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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2124299 No.2124299 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: If wishes exist, what would you wish for...

I wish women would find me attractive for my intelligence instead, and not for my money or to make their girlfriends or ex-boyfriends jealous.

>mfw that wish will never be granted

>> No.2124301

Fucking beta. Go to /r9k/.

>> No.2124315
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I wish women even paid attention to me in the first place.

>mfw when they don't but a faggot like you apparently is

>> No.2124317
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Invest a few quid in a business, sit around changing identitiy for a few hundred years, take my cash back out, buy FTL spaceship and weep with joy.

mfw this doesn't happen

>> No.2124325
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Why? Why worry about that when we will soon have sex clones, genetically engineered for compatibility?

>> No.2124347
File: 1.00 MB, 4877x4500, sigh22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would wish for self-confidence, a modest income, a social life that makes me smile everyday, a girl that's cute but clever and a bit devious, and my relationship with my parents to be made less shitty.

>mfw shit like this is always easier said than done

>> No.2124349

>You have one wish, mortal, use it wisely

"I wish I had the ability to grant myself as many wishes as I want."

>> No.2124361


>> No.2124364

Why you mad though?

>> No.2124365

I wish to gather all knowledge and understanding

>> No.2124370

That's not the question.
You are not being clever.
No one appreciates the joke because it's not funny.
You are probably thirteen years old, at best.
Take that as a compliment, because the alternative is just being really, really stupid.
If anyone finds this funny, it will be you, the samefag trying to hide your dipshittery.

>> No.2124374

You'd think an all powerful, wish granting entity would already filled up this loophole in some way.

>> No.2124381

work on confidence.

your wish is now granted.

>> No.2124383
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I sad, not mad. Very, very sad. mfw

>> No.2124392
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Why are you mad at a retarded post made on an anonymous forum, a post that will have no bearing on reality what so ever?

>> No.2124395
File: 48 KB, 364x469, You mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You jelly you didn't think of it first?

>> No.2124404

Get happy instead you live in one of the greatest times in human history with a comparatively high level of comfort a level of comfort not even dreamed of by most of humanity in history.

>> No.2124413
File: 113 KB, 1028x735, aaa stupid imply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you live in one of the greatest times in human history
>Implying the Italian Renaissance wasn't God Tier

>> No.2124429

Confidence is for rich, collar popping douchefags at the frat house.

>> No.2124446
File: 17 KB, 238x217, AHAHAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw shit-mucking still existed, and the church.

>> No.2124448
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>Implying the Italian Renaissance had talking pianos


>> No.2124457


>The Church

God, /sci/, this is why I hate you guys so very much.

>> No.2124459
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>> No.2124461

I guess so people would use there brains more so there would be no religion, a venus project like world would come and that i get to live forever

>> No.2124463

I meant the bad catholic church at the time, not every church or Christian ever.

>> No.2124468
File: 31 KB, 526x300, WTF am I reading, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I meant the bad catholic church at the time,

>> No.2124487


>>Implying the Italian Renaissance had ultra-sensative Robotic Hands


>> No.2124489

>bad catholic church
Define this for me, please.

>> No.2124495

Fap hands.

>> No.2124498


>Dynamic Regrasping


>> No.2124500

The inquisition, Galileo etc.

>> No.2124512


>Implying the Italian Renaissance had SuDoKu solving robots


>> No.2124520

Umm, what?

>> No.2124528
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Problem /sci/?

>> No.2124556
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>> No.2124584



>> No.2124590
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>> No.2124593
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>> No.2124609
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>> No.2124627

Viral bullshit, not a meme.

4chan was the target of a, frankly insulting, viral marketing campaign and you guys are propagating it.

No other board is continuing this (except /b/) why are you?

>> No.2124635


you're wrong

>> No.2124638

Why you mad?

>> No.2124653
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>> No.2125079
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Feels good man.

>> No.2125113
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>> No.2125537

id wish for the power to take any thing i imagine and make it a reality.. so basically god

>> No.2125540

But humans already do that......

>> No.2125549
File: 19 KB, 589x375, 1277246790087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish women would find me attractive for my intelligence

Sure is /r9k/ in here...

>> No.2125557

i'd squander my wish on being able to levitate birds at my whim

>> No.2125563

I'd wish for a small home way far out in the middle of nowhere upon which I'd never have to pay taxes or rent and enough money for me to be kept fed.

ultimate goal: never have to work or be bothered by anyone ~

>> No.2125572


I wish I had money or intelligence. Ideally both.