dont waste your time on milk

>> No.2170073


Those raw milk people are some of the craziest fuckers around.

>> No.2170079

Enjoy not being able to make cheese.

>> No.2170101

i was so busy making cheese up to this point in my life....

>> No.2170127
File: 31 KB, 400x600, whoop acid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of savage drinks milk that you can't even turn into cheese?

>> No.2170143

I really don't know. I hate milk myself, always have. I refused to drink milk in third grade and I was actually expelled because.. I didn't like milk.
Fucking weird goddamn people

>> No.2170659


I've never liked milk either, though I do like other dairy products.