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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 400x298, dolphins-mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2113694 No.2113694 [Reply] [Original]


Define think bitch.

>> No.2113775

Dolphins are pretty fuckin cool

>> No.2113782

Not only do dolphins save swimmers, they also rape. Dolphins rule.

>> No.2113790

but can they "think". The scientist in that video says they are capable of thinking. She makes that assertion without defining thinking, so I think she is a retard.

>> No.2114057

I approve of this thread. There's an intelligent nonhuman species in the sea. That's pretty mindblowing.

>> No.2114081

Dolphins are fucking assholes.

They kill for fun. Even most humans have gone beyond that.

>> No.2114086
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>mfw dolphins and humans are the same and anyone thinking otherwise is a moron

>> No.2114104

>She makes that assertion without defining thinking, so I think she is a retard.

No, you are the retard. There's nothing magic about "thinking", it just means reasoning using a brain. Maybe you're thinking of language?

>> No.2114113

Animals all reason using a brain.

>> No.2114117

Yes. That was my point.

>> No.2114120


>> No.2114166
File: 8 KB, 208x251, 1263956338014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dolphins are cool

this thread is balls

your mom is a whore

>> No.2115917

define "reasoning using a brain" then, bitch.

>> No.2116094

define reasoning WITHOUT using a brain, bitch

>> No.2116112

Is it possible for an organism to think without a nervous system. Would you say protists are capable of reasoning?

>> No.2116261

It's exactly what computers do all the time: Follow an elaborate pre-scripted code.

>> No.2116314

And the woman in that picture pisses me off by just the look of her. Regardless of what you said. I simply hate her face.

>> No.2116316

Follow a pre-scripted code =/= reason.

>> No.2116329

This is awesome.
Dolphins are awesome.

>> No.2116332


>> No.2116340

Should we seriously keep them in tanks guys?
I have a real Simpsons Halloween special vibe with this thread...

>> No.2116342

>Is it possible for an organism to think without a nervous system.
there's no way for me to say it's NOT possible, but until you provide evidence that it IS possible, i'm really doubtful

>Follow an elaborate pre-scripted code
that's NOT reasoning, genius

>> No.2116344
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>your face when Dolphins have gods

>> No.2116350

Reason: the logical formation of conclusions drawn from certain facts or assumptions. Does not necessitate consciousness of doing so or a brain. All animals can reason (e.g. lions prey have preyed on other zebra, there is an aggressive lion in sight, I should run away from this lion) but the self-awareness of some animals in cognition differs. Computers can also reason but they are not aware of this reasoning but are simply evaluating a pre-scripted code. I would say this is similar to the way simpler organisms function. Bacteria, for instance, do not have awareness but evaluate their genetic code. Thinking is the consciousness of the process of reasoning, which is enhanced in humans by language.

>> No.2116347

NDEs proved a long time ago, for whatever reason. Conscious outside the body is possible and in fact is better. However you will never believe it.

>> No.2116357



>> No.2116362
File: 10 KB, 256x197, hahaha oh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2116385
File: 22 KB, 386x350, laughing_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conscious outside the body is possible and in fact is better.

Hahahaha Deepak is that you?
How did you figure out how to use the internet?

>> No.2116388

> Thinking is the consciousness of the process of reasoning, which is enhanced in humans by language.
So in order to be "thinking" you need to be aware of you ability to reason.... I don't think dolphins can do that dude.

>> No.2116390

>probably the same kind of fag who watches Ancient Aliens and believes it...

>> No.2116391

Yeah I can see myself right now as I'm typing this. Its real guise, not making any of this up.

>> No.2116396

Oh the trolls are good these days. I'm red from laughing.

>> No.2116399

>Conscious outside the body is possible and in fact is better
Completely false. Consciousness can exist outside the brain, since the mind isn't exactly located on the brain. But it cannot exist outside the human body at all, since NDEs don't exist (at least not kind you're thinking of).

>> No.2116400

Not until we can communicate with them the way we do with each other anyway

>> No.2116403

you're not even trying, you doubleniggertriplefaggot

>> No.2116409

no more talk about NDE, this is /sci/ not /x/.

>> No.2116411

Mind is outside brain, guise. Here test this scientists, just remove brain from head, you will still think. I have tried this out on my different people and I can still think to this very day. Checkmate denialists.

>> No.2116420

Oh but NDE is /sci http://www.iands.org/
>fuels rage for own amusement.

>> No.2116438

This is great.
At least they're apparently honest about it.

"Yeah, well, these almost dead people said this stuff. And there was something in the media. No, we don't have evidence of the paranormal yet."

>> No.2116448
File: 67 KB, 342x301, 1289686576373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the unacceptable. Archives of unlimited reading pleasure of peoples reports and retards alike.


>> No.2116452
File: 35 KB, 480x640, lol-cats_its_BEAUTIFUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NDE Research Conclusions
Pre-Birth Time Emotions
Earth Hell Telepathy
Life Void Knowledge
Humanity Tunnel Temple
Soul/Spirit Orbs Music
Religion Heaven Homecoming
Spirituality City of Light Not Ready
Science Realms Future
War God Astrology
Death Jesus Guides
Out-of-Body Satan Reincarnation
Silver Cord Life Review Questions

>> No.2116456
File: 94 KB, 1022x768, brilliant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.... many... fantastic.... band... names...

>> No.2116460


>> No.2116463

but but

>> No.2116464
File: 70 KB, 500x375, 1280878284900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reads with suspense of belief.
>Can't go back.
>Its too good.

>> No.2116467


This. Is. BRILLIANT. Tell /d/.

>> No.2116469

War God Astrology!? What is this!

>> No.2116473

Thank you SO SO MUCH whoever it was that let us know about this vast hoard of hilarity

I think this is going to be my default internet comedy option for the next month

>> No.2116476

Never trust an animal that grins all the time, and has an odd sense of when its being watched, so it knows when to save people in peril, and when to fucking kill them.

>> No.2116475

But dolphins are monstrous creatures that regularly gang rape other dolphins, even within their own social group and sometimes even from other species, how is that cute?

>> No.2116478

I want her sex life!
>"I was in another dimension."

>> No.2116479

I couldn't help my self.

>> No.2116488
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>> No.2116495

LMFAO ........ thank you.

>> No.2116497

>"I was exhausted after that experience and had a rest for a few nights. Then we made love again. Again, I left my body."
Was this guy fucking her corpse the whole time?? Major necrophilia

>> No.2116501


Oh wow.

What's next? Faster-than-light starships triggered by female orgasms?

Wait a min -- BRILLIANT!

>> No.2116505
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>> No.2116507
File: 38 KB, 337x321, 13885461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I cute? Uguu...

>> No.2116508

No, this is now about how orgasms bring about massively awesome hallucinations.

>> No.2116515

On the way back to the den, I stopped right in the middle of the wall between rooms. I sensed that I was to look down at something fantastic, and as I gazed downward, I saw a long silver cord coming out of my spirit body, right through the cheesecloth-like fabric I was wearing. The cord extended down and out in front of me, and as I turned around, I saw that the silver cord draped around and behind me, like an umbilical cord. I followed it through the two hallway walls and into my den, where I saw it attached to the back of the head of my physical body. The cord was about an inch wide and sparkled like Christmas tree tinsel!

As soon as I saw that the silver cord was attached to my physical body, my spirit body was thrust into a dark tunnel. I moved through it with great speed, traveling faster than I could have imagined possible. Although the tunnel was filled with an all consuming darkness, I felt peaceful and unafraid.

>> No.2116517

really, because the human sport of "hunting" is a multibillion dollar industry

>> No.2116518

>Spirituality City of Light Not Ready
>Correction: Spirituality City of Light I'm Ready

>> No.2116522

If the Devil really exists, he would have appeared at least once in the thousands of near-death experience reports I have read. I have found none. If we assume the Devil does exist and that he is just hiding, the question we must ask is this: Why is he hiding? He gains no advantage by doing so. We already know from thousands of NDEs that hell exists and that it is more horrible than anyone can imagine - far worse that a devil prodding you with a pitchfork. If we assume the Devil really exists and he is just hiding to trick us into believing that he does not, then what is his motive? His 'secret' concerning the horrible existence of hell is already out. There is no advantage for him to perpetuate a falsity of his non-existence when the full horror of hell has already been revealed by NDEs. Even if we suppose the Devil does exist and suppose that he suddenly starts appearing in multitudes of NDEs, it would not make hell any more horrible than we already know it is. It is hell itself that makes a Devil terrifying. A hell with a Devil in it would not make hell any more terrifying than we already know it to be. So if a Devil does exist, his cover is blown and there is no reason for him to hide.


>> No.2116525
File: 139 KB, 896x540, 1271076222765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2116526
File: 57 KB, 588x465, 1288928233473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwww look at the cute Christians! They don't like that their mythology doesn't match. Poor poor babies. They don't wanna be called a bunch of dirt bag liars they are. Too fucking bad.

>> No.2116529

But sharks aren't mammals, how can they have mammary glands? And how is that heretic still alive?

>> No.2116530

No silly, it just means that Satan is hiding a TERRIBLE SECRET.

Like maybe he has a really embarrassing bald patch.

>> No.2116533

This makes perfect sense to me.
Why would you expect Satan to greet you at the gates of hell?
He's probably more of a hands-off middle manager type guy.

>> No.2116539

The rest of this section will focus on important characteristics of the void such as:

There is no love there.
There is no light there.
There are degrees of darkness with edges that are foggy.
There are ignorant souls there which many people would consider to be evil.
Human souls that committed suicide can be seen in the foggy edges.
Non-human creatures can be found there, including creatures not found on Earth.
Beings of light are nearby to help tormented souls.
Religious references to the void.
Profound examples of people who experienced the void.

>> No.2116537
File: 244 KB, 840x840, 1285574701878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All creation is God exploring God's very being through every way imaginable, through every one of us.
>mfw I am as much God as anyone else.

>> No.2116543

meanwhile in another thread:

>> No.2116546

I think I'd love to:Insert Irony here, exist without love. Forever fighting without being hurt, forever improving my own power. Nurturing my own greed and rage. Whose with me? Fuck God and is unconditional Light/Love.

>> No.2116549


I noticed this too.

And I lol'd.

>> No.2116551

So what you're saying is that you want to be a grimdark RPG protagonist?

>> No.2116552

Wait what? You believe in this stuff, and you WANT to go to the void?
We don't believe in this stuff, that's why we're laughing at it.

>> No.2116554


It's like a poster from 4chan can post in two threads within a reasonable short span of time.

>> No.2116558

>Imperial Guard: Stop! You've the violated the law!

>> No.2116565
File: 541 KB, 1280x1024, daes_rakan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've found you.

>> No.2116563

>yourface when you realize there aren't that many dolphins and elephants because of niggers and pollution

>> No.2116567

Cindy: "I want to come home now."
Jesus: "No, you can't."
Cindy: "But I don't want to stay there anymore. I don't like it."
Jesus: "I know that."

I'm not sure why but I'm laughing.

>> No.2116571

I posted in the other thread, but >>2116525
was by someone else.

>> No.2116572
File: 59 KB, 600x480, 274683 - Imperial_Guard Imperial_Legion Oblivion The_Elder_Scrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I saw an imperial guard pass me. I was ready go to the light. Suddenly, the voices said, "It is not your time. Go back. I've got work for you to do." I went back.

>> No.2116577

>The Earth was fashioned from the ideas and discoveries which originated in the spirit world. Everything on Earth came from the spirit world. Everything on Earth possesses a soul.
Blasphemy woman have no souls!

>> No.2116597

Dolphins are like perpetual children. They have no way to be educated. They have great brains and senses but not the body to use it.

>> No.2116648
File: 14 KB, 261x251, professor-farnsworth[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news, everyone! I've successfully crossbred a chimpanzee with a bottlenose dolphin and a new caledonian crow! Unfortunately the bad news is he won the nobel prize over me and I need you to go steal it from him.

>> No.2116692


>> No.2116806
File: 78 KB, 450x334, bender-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can do!

I'll just steal it off your cold dead body... right after I kill it.

>> No.2116808
File: 25 KB, 720x480, 501-114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I look like someone who care about repercussions?
I'm a scientist, dammit!!

>> No.2116812
File: 50 KB, 250x177, 250px-Snorky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snorky... Mad...