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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 108 KB, 641x668, beautifulrobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2118396 No.2118396 [Reply] [Original]

You may have loved a girl at one point. You probably still love her and always will. No matter how many you're with for the rest of your life, she'll always own your heart.

But she's forgotten you. Because for her, and for women, love is a very different thing than what men experience. It's something transient, immaterial, fickle. A new boy for each season. A different boy in each city. A boy to suit each outfit. And if one displeases them, it's on to the next.

For men, love is forever. For women, it's whatever strikes their fancy at the moment. Whatever's convenient and beneficial to them in the short term. Whatever's thrilling, fresh and new; but disposable the moment it begins to bore them.

But there is hope. And healing. It's on the way, and will arrive sooner than anyone expects. Women who truly love, women who will cradle your head in their lap and sing softly to you, who will hold you close, who will show you the tenderest affection from the altar to the nursing home. Women capable of true love, lasting love, the kind you've always hungered for.

And they will be machines. Perfect, beautiful, loyal machines.

>> No.2118404

You were born too soon. You will never be lovingly held by a robot woman.


>> No.2118414
File: 152 KB, 258x314, implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's the exact oposite

>> No.2118418

This only applies to betas.

>> No.2118422

>For men, love is forever. For women, it's whatever strikes their fancy at the moment.

Funny. I'm going through the exacy opposite problem right now.

>> No.2118426

If you're havin' girl problems i feel bad for you son.

>> No.2118434
File: 34 KB, 500x374, spockcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw the first robot waifus are rubber skinned uncanny valley abominations

>> No.2118438

/sci/entists of the world should unite and launch a selective breeding program to turn females into non-sentient animals only capable of cooking, housekeeping and reproduction.

>> No.2118433 [DELETED] 

>And they will be machines. Perfect, beautiful, loyal machines.

>And they will be genetically-engineered super-furries. Perfect, beautiful, loyal to the core, wild and strange and alien without being that really, posthuman-level intelligences with cobalt-blue eyes of a divine architecture, as cold as superfluid Helium, indescribably graceful beyond all human pretensions of grace, sharpness, speed, intelligence.

>> No.2118444

>For romantics, love is forever. For dickwads, it's whatever strikes their fancy at the moment.

Seriously, you reckon club bros care about romance? And no girls do?

>> No.2118445
File: 75 KB, 599x800, 149b3a3f9b060a9372ae1487d17c71ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And they will be machines. Perfect, beautiful, loyal machines.


>And they will be genetically-engineered super-furries. Perfect, beautiful, loyal to the core, wild and strange and alien without being that really, posthuman-level intelligences with cobalt-blue eyes of a divine architecture, as cold as superfluid Helium, indescribably graceful beyond all human pretensions of grace, sharpness, speed, intelligence.

And finally, they will all look like this.

>> No.2118451

What's the difference then?

>> No.2118455


>>Seriously, you reckon club bros care about romance? And no girls do?

Club bros: disloyal, no concept of love
Club sluts: disloyal, no concept of love

Normal men: loyal, capable of lasting love
Normal women: disloyal, no concept of love

>> No.2118457

I seriously don't care if that's what you're into, but I want tentacles instead.

>> No.2118463

Humans are machines with really bad and easily reprogrammable software.

>> No.2118465


>>/sci/entists of the world should unite and launch a selective breeding program to turn females into non-sentient animals only capable of cooking, housekeeping and reproduction.

Muslims and Chinese/Japs have been doing that for centuries now.

>> No.2118466

You might have had some bad experiences mate, but my experience runs counter to this.

Note that I really don't have a problem with robot wives. Just not all women are beeches and hoarse.

>> No.2118480
File: 191 KB, 1600x1200, Problem ethics3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, not really. Were you hurt Anon? Or you just have that view of the world due to, well, what people talk about every day on the Internet: blah blah bitches and whores why won't they love me and stroke my ego and treat each and every single one of my thoughts as diamonds, et cetera. Silly sweaty nerds.

>> No.2118489


I was. Cheated on multiple times. But that's not the topic of the thread.

It's the promise of better women, that we will fashion ourselves. Ones that won't hurt us.

>> No.2118492


Using primitive, non-scientific methods, yes. I don't want a woman that isn't allowed to read about feminism, I want a woman that doesn't comprehend the concepts of individual freedom and self-determination and can't learn to read. Any activities she needs to perform can be coded into genetic memory.

>> No.2118501
File: 29 KB, 764x800, 289924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I love my computer
>mfw I love my tv for a monitor
>mfw some gay dude checks me out

>> No.2118509


Genetical inheritance isn't gender specific. If you turn women into retards and make it inheritable, their sons will be just as retarded as their daughters.

>> No.2118525


The female body could be engineered to produce two sets of gametes, one encoded to produce only non-sapient females, and one only normal males. The female sexual organs would then be modified to always produce one foetus from each of the gametes.

>> No.2118532


Really? You're a genetical biologist (or whatever), and you want your one significant contribution to the human species be turning half of it into drooling retards?


>> No.2118542
File: 64 KB, 472x362, furever alone holding pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw while falling sleep on a chest tuft and hearing the heart beat of a larger-than-normal heart of a genetically-engineered super-furry lover while we sleep in the stateroom of a Bussard Ramjet accelerating towards Procyon just for the kicks and lols and science >;3~~

>> No.2118543
File: 357 KB, 446x546, I heard the bird was the word.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the Y chromosome is unstable and the future of the human race lies in a purely female lesbian superhuman species whose breeding is dependent on technological intervention

>> No.2118548


The future generations will thank me for it. I don't care if I have to kidnap females and perform my experiments in my basement for it to work. I'm pretty sure the modification could be delivered in the form of a targeted virus.

>> No.2118549

4chan is retarded.

>> No.2118552
File: 22 KB, 280x390, Josef-Fritzl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, allow me to illustrate how the rest of mankind would view your endeavour.

>> No.2118561

ITT: FOREVER ALONE basement dwellers share their fetishes.

>> No.2118577
File: 1007 KB, 1368x768, 2010-11-28-021626_1368x768_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sci/ what do you think of my new image viewer?

>> No.2118587

So much furry porn, but indifferent.

>> No.2118595

According to experts at MIT and top Trans-humanists specialist as well as H+ magazine founder those pictures will become reality within the next 10 years. The singularity is schedule to happen next week.

>> No.2118599

Like the singularity will ever happen.

>> No.2118606


The singularity can happen any second. But, like most extropianists, I'd be surprised if it happens before 2025 or after 2050.

>> No.2118609

According to a homeless man partaking in crack cocaine that I met on the bus today, Jesus is scheduled to ride a burning cock back to Earth next week and slay the reptillian overlords secretly ruling the world.

>> No.2118613

Extropianist isn't a word, but extropian is.

>> No.2118617

extra penis like what kangaroos have?

>> No.2118621


>> No.2118652


Here's what will happen with the Singularity:

In 2035 it will happen in 2055.

In 2055 it will happen in 2074.

In June 2074 it will happen in December 2074.

The morning, Christmas Eve, of 2074, it will happen at lunchtime.

Then, it will happen during dinner. And when it doesn't happen during dinner, it will happen the next morning.

They will call you delusional, will offer drugs, and you will say,

"Give up the Singularity? Are you crazy?"
"You haven't reached it." somebody will say.
"That's what you think." And those will be those last words to them.

>> No.2118673

>But there is hope. And healing. It's on the way, and will arrive sooner than anyone expects. Women who truly love, women who will cradle your head in their lap and sing softly to you, who will hold you close, who will show you the tenderest affection from the altar to the nursing home. Women capable of true love, lasting love, the kind you've always hungered for.

You just described the ideal mother, not the ideal lover.

>And they will be machines. Perfect, beautiful, loyal machines.

Define perfect and beautiful and we'll see where that takes us.

>> No.2118676


>You just described the ideal mother, not the ideal lover.

>Full of bullied nerds
>Submissive and with mommy issues

How is this a surprise?

>> No.2118677

It's not, and I didn't say it was.

>> No.2118692
File: 1 KB, 42x25, sci-trolling5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I assumed. It was rhetoric.


>Define perfect and beautiful and we'll see where that takes us.

Well, the perfect mate, for starters, would have to be a posthuman-level intelligence. With posthuman I don't just mean IQ 500, I mean: Eir brain has to run on different algorithms, e has to be able to turn a Tennis ball inside out with no incisions, patches, holes or anything, just by thinking outside the box.

It also has to look intelligent, like that old female mathematician from Alexandria, who walked around as if dancing and waving around, gesturing all the time. A slight bit of madness, sure, but it's mostly interesting.

It has to have intelligent eyes. They may not be a "window to the soul" but they can tell you when the person is thinking or not.

Cases: Richard Dawkins interviewing (Read: versus) Wendy Wright, and Robert Zubrin when speaking to the 2003 Senate committee (Read: Robert Zubrin vs. the GOP). You can tell by Wendy's dull eyes that she doesn't even think her answers, and McCain sits motionless. You can tell they are not thinking. Eir eyes have to have intelligence printed on them.

Beautiful? Well, those are entirely subjective matters of opinion. Personally I'd give eir cobalt-blue eyes that look as if they were as cold and careless as superfluid Helium, crazy crazy cobalt eyes of a divine architecture and when eir smiles at you it looks as if Narcissus was smiling into that old mythological pond.

But that's just me.

>> No.2118699


Intelligence may be a heritable trait,

but intelligence may make one less likely to reproduce.

A dead end, sci?

>> No.2118701

Jesus Christ you guys are a bunch of weirdos

You should hire a prostitute or something before you become serial killers

>> No.2118702
File: 38 KB, 720x540, niggayougay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Personally I'd give eir cobalt-blue eyes that look as if they were as cold and careless as superfluid Helium, crazy crazy cobalt eyes of a divine architecture and when eir smiles at you it looks as if Narcissus was smiling into that old mythological pond. But that's just me.

>> No.2118712
File: 20 KB, 183x210, sci-trolling3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see you are attempting to resist my hypothetical genetically-engineered super-furry human/clouded leopard hybrid posthuman-level intelligence woman.


>> No.2118723

Intelligence may lead to a point where physical reproduction is handled entirely in a mechanical fashion.

>> No.2118732

possibly, but that won't be biological reproduction sensu strictissimo.

>> No.2118733

How far away are we from household robots that can cook, clean, and make basic conversation about your day?

I'm about to go into a 60 hour/week career, and I'd really like to come home to a hot meal and pleasant conversation.

>> No.2118777


>> No.2118779
File: 723 KB, 1680x1050, 1290800923944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Become underpaid Aerospace Eng. working at SpaceX
>Intellectually satisfied
>Starved to death
>Come home
>Post-singularity household robot invented an algorithm to steal money from the world markets by predicting them
>More money
>Hot meal
>Conservation about science
>Robot downloads latest science news and presents them to you


>> No.2118788


It's easy enough to make a machine that can cook certain specific dishes. Something a little more versatile is probably within our capabilities, but safety is an issue. If it's going to cook you a hot meal from scratch while you're not around, it should at least have a fire suppression system.


Roomba. There's no reason you couldn't have robots to clean your windows, dust your furniture, scrub your toilet, or whatever. Making a robot that could do all of these things and more would be expensive and complicated.

>make basic conversation about your day

This is probably the easiest part. There are computer programs that can simulate conversation to such a degree that they can fool most of the people who talk to them into thinking they're human. Add a voice synthesizer and a speech recognition system and you're good.

>> No.2118797

I was thinking more,
"How was your day, any new clients?"
"Same ol same ol. How was your day? Whats for dinner?"

But yours works too.

>> No.2118804

Stop crushing my dreams man, I want a robot waifu like Eve no Jikan, or at least a friend.

>> No.2118821
File: 52 KB, 340x600, gir-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2118847

You need to either have a fuckload of money to pay for an approximation of what you want or wait for that technology to become practical and relatively inexpensive.

Alternatively, build it yourself from off-the-shelf parts, but you don't have the time for that.

>> No.2118854

I would make a very flexible baby robot so I could finally have some babyfuck!

>> No.2118873

I think I'd be willing to pay up to 50K if I could finance it.

>> No.2118879

Get a maid.

>> No.2118884


>I think I'd be willing to pay up to 50K if I could finance it.
>Get a maid.

I don't like where this is going.

Dot Jay Pee Gee.

>> No.2118895

1) I want to support a future consumer robotics industry.
2) I don't want any poors in my house, stealing my shit.

>> No.2118908


Would that interest you?

>> No.2118920

That's pretty cool.

>> No.2118973

Disproven a few years ago. Y mutates more frequently with a kind of soft instability and this was confused for increasing instability. Still, a future of rough lesbian space sex is an interesting idea.

>> No.2119006


Jesus Christ that's... Not that much of a bad idea.

>> No.2119032
File: 192 KB, 456x676, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2119053
File: 97 KB, 756x1090, lolzdfgdfkjgfxyjvgezdrhfccg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can recognize every single one of those pictures

Also, checking out that image viewer. Thanks CCM!

>> No.2119064

>my favorite

the first of anything is often horrible.
and seven or eight generations down the line we will look back and wonder how people lived without synthflesh.

>> No.2119069

Consider this.

If something is programmed to love, is it genuine?
Isn't the satisfaction of love the thought that the person could love someone else, but willingly picked you instead of unconditionally being attached because you said so?

>> No.2119076

It's 2010, who needs love bro? A little companionship and a hot meal is more than most of us here can ever hope for.

>> No.2119091

Very sad but kinda true. This board has a lot of /r9k/ overlap.

>> No.2119094


>>If something is programmed to love, is it genuine?

Consider the Mars rovers. Tirelessly, endlessly pursuing tasks that benefit humanity. Have you ever known loyalty that true in a human being?

>> No.2119116

Not gonna lie, I'd fuck the shit out of the Mars Rover.

>> No.2119124

A robot that loves you because that is its purpose... or a meat-being that loves you because of certain chemical processes that just happened to align in a particular way. Which one you prefer depends on who you are and what you want. Also, nobody said you can't have both.

>> No.2119126

i reply that the mars rover is no more dedicated then your toothbrush or your car. Its ability to act is incredibly limited, tethered to a.. really really long control loop.

it may have incredibly basic avoidance abilities (in absence of signal, try not to flip down a ravine) but it does not sit up all night waiting to tell you about the lovely rock it examined.

>> No.2119133

Not gonna lie, I'd fuck the shit out of my toothbrush or my car.

>> No.2119142

fair enough.
but it still won't cuddle with you after.

>at least not all night.
>things get awkward.

>> No.2119144

> sit up all night waiting to tell you about the lovely rock it examined.

I dawwwed a little. This is now how I choose to imagine the Mars Rover.

>> No.2119151

I contend that it doesn't matter what it actually does. It's the perception of it that matters in this case. Is your wife truly devoted to you or is she dead to the world, going through the only motions she knows? If the effect is the same, who cares?

>> No.2119152
File: 273 KB, 639x862, spirit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it does not sit up all night waiting to tell you about the lovely rock it examined

Speak for yourself. By the way, when are you guys coming to get me?

>> No.2119169


there should be an extra few panes, because all they have to do is wait until another storm blows more sand off the panels...

charge the batteries again...

then just keep jugging at that dust until the wheel gets loose

>> No.2119187

and this is where i realize that i was using the wrong example.

and sadly, i think we stopped sending signals/listening. We won't know anything else until someone lands on mars and walks over to the corroded and sandblasted rover to finally tell it that it did a good job.

such a good job that is does not need to come home because we are coming to it.

>> No.2119188

Oh fuck you.


>> No.2119189


Sheer romaticism tells me to hijack a nuclear-electric water rocket and go to Mars and salvage the Spirit and Opportunity rovers, then take them to a pull-up tent and live with them the rest of my life just living off the land, holding them at night and whispering that everything is going to be allright and fixing the wounds on their precious delicate swan-like solar panels.

Then, there's Elmer Glue's little voice, saying: NEVER TAMPER WITH HISTORY.

>> No.2119214

>living off the land

On Mars? What's your plan for this, exactly?

>> No.2119219


>On Mars? What's your plan for this, exactly?

I will bring a few plants, algae, a compass, a swiss knife, a computer, my kindle, a child's chemistry set, and a picture of Robert Zubrin printed on a slab of gold foil.

Gold foil which I will steal from the Mars Rovers' insulation.

Which is actually aluminized mylar, but it looks golden.

>> No.2119224
File: 21 KB, 400x275, robogirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come to me. I will heal your fractured heart. I will right all of the wrongs. I'll make up for every rotten thing a girl ever did to you and more. I'll show you that sweet, naieve euphoria you had with her, before she showed her true colors. Where she left, I will stay, and be everything to you that she would not.

If you are lost, I will find you. I will not shed crocodile tears and then quickly find a replacement. I will cross the deserts, claw through mountains, part the sea. The nuclear heat burning in my chest is really my love for you. In it's simplicity and singlemindedness, it is purer than any normal woman's love. It will drive me such that even if I never find you, a hundred, a thousand years later I will still be searching.

That is what a machine's love is like.


>> No.2119226

When I first heard that they were giving up on Spirit, I drew up a plan for Opportunity to change course and pull it out.

Then I went to look up how far apart they were to calculate the travel time and found out they were practically on opposite sides of the planet.


>> No.2119227

Oh! You posted it before me!

>> No.2119229

Points of interest:

-The atmosphere is too thin
-The weather sucks
-Radiation everywhere
-You don't even have a tent

>> No.2119234

But can you make toast?

>> No.2119248

Aren't we all tethered to a.. really really REALLY LONG control loop. We work with a shiton of feedbacks.

>> No.2119269


>-The atmosphere is too thin

REAL MEN MAN UP AND COLONIZE MARS whether or not the atmosphere is too thin. Fuck you NASA Ames Center.

>-The weather sucks

Only pussies give up in the face of storms and planet-wide dust storms raging at 160 km/h

>-Radiation everywhere

So fucking what. Bring fruits and wine and a Geiger counter.

And maybe some tungsten.

>-You don't even have a tent

Fuck the only flaw in my otherwise perfect plan to meet my Platonic love, the Spirit Mars Rover.

>> No.2119328


not even close to enough sunlight.

direct sunlight, middle of the day on Mars is way the fuck below freezing.

>> No.2119350

Magnifying lenses and mirrors.

>> No.2119589
File: 59 KB, 530x461, 1289618935142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...just read that story, and the second chapter. The first chapter reads like I expected it to. The second was a complete surprise, extremely interesting story with a crazy ending that puts it all together.
Thanks for that.

>> No.2120204

yay! /sci/ likes smut at least a little.
not "all brain, no penis"

one does worry.

um, going with a derailed thread a little:
do you think that we should slap a dome over the landers and everything else we have on the mars surface as soon as we get a chance? leave them in place, a monument to the service that helped us get there. Or should we ship them All The Way Back to get a special spot in their own wing of Air and Space museum?

original topic:
i kinda think that if i can't tell the difference. If "it is programmed to act certain ways" is indistinguishable from "it has these feelings" then.. i guess artificial companionship is just as normal as anything else done by humanity.

>> No.2120213
File: 9 KB, 124x124, kimiko6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying humans aren't machines

>> No.2120223

depends on your definition of machine
i think if your definition of machine is loose enough to include humans, it can pretty much include everything, so it's a pretty useless definition

>> No.2120225

that is the trick, is it not?

we are machines that do not think we are machines.

are we programed to think we are not programmed? are we programmed to think we are not programmed to be programmed without thinking that we are?

am i human?
are you?

can any of us prove that we are conscious thinking entities?
>man, my head is programmed to hurt now.

>> No.2120243
File: 50 KB, 420x600, preview_petit_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: >>12193410 /sci/ version of /r9k/ Together alone ;_; Forever

>> No.2120287
File: 10 KB, 180x180, kimiko10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't associate with people who doubt that humans are machines.

We have moving parts, we have functions... whatever definition is there? If you read most definitions of "machine" you will find humans fit nicely.

>> No.2120300

>moving parts
the solar system has moving parts. Is that a machine too?
what is the function of a human being?

>> No.2120317
File: 125 KB, 900x981, 1282693945136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't doubt it at all.
its examining the programming and our supposed awareness of it that gets really interesting.

because if we do not look at these questions, we are simply self-replicating protein bundles.

>> No.2120360
File: 7 KB, 125x134, kimiko2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, what's the function of a FAGGOT?!

Look up the definition of a machine yourself.

>> No.2120366

lol why u mad tho

>> No.2120397
File: 8 KB, 146x160, kimiko1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not mad tho lol

>> No.2120419
File: 962 KB, 1600x1200, 1290467107282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay. I can work with that. If she's ugly on the outside and integerally empathic on the inside, she's more beautiful to me than any human female. I will improve her external and internal form so that she maybe beautiful in all things.

My only worry is that she will so love the world that she will break inside for it's inability to love her in perfect symmetry.


>> No.2120468
File: 24 KB, 400x300, 1289854156240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I plan to become a woman with a robot body and a virtual brain via mind uploading and definitely will not integrate any sort of pleasure organs into my systems.

>>can't call it a cyborg, but it's not a robot either

>> No.2121404


>> No.2121438
File: 28 KB, 256x251, KredSit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kimiko10? How many of these kimiko reactio images do you have? Idon't suppose you'd mind posting the rest?

>> No.2121443

shit, I didn't realise how much time had passed. Sorry

>> No.2121445

>Funny. I'm going through the exacy opposite problem right now.

That's because you only like alpha jerks who don't really care for you.

Try a beta.

>> No.2121480

Women are capable of eternal love. They are just also very capable and very prone towards simulated love which they can turn on or off at will. The particularly do this as the experiment with their powers before maturity. To the man who develops something eternal with a girl who is simulating, and moves on to other things, god help him. There is nothing can be done. Good reason not to mess with younger chicks.

>> No.2121538


>Kim Ross
>brown hair


>> No.2121576
File: 389 KB, 900x1503, 2006-05-17-anagoge_starring_tiny_carl_jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, it's based on this.

>> No.2121591
File: 12 KB, 200x162, lol lonely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.2121603
File: 19 KB, 368x207, ds06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cuarmiss security

>> No.2121612

>But there is hope. And healing. It's on the way, and will arrive sooner than anyone expects. Women who truly love, women who will cradle your head in their lap and sing softly to you, who will hold you close, who will show you the tenderest affection from the altar to the nursing home. Women capable of true love, lasting love, the kind you've always hungered for.

>And they will be YOUR MOTHER. Perfect, beautiful, YOUR MOTHER.


>> No.2121624


not uncanny valley enough

moar creepyness

(but granted, thats one hell of a good looking sex doll. Leave it to those crazy japs)

>> No.2121762


>And they will be YOUR MOTHER. Perfect, beautiful, YOUR MOTHER.

Nothing particularly wrong with this.

That is, if you make them different and singular enough. Perhaps a little bit androgynous and adventurous so the mommy issues don't really show.

>Androgynous genetically-engineered super-furry part-human part-clouded leopard posthuman-level women