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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2149957 No.2149957 [Reply] [Original]

Every major in every university has that one class, that one class that pisses you off, that one class where the teacher can't teach for shit, that one class that you were actually worried about during the final.

What class was that for you?

Major: General Biology
Class: Ecology
Reason: The two professors that offer it are at least in their late 60 or early 70s and don't know how to teach for shit. The subject alone is fucking awful. My entire degree is cellular biology yet, this one fucking class has to deal with environmental biology and animal bullshit.


>> No.2149972

Major: physics and astronomy
Class: atomic physics
Reason: the class had no advanced electives, and it was scheduled for our first 3rd year semester. the prof however taught it at a 4th year level and assumed we had quantum mechanics and advanced math (which we didn't, as they weren't prerequisites)--a large part of the class were 4th year students because of the pre-req thing and us 3rd yearers got screwed. hardest shit ever at the time.

>> No.2149991

Major: Premed
Class: Calculus 2
Reason: To busy partying and having a good tiem

Not really mad since I still got into medical school

>> No.2149996

Major: Computing + Psychology
Class: Operating Systems.
Reason: Our lecturer is an Indian immigrant who is only partially-fluent in English. Every time he says "Determine" it sounds like he's saying "data - mine", which is confusing because we have classes on Data Mining. Not only is he hard to understand, he's extremely boring, to the point where in a class of 70 only 8 people regularly attended lectures. To top it all off, he isn't even a super-expert in his field, he has to look things up to answer people's questions, grinding lectures to a halt.

>> No.2149999

Premed isnt a major faggot

>> No.2150003
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Major: Ecology
Class: Comparative Animal Physiology
Reason: It was taught in a classroom where my long legs only fit in the front row. The professor paced around during lecture and occasionally turned to someone in the front row (usually me) and asked "Ya feel me?" Also, his lectures were insanely unorganized. It was an interesting class, but I do not like that professor. I respect him, but I do not like him.

Also, cell bio bores me to tears, so the feeling is mutual OP.

>> No.2150016
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nice trips faggot

>> No.2150028
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>> No.2150029

Major: Science + IT
Class: Systems Architecture
Reason: It's cool, I can learn 12 lectures with 120 slides in each and be assessed on an exam worth 100% of the entire unit's weighting. Feels good man.

>> No.2150049

Major: Computer science
Class: Feminist Theory in the 20th Century
Reason: Took it thinking it would be an easy humanities credit (which was required), found a class full of hambeasts and dykes actually interested in the subject. After getting verbally attacked in the first lecture for merely having a penis, I promptly switched out for a philosophy class.

If there is a god, may they be merciful to all humankind after those women graduate.

>> No.2150063

this makes me angry just reading it
fuckin feminists

>> No.2150069

oh yeah that one class
I hated college it took me 2 tries to get my degree
fuck you

>> No.2150072
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Majors: Pure and Applied Mathematics
Class: Electromagnetism (completing my physics minor)
Reason: Lecturer learned maths from the Beatles (Helter Skelter) and doesn't believe in study resources (he actually said that there's no point giving tests on things he's taught you because then you'd know it anyway, so he tests things he plans to teach you later and made the exam on things we hadn't covered at all)

Pic related, its my lecturer.

>> No.2150077

major: pure math
class: statistics
reason: it's not real math and it's so fucking boring

>> No.2150082

Major: Logic and Computation
Class: History - War and peace in the 19th and 20th C.
Reason: "The industrial revolution... changed... things...". She didn't go into more detail.

>> No.2150097

Major: Medicine.
Class: Latin
Reason: The professor is a whore.

>> No.2150111

Major: Engineering Physics
Class: Engineering Economics
Reason: That's right, an engineering degree with at least a dozen "complimentary study" crap electives, and this still comes out on top. Prof can't teach, doesn't want to teach, freaks the fuck out if you take pictures of his slides and storms out of the room, and on top of that it's a 4xx course code, so it's just excruciating to watch this old fart teach a room full of people who can do fourier transforms by sight how to mash 3 formulas. I knew it was going to be good when he said "We want to optimize this, so we plug it into excel..."

>> No.2150133

Major: EE/Physics
Class: Signals and Systems Analysis
Reason: Eastern European prof can't speak English. His lectures have nothing to do with the assignments or exams. The book is pretty awful. He's actually been hostile to students who questioned him. I never want to be sitting in that class again.

>> No.2150141

Intro Bio

learn a book.. test

>> No.2150168 [DELETED] 

Major: Honours Economics
Class: Chinese
Reason: Required LOE, also require a 3.0 minimum to stay in honours. Fucking 2/3 of the class is fluent in Korean. The other white people are taking only a couple classes, and they are Chinese language majors try-hard pussy faggots. Also a couple I know are lying about their background. Whites, but they already knew Chinese before signing up. I joined with ZERO (absolutely zero) chinese language knowledge, which is what the course description prefers. I need to take another Chinese class next semester and if I don't get a good enough mark in this class then I will be in deep shit.

>> No.2150173


not prefers; demands**

If caught lying I think you get raped by the dean.

>> No.2150342

Major: Chemistry
Class: Physical Chemistry II (quantum mechanics)
Reason: Generally a pretty tough course, and our professor was a really eccentric Asian guy that spent more time talking about questions that have no answer rather than course material. We were left to memorize problems if we wanted a good grade, and teach ourselves if we wanted to learn anything. Not fun with material that hard. I got my A, but I still feel like I don't understand a lot of the material very well.

>> No.2150362

Major : Mathematics
Class : mostly algebra
Reason : Fucking old stupid moron who thinks that reading Socrates or Aristote's thought will help us having a better understanding of differential geometry. Also, prooves every theorem with hands, and if he can't he gives us source in a book written before the 50's. Has no fucking clue how to prepare a lesson on linear algebra but sometimes has good words : "this proof is quite laxative..." "there, you can use some educational lube." "Blood and guts, sir, this is stupid."

>> No.2150378

Major: Electrical engineering
Class: linear algebra
Reason: By chance the class is mostly filled with math majors and every class is filled with them asking ridiculous question. Teacher is up teaching and one student asks "what if we have an infinite dimensional matrix.", teacher says "well now that's an interesting question.".... good god kill me now.

>> No.2150397

> Teacher is up teaching and one student asks "what if we have an infinite dimensional matrix.", teacher says "well now that's an interesting question.".... good god kill me now.

I don't get it, it seems like a reasonable question to ask. What's your problem with that?

>> No.2150403

What? You don't know about infinite dimensional spaces?

>Major: Electrical engineering
Oh, right... sorry I mentioned that.

>> No.2150409

since he's in linear algebra it obviously has nothing to do with current material. But grats on being one of the annoying shitfags that interrupts professors with irrelevant questions that ould be done outside of everyone's paid lecture time, asshole.

>> No.2150417


Jeez, out come the insults for asking what your issue was with the question, and you're calling *me* an asshole? Look in the mirror.

FYI, linear algebra does extend into infinite dimensional vector spaces / operators, and these are regularly used in engineering and science. But that's ok, it's probably a bit advanced.

>> No.2150426


Nothing to do with EE, it's just this particular guy that has a problem.

When I did EE, for instance, we covered Hilbert spaces.

>> No.2150447

Major: Chemical engineering
Class: numerical analysis
Reason: the professor would stop talking in the middle of saying something important and say "write this down" if someone isn't writing it down, what really pisses me of is lat we have a study guide that he wrote with everything in it. why the hell should we write it down? its much better to just concentrate in class than to constantly copy everything. also, if you are writing something when he is doing a problem on the board he would stop and tell the person to pay attention, Nobody could figure out whet the hell that guy wanted.

it did start a meme: all the engineers would say "write it down" when explaining something to someone.

>> No.2150451

Goddamn this. You should have called them out on their sexism.