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File: 1.67 MB, 2048x1536, non-tipping_engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2129639 No.2129639 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.2129650

That is some f'ed up shit. I actually make it a point to tip better than others. Waiters have to put up with so much shit.

>> No.2129653

I didn't know homosexuals were cheap

>> No.2129664

I don't usually think gay engineer jokes are funny but this one got me.

>> No.2129669

As someone who has worked at a restaurant around an engineer school or catered to a community with a engineer count, I can confirm this.

>> No.2129673

I don't give a shit about them, they've should've gotten a better job like I did. Engineers are just giving them what they deserve,

>> No.2129677

The science of douchebaggery?

>> No.2129685

you guys treat this like it's a bad thing.

>> No.2129687


Problem is in your retarded country they aren't even being paid the full wage for their shitty job. The civilised nations of the world don't have tipping.

>> No.2129692

Yeah, and those "civilized" nations have higher food prices because of this, dumbfucks.

>> No.2129701

I hope you get spit in your food for the rest of your life. Waiters don't make an hourly wage... and if they do it is something like $1.50 per hour. They are working for tips. If you're going to go to a restaurant plan on tipping 15% minimum. Personally, I say $5 minimum.

>> No.2129710

They're still dumbfucks that weren't smart enough to get a better job like I did. They have no one else to blame but themselves, and they're going to do is be butthurt about it and take it out on more successful people like engineers and trying to get other saps to feel sorry for them. They're a waste of life doing it on purpose.

>> No.2129729


And lower income inequality, lower crime, higher life expectancy...

Are you sure you didn't get lost on the way to /new/?

>> No.2129736

No, I don't belong with those Neanderthals, I actually have intelligence and skill. /new/ is probably more food-serverfaggotry than /sci/.

>> No.2129738

And suddenly I hate engineers now...

>> No.2129747

engineer here

i tip 20% when i go out.

>> No.2129750


So? I should pay more for x commodity so the average life expectancy of the nation goes up?


Fuck your socialism

>> No.2129755

You're a pathetic excuse for an engineer then. Socialist faggot, I worked my ass off so I could get away from shits like you.

>> No.2129758

lol I'm an engineer I can relate to this.

If they don't like then they can find work elsewhere.

>> No.2129760

Why the fuck wouldn't you want that? Even for libertarianism/capitalism that's incredibly illogical.

>> No.2129772

ITT: people with boogers in their burgers

>> No.2129773


Why would I want to pay more for goods and services?

Because I'm not functionally retarded.

>> No.2129775

lol, i bet you don't even have a job.

>> No.2129776
File: 151 KB, 500x403, 1085682647_d5b4dfd09d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Gay men making fun of other gay men

>> No.2129779

I'm not saying give them all your money. Just give them the amount they deserve for doing their job. Without them you would have to cook your own food... pour your own drink...

I'm not saying tip someone who sucks at waiting. If someone sucks I do not tip them well. But, if they were okay I do 20% or $5 which ever is more.

Why? I have a good job and I don't have to worry about the money. They don't have the greatest job in the world but, they are doing something. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to school.

>> No.2129786

Why should I care? Tipping is a charity, you should only do it if you want to do it, as a reward to your food server for being a good server; not as in obligation, you're not forced to do it.

>> No.2129790

What the fuck does tipping amounts have to do with your profession?

>> No.2129791

Why wouldn't you want to pay for goods and services that actually improve your life style, extend you life expectancy, and actually do wonders for you? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.2129795


And yet you depend on people like them to bring you your food.
Why not go all out and become completely self-dependent? Grow your own crops, make your own electricity, craft your own tools, etc. I'm sure you can do that.
We need the low-income jobs as much as we need the high-income ones. If you think low-income workers aren't allowed a reward for their work, then do it yourself.

>> No.2129798


>deserve for doing their jo

nobody deserves shit.

There is no objective measure that.

If they weren't making enough to be food servers, then the position wouldn't exist.

>> No.2129800

Then it's their faults for being unintelligent failures, and should be punished for it, and it looks like they already are.

>> No.2129809

I'm an intelligent individual with skills that actually managed to get to where he is today on hard work and goals alone. It'd be virtually impossible for me NOT to have a job, I'm not unintelligent.

>> No.2129815


>Engineers talking about intelligence.

That's nice, honey. Now go build me a fucking bridge.

>> No.2129819

You're implying that waiters are unintelligent and failures. Also, that engineers are intelligent and successful.

How do you measure intelligence and success? Ability to do math and size of your bank account?

>> No.2129822


>Why wouldn't you want to pay for goods and services that actually

>improve your life style,

Subjective my lifestyle is fine. I enjoy it

>extend you life expectancy,

Why should I want to extend my life expectancy?

That's my concern not yours.

At any rate I have health insurance and I take good care of myself, so that's a moot point.

>and actually do wonders for you?

I already use my resources to obtain the things I want and need. I'm not going to use MY resources to bring up what others perceive to be the quality of life of the average.

Those poor food service workers don't mean shit to me.

Enjoy your socialism.

>> No.2129825


>math and size of your bank account?


>> No.2129828

>If you think low-income workers aren't allowed a reward for their work
They don't even deserve to live, most lazy socialists don't. They already gave up and wasted their lives, it's their fault. I actually did something with my life, I was actually smart enough to put myself through a school to become a part of society that builds skyscrapers and maintain bridges and build society in general, I actually achieved shit with my life, I wasn't stupid enough to go into shitty food serving jobs, they were. They don't deserve my charity, even a penny.

>> No.2129836

You must be a very sad person...

>> No.2129845

Hell yeah OP
These are the same minimum wage earning stuck up bitches who won't give you the time of day at the club yet want you to give them a 20% tip. The only tip they're getting from me is the tip of my dick.

>> No.2129856

Do you eat out? If so, you should tip... If not, then fine don't give out your money.

Is it only tipping waiters you don't like? Or are you stingy in all aspects of your life?

>> No.2129870

I see you read Atlas Shrugged

>> No.2129876

No I'm just an individual that's intelligent and worth something, I deserve what I get and what I have. Food servers and other poor faggots? They didn't do a damn thing with their lives, they put themselves there, and they shouldn't be asking for charity, they don't deserve any help, it's their fault. Fuck, all charities are bullshit for this reason, it gives hand-outs to the lazy and the failures, mostly money taken away from people like me, people that actually did something with their lives, taken away and given to the failures. It's virtual thievery. Red Cross, Salvage Army, all charity organizations do this, they shouldn't exist, they should be banned.

>> No.2129882

That's kind of a dick thing to do or rather not do. Well I did something worse as a little kid but I didn't know any better. I would take all the tips on the table left by people because I assumed people forgot to take their change.

>> No.2129892


While I agree that charities should not exist, that is simply because their roles must be replaced by government programmes funded by taxes levied on the rest of us.

We *need* a working class. Our economy won't function without it. And it is in our own interests to make sure the working class exists in tolerable conditions, otherwise we get a whole slew of morons voting republican.

>> No.2129890
File: 50 KB, 1207x935, whoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's... That's not why there's change on the tables? Oh, oops...

>> No.2129905

I like this link...


>> No.2129911

Tipping is not a charity, you aspie.

>> No.2129919

Thank you! WTF is wrong with paying for a service?

>> No.2129922

As an Oregonian, I'm rather proud of what's included in the "Warning" section. Though I do know some girls that still make below minimum wage as waitresses, but that's because their parents own the restaurant and thus their employers.

>> No.2129930


>> No.2129932

Yes it is, you're not forced or required to do it, therefore it's a charity, and not an obligation. And charities are fucked up in general for the reasons I already listed.

>> No.2129938

Because it's socialism and socialist oppression to do so, and doing so also advocates for it. It's the same exact thing as giving your money to a food server because said server has a gun in your face. Same. Fucking. Thing.

>> No.2129945


>> No.2129952

ITT: a bunch of middle class white guys talk about how lazy people are born into a life of misery they thoroughly deserve

>> No.2129953

I agree in the situation where employees make at least minimum wage. At that point a tip is only when the service is exemplary. However, most restaurants in the US do not pay their wait staff much. I know several who pay $2 / hr.

>> No.2129966


With improved production born out of technology they dont have to be poor.

>> No.2129967

If they all went to school and got better jobs, you would not be at the restaurant in the first place. Got over yourself and take a class in economics.

>> No.2130003
File: 154 KB, 1318x1073, 8IB33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to thank this thread for rekindling the fire that powers my hatred for libertarians, objectivists, and engineers.