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2128666 No.2128666 [Reply] [Original]

Riddles time.

I'm not in a hurry but I am in a race, through I start at the End, I end in every Place.

What am I?

>> No.2128671

the letter E

>> No.2128679

PS I'm the riddle God, bring on your best.

>> No.2128681

YAAAY!! you are the second person in the world to solve this riddle, since I made it up a few hours ago and tested it on my brother, I know it's not difficult, but I like it, it's kind of a weeeee riddle.

>> No.2128691

old mother twitchet had one eye,
and a long tail that she let fly,
and everytime she went through a gap,
she left a bit of her tail in the trap

>> No.2128698

Good one, and nice trips.

Here's a classic (translated from Swedish).

If you walk on me when I am alive I stay quiet.
If you walk on me when I am dead I roar.

>> No.2128702
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yo, riddle god:
what is everywhere at night, follows you into the western sunset and makes the moon turn red?

pic related, it's my first CAPTCHA

>> No.2128709

Needle and thread.

>> No.2128717


Needle and thread. Am I right?

Also, >>2128698 should end with "Who am I?".

>> No.2128747


>> No.2128749

When you're right, you're right.

I'm often pulled, but rarely held, if you have wit, you'll use me well, what am I?

a little something from dragon-age players.

>> No.2128752

grass? or any plant for that matter?

>> No.2128756

needle and thread, but i see that was answered
uhh, foilage?
the atmosphere

>> No.2128767




No clue

>> No.2128762


>> No.2128781

not quite.
close. I guess the moon was a little misleading.

>> No.2128786


>> No.2128788

dammn i'll hafta revoke my riddle god card...

>> No.2128791


>> No.2128797


Undead lion.


>> No.2128799

how the fuck is a tongue "often pulled"
no-one pulls a tongue.

>> No.2128809

i do.

>> No.2128817

It has no ending, yet only three eyes.

Should read it out loud to get it.

>> No.2128822

Marrrrriage. has an ending. fucket.

>> No.2128829


>> No.2128843

true. has to big of a hint thought, should be harder when asked.

>> No.2128846

If you have me, youl want to share me. If you share me, then you nolonger have me. what am i?

>> No.2128865

secret? worries?

>> No.2128873

yeah you got it, secret

>> No.2128884

What gets wetter as it dries?

>> No.2128888

It's a phrase used in a lot of countries around the world, When someone's pulling your tongue it means that they're practically begging to told off, for example, you know Steve, he's not really a friend, but you still hang out with him from time to time simply because he is there, you know Steve is not only broke, but cheap as fuck, if he was the richest guy in the world he would still go half a mile out of his way to pick up a penny, one day you're sitting with Steve in a local pub when he start's to brag to another accquaintance, "I paid for my sister's house renovation" he said, "thanks to me, her children have a warm bed tonight" in this instance, Steve is pulling your tongue, you could hold your tongue, or "OMG WTFH YOU ARE A BROKEASS PIECE OF SHIT THAT WOULD SELL HIS OWN MOTHER FOR A QUARTER"

>> No.2128894

towel, boo ya!

>> No.2128896

check out my quads and trips in one thread.

A penis would have been an acceptable answer as well, hardeee har har

>> No.2128898

a towel :)

>> No.2128910

Yeah I love that one.

What can go up down but not down up?

>> No.2128918


Obama's penis.

>> No.2128923

Newton's law of gravity?

>> No.2128932

The letter n drawn normally.

>> No.2128933

Got you mofos stumped on this one.

5 more guesses before I reveal the answer. And no googling.

>> No.2128935

or a projectile

>> No.2128941

What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees,
Up, up it goes,
And yet never grows?

>> No.2128952


Mountains, I suppose.

>> No.2128957

Or a glacier?

Answer to this is an umbrella.

>> No.2128961

the 1S2 atomic orbital?

>> No.2128958

mountains can grow... how do you think they got there?
and i think its buildings or some shit.

>> No.2128989

that's why i knew this riddle, because it doesn't make sense now with our current knowledge of plate tectonics. it's from mr. bilbo faggins.

>> No.2129028

ok here goes everything.
What get shorter the older it gets?

>> No.2129036

a penis

>> No.2129040

a candle.

>> No.2129053


>> No.2129061

riddles on the internet......you guys using google

>> No.2129074

although not directly in proportion... only when you light it...if you put it away and forget about it, it will stay the same length, and get older... i thought it would probably be something else.

erm, what takes up no space, but you can fill a room with it?

>> No.2129071 [DELETED] 

although not directly in proportion... only when you light it...if you put it away and forget about it, it will stay the same length, and get older... i thought it would probably be something else.

erm, takes up no space, but you can fill a room with it?

>> No.2129086


>> No.2129088

TBF- most of these riddles probably are ancient, and can be solved with google...but that would be cheating, and is no fun.

>> No.2129094

...you linked to the wrong post, but yeh, thats correct, for my one...

>> No.2129103

what can float on water
crush anything on earth
and isnt alive

>> No.2129117

what gets wetter as it drys?

>> No.2129121

nah..it cant crush everything...

i dunno.

>> No.2129128
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derp >>2128884

>> No.2129123

a blanket

>> No.2129142

think, titan of agriculture and harvest

>> No.2129143

yo, Anon, Riddles are a form of quick entertainment that makes you think since ages past, riddles have always been weak to cheating, and they always will, there are countless way of cheating, simply knowing the answer beforehand from hearing the riddle previously is one form, so it is impossible to prevent, but you know what? it's not a competition, it's not a test to prove our intelligence, it's a simple fun waste of time, and cheating just deprives the cheater of fun, nobody else, so if anyone wants to use google, by all means, feel free.

>> No.2129175

yo, Anon, this is serious business here.

>> No.2129183

Brothers and sister have I none,
but you're all faggots..

Once my family was an open book.
Now I'm alone and black as a rook.
What am I?

>> No.2129296

A chess piece?

>> No.2129311

Don't know the answer, but the answer a chess piece is too obvious to be correct, you never name the solution in the riddle itself.

>> No.2129324

riddler here.

>> No.2129398

I want to say fire, but I'm pretty sure it's wrong...

>> No.2129420

>bursting with anticipation

>> No.2129427

Then... A candle in a church? That's the best I can think of right now.

>> No.2129492

a letter

a letter of the alphabet

a burnt peice of paper

i'm pretty sure it's a letter

>> No.2129495


a clock

>> No.2129501


>> No.2129502

I see without eyes
and run without legs
have ears but can't talk
and hands but can't touch

>> No.2129527


is it a black man's cock?

>> No.2129552

burnt page? book? tree?

>> No.2129592


>> No.2129695


>> No.2129766

and I keep leaning towards a clock of some kind because of the 'running' an hands, but I don't think that's it...