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2122492 No.2122492 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you believe that weed is bad? I smoke infrequently, but I don't think it's bad. Alch and Tobacchy are worse, so why the hate?

>> No.2122497

I don't believe that at all.

Why are you projecting?

>> No.2122498

No hate. Anyone with a brain and access to the facts knows that Weed isn't a big deal and should probably never have been made illegal in the first place.

>> No.2122499
File: 73 KB, 312x285, noctislove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erry dayyy

>> No.2122505

Hmm, I'm glad /sci/ is my home board. I thought you guys were like super against it. Maybe thats only /g/, but thats because they like being sober because their waifus demand it.

>> No.2122509

Although i wouldn't smoke because of the potential health risks, i must admit that comparing to other "hard drugs" marijuana is not so bad.Also, those who smoke aren't a danger for others; they tend to be quite calm

>> No.2122532

You see, /sci/ has a tendancy to actually look up shit before they give an opinion about it.

We like facts. The facts say that Weed isn't some epidemic drug that ruins lives, nor do they say it's lethally harmful.

Now, if you go to another board that's fill with lazy fucks or underage users, they'll just spout whatever anyone tells them.

>> No.2122536

From what I gathered on /sci/, most people are pro-marijuana. Unlike /v/ who hates it because they're so antisocial that they have no access to find it.

>> No.2122554
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>The facts say that Weed isn't some epidemic drug that ruins lives
>weed doesn't ruin lives

>> No.2122560


Of course a tripfag had to come in and spread his propaganda around here.

>> No.2122603

It's not propaganda. If it really wasn't dangerous, why wouldn't the governments legalize it? They're just doing a favor for the population by taking drugs away from them. Would you want to get hooked by weed? Would you like to spend your days thinking about it? Would you like to lose all your friends because you are too busy smoking? Would you like to lose your job? Would you like to be called a druggie? Would you like to consume illegal products? Would you like to inhale all kinds of stuff into your lungs? Would you like not being able to control your thoughts? Would you like not being yourself? And the list goes on.

Now stop whining and being dumb as fuck, the governments are not making it illegal it to be arrogant, but to help you not take the wrong path.

>> No.2122623

Governments just want to look good. If there is a moral panic regarding weed the government will steer clear of it regardless of the facts.

>> No.2122659

Dolan you wouldn't happen to be an aspie high school teacher would you?

>> No.2122707
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wow you're a fucking idiot. have you ever smoked weed before or been around people who have? Don't criticizes shit you don't understand. Marijuana is illegal because of racism against Mexicans in the 1930's and because of pressure against hemp farming by special interest groups in the paper and fabric industries.

>Would you want to get hooked by weed?
ITT: A tripfag thinks weed is physically addictive.

>Would you like to lose all your friends because you are too busy smoking?
last time I checked stoners were pretty social, if not kind of annoying for being so high all the time.

>Would you like to consume illegal products?
fallaciously circular appeal to authority

>Would you like to lose your job?
Only if your workplace tested for it. And the only reason they test for it is because of the legal liability, which would be such a big deal if the plant were legal. DERP. Another circular argument.

>Would you like to inhale all kinds of stuff into your lungs?
If weed were legal, the growers would be more legit and the quality of the weed smoke would be a market issue. Getting drugs off the street and into the store = safer and less adulterated drugs

>Would you like not being able to control your thoughts?
lol wut?

>Would you like not being yourself?
you must be trolling

When I was 16, I thought that if you ate a weed plant, it would kill you. Get your facts straight.

ITT: A trip fag believes the government propaganda thinks the outlawing of weed isn't purely a historical political issue, among other bits of misunderstanding and total ignorance.

>> No.2122717

well fuck! I am a Stalinist and that kind of too much caring seemed oppressive to me.

>> No.2122727

I wrote a very long comment descrbing in great detail how much of an idiot you are, with facts to back up my points, basically going over your entire post point by point saying why every single one is bullcrap, but 4chan says the post is too long so i lost it. however, to summarise: 90% of those points are bullcrap, 5% also apply to alcohol, and 5% of them don't make sense ("Would you like to consume illegal products?" when we are discussing the pro's and con's of LEGALISING weed)

>> No.2122729


Doren, even if what you just said wasn't 2/10 trolling, the fact remains that the government shouldn't be "helping" anyone take any particular "path".

>> No.2122731

>I thought that if you ate a weed plant, it would kill you
No it won't kill you, but it contains chemicals that harm the body. All your counter-arguments are bullshit, but just answer this question and you will know why I'm not for marijuana:

If you had the choice to harm your body and brain, would you?

>> No.2122743

depends what I would get in return

>> No.2122748

would you?
i take it you don't drink alcohol then? (btw, alcy is more harmful to body and brain, than weed is)

>> No.2122750

That's not the question.

>> No.2122754

The overwhelming response to that for the general public is "YES". how many people smoke, or drink? how many people live off mcdonalds cheeseburgers? the reality is that people use drugs no matter what the government says. legalising weed would save a lot of space in jails and take a lot of pressure off the police, allowing them to focus on the robbers & rapists that get away with their crimes.

>> No.2122760

Alcohol is fine once in a while. It can be bought legally so you know for sure that it doesn't contain anything else than alcohol. (so it's pure and regulated) But it isn't the case with marijuana. I don't see the point harming your body if you have the choice. It's just like saying yes to "would you like to die horribly in a car accident?".

>> No.2122761


Why exactly are his arguments bullshit? Oh right, you can't, you're just using another fallacy.

Also, you just proved again that you don't know anything about cannabis. Large numbers of studies show that cannabis is actually a medicinal plant on many accounts. It helps many people with very different diseases, and brain studies show that moderate marijuana consumption is actually beneficial for most people. Only the hot smoke (not the smoke itself!) from joints have been proved to be harmful to the lungs, but there are many other ways to use marijuana, you know....

I'm not a smoker myself, but you're just an unneducated ass with biased opinions. Facts are, cannabis is not harmful and is actually used to treat many illnesses that can't be treated otherwise.

>> No.2122763

That is the question. weed feels good, so people smoke it. if weed didn't feel good people wouldn't smoke it, but it does so they do.

>> No.2122766


Some people will choose to, yes, because they don't perceive the harm as great as you do.

For example, I vapourise so the negative effects on my lungs are greatly reduced - I don't experience any other harm from consumption that would make me want to stop smoking, so I smoke - in fact, I experience percevied benefits and that I why I constinue my consumption - if you care so much about your health stop being sedentary and posting on 4chan.

>> No.2122770

Have you ever tried real marijuana illegally? Do you know what it feels like being hooked to a drug? I don't think so. Why is it that so many people who have NEVER tried it speak so much about it?

>> No.2122771

Circular reasoning again. weed isn't regulated, so we shouldn't regulate it. alcohol on it's own is very harmful, not just to the user (think liver cirrosis) but also to other people, unlike weed (drink-driving)

>> No.2122773

Hey look I can use a dolan argument too:

If weed is so bad, why are they legalizing the use of medical marijuana?

>> No.2122774
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>> No.2122777

weed is fine once in a while as well.
my mate grows it, so we know its pure.
... i read that some crooked dealers sprinkle ground up glass particles on the young plants, that then grow around the glass...and this increases the weight...so dealer gets more money.
...but customers end up inhaling microscopic bits of glass... must be pretty bad.
also, is that a myth? or did i hear right?

>> No.2122778


Wow, even if you're trolling, you're the most hypocrite, biased, unneducated, thick-headed individual I've seen in a while.

Stoners can be annoying, but they're just that, annoying, you're actually a fucking horrible human being and your unneducated opinions are harmful to the advancement of the human race.

>> No.2122781

people hate stoners for the same reason they hate furfags: they're loud, abnoxious and self-righteous.

Its not about the weed, its about the people that smoke it.


>> No.2122784

yeah, that picture that looks like it was made in paint with no sources and a weird grading system sure proves everything

>> No.2122785

>I'm not a smoker myself
There you go, just because of that I'm not going to read all that shit you wrote.
>you're just an unneducated ass
Again ad hominem attacks. Keep en comin'. :) I'm not going to argue with some immature kid who only knows swearing and insulting, that shit ain't my cup of tea.

>> No.2122788

marijuana is not addictive.

>> No.2122790

So by your own argument you shouldn't talk about it? because it isn't addictive, so you can't have tried it recently.

>> No.2122791

sounds like grade A bullshit

>> No.2122795

sounds like a variant myth of menthol cigarettes containing fiberglass:

>> No.2122798
File: 14 KB, 497x501, 1279808271372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not against weed per se, but every stoner I know is a humongous retard who thinks he's above every one else intellectually, just because he's reached a "higher state" of intelligence by smoking weed and looked into pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.

"Dude, the system's like totally corrupt man, Babylon dude" Zeitgeist is sadly used as a source almost every time. If they had studied politics 101 most people wouldn't be saying that.

They are also the "fucking magnets" kind of people

"Dude, how does [insert natural phenomena] work, that's so deep man" Even on simple mechanics.

Pic related, it's their faces when they ponder about "deep" stuff that can be explained in quite simple terms by a person with even the most basic understanding of society and science.

Sound familiar?

>> No.2122800


>> No.2122801

"Grit weed is marijuana that has been embedded with tiny bits of glass or silica to add weight. Since pot is most often sold by weight, unscrupulous dope dealers add the glass to bulk up the value of the pot without regard to what inhaling bits of glass can do to smokers' lungs."

>> No.2122802

I saw a guy post on here once that after he did LSD he had "a complete understanding of wave-particle duality"

>> No.2122805

They ponder about deep stuff when they are stoned. of course they look spaced!

>> No.2122807

How do you explain the fact millions of people smoke weed every single day? Do you truly think "I can stop whenever I want" is correct? Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.2122812

apparently it's legit, wow
fucking idiots in california who didn't vote to legalize it

>> No.2122813

* erry day


>> No.2122819


Yes yes, I understand that. It's just that the stuff isn't really deep at all.

>> No.2122821


You're either a troll or you really have zero sense of what is sound logic.

"Why do millions of people use a computer every day"

Ever think there could be a variety of reasons that aren't constant for the aggregate? It can be addictive in the same sense that any activity people enjoy and seek to repeat can be called 'addictive'.

You're also assuming that everyone who smokes smokes every day or even is past the line of normal use and into abuse territory.

>> No.2122822

I eat fruit every day, not because I'm addicted but because I like it. Same goes for pot, it feels good so I do it once in a while when I feel like it.

>> No.2122826

and also, it isn't addictive, its just good. thats why people do it again.
like, chocolate isn't addictive, but it tastes good, so its an experience you repeat.
doesn't mean its addictive.

also, i don't do it 'erry day' anyway, just occassionally. so i KNOW it isn't addictive.

>> No.2122827
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Daily smoker here ♥

>> No.2122830

>Why do you believe that weed is bad?
That's amenable to multiple interpretations. If you mean "Why do you think weed should be illegal?" I don't. If you mean "Why do you elect not to use weed?" I believe intellectual faculties are the unique endowment of humans as against the animals, and I'm thankful enough for their use that I refrain from stultifying and impairing them with drugs. Furthermore, it would be difficult for me to ascertain the precise origin of what I purchase, and it stands a good probability of coming from a group of murderous Mexican thugs who terrorize the innocent in pursuit of their trade. I try not to provide direct financial support to murderers and villains.
>I smoke infrequently, but I don't think it's bad.
Good for you.
>Alch and Tobacchy are worse, so why the hate?
That's an ignoratio elenchi. The existence or not of other things that are worse doesn't tell us anything about whether a given thing is still worthy of contempt.

>> No.2122831

Millions of people drive cars every day. driving cars must be addictive!

>> No.2122833

No, you don't do it because you "feel like it", you're just hooked to it, like any other drug addict. Do you really think heroin addicts do it when they "feel like it"?

>> No.2122835

>Furthermore, it would be difficult for me to ascertain the precise origin of what I purchase,

>> No.2122838

>implying weed damages your body

smoke is still smoke and it's bad for you lungs. but plenty of people enjoy the old "space brownie". Where in the hell did you get the idea that a weed plan contains harmful chemicals? Most plants contain harmful chemicals in some form or another. Potato plants and some types of potato have a shitload of nicotine in them.

>Why is it that so many people who have NEVER tried it speak so much about it?

look whos talking. Or, maybe you have tried weed before and didn't like it for some reason and now you have this extreme, ignorant crusader attidue about it. I like how you keep emphisizing that weed is illegal as if the fact that it is currently illegal matters at all to the fundamentals of the issue. Appeal to authority is a fallacy. Yes I have"tried real weed illegally". I used to be a huge stoner back a few years ago. I don't smoke so much anymore because I have more responsibilities in my life and having a clear head is better for everyday functioning. I'm not addicted to weed, it didn't destroy my life, and I didn't fuck my brain up. It's like I'm trying to discuss insurance with a 3 year old. Dolen you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

>> No.2122839

are you trolling or are you really this dumb? jesus christ

>> No.2122840


Stop saying 'it isn't addictive - it is - for something to be 'addictive' it doesn't have to cause physical dependence like heroin or tobacco - the modern vernacular uses 'addictive' to refer to both physical and psychological addiction.

Argue against that and you're just arguing semantics.

>> No.2122846

Dolan be trollan

The glass shard example is exactly why it needs to be legal and subject to regulation. Know what alcohol was like in the times of U.S. history when it was illegal? It was garbage quality, overpriced, filled with loads of toxins, and would eventually make you go BLIND. Know what happened when the free market could legally compete using the quality of their product? It became cheaper, better, and safer.

>> No.2122849

> the modern vernacular uses 'addictive' to refer to both physical and psychological addiction.
only if you're one of those retards who's all "omg i'm addicted to shopping lol"

>> No.2122850
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Jesus god fuck you're an idiot. Here we are, posting on /sci/, and you spout your mouth off like a Glenn Beck wannabe. You haven't ever even gotten high? Holy fuck, just shut up, and leave now. Clearly this discussions doesn't concern you.

If you had never taken an intro physics class in college, should I give a single fuck about what you have to say about physics?

Well, since I'm rather well versed both the aforementioned subjects, let me help educate you. Weed, as everything else, is not and can not be inherently bad. 100 years ago, most of the world hadn't even heard of weed, but it was nonetheless being used by certain groups for their entire history. The perspective you have on drugs was written almost word for word by your government! Are you so silly too to not realize that government, especially a democratic one, can only ever publish a mixed, inexpert policy on the subject? Never mind that they are often forced to create a policy long before any proper research or study has been done? Thus their policies are often absurd, yet they are forced to support them in a show of non-hypocrisy!

Dolan confirmed for true facetious thinker.

>> No.2122856


>> No.2122858

>I try not to provide direct financial support to murderers and villains.
another reason why i prefer home grown.
not a fair comparison. people don't drive for enjoyment, they do it because it is necessary to quickly travel long distances.
lol, u jelly? it was an intelligent post, so don't dis.

>> No.2122861
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My mom just baked some muffins.

It was a pleasure to have a nice little Sunday evening chat with you guys. See you on the other side!

>> No.2122864

But some do, otherwise sports cars would have no use

>> No.2122866


Your example contains the answer - obviously heroin ADDICTS don't use because they feel like it but because they are addicted, but heroin USERS use for a variety of reasons. Some drugs have the potential to be more destructive than others.

Let's imagine that I'm part of a relatively small hunter-gratherer society - we live off of the land, and that means fiding whatever edibles are available for consumption. Lets say we stumble across a particular patch of mushrooms that are perfectly edible and provide the tribe with plenty of nourishment: that would seem like a good thing for the tribe. Now let us imagine that an hour or so after eating the mushrooms we start to feel different. If we enjoy this bonus altered state we'll incorporate the mushroom into our diet - if we don't, we won't - so how clearly defined is the line between a food and a drug? Take a look at refined sugar - it has zero nutritional value and I'd argue can be just as addictive as anything else, yet is an unneccessary staple of out diet - so what benefit does sugar provide? If you say it enhances the taste, I'd say exactly.

>> No.2122871


They're not retarded, they're just subject to an ever-evolving lexicon like we all are.

It's probably lonely up there, pissing on the masses from your ivory tower, huh?

>> No.2122874

>Potato plants and some types of potato have a shitload of nicotine in them.
nope, very small traces.

>100 years ago, most of the world hadn't even heard of weed
are you kidding?
weed has been around for thousands of years.

>> No.2122877


Go read up on the science and history of marijuana while you're eating your mommy-muffins you smug ignoramus.

>> No.2122881


It should have been obvious hyperbole - all he was trying to convey was that the cultural knowledge of cannabis and its psychoactive effects wouldn't have been nearly as widespread as they are today.

>> No.2122888
File: 127 KB, 320x240, 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so cool because I smoke weed and it's illegal.

Also she didn't make muffins, but cinnamon rolls with a coat of melted vanilla sugar.


>> No.2122891

>Take a look at refined sugar - it has zero nutritional value
actually it does.
sugar is what your body breaks carbohydrates down into. it is needed by the body.

>> No.2122893

goddamn, you even look like glenn beck
so much fail...

>> No.2122895

ITT: children on weed argue against children who can't get weed or have very religious parents or whatever.

Dolan certainly confirmed for 12 year old. The demonstrated level of stupidity isn't even funny anymore.

The global outlawing of marihuana is a political issue and as such of course bound to economic interests.

>>2122707 this one seems to know a bit or two about what he's talking. I suggest you print out his post and repaper your walls with this printout.

And last but not least a personal appeal to Dolan, our underage idiotic fucktard tripfag: please, Dolan, in the name of all that is holy and sacred, fuck yourself with a hunting knife.
Alternatively: kill yourself.

Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.2122899

Loose your panties slowpoke, I know more about cannabis and its history than you.

>> No.2122900

zero nutritional value as opposed to, say, complex carbohydrates. carbohydrates are necessary in a diet, sugar is not.

>> No.2122902

>I'm so cool because I smoke weed and it's illegal.
i don't do it because its cool, i do it because i enjoy it.
also, i do it regardless of whether its legal or not. i couldn't give a fuck. noone tells me what to do.
...victimless crimes whouldn't even be crimes...etc.

also...yeah, slightly jelly. i'm hungry now...

>> No.2122904


Except there are innumerable examples of people who would have no motivation for smoking to look 'cool' - people with no friends, people who don't tell anyone they smoke, people who live in a culture where it's not considered deviant, etc.

I'm so cool because I post pictures of myself holding baked goods on the Internet. Hey genius, think I can infer anything about everybody who takes pictures of themslves holding baked goods and posts them on the Internet? If you're my study sample, I conclude that everyone like you is a faggot.

>> No.2122905

the berries of a potato plant will kill you dead. thats why most commercial potatoes are genetically modified to not grow the berries. chewing the leaves is also not a smart idea. Look it up.

stop being such a fucking troll.

>> No.2122908

smug ignoramus = perfect description of dolan
please just get the fuck out

>> No.2122910


You'll notice that I said REFINED sugar and that my assertion was correct - refined sugar does have ZERO nutritional value - I know that sugars are essential to the functioning of the body, but refined sugars are not.

>> No.2122911

the catchphrase being "refined", fucktard.

>> No.2122912

carbohydrates are necessary BECAUSE they can be broken down into sugar.
its sugar that the body needs. you can't absorb carbohydrates into your bloodstream in theire current form.

>> No.2122917



>> No.2122920

jesus fuck, haven't seen that one yet

>> No.2122921



>> No.2122924
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So is there an argument against its legalization that isn't fallacious or bullshit?

>> No.2122925


...sucrose amirite?
yep, its still sugar. same thing, same nutritional value.

>> No.2122930

relax, t'was just a typo.

>> No.2122932
File: 24 KB, 500x300, 1262347644475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know more about cannabis and its history than you.


>> No.2122941
File: 118 KB, 320x240, 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you I was for the legalization of cannabis?

>> No.2122942


Uh, no, it's JUST sucrose - no minerals, no vitamins, no fibers, no nutritional value - it's been stripped of all those things thus the word REFINED.

>> No.2122945

of course there isn't any real argument.

Even if weed WERE actually as harmful as propaganda wants you to believe, there is absolutely zero statistical correlation between prohibition of weed and overall consumption. Those two quantities basically live in independent universes, unaffected by each other.

It's much more a cultural phenomenon. If people think it's ok, they do it whatever the government says.

>> No.2122953

and are you?

...why would you be? you seem to be arguing against it.

>> No.2122968


Dohoho, then why is alcohol and tobacco legal?

And don't give me that anti-weed "it's been in our society for thousands of years" shtick.

>> No.2122971

He wants to imply that if he were for the legalization of weed than nobody would care how uninformed he is.

Of course he's wrong no matter what. He's an inbred fucktard and if the photos he posted ITT are actually him he's mentally this far behind I wonder if he may be his own mother.

>> No.2122974

Case 1: You are for legalization, and thus you're trolling this thread hard and being a disruptive attention whore in the process.

Case 2: You are for legalization, but then you still have a horribly uneducated understanding of the interaction between cannabis, the brain/body, and society at large - which still makes you a smug ignoramus.

Case 3: No you're not, and you're attempting to set up some kind of devils advocate straw man which I will not dignify with a reply.
In any of these cases, you're still acting like douche bag and should just stop..

>> No.2122985
File: 6 KB, 179x196, slowpokejpeg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck have you been?

>> No.2122989

Because if weed was good for you they would legalize it idiot

>> No.2122996

>You are for legalization
>trolling this thread hard
>disruptive attention whore
That summarizes it nicely.

>> No.2123002


Alcohol = neurotoxin
Weed = not a neurotoxin

Alcohol = Can OD on it
Weed = can't OD on it

Alcohol = Affects are fucked up, last a really long time, hangover
Weed = makes you more chill and can think better, last only a few hours, no hangover

Make your choice

>> No.2123004


Then thats a total strawman. Surely some folks are for legalization and have no real understanding of weed. But many people who are for legalization, and especially those who work towards it in the social and political arenas, are arguing from the science and the history and not from propaganda and bullshit. Unlike their opposition. Such as Dolen here. Who seems to just want to make a bunch of noise while not meaningfully contributing to the thread

>> No.2123017
File: 117 KB, 320x240, 48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still some space in my daily attention whoring quota. Here, have a picture of my face after reading some posts in this thread while wearing a cool terrorist bandanna thing.

>> No.2123022


> I'm not going to argue with some immature kid who only knows swearing and insulting
>Complains about ad hominem, ad hominem

>> No.2123024

>I trust governmental polices to make sense and the world is exactly how it appears

please see this >>2122707

Fuck you Dolen. GTFO

>> No.2123032
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It's too damn easy to troll this board. I would pat your back on a job well done if you weren't just shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.2123034
File: 32 KB, 360x507, 1290037376456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GTFO faggot

>> No.2123036

Smoking in high school was fucking AWFUL. Always in situations when someone's parents can barge in at any moment, so you just get really really really paranoid and scared.

>> No.2123318

i have the same problem, but i live with my parents. i'm in uni.
