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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2098614 No.2098614 [Reply] [Original]


I am a broke kid. I want books. I have no money, so I'm /r/ing /sci/ help! I like to learn!
Also, suggest books you like (nonfiction please), thank you!

>> No.2098620
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>> No.2098630

No troll. I know somebody out there will help me if I put it out there enough. (Of course I'm on 4chan so I have no friends)

>> No.2098642

I have no money
I'm on the Internet

Choose one

Also, library

Also, get a job at borders you faggot

>> No.2098658


>> No.2098669


>> No.2098679
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>> No.2098682
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>Creation Revisited

LMAO, so is this your first Troll?

>> No.2098692

I'm not trolling. Creation: Revisited is a book dealing with how science disproves an active, and therefore meaningful god. Atkins pushes 'god' into an abject squalor. It was recommended by Dawkins in The God Delusion.

>> No.2098721
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OHH FUCK! you're right! Im sorry bro.
I think most of the troll replies were cause it looked like you were implying creation was a science (from your pic, and nonfiction statement).

Anyway, you can download torrents of book collections. You need to have a torrent program (I use bittorrent). Once you have this downloaded, google "physics complete torrent", "math complete torrent", "chemistry complete torrent", or whatever specific science/math you are looking for.

Downlowad the torrent file (xxxxxx.torrent) from a website (I use piratebay), then open it with your torrent porgram (bit torrent). It may take awhile, but it will download a shit ton of science books for you.


>> No.2098725
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What kinda books you looking for?

>> No.2098726



>> No.2098730
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mfw i saw they were all midgets with funny faces

>> No.2098732
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The problem is that real scientist don't really read that shit. Never watched the cosmos, never read dawkings, or hawking. That is pop science, not real science. I really had never even heard of dawkings until I started coming to /sci/.

Everyone in physics pretty much knows religion is a joke. It is taken as fucking trivial, not somthing that people need to write books about....lol.

So when I saw "creation" I just assumed it was creationist nonsense. Sorry

>> No.2098737

Yeah, but I'm not a scientist just somebody that reads them for pleasure.

>> No.2098740

Also, can you recommend books you like please?

>> No.2098742

>Everyone in physics pretty much knows religion is a joke. It is taken as fucking trivial, not somthing that people need to write books about

This is a serious problem.

>> No.2098743

A bunch of pop-science books? really? why?
In any case you can try looking for torrents of those.

FYI: I have thousands of real science books on my computer (textbooks), but not not a single pop science book

>> No.2098746

textbooks hmm? I've never really considered that.
Are they a laborious read or good at explaining their subjects?

>> No.2098747
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Nope, Aethism is the only logical chioce that can be made about religion. If you knew logic you would see this as well. It is fucking trivial.

>> No.2098752


>> No.2098754

you remember textbooks from school, you hated school so maybe you're projecting that on textbooks..try one

>> No.2098757

>invoking Freud in /sci/

>> No.2098758
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Any text book is better then a popscience book. In a text book you actually are learning the subject, with actual science.

Intro-books are usually really good at explaining shit. Maybe you could find a good intro level, phil or physics book. As you seem to be interested in that shit. The porblem is finding one at your level. You will have to look around to find somthing that isnt too advanced, and isnt too simple.

>> No.2098759
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Pardon me, I wasnt aware grammer nazi's were lurking sci

>> No.2098760
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>> No.2098764

I think you misunderstood me. I meant that scientists should connect to the public more.

>> No.2098762

I thank you for that insight. Could you recommend some please? I'm already familiar with most of the concepts of physics and biology.

>> No.2098769

Agreed, but 99% of people are retards. The best way to spot an idiot is if they're wearing a cross around their neck.

>> No.2098772
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It depends what level you are at (basically how much math you can do)

Do you know basic algebra? Calculus?

>> No.2098776
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>I'm already familiar with most of the concepts of physics

Do you know what a Lagragnian is? a Hilbert space?

>> No.2098784

No, I only had formal education in geometry (passed with B). I hate math, i know this is a problem but actually "pop-sci" has given it meaning instead of being a series of arbitrary procedures.
(I went to a shitty school filled with beans and their problems and environment.)

>> No.2098788

>The best way to spot an idiot is if they're wearing a cross around their neck.

This elitist attitude is part of the problem. You don't get through to people by insulting them. That just fuels anti-intellectualism.

Religious people are often perfectly intelligent, they're just indoctrinated. You should treat them as you would treat someone with a mental illness: help, don't judge.

>> No.2098789

*some of the concepts
I don't know why I said most. lol

>> No.2098791
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>scientists should connect to the public more

I agree, but the older people (adults) are usually too fucking far gone (example, religions). Serioulsy, people believe in fucking fairtales as adults, and its acceptable? WTF kinda backwards ass world is this?

Most adults are just retards set in there ways, with little, if no, critical thinking ability.

Every month or so, we go to local highschool to teach the kids about physics and science, hoping they wont end up like there parents. Little by little every generation is smater then the last. There is always hope for the future.

>> No.2098793

"u see da wind don't you. dis means der b a god"
"i KNOW god is real, because the bible said so. and the bible is real because god said so"

Typical arguments for a god are travesties of human faculty use.

>> No.2098796

>don't see the wind

>> No.2098799

>>grammer nazi's
you mean semantics.
and it's grammar.
and you don't need the apostrophe

>> No.2098805
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Arbritary procedures? Was this some kinda engineering (homosex) prep school?

Science is supposed to explain why you perform the "procedures" as well as the procedures themselves. Sounds like you went to some really shitty school.

Yeah, you wont get far without math. Hell you wont really be understanding shit either unless you know math. If you dont know math you essantially dont know how to think, so you will always be limitied in your understand. I would suggest you learn algebra.

I find it very very hard to believe you can understand any real physics concept without a knowledge of basic algebra. Just out of curiosity, what do you know (or think you know) about phyics?

WTF are beans?

>> No.2098812

>limitied in your understand
I can visualize models and am receptive to new ideas and can process them easily, which is why I love science.
Algebra comes before geometry at my school system.
And by arbitrary procedures I meant math. But my view is bias as I couldn't have had worse teachers.
Beans are brown people that are or resemble Mexicans.

>> No.2098820


>my view is bias

>> No.2098821
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>> No.2098824

>what do you know (or think you know) about phyics
Listen anon, I'm just a novice here. I read the shit out of scholarly journals and "pop-sci" books to try and understand the universe. I'm asking for constructive ways to do that. I know the basic groundwork for it now. This is just a hobby of mine. I do not claim to be an expert.

>> No.2098825


>> No.2098833
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>I can visualize models

I imagine you can for some simple models, but not all. If you knew Cal you could visualize alot more shit. In anycase, there are college intro-phyics books that only use algebra (used to teach premeds/biologists). While they are pretty shit teir, thay are still tons better then pop science books. I have a couple, but I dont feel like helping out a Racist Grammer Nazi!
(Im sure you can find some torrents on the net)


>> No.2098837
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>Beans are brown people that are or resemble Mexicans.

>> No.2098839
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>> No.2098847

Well I thank you for your insights.
Also, you mad?

>> No.2098850
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>> No.2098852
File: 48 KB, 750x600, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mad, just dissapointed

>> No.2098856
File: 101 KB, 573x572, billcosby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you still here?

>> No.2098858


>> No.2098873
File: 8 KB, 251x197, 1269377638216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a racist, and a grammer nazi


>> No.2098884
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They all have thousands of free downloadable books, If you can't find what you're looking for check pirate bays e-books section, if you still can't find it check second hand book stores as they are cheap, and libraries. Also next time you have $150 get a kindle off amazon or some other e-reader, it will lower the price of each book you buy to like, less than ten dollars and save on storage space.