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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2102692 No.2102692 [Reply] [Original]

>My face when Christfags think God will lead them to truth and understanding.

>My face when rational empiricists think Scientific method will lead them to truth and understanding.

>My face when they all fail.

>> No.2103061
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>> No.2103063
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>My face when OP's concept of truth and understanding is by definition unachievable

>> No.2103065
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>My face when they all fail individually but succeed as a collective

>> No.2103070
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this is what i think about anyone truly and thoroughly believing anything

>> No.2103086
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>mfw I realize this is completely true

>> No.2103095
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>mfw you think believing that a magic man duplicated fish is helpful for increasing truth and understanding

>> No.2103097
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>mfw I realise I misunderstood what you were saying and apologise for the implication

>> No.2103108

sadly you don't understand that intuition is and always has been more truthful and powerful than reason

>> No.2103116

>more truthful

How do you check how true things are?

>> No.2103127


Your argument is invalid because he has clearly stated that intuition is more important than reason. And you're trying to reason things well he's speaking from his intuition. He's automatically correct regardless of deliberation. The greatest irony of religious thinking.

>> No.2103129
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>> No.2103134


yep. You can't tell a person that their way of thinking is wrong unless they are already predisposed to believe that fact.

>> No.2103151


you don't check... you feel

The more you try to check and reason... the more you realize how wrong you are and act counter to your instinct ultimately sacrificing your growth and productivity. actions>thoughts

>> No.2103157
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>you don't check... you feel

>> No.2103193 [DELETED] 
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unless, of course, you use.... I N C E P T I O N

>> No.2103197
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unless, of course, you use....

>> No.2103199
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i feel that you're a faggot.

my intuition says it's true

>> No.2103206


I feel you actually only think that due to mental conditioning and the many years of betraying yourself that has corroded your soul beyond recognition. Do you think your 5 year old self would fell the same way?

>> No.2103211
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>> No.2103213

>mental conditioning
>intuition is and always has been more truthful and powerful

>> No.2103217


It's people like you that make the religious argument justifiable. The soul exists. It's just more an abstraction of a physical construct than an ethereal creation of god.

>> No.2103220
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I have no doubts that the younger me would.
However the small matter of linguistics and my limited vocabulary at the time did not include that particular statement. It would be more appropriate to say i would feel that you were an stupid stupid doody head.
i was a very cynical child.

i tried to destroy the earth at the tender age of 4 by attempting to hurl all the stones i could find into space and BINGO!
curiosity of my failer further drove me to the sciences.

I have never betrayed my nature

>> No.2103221

the important thing is that you found a way to feel superi-oh fuck it

>> No.2103222


>It's people like you that make the religious argument justifiable.

If I believe hard enough, I can convince myself it's true, intuitive eh?

>The soul exists. It's just more an abstraction of a physical construct than an ethereal creation of god.

Processing error.

>The 'soul' exists; it just doesn't exist.

>> No.2103225


>mental conditioning and the many years of betraying yourself
yes conditioning yourself toward over-thinking leads only to confusion, corruption, and corrosion
>intuition is and always has been more truthful and powerful than reason
yes who is happier and more honest... trusting children or cynical adults
correct this is what happens when you over think that which you have taken out of context, so whats the problem besides all your quotes omitting important details

>> No.2103229


>yes who is happier and more honest... trusting children or cynical adults

Holy shit. That's pretty fucking bad; read as: I'm happier living a lie

>> No.2103230


so do you also not believe in the power of your will since it is an abstract concept rather than a physical vital organ

>> No.2103231


>implying a complicated series of lies are not already deeply embedded into your life

>> No.2103233


Seriously? You're actually going down that shit route?

>It's like the air! You can't see it, but you know it's there.

>> No.2103235


there is no truth only lies you choose to accept for the short time you are able to make decisions

>> No.2103236


PROTIP: The internet is an abstraction. It's not really there but you find you utilize it everyday

>> No.2103238


You are a sad deluded person.

>> No.2103239


PROTIP: You're a faggot!

>> No.2103242


bad analogy
air is measurable, finite, and quantifiable
Your will and your soul are not

>> No.2103246 [DELETED] 


PROTIP: You've realized you're wrong but lack the humility to accept rational thought on top of your own. So instead you behind empty insults.

>> No.2103250


PROTIP: You've realized you're wrong but lack the humility to accept rational thought on top of your own. So instead you hide behind empty insults.

>> No.2103249


you are a sad ad hominem who can not even properly behave in the mediums you choose to accept as immutable fact - reason and logic

>> No.2103252
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>> No.2103255
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forgot a word there didn't you?

don't go all wobbly on us now...take a breath and try again...

we wish to know more how one who says intuition is preferred over logic, can logically convince us our intuition is wrong

>> No.2103257
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ah...the fabled land of Utopia...

>> No.2103262


No the problem is that the listener has chosen not to accept simple logic and reason and it is therefore impossible to argue with him. You have accepted your own underlying beliefs as fact. You are guilty of succumbing to the inherent lies that you, yourself have spoken of. You take no understanding of what it means to understand, to be happy, to be corrupted, to "corrode". You don't realize that your mind is a consistently changing thing and that it has no ultimate sense of morals. It is only a result of your genetics and the environment in which you have lived. Once you've realized this fact you are capable of looking at all ideas with clairvoyance and understanding. You find that logic and reason permeate the entire universe and your subjective thoughts are merely a product. For accepting your intuition you are a sad and deluded human being. And we wish to help you if you would listen.

>> No.2103263
File: 86 KB, 640x354, guketyjgfcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


deleted already? awww...

damn coke heads... >_<

>> No.2103265


OH please, tell the rest of us who missed it what it said. I'm sure we would love to know for the lulz. I'm sure the back button would let you see it again.

>> No.2103266


What the? Lol >_<

>> No.2103273


not really trying to convince anyone of anything, just responding to responses of my response to defend my position; if my ramblings help someone that is good, but a damaged mind can only be repaired by itself from within through much inner reflection (and possibly sensory deprivation if it has become unable to filter out the ambient noise and listen to itself). I can show you the way, but only you can take the first steps.

>> No.2103279



>> No.2103292

(Dog:Algebra)(Human:Cosmos) mathematically>

WOW OMG THERES NO PICTURE WHAT A FAG Maybe that's because I had no expression.

>> No.2103319


>You have accepted your own underlying beliefs as fact. You are guilty of succumbing to the inherent lies that you, yourself have spoken of.
Just to be clear, I never said logic and reason are without their merits, but in the end intuition trumps logic and you have to ultimately trust what you truly feel based on your perceptions and act accordingly because after a certain point, pure logic and reason can only lead to reductio ad absurdum and betray themselves and you.

>It (sense of morals) is only a result of your genetics and the environment in which you have lived.
I bet even you know it is much more complicated than only a couple of variables

>You find that logic and reason permeate the entire universe and your subjective thoughts are merely a product.
[citation needed]
How can you possibly claim to know that for a fact using pure logic and reason when your only understanding of the entire universe is all just smoke and mirrors (ie telescopes catching fleeting glimpses of the light reflecting off of gasses millions of miles away.. one tiny pocket of space at time) and the "true" explanations of many phenomena and basic processes seem so elastic and often open to interpretation and change from decade to decade... generation to generation.

>> No.2103326


yes because everyone knows how Christfags are big proponents of sensory deprivation and transcendental meditation

>> No.2103336


Ya play the part well enough.

>I can show you the way, but only you can take the first steps.

>> No.2103377

Did you get lost or something?

This is /sci/, we use evidence to justify our beliefs here.
Try /new/.

>> No.2103384

Better yet, try /x/. You'll fit right in. I wonder if intuition can tell you whether the Jews are putting chemtrails in our water?
You'd be a real hit.

>> No.2103392

>implying Christianity is the only philosophy whose goal requires steps to achieve enlightenment
seriously bro expand your world view, focus on and gravitate toward the positive, not the negative and some of your anger (esp toward your Christian relatives and acquaintances) will subside

>> No.2103393

>expand your world view, focus on and gravitate toward the positive

Are these lyrics to a Bomfunk MCs song?

>> No.2103395

>some of your anger (esp toward your Christian relatives and acquaintances)
>implying any of my friends and relatives are religious

Not everyone lives in a shithole, bro

>> No.2103400


only the heathens and your unhappy, godless sphere of influence... also the muslims

>> No.2103402

>herp derp I'm tired of doing this so I'll make it obvious I'm a troll

>> No.2103411

Look, post your arguments for god if you want to.

You're not going to convince me unless you come up with more than sanctimonious, condescending, vacuous feel good speeches.

Now, I'm tired of refuting the ontological, cosomological, teleological and presuppositional arguments, so christfags, see if you can come up with something original. Spice things up a bit.

>> No.2103419

God is energy and the force that aligns it for experience to happen. It is most likely incorporeal because there is nothing to compare it to, like the qualia that construct your reality.

If you deny god, you deny yourself. The come hand in hand.

>> No.2103421


Firstly, you don't seem to realise what gods are. Gods are the beings that religious people say come and do miracles, interfere with nature and command holy genocidal armies.

And secondly, your definition doesn't even connect to any real concepts. It's mystical word salad.

>> No.2103425

i must stop readin. i´m going to have a worship service with an emanation of the spaghetti monster.

>> No.2103458


you don't seem to realize what God is because you have only tried to impatiently listen to other people formally explain what they have been told to think about the subject rather than sit, silence your mind and slowly get the story straight from the source.

>> No.2103480

You aren't smart enough to even comprehend the possibility of God. That's the only problem.

That's fine though -- you are probably just like a rabbit or a dog -- living life ignorant and happily.

ooh... you are probably depressive. What was that old saying? Without God you are in hell? What a coincidence.

>> No.2103486

It is funny because I think people have to be intelligent to believe things without proof.

Oh wait, I'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.2103500

Knowledge is always assumption-less.

>> No.2103648



>> No.2103660

well there are things that are super true, like god exists because the voices in my head say so, and then there are things that aren't as true like evolution which has actual evidence for it but isn't proven etc.

>> No.2103669

.>>2103419 um wtf

>god exists because I say he is something uncommon with every other definition of god,...

yawn. I could say god is the collective consciousness of all brain matter connected through another dimension in a one way system of information seeding therefore god was created by animals with brains in parallel to everything. in fact yes this is what i believe and any idiot can use this argument i just made up in 5 seconds to high jack there god further into existence if they want to.

oh wait I lied im actually a cunt

and sage, sage and burn

>> No.2103677
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>mfw when reading this thread while I'm on 550mg DPH, lots of other drugs.