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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2092683 No.2092683 [Reply] [Original]


Laff = lose.

Also, laff = lose thread, /sci/ edition.

>> No.2092699
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>> No.2092695

Shut the fuck up, you fucking faggot.

Nobody cares about your stupid /b/ shit.

Leave /sci/ forever.

>> No.2092706


Why is that funny

>> No.2092732

troll attempt on atheist-fags (aka superhumans, no shit.)

>> No.2092774

I am completely at a loss for words.
I refuse to believe people are honestly THAT stupid, and i want to say its a troll, but there are 14k active members, and they all cant be trolling at once. its simply too much work. i have lost faith in humanity.

>> No.2092793


this makes me rage so so much

>> No.2092810


>Rigorous study by many respected Creation-Scientific institutes have proved demonic influence of the evil book of Isaac Newton, the Principia. Researchers let the first chapter of the book be read out loudly by four hellbound, godless Chinamen, with little grasp of Godly English, the language in which the only True Bible was written. They recorded it on tape, and consequently played it backwards. Of course, it was all Satan speaking, with the word “hell” occurring 148 times, “Satan” 133 times, “sex” 241 times, “gay” 101 times, “Obama” 238 times, “universal healthcare” 122 times, and so on. This is clear, irrefutable evidence of the demonic inspiration of gravitationist philosophy.

i havent laughed this hard in a while.

>> No.2092833

I smiled and laughed some at the end of the first paragraph. That part of me that would ordinarily have cried a little at having read something this stupid, died a long time ago; about five minutes after I realized people were taking myths seriously to be exact.

>> No.2092834


Its all a big troll, a parody

>> No.2092842

with 14,000 members? damn.

>> No.2092849


I have a feeling that the forum numbers are made up. But the "church" itself is a giant parody. There might be ACTUAL crazies on the forum, but the overarching website is in fact a giant troll

>> No.2092874
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>My face when that website is real

>> No.2092947
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>mfw people think it's real

>> No.2092950
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MFW when you think that website is real.

>> No.2092955

welcome to the internet

>> No.2092977

Seriously its real - I personally know a flat-earther.

google flat earth society and all its associated forums...

And you thought creationists were fucktards

>> No.2092983

>read the post
>read a reply a few posts down
>Why do boys ask if I am horny?
>Thank you Rev. Jim Osborne for the cute underwear!
>Why does the boy next door get a huge lump in his pants?

>> No.2093007

made me rage. mostly cause ive seen those argument types in play many times before. fucking trolls.

>> No.2093067

>Looking at the award icons below post names.
>Red boxing gloves
>"punched the most queers"

>White hood icon
>"True Caucasian Christian"

oh god, there's like 200 pages for this topic alone!

>> No.2093076
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>Animal breeders

>People who try create new breeds of animals are attempting to engage in satanic evolutionism. They even claim to have evolved their own breeds, like poodles, for example. The truth is they just captured wild poodles.

I see no problem here

>> No.2093097


You see that would indicate a fake website, but if you go to that link, you will see it is another thread, albeit a retarded one

>> No.2093105
File: 15 KB, 200x254, woody derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"But for those of you skeptical, close-minded types that *FLAT* out refuse to accept the overwhelming Biblical evidence [that the earth is flat]"


>> No.2093126

>why do boys ask if i'm horny
>go to thread
>guy proposes musical reasoning
>he is guitarry
>his wife is a harpy

I love this site

>> No.2093184

I don't get this website.

I know it's a parody, but is the forum actually functional? In other words, could I go create an account and reply to these threads? If that's the case, I wonder why there are so many troll posts and so few non-troll posts. Is the community just THAT dedicated to trolling the rest of the internet?

>> No.2093205

I encourage you to find out.

I predict that if you don't role-play you would get banned. Hell, I'm reading the FAQ and it does indeed say they ban trolls (ie. people who don't role-play)

I saw one poster that only had six posts, as opposed to the others that have thousands. I bet he was a real person, but he was also role-playing. He had a quasi-Christian name and everything.

>> No.2093206


>> No.2093219

Oh no...Please dont take this as a credit to Christians everywhere, this is just to brutal and to stupid. Me and my friends and fellow followers subscribe to NONE of the above bullshit. I see science and discovery as a testament to gods creation, if anything.

>> No.2093225
File: 22 KB, 400x300, Faith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2093238

I grew up in a Southern Baptist school.

This is chillingly familiar ground even though it is a parody. If you haven't grown up in a genuinly fundamentalist home, I don't think you can fully appreciate how frightening this site is. Right now I'm reading
I'm getting shakes recalling how similar it is to the political discourse that occurred daily in my parent's house.

Now I'm reminded I have to share Thanksgiving with them in a few days. Fuck me.

>> No.2093242

Why?! Why does faith and reason have to be at odds. Why cant anyone accept that if there is a God he might have made a complex universe instead of a freaking pixie dust magical piece of garbage?! MY BRAIN! MY BRAIN CANT HANDLE IT! (And by it I mean the stupid)

>> No.2093248

As long as you're not stupid about it all I personally don't have a problem.

>> No.2093253

>I see science and discovery as a testament to gods creation

If science concluded that Jesus didn't have magic powers, what would you do?

>> No.2093258


Sorry man, deism has no more supporting evidence than the holy teapot between Mars and Jupiter.

>> No.2093262

russels teapot, mars and earth

>> No.2093264

>Why does faith and reason have to be at odds.

This answers itself. If there are two mutually exclusive possibilities A and B, and you believe A on faith whereas the evidence points to B, you have a conflict.

See: the history of Christianity.

>> No.2093269


If you apply methodological naturalism to search for the truth, and still hold a religion, you're compartmentalising things you're allowed to be skeptical of, and things you aren't. And that's antithetical to science.

>> No.2093278

On the contrary, we see science and technologies as some of the most exciting and powerful ways to explore Gods world. I cant believe that there are people who still wont accept gravity...its so basic...

>> No.2093283

>we see science and technologies as some of the most exciting and powerful ways to explore Gods world


>If science concluded that Jesus didn't have magic powers, what would you do?

>> No.2093312
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>2nd post
>"and yet there are people out there who find our views and attitudes 'strange' and 'aggressively closeminded'. Those people should be imprisoned or shot."

>> No.2093360
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Thanks for the laugh OP.
But what about those who really believe in these kinds of shit?


>> No.2093430

Even SCIENCE! can only save so many.

>> No.2093502

I went to a random page, and some normalfag started to argue, and the respons was, and I quote:
> First of all, this is NOT a debate forum

Well, there you have it. That's how religion works I guess.

Oh lawd! They even believe <span class="math">\pi[/spoiler] is three? Is it free hunting on these broken animals?

>> No.2093540
File: 19 KB, 538x441, 1289022142440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he trolling or what?

>> No.2093550

he's clearly joking, his signature has a picture of a round earth on it.

>> No.2093554

Now, this is what we do.

1. We make a post where we introduce ourself
2. Predict the future (you will be banned obviously)
3. In a polite manner you point out the obvious flaws and hypocrisy
4. Get banned
5. Use proxy, make new account
6. Raise from the banned
7. Ask that thee be a prophet since thee are wizard and knower of the future
8. trollface.jpg?

>> No.2093568
File: 286 KB, 659x552, dah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a fake website, but other religious website do show such stupidity.

>> No.2093662

Holy shit at these;



This site has to be a joke. It just so big!

>> No.2093722
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>> No.2093869

It's fake guys, you can stop arguing there. You're just getting uber-trolled.

Seriously, takes about 3 seconds on google to figure this one out.

>> No.2094657
File: 41 KB, 435x571, wizzard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm supposed to read for my exams, so naturally I do whatever I can to procrastinate. This season I debate Gravity and spheres.

I asked them what kept us to the ground if there was no gravity. Well, it turns out, the wizard does it!

>> No.2094663
File: 27 KB, 669x175, SS055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fake. But this one isn't.

>> No.2094689

Is it sad that I believed people can be this stupid?
Thank you Kuroko, your wisdom is eternal.