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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2101668 No.2101668 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/,
I am completely isolated intellectually. I have nobody--twenty years of searching, nobody--with whom I can personally speak candidly about sensible matters such as science, logic, mathematics, and computing. No one in the local culture of academia is both willing and capable of assisting in my research. Those who are willing aren't capable, those who might be capable aren't willing.

I do not claim superiority in general. There are those who know more than I. There are those who can do more than I. In what I do, I think I am one of the very best. I seek excellence in understanding and practicing a few domains.

I do not want to want people in my life. I do not want to be caught in the tangled web that society weaves. Due to my biology, I need people. Living without people is sensory deprivation. I cope with that by spending a sizable amount of time online talking with people I've never met. I've had a girl friend, I've sought out companionship of both genders, and I've had many friends. None of them have been satisfactory.

I'm writing all this because I want to speak. I want to be heard. I want someone to care. I want to care again. I worry that the "magic" I felt when I was a child has left me, and I've forgotten something important I once knew.

I'm worried at this rate I won't have anything in common with my fellow human beings except for maybe my physiology. Even that is subject to change. Of course, It is probable that I'm merely demented and delusional. I'm not interested in justifying myself or my abilities. I've learned the futility of such exercises. I only want to sit and solve unsolved problems.

If I'm going to be alone, I'd rather be alone in a crowd.

>> No.2101789
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>> No.2101798

Write some stories, weave it in to them.

When people read deep fiction, they appreciate it even if they're not intellectuals.

>> No.2101806

The "magic" that you mention existing in your childhood is a problem that I have greatly pondered as well in my spare time. Some people say that you just lose a sense of imagination when you grow older, but I believe there is something far greater at work in current generations that is responsible for these symptoms that are commonly described. I believe that only through a process of reversion to the natural habits that we possessed as children; to throw off the weights that we have made ourselves gain as we have grown, will be the only way to establish this lost sense of being. It is theoretical at this point, but it makes logical sense that we were born in the physiological state most genetically suited for our existence and it can be surmised that the ruts that we fall into during our life are responsible for us losing this.

>> No.2101815

I'm sorry, but did you just describe my life?

>> No.2101818

welcome to the club

>> No.2101821


I'm never growing up. Games are my life now and until I die.

>> No.2101824

>You will never have a wholesome, fulfilling life

>> No.2101853

Similar situation as yourself. The more you become willingly ostracized, the more you psychologically adapt to your new environment.

Myself, I had similar feelings quite a long time ago. They eventually became deadened over time and I'm now at ease again. BUT, who knows, I may have a nervous breakdown and go bomb an elementary school. Good luck to yourself!

>> No.2101856


Unless you truly enjoy your life while playing them and are not using them as an attempt at escapism from reality, then I see no reason why you would stop. However, if you are just using them as "electronic alcohol" as so many people do use them as these days, then I suggest that we try to apply our minds to a greater self-directive on a daily basis.

>> No.2101869

/sci/ needs a convention we can all goto like comicon. Id pay to get in.

>> No.2101898


I apologize, OP. I hadn't perused your text extensively enough to have created an ideal response.

Disregards that, I suck cocks, etc

Am I correct in assuming that you'd want to pursue some sort of academic feat, such as research, but not able?

I don't really have enough data about your environment in order to give any advice in regards to your predicament.

>> No.2101987

The "magic" is having a pre-frontal cortex which is not yet fully developed. It only finishes developing around 25 years. When it does, the brain can more fully distinguish the difference between reality and stories (or games or movies), making them less immersive and less of an escape.

>> No.2101991

>I need someone to stroke my ego. Laugh at my jokes, soak up all of my thoughts and treat them as diamonds. Carefully observe my person and character and give me feedback in satisfactory intervals. Understand that my needs are quite different and much more complex than those of the less capable. Acknowledge that this is not merely a much more eloquent version of a Linkin Park song, with a little more intellectual baggage. As I set down these notes on paper, I'm obsessed by the thought that I may be the last living man on earth.

>> No.2102340
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I'm not talking about magical thinking. I'm talking about the magic that made me love science. The awe inspiring relationships between perception and reality which made it worth getting out of the bed in the morning. The magic that got me exploring to see how it all weaves together. That made people tolerable and interesting.

>> No.2102350

>>I need someone to stroke my ego. Laugh at my jokes, soak up all of my thoughts and treat them as diamonds. Carefully observe my person and character and give me feedback in satisfactory intervals. Understand that my needs are quite different and much more complex than those of the less capable. Acknowledge that this is not merely a much more eloquent version of a Linkin Park song, with a little more intellectual baggage. As I set down these notes on paper, I'm obsessed by the thought that I may be the last living man on earth.

Hahah oh wow saved.

>> No.2102366

I think of it as the death of possibility or the possibility of death.

>> No.2102371

>If I'm going to be alone, I'd rather be alone in a crowd.

>> No.2102393


Man, each time I get fed up with how utterly retarded the users of /sci/ are it only takes a quick dip into the cesspool of /r9k/ to grant me some perspective.

>> No.2102400
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/sci/ I feel disappointed with your response. /b/ was far more constructive, far more critical, and far more responsive.

>> No.2102410

+1 internets

>> No.2102416


Fucking burn

Yknow I think I'll actually save this response. Good show man.

>> No.2102421
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To clarify, I'm not interested in advice. I'm not here for validation. It isn't so much a problem to be fixed as it is a report of a reality of withdrawing from the concerns of the world.

>> No.2102430

Only Sith deal in absolutes

>> No.2102436

Are you absolutely sure about that?

>> No.2102443


>> No.2102460
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>I need someone to kill my ego. Laugh at my fears and insecurities, critique all of my claims and refute those in error. Carefully observe my person and behaviors and give me feedback at satisfactory intervals. To understand that my needs are no different than and no more complex than those who have no practice.

>> No.2102461

You are alone in a crowd. That goes for everyone.

OP, you sound very much like my 13 year old self. Grow up, fuck your pain, do whatever you gotta do. And don't think you're unique in any way, that just makes you sound stupid.

If it helps, remember that most of the atoms that constitute your body have been around for a very long time, so you're, like, part T-Rex. That's pretty cool, right?

>> No.2102469 [DELETED] 
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>Grow up, fuck your pain, do whatever you gotta do. And don't think you're unique in any way, that just makes you sound stupid.
So that's the answer to the complexity of the phenomena which we call life? Nice strawman by the way, I did not claim uniqueness. I am not. I did not claim pain. I did not complain about "What I've got to do." People do not factor into that problem. I will do what I've got to with or without the direct aid of others.

Note: what I sound like and what you hear are two different things. Hopefully, you're capable of empathizing with me and getting beyond your own interpretation of what you think you hearing.

>> No.2102477

Oh yes, and doesn't the faggot of an OP seem like a perfect match? A pretentious, verbose, attention-whoring, anti-social pseudo-intellectual with a glaringly obvious superiority complex to boot! Just can't wait 'til he aims his disease ridden cancerous asshole over at /r9k/ and projectile assvomits all over the board with his inane philosophy major prattle.

>> No.2102479
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>Grow up, fuck your pain, do whatever you gotta do. And don't think you're unique in any way, that just makes you sound stupid.
So that's the answer to the complexity of the phenomena which we call life? Nice strawman by the way, I did not claim uniqueness. I am not. I did not claim pain. I did not complain about "What I've got to do." People do not factor into that problem. I will do what I've got to with or without the direct aid of others.

Note: what I sound like and what you hear are two different things. Hopefully, you're capable of empathizing with me and getting beyond your own interpretation of what you think you are hearing.

>> No.2102487
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Thats beautiful, bro.

>> No.2102491

I love that ironically /sci/ fails at science consistently. Rote recall and demonstration? Sure. Comprehension? No.

What do you suppose the bias is here in the conclusions of people given the available data? Seems to tend towards the negative bias by simple estimation.

>> No.2102496

You really should watch this video. It will help you get back in touch with your human side.


>> No.2102526

1)No one on this board- or any board, for that matter likes you. You aren't deep, you aren't smart, you aren't better than anyone else because you can use big words and talk like you are the coolest shit around.

2)/sci/ is a perfectly acceptable board for discussing science, trolling aside.

>> No.2102545
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That's it? Ridicule by music? There are so many other things you could have offered as perfectly valid critique.


Are just a few fleeting thoughts. Without going outside of the medium you chose.

Most of the posts of this thread are simply conditioned responses. Projected hostility about insecurities.

For all the math and science that /sci/borgs and /sci/ducks take, don't the people you venerate educate you in how to hold critical discourse?

>> No.2102569
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For anything which has a known answer, maybe. However for any controversy? No.

Evidentially, /sci/ isn't familiar with conjecture and refutation or peer review methods. Responses like yours suggest that /sci/entist here lack even basic reading comprehension. You assert I somehow hold myself as higher, superior, or greater.

What part of:
>I do not claim superiority in general. There are those who know more than I. There are those who can do more than I. In what I do, I think I am one of the very best. I seek excellence in understanding and practicing a few domains.
Was incomprehensible? What part suggests I am claiming general superiority?

I'm good at somethings that I do. Really good. For all you know that's something like cleaning my bellybutton out. I qualify my statement to establish that it does not hold universally. There are special cases where it may not be the case.

Given everything I could be good at, I'm only good at a vanishingly small subset of everything. In fact, my method is to go towards being the least. Not the greatest.

Perhaps you noticed that I am seeking to understand how to live and work with less than I currently have.

>> No.2102575

I am wondering, OP, if you have done any reading in regards to trans-humanism. I have been feeling rather similarly to what you have described, and assume that consensus culture/creed is difficult to change, even when the pinnacle of human understanding is become so incredibly efficient and precise. I suppose this can be quantified as a slow hierarchical diffusion or sorts.

I am waiting for a time where in order to thrive in a conscious state, one need not be human/biological/restricted in nature. This is a prerequisite in our current society, however. When the exponential trend of information growth becomes itself exponentially exponential, then one need not be confined to use classical methods of studying and thinking. One can choose to be a part of the net of information, explore and create infinite worlds of ones own.

>> No.2102586

>There are so many other things you could have offered as perfectly valid critique.
I and several other anons wrote quite a bit about what you've been doing wrong, yet you seem willfully ignorant of it.

>> No.2102602

I occasionally read h+ and I've read the chapter on computing in "The Singularity is Near." I maintain that I am a transhumanist because I seek to transcend the fetters of the human body.

This is part of the gap which has developed between me and others. I've started to disconnect because I will not bother myself with concerns like the childish desires of human beings too insecure in their ambitions to challenge the world they live in, to test their faith in their convictions.

Watching the political machinations of the various nations to me is about on par with watching the World Soccer Cup or a religious sermon. None of which concerns me or my work directly.

>> No.2102615

Now you aren't even trying.

>my method is to go towards being the least. Not the greatest.
>I seek excellence in understanding and practicing a few domains.

>You assert I somehow hold myself as higher, superior, or greater.
>I'm good at somethings that I do. Really good.

>I'm not interested in justifying myself or my abilities.
>Critique me, bro!

You write like an english major with an ego bigger only than the towering walls of text he makes.

>> No.2102633

It has been asserted that I'm doing something wrong and it should be apparent what it is. [citation needed]

What's the evidence? I could careless about people and what they like or what they want. I have no interest in interfering with their lives, and I simply do not want them interfering with mine.

I know from first hand examination of the evidence that the probability of someone being both capable and willing to contribute to what I do concern myself with is a very low order of magnitude.

I hold no malevolence towards those who decide to not pursue those things which I'm concerned with. Some would characterize me as anti-social or misanthropic. I would characterize myself as a hermit and a moderate autistic though neither a savant nor a suffer of aspergers.

Can you formally state your argument because I read the posts which are not mine several times to try and discern what you're referring to. All I see "critique"-wise is people mocking me as some angsty teen. Personally, I find it funny but disheartening because it's not scientifically, mathematically, or logically valid critique.

It is vacuous criticism.

>> No.2102643

You seem to imply that if I'm going for excellence in whatever I do, I'm going to go for being the "greatest" at it. I am not.

I work on the principle that we are born with inherent ignorance which we slowly divest ourselves of as we engage in mindful concerted practice. Think of it as Occam's Razor applied as an educational principle.

>> No.2102675
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Are you familiar with qualification? Scope? Are you familiar with relative measures? Statistical distributions? Mutually exclusive outcomes, propositions, or states?

The critique at best seems to be reductio ad absurdum without explicitly stating what exactly is supposed to be absurd about the argument. At worst it seems either an argument from incredulity or ad hominen with non-trivial misunderstanding or misinterpretation of what has been claimed and why it has been claimed.

>> No.2102677

>It has been asserted that I'm doing something wrong and it should be apparent what it is. [citation needed]
See every post in this thread.

>I could care less about people and what they like or what they want. I have no interest in interfering with their lives, and I simply do not want them interfering with mine.
Why did you post this shitheap you call a thread? Go be a hermit, live in a dark cave in some far off land where you can jack off your own ego in peace. You made your intentions obvious from the first paragraph; you want friends, someone to relate to.
>I have nobody--twenty years of searching, nobody--with whom I can personally speak candidly about sensible matters ... No one in the local culture of academia is both willing and capable of assisting in my research. Those who are willing aren't capable, those who might be capable aren't willing.
>I want to be heard. I want someone to care.

>people mocking me as some angsty teen.
You are acting like one.

>moderate autistic though neither a savant nor a suffer of aspergers.
If you seriously have problems, REAL problems then see a psych or do nothing, but don't bring us all your problems. This is not facebook.

You admit to having problems, yet deny it when presented with clear evidence of what you are doing wrong. This is why I dislike you.

>> No.2102679

ITT: if only ego were intelligence...

>> No.2102690

I find it ironic that someone who knows as much as you about logic is so blind that they can't understand that a person cannot be antisocial and want friends at the same time.

Have you heard of cognitive dissonance?

>> No.2102695

Similar story to op, I applied and got accepted into a PhD program, now I do research and am living the dream. People around me have have similar interests even if dissimilar research areas.

Not sure what you're doing op, but there's a place for people like you, its called a university.

>> No.2102696
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>You admit to having problems, yet deny it when presented with clear evidence of what you are doing wrong. This is why I dislike you.
I report my problems and issues. I report my state of being. This is fairly typical fair for cognitive behavioral psych.
Our miscommunication is apparent however from this paragraph. You presume that I am asking for something. I am not. I am sharing something. I am stating what I want, what I feel, what I find pleasing, what I displeasing, what I am indifferent to.

You seem to think this is something to be fixed. A defect to alter. It is not.

If I wanted friends, why would I remain anonymous? Why not include my email, my name, my facebook? Why not attach my identity to this. Why not brag about my work in detail?

Seems to me that your perspective is this is an exchange with an angsty teen. My perspective is that this is more like an exchange with Noam Chomsky. Quite, critical, contemplative, reasonable, sensible discussion about experiences and afflictions common to everyone.

>> No.2102703


Maybe no one is both willing and able to help you because you yourself are unenthusiastic and unengaged which leads you to walk around all day like a depressed eeyore whose excess burdens nobody wants to take on because they have their own problems to deal with.

Maybe if you yourself became more willing and able to help others with your own skills and stopped appearing to treat yourself as a burden and instead projected an image of helpfulness and support, you could attract the kind of people you want to associate with (but realize if you attract alot of people, you will also meet people do not like and must learn to deal with them amicably and even someone you don't like may be surrounded by people you do like and a friendship with them can still be of benefit) .

Don't treat socialization like a burden that you are just trying to make it through because small conversations might seem tedious, but that is how you build up the rapport that makes people want to help you. Finally, don't always act like you know all the answers even when you think you do... for instance sometimes the best way to answer someone's question (mostly for open ended questions) is to posit your own question that will likely lead to the answer you would have given.

>> No.2102713

Stop contradicting yourself. You DID suggest you were unique and later saying "but I don't mean to..." doesn't change shit.

It's like if I start rambling about hot guys and then say I'm not gay. Doesn't help matters.

Grow the fuck up, OP. You're not as smart as you think.

>> No.2102722
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I'm familiar with the consistent logic of extremes. However, would you admit that people can feel both emotional states at the same time? Are you stating that the emotional states are mutually exclusive? That you can't be both happy and fearful?

Also, are you claiming a person can not be ambivalent or feel ambiguously about something? Are you denying people behave and think in contradictory ways? Are those not observable phenomena?

>> No.2102725

I like to think of OP as an elaborate troll, because I simply won't admit someone that can be that stupid and angsty at the same time.

So everyone who's been trolled, please noticed OP doesn't want to actually communicate with anyone. His persona is that of a selfish teenage prick who thinks 'sharing' means trowing something out in the world and shootind down any response it gets.

Now, if OP is actually not a troll (help me god), he would seriously benefit from learning that, if he doesn't want opinions, he should keep his bullshit to himself and get the fuck out of /sci/.

>> No.2102733
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Clearly, I am not unique. It's actually one of the things which bothers me. I am not unique. I am a meat Popsicle like anyone else. I have neurological oddities which make me distinct but not unique. I am a human being. Everything I've ever done, thought, or said could in principle be done, thought, or said by anyone else. In many cases, I know that I'm merely continuing the work of those who have come before. I spend a significant amount of time and effort retracing the steps of those who have come before.

One must not confuse uniqueness for distinctiveness.

>> No.2102739

OP, I think I understand what's going on with you. When you were a kid you probably had large numbers of unanswered questions which have since been answered or at least resolved in whether or not they can be answered.
The problem with you is that you've hit a wall. Earlier in your life, there was a big drive for you to educate yourself, which lead to huge numbers of unanswered questions, many of which you probably simply forgot. There are still questions left. You just have to be actively looking for them.

Once you're set on what you want to do in life and set that you cannot do that thing, you either become a faceless man in the back of a diner somewhere or you go out and find something else to do, either indefinitely or in the meantime.

>> No.2102744

You are killing me.

>You presume that I am asking for something. I am not.
Then why are you here, posting, if you do not want anyone to read it? Why are you asking for criticism?

>If I wanted friends, why would I remain anonymous?
Friends can be friends whether they know your real name or not.

>Why not brag about my work in detail?
You have. You are equating yourself with a famous philosopher. You are calling yourself good in nearly every post.

>My perspective is that this is more like an exchange with Noam Chomsky.
Noam is one of the most quoted people in the world. He is also an anarchist. See why I am calling you "angsty"?
>Quite, critical, contemplative, reasonable, sensible discussion about experiences and afflictions common to everyone.
Not everyone is an antisocial aspie.

>> No.2102746
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To make this contrast clear I should explain that few of us at the time would have said that we
believed in the truth of Einstein's theory of gravitation. This shows that it was not my
doubting the truth of those other three theories which bothered me, but something else. Yet
neither was it that I merely felt mathematical physics to be more exact than the sociological or
psychological type of theory. Thus what worried me was neither the problem of truth, at that
stage at least, nor the problem of exactness or measurability. It was rather that I felt that
these other three theories, though posing as sciences, had in fact more in common with primitive
myths than with science; that they resembled astrology rather than astronomy.

I found that those of my friends who were admirers of Marx, Freud, and Adler, were impressed by
a number of points common to these theories, and especially by their apparent explanatory power.
These theories appeared to be able to explain practically everything that happened within the
fields to which they referred. The study of any of them seemed to have the effect of an
intellectual conversion or revelation, opening your eyes to a new truth hidden from those not
yet initiated. Once your eyes were thus opened you saw confirming instances everywhere: the
world was full of verifications of the theory. Whatever happened always confirmed it. Thus its
truth appeared manifest; and unbelievers were clearly people who did not want to see the
manifest truth; who refused to see it, either because it was against their class interest, or
because of their repressions which were still 'un-analysed' and crying aloud for treatment.


>> No.2102749


Feeling and acting are two different things.

While it is harder to control what you feel, you most certainly are in control of your actions, so it would seem as if you have a choice to make... continue with the antisocial trends that have led you to where you are now or put yourself out there and try to make a real connection.

I suppose the result depends on your power of will and which which emotions you are more capable of handling, but only you can make that decision and my guess is the other emotions and urges will slowly subside if you are able truly commit to will to one of your choices.

>> No.2102753

welcome OP, you are now one of many enlightened nerds in the 21st century. haven't you heard? "deep thoughts" are pretty cheap now thanks to the internet

>> No.2102757
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INTJ thread?

>> No.2102758

What would it even be to be unique for you? I don't think it's even possible.
You'll always share common traits with someone or something around you. You are unique. There is no person who will be the same as you and people don't fundamentally function the same way.
We look pretty similar but we're nothing alike.

Humanity's greatest strength is its ability to rewrite its own base code.

>> No.2102761

But clearly most people are presumptuous jerks, right?

>> No.2102765

Wall of fucking text, dear god.

>> No.2102769

Missing the point, once again. You are contradicting yourself, constantly. I don't care about your emotions, it is your reasoning- or lack thereof.

>> No.2102778

>There is no person who will be the same as you and people don't fundamentally function the same way.
>We look pretty similar but we're nothing alike.

Yet we're all shaped and given form by a consistent set of rules, the laws of physics. Our variations are in state or configuration. Who or what do I thank for medical procedures working?

>> No.2102789

Is this the same gay-ass thread from last night, or a new one? You're not "superior", you're a sociopath, and you're also a cock waffle. You're welcome.

>> No.2102794

Your mental function is different. This is clearly what I am talking about.

>> No.2102797

The sense of wonderment of your childhood was a product of your ignorance at that time. You can simulate this sensation by altering your perception through drugs like pot.

I do not actually recommend doing this because despite the wonderment experienced in this state of mind, it is an inferior one.

>> No.2102803
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And you're putting contradiction forward as falsification of what exactly? I might accept proof by contradiction as a valid for pieces and parts of a well-formed argument but not necessarily to the whole argument. To prove the whole thing wrong, you'd need to establish that the whole thing is dependent and leads to a contradiction.

Of course, my point to you seems to have been missed as well. Human beings act, think, and feel in contradictory ways. Even particles exist in contradictory ways. What I am suggesting is that contradiction does not necessarily entail explosion.

You presume the system of deduction being used here is a form of Boolean logic. One which admits the excluded middle and non-contradiction as axioms. Though no one has formally or explicitly established this as the case, so it was not assumed.

>> No.2102806

the reason we act different in some situations has more to do with outside influences affecting your brain and its current chemical balance than your conscious thoughts, but there is no such thing as creative thinking (so I dont blame the OP, he tried). truth is, as long as we have the same ammount and quality of data on a specific subject and our mood (in op's case, existential crisis angst) is the same, two supposedly unique people will reach the same conclusion. >Therefore, OP.

>> No.2102813
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It was not simply ignorance. That would not account for the wonder I felt at knowing with good confidence the way the world worked. I'd accept that as a special case.

>> No.2102814

Op you are pathetic. eat shit and die. if you were so smart you would know what to do. people like you are the reason the public hats science. hell you deserve an internet punch.

>> No.2102822

As evidenced by "these kinds of threads." Being posted by various people at various times for various reasons with a consistent frequency.

>> No.2102830


Only when it was new. Ultimately it is still a result of your ignorance, which you gleefully proceeded to correct.

>> No.2102831

So I came to the conclusion that OP is a faggot.

How nice.

>> No.2102832

Know what to do about what? Your statement implies I'm asking for a solution to something.

I don't think people quite grasp the differences between reporting an issue or a problem and actually trying to solve one. I don't hold this problem as in need of solution. There's nothing to solve. Only something to analyze.

>> No.2102849

>Human beings act, think, and feel in contradictory ways.
That does not make it okay.

You do not make sense. You ask for criticism, then claim you don't want it. You act superior then claim not to. You say you want someone to hear you, then state otherwise. You say you want friends, then say you want to be alone. This is your inconsistency. Contradiction is contradiction, my entire point is that you contradict yourself.

>> No.2102853

Actually, people do understand the difference, they just feel frustrated in face of a teenage brat rambling about his personal issues and shooting down every response he gets. If you want to share something, be prepared to get opinions in return. If the prospect doesn't please, as apparently is the case, keep your shit to yourself.

You not only aren't unique, you're not distinguished either. That's an illusion you created yourself, and everyone else can see that, hence their anger and disbelief reading your post. No one likes an angsty 15 year old, and that's how you're acting.

You keep replying to people with the same shit; over and over again. And you don't expect them to feel frustrated? You expect them to rationalize everything instead of feeling it? You're frustrating, so people will reply to you with frustration. It's as simple as that.

You don't want solutions, so I'm not giving you solutions. But there's an wake up call, so perhaps you'll grow up just a little bit, enough to leave /sci/ and stop causing people a fucking headache. Or, I don't know, go bitch to your mother. She gave birth, now she might as well listen to your meaningless ramblings.

>> No.2102859

both very well put

>> No.2102865

No one wants to hear you blither about your problems, especially when you aren't looking for a solution.

>> No.2102875
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My point is that you fail to comprehend the difference between reporting a state and proving it. Not everything is rational. Not all I feel and want is in principle provable, reasonable, or sensible.

My state does not break into either "true" or "false." Your confusion arises out of a wrong perspective. You see this as a logical problem wherein contradiction entails disproof via reductio ad absurdum. It is clearly an illogical problem, so why do you insist on discussing it in that framework? If everything must be a black or a white proposition, if everything must be consistent, you have two possible outcomes. Reject your basic premises of a black and white world or cease examining it by those methods.

I know as well as you do that my reported feelings are themselves false or contradictory. Not in the sense that I don't feel them but in the sense that they are illogical.

>> No.2102885
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> teenage brat rambling about his personal issues and shooting down every response he gets.
I'm forced to return to the reading comprehension doubt I hold regarding people of /sci/
>I have nobody--twenty years of searching, nobody...
I suppose you maybe implying despite my chronological age, I am still a teenager; however, I think that speaks ill of you as it would imply that you're engaging in ad hominen.

Also, once again, you demonstrate ignorance of the conjecture and refutation. The support of a proposition will never disprove it. Criticism is the scientific method.

>> No.2102890
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>> No.2102896
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OP is troll who has ascended beyond the level of a normal troll.

>> No.2102897

>No one likes an angsty 15 year old, and that's how you're acting
>and that's how you're acting
>how you're acting

There's no facepalm big enough for you. It's funny because you talk so much about reading comprehesion and you can't grasp a simple concept. Also, read my whole post again because you completely missed the fucking point.

>> No.2102900


OP is a 16-21 year old douchebag who thinks he's too intelligent for common day people.

>> No.2102903

>hence their anger and disbelief reading your post. No one likes an angsty 15 year old, and that's how you're acting.
Two things stick out about this post. One, you're holding up emotionality as a valid point of criticism. Second, it seems projective as I've done nothing but attempt reasonable discussion.

Would not your emotion be every bit as unreasonable and irrational as my reported state? It would seem to me that people are asserting that my reported emotional state is invalid and logically contradictory and I shouldn't feel that way as if what I feel was something I could complete and consciously control through logical process or something.

Tell me that you would not feel pain if I cracked your index finger in half with a strong jerk.

>> No.2102904

ITT fags and peasents

I'm laughing my ass off, and I like to think OP is legit because then it's even funnier

>> No.2102914
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So I'm either lying about having spent twenty years looking for people who share my interests and capability or I've been looking since I was one year of age?

>> No.2102917

I couldn't even finish your post. You know why? Because it's fucking retarded.

I'm explaining what people feel, because OH MY FUCK PEOPLE ACTUALLY FEEL. Emotional response plays as big as a role in human intereaction as reason. Actually, what the fuck am I saying, it plays a much bigger role. I'm merely EXPLAINING this thread to you because you seem to be too stupid to understand it for yourself something that a 14 year old would have no problem with.

I can't discuss logic with you, because so far you haven't showed any. People will feel frustrated reading your thread for reasons I've already explained, and your attempt to reason it laughably failed.

I'm sorry to break it out to you, but you're kinda stupid. Or perhaps you're a troll, in which case you're kinda brilliant.

>> No.2102934

why does /sci/ hate society so much. seriously its not that hard making friends and talking to people. posts like op's make me sad. hell i dont even like the idea of a singularity. i like my body, i like individuality. its sad that so many people here want to disconnect and reorganize life rather than appreciate it

inb4 op offers me some long winded bullshit about how he's not complaining but really is and at the same time is not

>> No.2102935
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So. You're saying in the discussion of scientific matters regarding the emotional state of a test subject, emotion is more important than reason?

Makes sense I guess. Assuming what you or I thought about this mattered. I'm here to openly examine a couple of phenomena. To demonstrate human reason at it's finest.

I'm treating this like it was a tape recorded that had attitude and talked back while I was making notes. It gets meta of course when the tape recorder starts mis-recording my notes and critiques and I start responding to the same.

>> No.2102941

You're not doing shit.

The funniest thing about your failure is that you don't realize you're failing.

>> No.2102942
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>> No.2102953
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>Critique me, bro!

You are a little bitch

>> No.2102954
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As an expert on logic, i find op's thread highly illogical and farcical. he is as they say a "fag".

>> No.2102956
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>I'm explaining what people feel, because OH MY FUCK PEOPLE ACTUALLY FEEL. Emotional response plays as big as a role in human intereaction as reason. Actually, what the fuck am I saying, it plays a much bigger role.
This is what he said verbatim. Seems to imply that I'm refuting the validity of emotion in human interaction. I am not. Seems to imply that the way people feel about this thread or about me matters. To me, It does not. If it matters to you, fantastic, why are you screaming at people in a thread where the OP could careless about what you have to say or how you have to say it?

>> No.2102961



>> No.2102965

>I worry that the "magic" I felt when I was a child has left me

Watch all of Cosmos, possibly while indulging in some of Dr. Sagan's favorite herb.

>> No.2102968
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>> No.2102972

Well done OP. I have the sense you are profoundly gifted as I am.

What questions of Life are you stuck on?

>> No.2102969 [DELETED] 
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What kind logic? Linear logic, basic logic, boolean logic, para-consistent logic, structural, sub-structural, nonstructural, universal, quantum, computable, mathematical, metamathematical?

>> No.2102974
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What kind of logic? Linear logic, basic logic, boolean logic, para-consistent logic, structural, sub-structural, nonstructural, universal, quantum, computable, mathematical, metamathematical?

>> No.2102980

Vulcan logic, you stupid child.

>> No.2102981

[citation needed]

>> No.2102982

he was paraphrasing your post you dumb shit. you make the mistake of assigning human reason and human emotion into two mutually independent spheres and don't even have a basic understanding of neuroscience and psychology. this thread has discussed nothing since its started. whatever im going to bed


>> No.2102985

He is saying emotion plays a large role, NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE.

>> No.2102998

All of you should be working to educate the public with pamphlets or something.

Idk. You guys are lame.

>> No.2103001


>> No.2103008


>> No.2103014
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>> No.2103016
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This is the best the world has to offer in public reasoning. This is how people treat one another when they show weakness, deference, detachment, or distrust. This is how we treat our intellectuals. This is how we treat those who are different.



>> No.2103021

I can't help but feel that most of the peole have replied to this thread both misunderstand part of what OP is saying, and are naturally opposed to the other part. I have reread OP's post four times and I see no sense of ego. I only see an intense desire to understand the world and create all that he is capable of creating. OP isn't assuming that he knows more than any of us, he was merely expressing his inner self and looking for advice or for somebody to reach out a hand.

The hostility towards OP in this thread is merely indicative of people who regularly go on 4chan. There's no attempt to understand what you are saying, only a need to degrade. Perhaps they feel threatened by somebody who is so openly thoughtful and critical.

OP, I do have very similar feelings than you. It seems I am much younger than you and have spent less time developing myself intellectually so I cannot say that I match you in this regard. But I have a strong desire to understand my world. I would like to much more thought into my reply but I feel that you will be gone soon (much thanks to your numerous admirers). I just hope you read this and understand that you are not completely alone. You are just in a minority, that is often met with hate. Yet I feel that the actions of people like you and I ore often justified in the end.

>> No.2103027
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>> No.2103028

>he was merely expressing his inner self and looking for advice or for somebody to reach out a hand.
No, reread again, he never stated he wanted a solution.

Also, nice famesag attempt.

>> No.2103029



for what it's worth, I agree with you, anon

>> No.2103031
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“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”

>> No.2103041

A solution? To what? I never implied a solution either. He wants somebody to speak to him with empathy. He knows it will not solve anything so he has stated that this is not the point.

>> No.2103045


Sounds emotionally parasitic.

>> No.2103047
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Nothing is rarer than an empath in a culture of abuse.

>> No.2103051
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That is the razor's edge splitting symbiosis and parasitism. That is what keeps me from even wanting to desire the company of those within three standard deviations of the norm.

>> No.2103058

Ok, so OP, I'm gonna try to address what you said in your first post directly.

Alright, I'm sort of similar to your situation, I think. I'm apparently a fairly brilliant guy, but I have a hard time relating to "normal" people. It's problematic cause I get bored.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I have a hard time talking about things that aren't science, philosophy, politics, literature, etc. Really, you'd think I was a university course handout in my past life.

However, I found a solution to that problem after a little while. What you gotta do, is go out and meet MASSES AND MASSES of people. You're BOUND to find people who wanna talk about all the same in-depth, quirky shit that you do.

If I can find people to talk about the implications of the mechanics of something like invisibility to a fictional fantasy or sci-fi setting (Do the objects you touch become invisible? Can you be splashed with water/paint/etc?), I'm pretty sure you can find people to talk to the stuff you like to talk about.

Your fellows are rarer, that's just why you gotta go out and meet people in bulk to find the rare matches.

>> No.2103059


I fail to see what you mean. And please don't go on about how this is proof that people like OP and me are emotionally absent. I only ask that you clarify your point because the way you have presented it could be misinterpreted.

>> No.2103066
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If the time and effort is so great to get such little return, why don't I just forgo the process of seeking people, read my books, work my problems, do my research, and go out only to interact with the exact people I need to interact with to get my work reviewed, tested, and published?

>> No.2103067

>He wants somebody to speak to him with empathy.
>I do not want to want people in my life. I do not want to be caught in the tangled web that society weaves.
You didn't even read the first post.

>> No.2103073


>I'm writing all this because I want to speak. I want to be heard. I want someone to care. I want to care again.

No u

>> No.2103074


You know how when you have something in bounty, your mind gives it no thought, but when that bounty is deprived, you miss it so?

When or if you regain that bounty, it gets so much sweeter.

A guy like me, because I have such few fellows, the ones I do have are all the more cherishable. It's not a "small return", it's worth more than it's weight in gold.

Plus, going out and observing all the masses can be extremely entertaining in of itself.

>> No.2103079

Point taken. It seems this guy wants two opposite things at the same time.

>samest decisive

>> No.2103093
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>You didn't even understand the first post.
You're criticizing him for making an attempt? Anon's guess is so far better than yours.

I don't want people in my life that doesn't mean I don't want people to be able to walk in my shoes, see from my perspective. It doesn't mean I'm not interested in swapping perspectives with others. It doesn't mean I don't want to share what I make and do with others. I don't want to be bullied for doing so. I don't want to be told that I need to avoid comparing myself to other human beings like Tesla, Einstein, Godel, etc as if doing so was sacrosanct. They were people every bit as fallible as you or I. They simply tried harder for longer than their fellows.

I'm not interest in being responsible for other people's choices or the consequences of other people's choices. I don't want people to shove their insecurities on me.

>> No.2103099


So basically what you're saying, is that you want people in your life, but you don't want to be extremely close to them, because that's when all sorts of "tanglements" start to happen.

Like, for example, you don't want your buddy coming over and counting on you for emotional support cause his dad died or something. You just want to hang out every once and a while, and leave each other's problems out of it.

>> No.2103103
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>I'm not interest in being responsible for other people's choices or the consequences of other people's choices. I don't want people to shove their insecurities on me.
Yet this is exactly what happens as clearly demonstrated in this thread.

I'm glad to know some people are capable of seeing beyond their personal blinders. Unfortunately, they are few and far between.

>> No.2103120
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If I chose to associate with someone who might want my support because of a death in the family, it will be my choice and I will be responsible by consequence.

Incidentally, I have a friend who's dad is dying. He has family issues, and I help him as I am able, but we're both clear on the fact that he can't impose himself upon me. I can not be responsible for his choices or his life. I will not divert from my path of enlightenment for him. I will help him onto the path. I will enable him to participate, to accompany me on my journey and to accompany him in turn.

Not everyone can and does accept reality. Not everyone will accept responsibility for their life, for their work, for their choices and the consequences. He does; hence, he's my friend.

>> No.2103122


Well, I guess I've misunderstood you in that regard. Some people are right to call you egotistical even if it's a shallow observation. Your disregard for humanity, even in all of its asininity, is where your understanding for things comes short. You fail to grasp one of nature's most interesting productions and therefore wish to separate yourself from it.

I do seek love and friendship and people who can share and adapt their perspectives with me. I'm different from you in this way. I thought you merely wanted to connect with a person who shared your own love for intellectualism. I can't help you if you're not willing to carry my thoughts as often as your own.

Once again I would love to put more thought in my writing but under given circumstances (i.e. an enormous headache) I'm forced to fling my thoughts at you in a muddled mess.

>> No.2103138


A similar thing. Basically, you want your friendships to be on your own terms.

I think part of your problem, is learning how to say things more clearly and simply.

There's nothing all that strange or unusual about what you want. THe only problem you seem to have is finding enough people to fit that criteria you have for your friendship.

Now, if you value said friendship, as much as I do, the way to get said friends is through a lot of hard work.

If not, then just immerse yourself into other things. From the way you say things, though, it seems clear that you do want a decent cadre of friends around. In which case, there's only one thing to say.

Get to work!

>> No.2103142 [DELETED] 

It's no mistake that I identified with Dr. Manhattan. It's the disconnect from the concerns of human beings that worries me because everything about me and society screams, loudly, that I should be concerned.

I know rationally that I shouldn't necessarily. Siddhartha held that it was fetters that cause our transitory non-satisfaction. He classified attachment to the state of others as a fetter. Which I feel at this point is true. Whether or not it is universally, impersonally, or "Really", is up to debate.

I've made the choice. I know every day, I'm going to get rid of one more thing, one more attachment. The logical progression of this is pretty simple to reason. Eventually, I will pass beyond the death of all I've loved, the fear of my own mortality, and the restraints of others. An unfettered person. Not a god. Not a superhero with silly powers. A person with nothing to lose.

>> No.2103144
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Relationships are give and take. You are self-centered.

I think you would have more satisfying relationships with people if you were able to take some kind of genuine interest in them.

>> No.2103145
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It's no mistake that I identified with Dr. Manhattan. It's the disconnect from the concerns of human beings that worries me because everything about me and society screams, loudly, that I should be concerned.

I know rationally that I shouldn't necessarily. Siddhartha held that it was fetters that cause our transitory non-satisfaction. He classified attachment to the state of others as a fetter. Which I feel at this point is true. Whether or not it is universally, impersonally, or "Really", is up to debate.

I've made the choice. I know every day, I'm going to get rid of one more thing, one more attachment. The logical progression of this is pretty simple to reason. Eventually, I will pass beyond the death of all I've loved, the fear of my own mortality, and the restraints of others. An unfettered person. Not a god. Not a superhero with silly powers. A person with nothing to lose.

>> No.2103146


Actually, there's plenty of ways to have relationships where you don't have to "give" anything. Very casual relationships can be this way, for example. You can enjoy each other's company without necessarily making a bunch of compromises.

>> No.2103154

Sure, that's one kind of relationship, out of many kinds. Being able to find interest in other people's lives aside from the few topics of conversation you obsess over opens you up to a lot more though.

>> No.2103159
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>You are self-centered.
Are you not? I'm willing to bet we differ only by degree.

I hold that people are things. It's leaning towards solipsism, but it's the case that the world I know and experience exists solely in my head. I don't experience reality directly, I experience it indirectly through reflections, holograms. Which means agents outside of me are inaccessible to me and I to them.

What put me on to accepting this was when I realized my family would one day die. I worked out age differences and life expectancies, and I realized I would most likely out live 3/4 of my family members. If I lived long enough, I would see the day when we got arbitrarily close to extending life expectancies by one year every year. Which brought me to the realization that people that I love might make a different choice at that cusp. I would choose to live. I know some of them would choose to die.

The longer I live, the fewer people I can reasonably expect to accompany me. People can not provide me satisfaction. They are inconstant and impermanent.

Therefore, people are not the way to satisfaction.

>> No.2103161


You're not incorrect. But, for some people those kind of relationships simply don't work. I would myself pursue ways of trying to open up said relationship options, because I value friends, but that's only me, and I'm only one kind of person out of many kinds.

>> No.2103165


The flaw in your argument here is that you're assuming you can't meet new people that you'll gain satisfaction from.

I do it all the time. Sure, it's a bit of work sometimes, but a friend can easily last a lifetime, especially with how smaller and smaller the world keeps getting.

Not to mention, that the more you seek out friends, the better you get at seeking out friends.

>> No.2103169
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And the more the cycle perpetuates itself. What about being satisfied with being alone. Not alone in a crowd. Not alone with a tree. I mean cosmically alone.

>> No.2103171


Well then I can see that there is really no helping you. You've made your choice very consciously, I cannot tell you that you are wrong in what you do, except maybe in an ethical sense. You WILL always be disconnected from humanity if you are not willing to accept some humility and vulnerability. You can do much for humanity (or whatever transhumanist society you foresee) and you should not let that go to waste. I would guess that the only thing you can do is to utilize your thoughts through actions. People will be willing to critique something you have created, but asking for respect and admiration without reason is egotistical.

>> No.2103176


If that's what floats your boat, go for it. Doesn't float mine, though, I like the cycle of befriending new, fascinating people.

To quote Super Mario Galaxy, of all things......"But you'll find, the cycle never repeats itself quite the same way."


>> No.2103188


>Are you not? I'm willing to bet we differ only by degree.

Sure, but that degree matters.

>> No.2103200
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There's nothing wrong with being like OP is, it's just a matter of fact that I'm talking about. That you are on an uphill journey if you have the kind of judgmental demeanor and specific taste in people that OP has.

>> No.2103203


Fair enough.

>> No.2103205
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I'm not asking for respect or admiration. I've merely reported my state and watched to see how people react. Responded to reactions, and watched it evolve further.

>> No.2103209


And now I know that you're just watching me. Now I'm self-conscious. THE EXPERIMENT HAS BEEN COMPROMISED

>> No.2103214
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It's important to note that I'm not excluding the possibility that I will befriend people I bump into during the course of my life.

I have in mind a very specific task to complete in the limited time I am alloted. I merely not interested in seeking them out and retaining them.

>> No.2103216
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>The longer I live, the fewer people I can reasonably expect to accompany me. People can not provide me satisfaction. They are inconstant and impermanent.

This is how life in general is. There is no one thing you can do to reach some permanent state of fulfillment.

If you choose to make some abstract ideal your goal post for a satisfied life, you are going to be sorely disappointed. There is no one answer, there will always be some feeling of being unfulfilled just because we have the ability to abstract and form ideals.

There is never just one hole that needs to be filled, even though these holes are never the same depth.

If you know what I mean...

My only advice is to try to stifle your judgmental instinct and learn to appreciate mundane everyday small talk and interaction with people.

>> No.2103223

The reason why you come across as egotistical OP is that it seems as though the only reason you would want a companion is for them to indulge you further in your interests.
Pro-tip: your girlfriend doesn't have to be into all the same things you are.

>> No.2103228
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It is at this time my belief that like the scientific method does for the discovery of the principles of operation of the world we live in, the negative method of the dhammapada realizes the way to satisfaction.

>> No.2103234

>I am completely isolated intellectually

I feel like you have assbergers. i remember Case!mods posting something like this a long time ago. He said that he can't go to school because it drives him crazy to be taught by such stupid people, which is why he dropped out of highschool and college. He also refused to get a job where he wasn't required to wear a suit every day. He also informed people that he was smart pretty often.

Seriously, just act like a normal human being. I enjoy science, i'm in school to becoming an electrical engineer (I was going to major in physics), I enjoy body building and reading. I'm sure I can tell you a thousand things you don't know, but I don't act like i'm a special case where I'm unable to find people who are intellectually on par with me.

Enlightenment is everywhere, and there is more to a friendship then being able to talk about computers. Conversations like that get very boring after a while. My advice is to not be pretentious and attempt to live your life as a person, like other people, and not dedicate it to morbid self attention.

Bonus points if you get the reference.

>> No.2103237
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This is true. However, communication is the key to a successful relationship of any kind. If I can not communicate with the person I am with, I can not enjoy their presence. Non-verbal communication counts.

I have standards, principles, methods which I live by and live up to. I won't abandon those for anyone. The practical result of this is that I will not wait for anyone who will not keep up. I will not drag those who do not hold themselves to similar standards in the future with me. I will not cling to them, and I will not enable them to cling to me.

>> No.2103240

ITT OP speaks of things most people figured out by the age of 12 and fags actually take him seriously

>> No.2103241

>I do not want to want people in my life.
>I do not want to be caught in the tangled web that society weaves. Due to my biology, I need people. Living without people is sensory deprivation.

>I do not want people in my life.
>I do want people in my life.

I know techinically you said: "I do not want to want...", yet this is emotionally equivalent to "I do not want..."
Don't cast off your biological desires as though they were something to be disregarded and held in contempt. Your epoused intellectual endowments are just as integral to your biology as your desires for human interaction. You are mistaken if you think friendships need to be built on shared academic and intellectual agreements and pursuits. It's all the trivial bullshit that you probably consider beneath you that is important.

Stop fighting your most basic biology.

>> No.2103244

>“I don’t believe a person should devote his life to morbid self attention. I believe a person should become a person like other people.”
Taxidriver. I've not seen the movie.

>> No.2103254
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>Stop fighting your most basic biology.
There was this Scorpion trapped on a rock in the middle of a river and the water was rising. The Scorpion knew he was as good as dead on the rock, but then a Frog swam by so the Scorpion called out to the Frog.
“Hey Frog, Frog, come here, please, give me a ride on your back and get me across the river will you?”
The Frog turned, “You think I’m crazy, man? You’re a Scorpion, I’m a Frog. The second I let you on my back, you’ll sting me in my back and kill me…”
The Scorpion shook his head and begged, “No Frog, I promise I wont, please, please help me across the river. If I sting you, you’ll drown, and I’ll die too.”
“Alright.” Said the Frog, and with that, the Scorpion got onto the frogs back and they started to make their way across the river. Half way there, the Frog turns to look at the Scorpion and sure enough, the Scorpion had stung the Frog in the back….
“Why did you go and do that? You promised you wouldn’t? Now we’re both going to die!” shrieked the Frog.
“I’m sorry, I really am, but I couldn’t help myself…I’m a Scorpion, it’s in my nature…”

I resist my dissolution, my friend. It's in my biology to dissolve.

>> No.2103256
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My opinion on Buddism is that we are all going to reach Nirvana eventually, whether we want to or not. So people who spend this tiny particle of reality trying to wish it away are just cheating themselves out of a lot of experience in pursuit of a goal they are destined to reach anyway.

>> No.2103261

you see it yet?

>> No.2103264

>I resist my dissolution, my friend. It's in my biology to dissolve.

Here you go OP: http://www.classicbookshelf.com/library/fyodor_dostoevsky/notes_from_the_underground/1/

Have fun.
Remember, your biology is greater than that tiny bit of biology, that "rational self", in many ways.

>> No.2103267

You'll need to elaborate on what you mean by nirvana. My understanding of nirvana holds it as negation or elimination of fetters, attachments, cyclical entanglements. I reject the supernatural interpretation of reincarnation.

Siddhartha wasn't talking about what we would consider real death. He was talking about the death we can and do experience. When he spoke of cyclical existence, samsara, he was talking about a process we undergo while we exist. We identify with things, we allow those things to become entangled, and we are then subject to non-satisfaction our non-satisfaction perpetuates itself through the entanglements.

Nirvana is realizing this process and systematically negating it by identification of and elimination of the fetters. It ceases the process of reincarnation by chance and fate.

>> No.2103297
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I guess I was thinking in simplistic terms,

Nirvana is total peace with reality, and so is death.

How would it be to be at total peace with reality, all knowing, all accepting? You might as well be dead, there would be no point to your personal narrative continuing, you reached the end, death.

We are all guaranteed a trip to that spot, why spend your life trying to transcend this small gift of substance and meaning? I say grip life by the balls. Be what you want to be. The movie Harold and Maud sums up my philosophy.

I'm going to go back to drinking too much and jerking off now,

>> No.2103304
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In case it wasn't clear from context. The cycle of identification with a thing, entanglement of that thing with other things, and the resulting non-satisfaction of that thing are birth, life, and death respectively in a cycle. Birth, life, death, rebirth, life, death.

Example: If I identify as my pain, I--as my pain--live for as long as my pain persist. When it dies, I die. Similarly if I identify as my happiness, I live as long as my happiness does. When it dies, I die. I am reborn as my next state.

>> No.2103307

Welcome to being narcissistic and delusional, OP.

>> No.2103308

>/sci/ being trolled by /b/'s copypasta

>> No.2103311

You lost me at reborn.

>> No.2103320

Things have transitory existence. My body is a thing which allows contact with the reflections of reality. From that contact, I get sensation. I form percepts about that sensation from which concepts arise. Consequently, I become conscious of that chain.

Each thing in the chain has transitory existence. They are constantly inconstant. The "Rebirth" talked about by Siddhartha is the transition from a previous, dead, state to a future, living, state. From happiness to sadness.

>> No.2103338

To discuss this you really need to define "I". At this point, I can't tell if I agree with you or not.

>> No.2103362
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Siddhartha divided the existent world from non-existent reality. He defined existence according to three properties, inconstance, non-satisfactoriness, and impermanence. Any phenomena we examine that possesses any of those three are said to have existence.

He formulated a theory of being, of agency, expressed as the five aggregates. I think of them as cognitive aggregates. They are sets of properties which we often identify with us. They are form, sentience, perception, conception, and consciousness. I am not my body. I am not my senses. I am not my perceptions. I am not my violition. I am not my habits of behavior and thought.

Siddhartha put forward that this constituted a disproof of the existence of the "I"

Our aggregates would be the reflections of us.

>> No.2103371

I sort of think of I as a variable which can be taken to be in a set of states at a given moment. Any more I think of it as a Turing machine. A machine that simulates reality by contact/input from the environment.

>> No.2103372


In my opinion, if "I" equals everything, then "I" is meaningless. And if you think "I" is meaningless, then the whole spiritual quest to tear yourself from the material world is meaningless is also meaningless. In other words, buddhism is pointless, because it's already done. The goal it's straining for is already there, waiting.

>> No.2103382
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"I" does not equal anything. That's the implicit statement. It says we're an inequity, at least an XOR of sorts.

The hard part is coping with the implication in this contradiction tolerant logic he uses. The basics of it is that I would be the complement of my physical form. You take my body and you negate it, you get me.

>> No.2103387
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Thanks for the discussion. I'm going to get some sleep. If this thread's still here when I get back, we will continue to discuss everything and nothing.

>> No.2103388

I'm sorry, I don't get you. Essplain.

>> No.2103429
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lighten up OP.
like everyone on these boards you need to get laid.
study some basic neuroscience and
try psychedelic drugs at home.
then don't.

>> No.2103457

Take no notice, OP has asperger syndrome. Possibly mixed in with a narcissistic complex, this is not unusual behaviour and quite frankly fucking bores me.

/close thread.

>> No.2103470

Okay, this thread, what the flying fuck, can anyone debrief me or what?

>> No.2103499
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>> No.2103512

Crawling in skins. Wounds that will not heal. Regular stuff.

>> No.2103623


Ah, that kind of stuff. Childhood traumas and psychoses and bullying thrown in, no?

>> No.2103630

Hey OP, I know someone who understands you, cares about you, supports you and struggles for you. He's very knowledge, knows practically everything.

His name is Jesus Christ and for only a one time tithe of 19.95 I can show you the path to meeting him, and letting him help you gain the peace you desire.