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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2146433 No.2146433 [Reply] [Original]

come on atheists, is it really hard to be honest, reasonable human beings?

>> No.2146435

It really isn't! And it's worth it.
Make the leap, you won't regret it.

>> No.2146437

That's not the problem.

The problem is, no-one listens to the reasonable people.

>> No.2146438

i'm a honest, reasonable atheist. what now, OP?

>> No.2146444

It is clear this thread needs a lot more attention.

Interested bump. We need people to see how important this thread is.

>> No.2146448

Come on Theists, is it really hard to take a few minutes to think about how your shit makes no sense?

>> No.2146455

Yall niggas posting in an aether thread

>> No.2146458


Well, I don't normally participate in the theist vs atheist debate, because I've already argued it to death. But when I do, I usually do it sobermindedly. If you're only paying attention to the Youtube and /b/ atheists, then all you're going to see are mostly young brand new atheists cutting their teeth on really old and debunked christian apologetics.

>> No.2146461

I don't think Alister McGrath is that old.

>> No.2146466


He is common name amongst youtube and /b/ arguments amongst atheists and christians?

>> No.2146479

He's a christian apologetic that has debated/conversed with Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. I prefer to watch these significantly more eloquent discussions as opposed to watching thunderf00t stammer with the banana man or TAA dismantle venomfangx.

>> No.2146499
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I assume that by honest and reasonable that you mean gullible and irrational.

>> No.2146500
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>> No.2146502

Apologists are often very clever and well thought-out, but they're not playing the same game as atheists.

Apologists' job is to COUNTER obvious criticisms of the logic of their religion. They don't actually provide reasons for believing it in the first place.

>> No.2146508



>> No.2146515

Yes, /sci/ has mods.

>> No.2146551 [DELETED] 
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This post will end in any number except 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9

>> No.2146556


I WAS having fun being occasionally paranoid.

Thanks for ruining it, smegma.

>> No.2146561
File: 121 KB, 240x249, troll_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, Aether all over this bitch.
Fucking trollbait, I expected more of you /sci/.

>> No.2146828

you are 'a' god,
where as I am god,
what now?

>> No.2146831
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>> No.2146835

i 'pray' in the archaic sense, where 'praying' is 'thinking good' and 'preaching' is 'doing'.

>> No.2146839

Dear aether,
Die in a fire.

That is all.

>> No.2146840
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fuck you! atheist scum!

>> No.2146849

chess match, theist vs atheist


>> No.2146851

Wow, your words of wisdom just converted me and my entire family of intelligent atheists that know more about religion than most of its actual believers!

>> No.2146858
File: 119 KB, 578x893, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you understand all the hidden metaphors in this picture in the correct order, you understand life

inner-metaphor: 'the truth that was hidden from him'

>> No.2146862
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>> No.2146867
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>> No.2146868
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Man that is some pessimistic shit. In real life, the guy in the back would have thousands of pieces in his hand. Anytime those pieces get mad, the guy in the back would run away. Or die. We pawns have the power; without us, there is no king. Those rich, shadowy people know damn well that any time we want, we can troll/kill them so hard.

>> No.2146889

"Then some one has said: 'Since the Revolution the people has gained Rights. The people governs!' Strange! The people has now been ruling three years and no one has in practice once asked its opinion."

>> No.2146893

Think about 'ad hominem' -- 'to the man', you cannot 'ad hominem' or it's one of your 'traits' so to speak.

>> No.2146903

and your playing your games with warriors

>> No.2146911


chess anyone?
last dude (atheist) got pwned

>> No.2146935


Nice counter dubs, sir.

>> No.2146944
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any questions about life?

>> No.2146972

That's probably not the metaphor for the pawn

>> No.2146974
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Why the snake?

>> No.2146981

he loves us :(

>> No.2146997
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why atheism?

>> No.2147027

why impure?

>> No.2147041
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>> No.2147072
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what are you doing?

>> No.2147086

Well it's possible, but without a guiding ideology you might end up like some of the worst dictators the world has ever seen. E.g. Stalin, Mao etc..

>> No.2147092

Dear God, I hope not.

>> No.2147094

stalinism / maoism is state religion

next argument plz

>> No.2147110

>theist on /sci/

Why do you even bother? All the atheists here are way too hardcore for you to do anything other than irritate us. Unless you're trolling, you're wasting your life. Of course, if you are trolling, you're still wasting your life.

Enjoy never mastering the secrets of the universe, religiousfag

>> No.2147117


Next question.

>> No.2147126
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>> No.2147145

i'm the one charging the lazor

>> No.2147148

Quickly, throw a taco into his mouth!

>> No.2147170


>> No.2147182
File: 86 KB, 420x632, iamlege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really

>> No.2147195
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i'm already tuned in

>> No.2147210

that's it, it's not longer fun to troll this theistfag. I propose we start saging this, for what good it will do