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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2148765 No.2148765 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2148784

>graduating with a total of two degrees in 2000
>finished her Ph.D. in oceanography at Rutgers by 2006

How the fuck can she take twice as long as normal to finish her phd?

>> No.2148783
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>> No.2148786
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>Nose ring
>Lower 30's
>Rocks base guitar
...So she's like every biologist ever.


>> No.2148790
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>> No.2148800
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>Did you know the lead scientist is a woman named Felisa Wolfe-Simon — and she's young? Prepare to feel inadequate.

>> No.2148804

You clearly don't know much about getting a PhD. Also to note that she got her master's and PhD in that time.

>> No.2148812

/sci/ mad that a hot pink haired guitar playing woman with a nose ring has accomplished more and is more intellectual than your fat basement dwelling ass?

admit it, she's 1 in a 1,000,000

>> No.2148813

1 year for master and 3 years for phd is normal

>> No.2148823
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>1 year for master and 3 years for phd is normal

>> No.2148835

In fucking dramatic arts?

>> No.2148851

In science. Let me guess, you're american. Enjoy your substandard education system

>> No.2148853

so she managed to analyze some water of a toxic lake and found some bacterias using her microscope?

sounds like super SCIENCE!

>> No.2148874
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Please tell me you're fucking trolling.

For most science programs dealing in any way with biology, a Masters takes 2-3yrs and a PhD 4-5 yrs.

>> No.2148893
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>substandard education system

>mfw top universities are american universities
>mfw you went full retard
>mf to myself when i realize I have been trolled

>> No.2148889


this is true btw, you need to do a shit load of reading since biology doesn't take skill, just memory,

that girl has a great memory, big whoop,

>> No.2148896
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underage b&

>> No.2148897

oh, UMAD?

no but seriously, biology ain't shit.

>> No.2148906

>biology ain't shit

...says the irrelevant biological organism

>> No.2148907

>top universities are american universities
>implying "top university" means anything besides a popularity contest

>> No.2148912
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>Butthurt americunts

>> No.2148915


nothing new here. let me know when they write the next principia mathematica.

>> No.2148921

you're right - every advancement in medical science was probably just because some doctor memorized more information than anyone else - nothing novel has ever been figured out

>> No.2148923


it doesn't matter if you're irrelevant, relevant, biological or not if the statement is correct. That's like saying 2+2 =! 4 because a piece of white trash said it.

Do you understand it now? What I'm telling you is that you're ignorant.

>> No.2148924

Or it was done by chemists and physicists

>> No.2148925
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Actually, given that I've been analyzing coyote diet by identifying the hairs and other material (including part of a shoe) in scats, I'd have to say that biology is THE shit.

>> No.2148929

The trolling/ Counter trolling in this thread is mediocre at best

>> No.2148931

Sexism? On my /sci/?

Go to school, kiddies.

>> No.2148932


OH discovered.. discovered something in biology..

O I get it, self-importance

biology is gay when it comes to serious science


>> No.2148938

didn't understand the irony, faggot...

or did understand it and got mad?

>> No.2148943
File: 19 KB, 437x600, darwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I never figured out anything for myself - I just memorized a lot of stuff and everyone thinks I was a great biologist trollolololol

>> No.2148946

No-one actually believed that americans take 6 years to get a phd when it takes 3 in europe

>> No.2148957

technically, you did memorize some concepts, saw some differences from between certain species that looked very alike except for some characteristics, and then wrote a book about it.

big whoop but revolutionary at its time

fcuk off

>> No.2148959

sounds SO different from what most chemists and physicists do

>> No.2148968
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Fuck you Charlie. You never even thanked me for all my help you cunt.

>> No.2148969

Chemists blow stuff up and physicists have terrawatt laser. Enjoy looking through squirrel shit

>> No.2148973

speculate you dumb troll, they developed it from maths and shit, not dumb philosophy similar to psychology.

do you think a chemist would try to combine hydrogen with oxygen just like that?
LOL no unless he expected a certain death like a dumbass

do you think a physicists found out how the big bang was with just- OH WAIT THEY CAN'T EVEN OBSERVE THOSE LITTLE TINY PIECES OF ENERGY, THEY'RE NOT EVEN VISIBLE!

they didn't they fucking found it out with hardcore science

you, you're just trash.
go be unemployed like 30% of your cohorts

>> No.2148975
File: 14 KB, 288x363, TaylorIMMchAlfredRusselWallaceM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can both suck it.

>> No.2148999

hey mathfags if it wasn't for biology your parents wouldn't have sex, and therefor you.

mathfags, chemists, physicists and underlings status:
[ ] told

>> No.2149007

>The surprisingly ugly and self-satisfied woman behind the arsenic aliens discovery

In her blog post she remarked that her discovery had the potential to be the most significant scientific discovery of all time.

>> No.2149006

> implying the same couldn't be said about the physics, chemistry, etc. required for sex to take place aren't equally necessary

also fuck your trips

>> No.2149016

well, technically, it is about finding life in other places that don't have shit to do with earths ecosystem or whatever the fuck it needs to sustain life-rather she discovered that it wasn't neccesary that life just happens, somehow.

I sustain my theory hwoever, that a long group of ape men took shits in that lake and it evolved from that, technically life adapted to the harsh conditions, it wasn't born from harsh conditions,

fucking shit bacteria man

>> No.2149020
File: 95 KB, 500x333, True Happyness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, /sci/, you guys are taking this argument too seriously.
Trolls on both sides are being trolled.
The truth is that all of the scientists picked the science they were interested in. Interests differ and, thus, science advances in all directions.
'Tis life.

>> No.2149029



>> No.2149032


As far as we can tell, it's just a normal bacterium that has adapted to use arsenic. It's just another boring old extremophile.

>> No.2149034
File: 996 KB, 1440x900, so whats up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm with you, man.
This thing is still rooted with everything else; it just adapted to the arsenic rich environment.

>> No.2149035

>a woman does something
>trolls at sci are trolling

>> No.2149046

god exists therefor god doesn't exist

>> No.2149065

she really didn't do anything man

just a lucky slut

>> No.2149076

inb4 nobel prize

>> No.2149122

she's still doing more than all men on /sci/.

>> No.2149126

does she lurk /sci/?
btw the only awesome scientist was nikolai

>> No.2149166

she does have a facebook and now everyone knows 4chan...
you do the math about the chances