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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2098205 No.2098205 [Reply] [Original]

Now that WWIII starts soon (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11818005)), where are you going to hide?

Also, thanks Babavanga, shit's getting real.

>> No.2098240 [DELETED] 

WWIII? Lol no. Korean War II, probably not even that.

If a war breaks out, China is going to back off because the Norks started it, SK + Japan + USA is going to promptly curb stomp North Korea.

If NK uses nuclear weapons, then Pyong Yang will undergo ad hoc renevations into a glow-in-the-dark parking lot courtesy of the united states nuclear arsenal 30 minutes later.

>> No.2098249


>> No.2098256

This could seriously escalate though; after all it's usually small events that trigger war. Like the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the sinking of the Lithuania, etc, etc

>> No.2098269

Only on /sci/ that a thread about an impending war not get attention. Stay classy

>> No.2098277

Ignored? It got 3 replies in less than an hour. This thread is a huge success by /sci/ standards.

>> No.2098311

She also predicted "Humans will find a way to communicate with God" in the 4000's. Look that shit up.

U mad atheistfags?

>> No.2098317

probably because the event in question has fuck all to do with science or math, that and the rest of 4chan seem pretty capable of discussing this non event.

>> No.2098321 [DELETED] 

i can't see anyone joining north korea's side

>> No.2098323 [DELETED] 

Going to quote from [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11818005].
>>The incident comes days after North Korea revealed it had a modern uranium enrichment plant - potentially giving it a second route to a nuclear weapon.


>> No.2098324

This would be one hell of a coincidence. Everybody was all "okay so those predictions could have meant ANYTHING they were all vague lol" but she straight-up called WWIII starting specifically in November 2010.

>> No.2098334 [DELETED] 

Except this won't be WW3 even if it happens, which it won't, because SK has already started preventing escalation:


" South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has held an emergency meeting following the incident.

He said he was trying to prevent the exchange of artillery fire from escalating into a greater conflict.

YTN television reported that Seoul had warned of a stronger response if the North continued with provocations.

I.e. nothing will happen, just like earlier in the year when NK fucking sunk a SK warship.

>> No.2098333

I'm not to sure about who will join SouthKo's side, the USA has enough wars right now.

>> No.2098336


Like China even has a reason to back up that shithole.

>> No.2098342

This is kind of different than the sinking of a warship that NK denied and tried to cover up. NK is shelling fucking civilians with artillery, and there are reports from SK that fire is being exchanged between the two countries.

We'll have to see I guess, but I have a bad feeling about this.

>> No.2098350

Who was it that made these perdictions?

>> No.2098353 [DELETED] 

Ideological inertia. China supported NK in the first Korean War, and the older members of the Communist party including their older generals still support North Korea for ideological reasons. The younger people do not support North Korea because it has been doing nothing but embarrassing China on the world stage for supporting it for the last 40 years, but until the old guard dies out there will still be an element of support there. China actively provides aid to NK.

If NK got spontaneously attacked by SK, they would step in to defend NK and we would get a repeat of the first Korean War. However, if the NK triggers a war by provoking SK, there is zero chance of support, and NK loses it's only remaining ally now that Russia has stopped being its sugar daddy.

>> No.2098352

I understand that SK is at range of a bajillion missiles from NK, but cmon, they get a fuckin ship sunked, and they don't do shit? Can't they mount a coordinated attack to those batteries or some shit?

or are they gonna sit there telling NK "you guys are meanies!"

>> No.2098355


>> No.2098361

As was said on another board:

>This thing sounds familiar. Totalitarian government kills innocent civilians near a disputed border in order to show off there military power.

Sound familiar?

>> No.2098368 [DELETED] 

Yawn. Korean War's still going on.

>> No.2098370

Even if it did happen, the thing that North Americans would have to worry about would be nuclear winter... unless their city was hit by artillery of course.

>> No.2098371

> Implying nuclear fallout will kill all animal life in the Northern hemisphere, demonstrating zero understanding of nuclear warfare or effects
> Implying chemical weapons are effective weapons of warfare, and will be used, and cause skin cancer
> Thinks it is possible to spontaneously cool regions, and that this could ever be an effective weapon
> Implying it is possible for a disease to rapidly age you to death in SECONDS
> Implying that in 2201, the sun's fusion reaction will "slow down" resulting in cooler temperatures
> Implying you can generate "power from nothing", violate thermodynamics
> Implying time travel is possible

My GOD that woman is full of shit.

>> No.2098372


>military power.

NK's military power is a joke. They can't even afford to train their pilots because of the lack of fuel. They might have one of the largest armies in the world, but the only way they could win is with a zerg rush.

>> No.2098379

Ironic how a government can be communist and run by a dead guy can actually be totalitarian.

>> No.2098383

Just saying brah. The chance of her specifically choosing November 2010 as the start of WW3... if it does actually happen, that's a pretty big fucking coincidence.

For what it's worth, this site has some of her earlier predictions, all of which can be lined up to events that took place (though the predictions are fairly vague):


>> No.2098389


>> No.2098405

why would we be mad? she hasn't predicted anything that actually really happened

>> No.2098410 [DELETED] 

Shit, my best friend is stationed in South Korea.

>> No.2098422
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>WWIII starts soon



>> No.2098428

BBC's reporting ~200 shells were fired. But yeah, it's probably just a little skirmish.


>> No.2098429

My condolances

>> No.2098431
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Fear monger much?

You must watch alot fo FAUX NEWS

>> No.2098437
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OMG counties fighting, it must mean WW3

LMAO.....GTFO...with your fail logic faggot

>> No.2098439

A country that's being a total fucking dick right now that is indoctrinated to hate the USA that has been bragging about its nuclear capabilities and is probably going to be backed by Russia should other countries intervene (and the USA will most definitely)

>> No.2098446
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>> No.2098451

Nein! Heil Hitler!

>> No.2098450

I hope you're drafted to the front lines.

>> No.2098453
File: 126 KB, 450x373, 1277329215232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: american faggots who know nothing of the world make up speculative bullshit

>> No.2098454

What about that statement is wrong, broski?

>> No.2098460
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>> No.2098468

Back off faggot, it's Jong Kim Pows time to shine

>> No.2098487 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 363x310, 1277429447433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably going to be backed by Russia

Curretly no one supports North Korea. They are alone. North Korea is close enough to Russia, that it could hit it with there nukes. Russia does not like this idea at all!


After the North Korean nuclear test on 25 May 2009, North Korea's relations with China and Russia were taken to a different level. Russia, fearing that North Korea's success could lead to a nuclear war, joined China, France, Japan, South Korea, United Kingdom, and the United States in starting a resolution that could include new sanctions.

The Russian news agencies were outraged when North Korea even threatened to attack neighboring South Korea after it joined a U.S. led plan to check vessels suspected of carrying equipment for weapons of mass destruction.

Another concern was that the nuclear test can be a threat to the security of Russia's far east regions which border North Korea. South Korean president Lee Myung-bak had a phone conversation with Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, where Medvedev advised him that Russia will work with Seoul on a new U.N. Security Council resolution and to revive international talks on the North Korean nuclear issue.

On 15 June 2009, China and Russia have supported the UN sanctions on North Korea.

>> No.2098488


ooohhh oooohhh i'm telllllin!!!

copyright infringement!!!

by stick people - those bastards!

>> No.2098569

STFU Jew! At least mein fuhrer actually had his own reich and he succeded in ome of his idealisms!

>> No.2098585 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 236x317, babavanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World War 3 begins in November 2010. Starting as a regular war, it will progress to a nuclear and chemical war. Vanga says the war will be finished by October 2014.

>> No.2098599
File: 3 KB, 126x126, TrollfaggotOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your picture describes how you fit into this forum, a monkey in a fucking business suit

however, I have one that's more fitting for you

>> No.2098604 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 350x350, 1245874774913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>North Korea
>backed by Russia

>> No.2098616 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 106x126, 1289855991998s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the space of a few hours his son, Kim Jon-un, who has no military or political experience whatever, became a four-star general, deputy chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party, and a member of the Central Committee.
>To bolster his position, the younger Kim's aunt, Kim Kyong-hui, was also made a general, as well as a member of the politburo.

only in north korea

source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11432894

>> No.2098631 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 686x726, strong-strong-strong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that have to do with Russia?

Anyway. Korea is STRONG KOREA, didn't you know?

>> No.2098638 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2098644

what does this have to with science or math,

>> No.2098651

>1.1 million soldiers

Wow. Probably because there are no other jobs, though.

>> No.2098652


check and mate

>> No.2098653 [DELETED] 

You can make a prediction regarding the likelihood of this turning into WW3, that requires stats for validity.

>> No.2098655 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 477x599, EpicWin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw chrsitans can be executed for distributing bibles

Maybe North Korea isnt so bad after all

>> No.2098661 [DELETED] 

America, Japan, South Korea, Australia, The UK, Canada, Possibly China, even Russia will fucking take down North Korea if they start shit.
Yeah, North Korea has no allies.

>> No.2098663

At first I was going to reply. Then I noticed that you saged.

Maybe /sci/ isn't so bad after all?

>> No.2098664 [DELETED] 

Kimmy fucks everyone with a different viewpoint than his own. Rather have bibles around than lose whatever freedom of speech I have.

>> No.2098667 [DELETED] 

Are you close and personal with all those world leaders? You can't say for certain that one of them won't decide to go nuts and team up with Kim. Keep in mind all the big deals are under the table.

>> No.2098675
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>> No.2098681 [DELETED] 

Daww its a deluded optimist. Get pragmatic will you. All these rules that politics run by are broken all the time. You are clearly an idiot if you put this much faith in any politician.

>> No.2098700 [DELETED] 


Meanwhile, India is taking a stand against China while North and South Korea trade fire.

>> No.2098696
File: 83 KB, 750x600, 1269650852373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lay off the FAUX news bro, it is making you dumb

Also, maybe take a polysci course, and travel the world to learn about it. It is pretty obvious you are just a stupid american who has never gotten out.

>> No.2098703 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 750x600, DoubleFacePalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even live in America, even though I have visited it. I was born in Yurop and traveled across the globe. So fuck you, idiot. I'm gonna laugh in your face when a bomb falls on your house because you weren't prepared.
Also only faggot retards use animu for reactions gifs.

>> No.2098707
File: 13 KB, 363x364, dude im high or some shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't say for certain that one of them won't decide to go nuts and team up with Kim.

Most of them are democracies, and their electorate will not tolerate a sudden change in military alleigance. Plus they are mostly members of NATO and the UN.

>> No.2098709

Obvious Americunt is obvious.

>> No.2098712

Yeah, it's not like we have troops stationed their right now, or a political stake in the outcome of this conflict, or a shitload of nukes, or a huge alliance of nations on our side, good point!

>> No.2098717

Do you know what artillery is? I think we're safe across the ocean here.

>> No.2098718 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 640x480, eternal-facepalm-eternal-facepalm-facepalm-captain-pickard-demotivational-poster-1242264259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious idiot is obvious.

>> No.2098716 [DELETED] 

Doesn't make anything certain. Hitler and Stalin teamed up in WW2 even though they had completely different ideologies. And we all know how effective those Child rapists we called the UN are at stopping wars - remember Operation Iraqi Bullshit?

>> No.2098724

Obvious /b/tard is obvious

>> No.2098739

>Implying Naval Artillery doesn't exist

>> No.2098753

>2066 – During the attack on the Muslim Rome, the United States used a new kind of weapon – the climate. The sharp cooling (instant freezing).
>the climate.
Well, well, well... she was a HAARPer?

>> No.2098763
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>> No.2098768 [DELETED] 
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Butthurt over the likelihood of this.

>> No.2098819
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at least fundies here ain't a product of our education system

>> No.2098834
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No WWIII will not happen. Captcha said so.

>> No.2098838

>ALERT: Police in Belgium, Germany and Holland have arrested 10 Islamic terrorists suspected of plotting an attack in Belgium - Sky News

Coincidence? I think not!

>> No.2098854 [DELETED] 

>believes in the almighty captcha

>> No.2098864

>Believes in the almighty universe

>> No.2098871

Well, living in new zealand, I will sit here and jerk off to internet porn because hahaha it's new zealand who the fuck would want to invade here? To the east we have fuck all, west we have australia (so even less than the east), north we have the pacific, and south we have antarctica. Major industries? Forestry and dairy. Unless ice becomes a precious commodity, I don't give a fuck!

>> No.2098876
File: 55 KB, 498x430, sage_purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point, I'll be moving there or somewhere similar soon. Fuck this major fucktard business.

>> No.2098875
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>Unless ice becomes a precious commodity

>> No.2098887

Yep. And when world trade dies we'll still have heaps of food here, we export most of what we produce. And I'm working on making cool stuff out of junk, we'll need it when we're not importing stuff from Asia any more.

>> No.2098902

mfw there is no wars at all in the near future as well as in the whole future, and you suddenly find yourself in a sad remote
shithole nobody cares about, fapping to a monitor throughout your whole pathetic life

>> No.2098905



>11 + 2#1# = 32 = 23

>> No.2098907
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Sounds like right about now. I'm liking it.

>> No.2098908

It just dawned to me, its almost 2011 already? Fuck I'm getting old.

>> No.2098909


>> No.2098938

Yeah, nah, living here is awesome anyway. Huge beaches with hardly any people, all that postcard stuff I presume you sometimes see, inherited baches.

I can make another list for the sailing alone. Cheap moorings, nice weather, dolphins and whales swimming alongside you, islands that cost about $2 US to camp at for the night if you want to get off the boat for a bit.

We've got cheap education at mid-tier universities, interest free student loans, can go to Australia and pay local fees for postgrad there, and any kids I might have can start university at 16.

Yeah, we're a little island that nobody cares about, but damn it's good living here.

>> No.2098960

lie, been there it's shit, cold and insanely dull

>> No.2098967

For how long, might I ask? Everything I said there is true. Not my fault you don't like sailing.