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2089070 No.2089070 [Reply] [Original]

Tips on staying awake for an all-nighter?

>> No.2089072

dont sleep

>> No.2089071


>> No.2089077
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>> No.2089087

mountain dew and sleep in as late as you can the day before

>> No.2089089

Develop insomnia, then regret worse than murder.

>> No.2089094

Hey I have insomnia and i'm completely insane.

>> No.2089095
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>> No.2089102
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If you are falling asleep you obviously lack the proper motivation for what ever it is you're cramming for.
That, and the fact you have to cram at all is a pretty good indicator as well.

Science has no need for weak willed sissies that can't even take an interest in what they are doing at the time.
Quit wasting everyone's time and drop out...we'll all be better off for it...including you

>> No.2089105

We should listen to this guy he seems like an expert.

>> No.2089112

Implying to get a science degree you don't need to waste your time with a few shit boring useless classes.

>> No.2089124
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not at all. I'm saying it directly.

thinking they are useless only shows your narrow point of view of your given field and your potential to contribute something to said field in the future.

People such as this are useless in matters of scientific progress. Drones. Coffee slaves and paper shufflers.
Your degree is shit smeared toilet paper to me if you are one of these people.

but hey, on the bright side it's only my opinion.
It's prone to be as wrong as any other, so no big deal.

>> No.2089134

You mad? Clearly this poster understands humans and society perfectly. We should all elect him our fucking leader.

>> No.2089136

>implying I give a fuck about anthropology

>> No.2089142
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you'll regret this when i make mini skirts mandatory.

>> No.2089145
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>> No.2089150

Get people. For some reason being around people makes it much easier.

>> No.2089154

Yep, you're wrong. I love my major, but can't stand retarded electives. I don't give a shit about diversity or international perspectives, and I don't give a shit what anyone thinks about it. I guarantee you I care about poor people in 3rd world countries as much as your average engineer at NASA.

>> No.2089160


I don't see how.
to indicate or suggest without stating directly would require prior knowledge of you and your life anon.
I have no such knowledge.
your academic institution seems to think you need it...that or you grabbed some random course for credits and are kicking yourself in the ass for your poor choice.

In either case you will contribute nothing of worth in the long run cause you don't really give two shits about the actual work.

>> No.2089166
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study over the whole semester so that you don't have to pull an all nighter and go into your test tired as hell and fail it.

>> No.2089181
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then I'm wrong.
I have no issue with the possibility.

elective courses allow the student to focus on a particular specialization within the major at universities where there is not a formal way to specialize...

oh poor you, having to undertake a more exacting education rather than a common high school elective course that were the equivalent of "play time".
i shed a single tear for you.

still think you would be a shitty addition to the ranks
again...mere opinion

>> No.2089185

Why is everyone mad?

>> No.2089193
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>> No.2089200
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>> No.2089204

>>Derp, anyone who doesn't love all their classes has something wrong with them, and will never contribute anything.

You've never been to university have you?

>> No.2089216

Take a look at your attitude coming into this thread. I simply asked about what people do to stay awake, and you take it as an invitation to threadshit.

>> No.2089232

Stay in well-lit place.
Light shoulder-neck exercise every hour.
Play games.
Don't be to comfortable.

>> No.2089245
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hey i didn't pick your classes, and last i checked you're still awake...and not even cramming for the "useless shit"

i keep giving and this is my thanks?

if i wasn't drunk, i'd be offended.

>> No.2089248

You are kind of being an angry drunk.

>> No.2089255
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i prefer the term, "impersonal"

>> No.2089260

find something reward yourself, keep giving yourself reward for staying up, repeat. teach self not to sleep win!

>> No.2089264

You're evangelising a retarded idea. We don't take kindly to that on /sci/. If you have never had to pull an all nighter cramming you have never attempted anything challenging and need to an hero instead of calling others "weak willed sissies".

>> No.2089266

Melatonin deficiencies and a complete belief in naturopathic bullshit

>> No.2089267

Just sayin, no offense intended.

>> No.2089275
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of course not. Why else would i have such a view?

It's not like i have to attempt teaching hundreds of halfwits who are just cruising through for credits instead of dedicated minds that could potentially benefit us all or anything like that

>> No.2089295

do meth

>> No.2089296
File: 313 KB, 494x485, kujhgsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


try Alaskan king crab fishing.
you have no concept what an "all nighter" is

>> No.2089320

Masturbate when you start dosing off.

>> No.2089326

Yeah, it's not like there aren't a whole lot of people that are incredibly focused on their STEM subjects but not the arts and vice versa. People who don't work hard on every damn subject are doomed to be parasites on humanity.

>> No.2089340

50k for three days of work?
I have to admit. I'm jelly.

>> No.2089345

Yes this, but don't do too much or you'll have problems having an orgasm. Also, you may have an uncontrollable desire to have stuff put into your anus, but maybe that's just me.

You will definitely not be able to sleep though.

>> No.2089346

wat? does masturbating wake you up? always makes me tired

>> No.2089365

Drink a bottle of cough syrup. Shit keeps me up all night and feeling great the next day. Good for studying at low doses too.

>> No.2089372

You could try cutting yourself, or any method of inflicting sharp pain sans permanent damage

>> No.2089373

Then you went to the wrong university.