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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2082380 No.2082380 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw science still hasn't disproved God

>> No.2082386

sage in every field

>> No.2082385

OP is a genius.

>> No.2082396

..... bump

>> No.2082411

it may not have "dispoved" god, but it sure as hell kicked him out of an awful lot of place ....

>> No.2082413

Thank god for that....

>> No.2082426

she's hot. who's she? >>2082380

>> No.2082431

over 70% of the United States is Christian.

Deal with it.

>> No.2082433

palin is a nigger

>> No.2082435

How does one disprove something that has no rational argument for even existing.
There is nothing to disprove so you can hardly disprove it.

Considering the only argument for its existence is the fact that some people say it exists makes "it does not exist" a pretty reational prove for the non-existance...

>> No.2082436

sage to--the--max

>> No.2082446
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>> No.2082445

Bible is proof of his existence.

>> No.2082450
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>> No.2082453
File: 48 KB, 942x579, hrgnrnrrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who's she

>> No.2082455

>over 70% of the United States is Christian.

so do they go to the doctors when they get sick or just pray for healing ?

christfags: 0
science: 1

>> No.2082462

50%+ of doctors are christian. The first medicinal healers were christian.

>> No.2082464

Some pray, but they don't live that long so its all good.

>> No.2082475


>>The first medicinal healers were christian.

The fuck you talking about?

>> No.2082480

Sorry that you can't except it. Maybe if you read the Bible instead of arguing against religion from ignorance like all the other scientists.

>> No.2082490
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Who the fuck do you think you are, kid?

>> No.2082488
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They just don't even try anymore...

>> No.2082493


You are arguing that Christians were the first to do something that existed before Christians. Even if we assume the Bible is 100% truth, Christians only exist after Christ which is even some 2750 years after the first recorded surgeries.

>> No.2082496

>implying adam and eve weren't the first humans on Earth.

>> No.2082506

Christians follow the teachings of one Jesus Christ, who is a historical figure. Before this time, there were Jews and Pagans, no Christians. Adam and Eve would be Jews, I suppose, not Christians. Hell, maybe not even Jews...just God's first people whom he chilled out with for a bit.

>> No.2082539

Mrs. Palin's tongue makes me a bit stiff. I mean I wouldn't want to have her doggy style, cuz then she could keep talking and ruin it. Missionary would be even worse, because I could both see and hear her talking, which is a miserable proposition. But her mouth... her mouth, if I could stuff it full of penile tissue I think it would be like heaven. She'd shut up, or at least if she was talking it wouldn't be words so it'd be fine. And she's actually kinda cute in a terrible librarian-ILF sort of way. I'd like to impregnate her tonsils.

>> No.2082742
File: 22 KB, 320x240, deal with it 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God exists.

>> No.2082747

it because humans are slowy but shurely evolveing into gods why cant enyone see that

>> No.2082754

becuse almost everyone was cristian in the dark ages just beacuse they are the first to do something dose not mean they are good at it
lots of people died beacause of dark age medicin

>> No.2082756

that way the life expectancy was so low

>> No.2082760

BTW i was spelling Because wrong i was typeing to fast

>> No.2082792

Religious fags, you disappoint me. You cannot even come up with a semi-crappy argument for me to dash against the rocks with a simple bit of logic. Furthermore, you significantly underestimate my intelligence, or perhaps you over estimate your own intelligence, it's hard to tell when you herp and derp so hard.

GTFO, and don't come back until you've got empirical evidence.

>> No.2082813

>>Jesus Christ, who is a historical figure.

Yeshua Bar Yosef was a historical figure.
The Iesus Christos that people worship is fictional and he was invented sometime around 310-320 AD.

The Science of Archaelogy has proved how gods are made up through mithology. Yaweh too.

Science 1 - God(s) 0

I practice heliolatry but even then I've to admit it's all made up, even though the Sun does exist.

>> No.2082864

I was mostly trying to get them to shut up about the "Christians were the first to do medicine" by arguing from an "even if your holy book is 100% accurate, your statement is still fucked" approach.

>> No.2082870

So you think that just because something hasn't been disproved means that it is any way at all reasonable to believe that it is true?

silly little OP.. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.2082877

OP here: I left this thread a long time ago and was on /new/. I can't believe you faggots are so easy to troll. I bet this obvious troll shit gets another 50 posts before it dies.

>> No.2082888

hurrrr I troll u

>> No.2082898
File: 300 KB, 185x164, 1281940085054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hebrew spelling of jesus was real
>the greek spelling of jesus is fictional
>all the accounts of Jesus are in Greek

>> No.2082900

lol, if your intentions were to troll then why are you getting so defensive?

>> No.2082908

>mfw this thread = sage'd, reported

>> No.2082919


>> No.2083033

>mfw science still hasn't disproved God

That's because the concept isn't falsifiable, i.e. "not even wrong".