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2163293 No.2163293 [Reply] [Original]

ok /sci/
i have a compulsory philosophy and ethics exam tomorrow.
can somebody sum up ethics in a way that i don have to read to much bs?

>> No.2163306

just bs your way thru it, cite some names, etc, etc

>> No.2163328

argue ethics don't exist.

>> No.2163332

fucking faggot. Hoe does it feel knowing you're a human calculator with no emotions and feelings? hell if you ever do become sucessful, you will have no knowledge of ethics and may be in a powerful position just because you were too much of a fucking tool to open a book.

>> No.2163341

This could work. Ethics is bullshit anyway, write something and then claim your mind works differently so that they've got nothing on you.

>Community Cullles

>> No.2163373

argue that morals are only what people would willingly give up in return of protection from the same. as in give up the right to kill by getting the agreement of not killing. this agreement will be inforced by a superstructure. first religion, then, when technology permits, the state.

everything that does not fit this description, are cultural norms. homosexuality? would someone give up the right to be homosexual for the right to persecute homosexuals when he himself is a homosexual? no. so no moral. cultural norm.


>> No.2163375

This is a pretty good summation of the humanities as a profession.

>> No.2163379

your second statement could apply to the first,
moral laws and cultural customs are arbitrary.

>> No.2163396
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This is sort of as far as I have gotten, but thanks its good to see others on the same path

thanks, that is good.

moron. i need to take a bullshit philosophy class as part of my major. everybody does here.
i can fully appreciate philosophy as a subject, but reading rewritten and reinterpreted^n old works and remembering names and places, not ideas is not my idea of good learning on any scale.

>> No.2163451

actually not. for everyone it is more valuable to be save from getting murdered than the free exercise of murder. same with theft, help in emergencies, bodily integrity, freedom etc. this btw assumes a kind of state of nature with equivalent power distribution between the parties.

for homosexuality only the gay haters would gladly give up the right to be gay.