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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2088557 No.2088557 [Reply] [Original]

Let's start a school retard rage thread.

I'll go first:

>AP Biology, 9th grade
>teacher asks the class where photosynthesis occurs
>short discussion
>one person remarks that photosynthesis has nothing to do with cells
>goes on to say that if heat energy ever got into the cells they would catch on fire from the heat
>everyone else's face when

>> No.2088585

lol'd here's one

>learning fractions in elementary school
>teacher says 2/4 is the same as 1/2
>kid says thats wrong because 2 and 4 are bigger than 1 and 2

>> No.2088589

lmao what a dumb 8 yr old

>> No.2088599

one time, at the university of /sci/, someone asked what the chance of getting three heads was if you simultaneously flipped 3 coins

then this faggot named nero said 50%

what a fagfaggot right?

>> No.2088598

Peer asked
How does air stay on the earth?

Then the teacher failed to explain it correctly.
I facepalmed.

>> No.2088603


get the fuck out

>> No.2088604

I don't remember enough of high school to contribute meaningfully, but all the same I suspect most of these stories are going to be fabricated.

>> No.2088608


no u

>> No.2088610

>in kindergarten
>kid draws a picture of a naked woman but with a wiener where her girl hole should be
>"wow he must be a virgin"

>> No.2088615

>implying you understood what a virgin was during kindergarden

>> No.2088618
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>"History" teacher's computer breaks down
>tells us the RAM must be broken
>someone asks what RAM is
>"Rapid Access Memory"

>> No.2088626

But it so fast.

>> No.2088629

lols keep 'em coming gaise

>> No.2088635


wtf are you talking about man? and the probability is 1/8th

>> No.2088630

This one's kinda like that

>Girl has an HP laptop with her
>I ask "That laptop looks cool, what processor does it have?"
>"500 gigabytes"

>> No.2088646
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picture related

>> No.2088647
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Lol'd. This is now a computer illiteracy thread.

>11 year old insists his computer is 1337 h4xx0rz
>Tells me Minecraft lags
>Tell him computer sucks
>Tells me his HDD is big
>Tell him graphics card sucks
>Tells me HDD is the most important part of the computer
>Tell him the processor is more important
>Rages and leaves
>Later comes back and picks up argument.

>> No.2088662
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computer illiterates make me laugh and rage at the same time

>High school doing some required computer class
>Teacher asks us about internet browsers
>Kid replies "It's that start button"

>> No.2088670

niggers fall into that category

>> No.2088680

I don't laugh at people that simply don't have any experience with computers, I laugh at the people that are either too stupid to use common sense and those who are too damn stubborn to admit they're wrong.

>> No.2088692


ie Christians haha

>> No.2088697


those fags are the worst.

>> No.2088694

>Discussing formal languages
>Lecturer gives an example, and shows that the language is finite
>Pretentious faggot strokes his beard nods, then asks "Is it countably finite?"

>> No.2088696



>> No.2088699


Well he has a 50% of being right amirite?

>> No.2088700
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>> No.2088701

When my ex bought her netbook.
>Cool, what kind of operating system?
>What OS are you using?
>What are you saying?
>I'm just asking if it's-
>You aren't making any sense!
>Calm down, just calm down, now tell me, is it a Windows or Linux or-
>... Is the start bar on the top or the bottom
>The what?
>Where Is the Button Where You Can Turn It Off From
>Uh, on the bar. Oh, on the bottom!
>Uhh, I'm just going to guess Windows 7.
>Oh I think that's what it is!

>> No.2088706


When you consider all of the different religions out there and all of the different sects that percentage approaches zero.

>> No.2088711


Thank God she's your ex...dodged a fucking bullet there mate.

>> No.2088719


50% chance of going batshit and killing him.

>> No.2088724


is there some inside joke itt that I'm not getting...help a newfag out pls

>> No.2088730

>Take a management course for shits and giggles
>Have to do a powerpoint presentation
>Every slide has obvious misspellings
>"Houston…the town that built the port witch built the city…”
>The ones without fucked English are blatantly ripped from Wikipedia

>Next day
>Another group goes up
>One of the dudes just stands with his back to the audience and texts

Dear god. What the fuck.

>> No.2088732

Sort of. There's another thread on probability that Nero and some other guy got into a fight about. You're not missing much.

>> No.2088734


Read this thread

>> No.2088740

>Someone is giving a power point presentation
>He is just reading each slide aloud word-for-word

>> No.2088746
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It's those retards that make you feel like you did a good job actually discussing each slide.

>> No.2088753


So this is what you guys have been riding me about the whole time. I'm not going to read the whole thread. Just gimme the skimmy.

fyi though, this isn't me. There are at least 3 different "Neros" on /sci/ at any given time. I myself stole it from someone a while back.

>> No.2088779
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>mfw I study to become a geography teacher and this still happens ammong my fellow students

>> No.2088790

AltNero claims that if you flip a coin 1 trillion times. Its equally likely that you get all heads as it is to get 50/50 heads to tails.

Commence trolololololol

>> No.2088796
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haha don't let them read from the power pt, or take major pts off when they do. Kids need to learn to form their own ideas/think on the spot

>> No.2088803


well then tell him he's a faggot who isn't worthy of calling himself Nero, and gtfo of my thread nigger. This is a stupid student/computer illiteracy thread.

>> No.2088811
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> me in grade 2
> writing descriptions of shit in the solar system
> "the sun is hot like hot sauce"
> teacher's face when

>> No.2088817


lol are you the same person from that epic thread /sci/ had on school stupidity a couple weeks ago?

>> No.2088823

Yep. That's about my only awesome story of me in school. Even my classmates were pretty average :(

>> No.2088830


no prob mate, I lol'd hard first time I read it lmao