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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2109699 No.2109699 [Reply] [Original]

Any /sci/entists here pursuing something other than the hard sciences?

I've got an interest in Physics and Astronomy...but the career path requires a minimum of a decade before I am actually IN the field.

Right now I am on track to pursue a career in the IT field. A Bachelor's degree and a few certs is all I need...but I feel I can still be happy doing research on my own....magazines, books, internet, etc..

Anyone share the same feelings?

pic related

>> No.2109717

Biology here. Currently work as an elevator technician (80k/yr). Can't find a job in my field that will feed my family but I still do independent study in my free time. Would love to go get my PhD if I ever win the lotto.

>> No.2109715
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>> No.2109719

>Anyone share the same feelings?
Not at all. From the looks of it all you're going to be in the end is another failed science student who amuses himself in the amateur science he's doing. Right now I'm working on my Ph.D. in mathematics and I can tell you that if you're really interested in science going all the way is the only option. Everything else is just for pussies.

>> No.2109725


at what stage of your education did you move out of your family's house?

>> No.2109728


wtf 80k a year? how do I become an elevator technician?

Do you have a B.S. or M.S. in Master's?

>> No.2109731

I still haven't moved out. But I basically have my own apartment here, only the kitchen I share with my parents. I'm planning on moving out as soon as I'm done with my Ph.D.

>> No.2109737

btw I'm 21 years old so it's not even awkward really

>> No.2109756


I'm 21 as well...meaning I'd be like 28 and still living with my parents....I can't do that shit.

>> No.2109762

It might be a little awkward for you, but in case you study mathematics it really pays of, simply because of the amount of jobs and pay you can get...beats living a few more years with parents easily.

>> No.2109769


realistically...a PhD in Mathematics will not get 300k starting as most believe. Plus...that's a decade right there. 31...with parents....not gonna happen.

I wish I could do something with a B.S. in Physics...but from what I have read and heard...there is nothing you can do with that.

>> No.2109784

I'm in business with a concentration in international trade/relations. I'm an amateur astronomer and a big NASA fan. One day, I'd like to assist in funding a space program, private or public. That would please me.

>> No.2109802

High school student here that wants to study physics in the future, any advice /sci/? Or should I just go for engineering?

>> No.2109828


thats why i'm getting my b.s in physics then going for engineering

>> No.2109834


Why don't you just go for Engineering at the B.S. level then?

>> No.2109853


B.S Bio. No college needed to work on elevators, I signed up for a 2 year apprenticeship through the city. Paid training, when I started working on my own 33/hr, double time for OT.

>> No.2109861


I wish I could find that in my town ;_;

>> No.2109862
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Have you heard of the Open Space Movement?

On topic though:

If things go right:

If everything goes wrong:
Stuck in this country, studying something like IT or whatever, all dreams crushed.

>> No.2109874

aerospace engineering is best engineering

>> No.2109886

No, but I'm looking into it now. So far, it looks like the sort of thing I'd like to get behind. Thanks.

>> No.2109900

BS in meteorology with 10 years experience in the field, currently planning to quit and get my MS/PhD in geology.

Doing it mostly to amuse myself and avoid working as much as possible (family is rich).

>> No.2109908

Businessfag again. It certainly looks the most appealing from the outside, but what's it like in the program? Do you guys consistently engage yourself in relevant projects, or is it mostly theoretical?

>> No.2109962
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From what I have gathered, most of the time it's just building stupid, boring planes, but if you get lucky you might become a just-graduated underpaid Aerospace Eng. working at SpaceX with all their amazing stuff.

They launched the first rocket of a generation carrying more cargo than that stupid space shuttle, poor NASA, it wasn't their fault, just the government strangling their deadlines as usual.

They are going to make the Falcon XX rocket a Big Dumb Booster, which shows that SpaceX at least knows what it's doing (Or maybe it simply shows that's it's a private corporation rather than a government-run and government-underfunded shoestring-budget agency like poor, old, tired NASA)

Pic related.

>> No.2109966
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>> No.2109979

Similar situation as OP, i'v always really liked biology, but i'v decided pursue a degree in law instead.

I really do quite enjoy biology, but i like law more.

>> No.2109984
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That too.

RIP Challenger crew. The world didn't shake with your death as much as it should have.

>> No.2109994

I'm dealing with the same decision as you. In my case, the choice is between pursuing a physics degree or an engineering degree. I've almost completed a semester of engineering. If I stay in the program I will have enough money after next summer's co-op to move out. I can think of a number of benefits to doing something practical while studying independently:

- move out early
- contribute more directly to society
- gain a level of maturity through independent living
- balance intellectual labour with more physical labour
- not become a self-centered academic who has little appreciation of the struggles most people go through

>> No.2109999

By the way, are you currently working on that AE major? Which university did you/will you choose? I just finished applying to several schools with seemingly excellent AE programs, so I'm just curious.

>> No.2110008


Colonel you sexy, sexy man. If I had the head of a cat of some sort, I'd be all over you like a cheap suit.

>> No.2110009
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Also, check my quads

>> No.2110020


Actually, right now I'm on the


stage, which means talking to the lady from the Fullbright foundation, trying to get recommendation letters out teachers (HS underageb& etc.). Godammit, I built a fully-functional destructive railgun and the physics teacher won't give me a damn recom. :(

I looked at some universities and recorded their admissions and programs, most of the Aerospace capable ones seem to be at either coast, preferably I'd pick one near Arizona or California because that area is pretty much the Silicon Valley of Aerospace, every major company is there, since there's a large desert where both aircraft and spacecraft can be tested without much damage.

>> No.2110027


That being said, did you just happen to apply to USC? Call it male intuition.

>> No.2110036
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I lol'd.

>> No.2110058
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Businessfag back once again. You have good thread-wide intuition, I'll give you that.

>> No.2110062


... Ivan?

>> No.2110066

I applied to Embry-riddle, UC Boulder, Penn state. I didn't concern myself with the location too much (although I have family conveniently near all three locations). I'm planning on going to graduate school before I REALLY get into the profession, simply because I want to have the appropriate credentials to work high-up in an aerospace company/agency. Then, with any luck, I'll be able to assume control and start building my space empire.
Post pics of railgun? Sounds cool; I've only done a few basic engineering projects like a sterling engine and electric motor along with some failed ones.

>> No.2110068

Sorry, but nope.

>> No.2110070


Aww, almost! Male intuition fails after a while.

>> No.2110072

Come to USC for your graduate degree. I feel like our campus is full of pre-astronauts, usually from the military.

>> No.2110075


Sorry, I don't have a camera and nobody else bothered to get one even when I insisted >_>, a friend of mine took some pictures though, and I'm either going to give her a call or just re-create the whole thing and take new pictures.

>> No.2110097
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Pic related. Imagine this, but with gigantic diamond spaceplanes and astronauts instead if jet fighters and pilots! =3

>> No.2110109


>> No.2110113


God those uniforms are so elegant and classy. I MUST BECOME A MILITARY PILOT.

>> No.2110127

Go to the Air Force Academy. Then again, I'm not sure if immigrants can get in.

>> No.2110136


I was kidding, though. Being a pilot would be nice, but I'm more on the construction side of things. And planning and such. But flying a ship across space would be... Lengthy, sure, but it would be worth every Senate shooting for funding.

>> No.2110139

Here's the reality of science kids:

If you want to do anything significant and/or that pays well, you'll NEED a PhD. Even then you're not going to be rolling in money. A few places do pay well though (for example, the CDC pays amazing salaries from a scientist's perspective; I've seen jobs listed on there that paid as much as $141,000 and even their lab techs rake in $50k per year. Good luck getting a job there though). Tenure-track university positions pay decently once you get up to the rank of full professor from what I hear (and have great benefits), but they're extremely difficult to get (it's common for universities with openings to get 200 applications from "highly qualified individuals" for only 1-2 spots). There's a reason why you'll find that even mediocre state schools have faculty who are predominately ivy league graduates.

It's also worth noting that to be a good scientist you will have to put in insane hours in a lab and not all of that is going to be doing science (hope you like writing grants). So if you aren't completely willing to dump another six years of your life into grad school for your PhD (and another two years after that for post-docs) then science is most certainly not for you.

Now if you want to do something science-related that requires relatively little education and pays well, do engineering. Computer science is also a good choice in that event. The CIA also likes to hire scientists at all education levels, but they're not a employer you should count on since their acceptance requirements are impossible for most people to meet (ie the background check is a killer and you get to redo it every five years; also, if someone in the organization doesn't like you they can easily arrange a rigged polygraph test to get you fired which also comes with the wonderful side-benefit of netting you an FBI investigation as mandated by law).

tl:dr - become an elevator repairman

>> No.2110149

Feels like a whole lot of "I give up" in this post.

>> No.2111913


>> No.2111974

Hey, does the private aerospace sector have the same ridiculously high standards as everyone else?

'Coz I'm a lazy fuck but I still want to do something awesome, so I was wondering if I could rock up to like, Armadillo Aerospace, or one of those Danish companies that make rockets out of boilers and glue, and pretty much get instant employment and blowjobs in exchange for my adequate but academically meagre physics knowledge.

>> No.2111979

I hate this. We've got, I don't know, millions of people willing and able to make a real contribution, but then economics comes along and ruins everything.

>> No.2112010

maths msc here, right now pursuing a career in the snow removal industry. fresh air, and tons of time to work on problems in my head.

>> No.2112026

Environmental Science reporting. Putting my degree to work for the EPA...hopefully Region 2 but in all likelihood Region 6 ( cause they need the most help )

>> No.2112109
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Genetic engineering is best engineering.

>> No.2112143
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Robert Zubrin is now /sci/'s newest meme.

>> No.2112171

Well fuck all that shit. I'll just study sociology.