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2082574 No.2082574 [Reply] [Original]

I just came from a thread on /v/ where people were saying that wealth is related to genetics.

> My face while reading the thread

>> No.2082581

Well maybe not directly but traits like Intelligence, Physical prowess etc etc could lead to someone having a higher chance of obtaining wealth that someone without

>> No.2082580
File: 61 KB, 350x350, Bill_Gates_718639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: A 10/10 alpha male

>> No.2082582

Also Cunt Destroyer.

>> No.2082583

>Jewish genes
>Born Rich

>> No.2082584


> Implying intelligence is genetic

>> No.2082586


Born into a penniless family, no higher eduction.

>> No.2082587
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>Implying it can be learned

>> No.2082588


>Implying it isn't

Sure you can work on it and become a genius as you've probably heard the phrase no one is born a genius but people are born with a higher capability of understanding and computing what's around them

>> No.2082593
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> Implying a genius can't come from a poor as fuck family.


> Implying intelligence can't be learned

So you were born as smart as you are now right?

>> No.2082596


Or are you
>implying intelligence=knowledge

>> No.2082599


Are you implying that Einstein knew about relativity when he was born?

>> No.2082601

How do you know he didn't?

>> No.2082604
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People on /v/ are just retarded.

There are 10 out of 10s that weren't born into rich families.

>> No.2082605
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Because babies don't understand complicated science.

>> No.2082607

How do you know? Its not like you speak the same language.

>> No.2082613

Niggers, Kikes, Crackers, Chinks, Spiks.

>> No.2082612


But I do speak English and German.

>> No.2082610

I will never understand why people visit /b/, /v/, /new/,or /int/.

If you lurk on any of those boards for more than a few seconds you are a faggot.

>> No.2082611

inb4 racism

>> No.2082616

Not the same as babytalk.

>> No.2082618
File: 39 KB, 444x196, niggerscannotinternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2082620


Babies don't talk :/

>> No.2082624


This thread isn't about different races. This thread is about people thinking wealth is related to intelligence within whites.

>> No.2082631

Gagaga booboo could be a comment on time dilation for all we know.

>> No.2082636
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Am I being trolled because it's a well known fact that kids and babies are stupid.

>> No.2082637

>implying intelligence=knowledge

>> No.2082644

Wealth is related to genetics in the sense that when you've maximized your genetic potential or do not need to exert as much resources toward maintaining it, the next most beneficial use of your resources is personal wealth.

It's not the other way around in that excess wealth does not correlate with attempting to improve one's genetic worth.

Oh you mean white people = rich? That's also true but on a wide scale.

>> No.2082645


>related to genetics.


but so is education,social connections, and life "choices" (which is in and of itself a feed back between environment and genetics)

>> No.2082648

lol this isn't "Baby Geniuses" you know.

>> No.2082654


>So you were born as smart as you are now right?
so that implies what?

intellectual development is rooted in brain development, which is rooted in genetics as well as environment.

>> No.2082655
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> People actually implying that wealth is related to genetics at all.

That bill gates sure is one fine specimen of genetic superiority.

>> No.2082663

Ford:born poor
Oprah:born poor
Rockefeller:born poor
Andrew Carnegie:born poor
The list goes on...
Most "trust fund babies" are a worthless bunch

>> No.2082665

Wealth has a lot to do with fitness (bio def'n) and therefore indirectly has something to do with one's genetics.

>> No.2082672


"superiority." is subjective, however there are genetic components to intelligence,impulse control,social ability, personality, and drive.

these all effect the ability to acquire wealth.

>> No.2082671

>Wealth has a lot to do with fitness (bio def'n)
What a load of crap

>> No.2082678

Really, so having money doesn't improve your chances of fucking and therefore conceiving? May be when you figure this out you'll actually get laid for a change.

>> No.2082683
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>>implying intelligence and knowledge are the same thing

>> No.2082688

You don't have to be superior at anything to be wealthy
You just need to be driven, take risks and give what you're doing 110%
Someone like a plumber could easily end up with a mansion if he successfully expands his business

>> No.2082698

"hurp durp this guy came from a poor family so his wealth has nothing to do with genetics"

is like saying

"this guy's parents had brown eyes so there's no way he could be born with blue eyes.

>> No.2082706
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Exception only disproves the trend if a trend actually exists.

>> No.2082709


Someone who is genetically superior is 10/10 in looks.

>> No.2082713


no it takes more then "giving 110%" (this isn't your fucking grade school little league game)

it takes certain amount of impulse control and having a skill set relative to the market of zeitgeist of your time period, and of course lucky circumstances can make any fool rich, but unless his personality and intelligence is within a certain range he'll soon loose it.

>> No.2082715

Oh come on guys. Have someone here ever read a bit about Artificial Inteligence?
We don't even have a goddamn definition of what inteligence is. You can't say for sure than an autistic boy who can calculate the name of any day in the year is trully inteligent if he cannot go to the bathroom alone.
There are alot of different factors aside the genetics that affect the grown of a human being, stop this low level trolling and return to /v/.

>> No.2082719


hahahahahahahah wat

>> No.2082724

Wealth is related to social class, which is also hereditary. Don't confuse sociology with genetics.

>> No.2082731

What if your superiorly inferior in ugly looks but you still smart and make money and bitches love riding on your dick cause of SCIENCE?

>> No.2082734

Intelligence means shit when you dont know or care to know about bussiness and economics or have shitty social skills, it's just a small factor that contributes to your net worth.

This guys is pointing out good set of characteristics that contribute to your net worth.

>> No.2082736


>> No.2082737

See Sternberg Triarchtic abilities test.

>> No.2082741
File: 20 KB, 201x201, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Wealth is related to social class,

> Implying people born working class can't become rich

>> No.2082749


Marx spoke of this disillusionment.

Not arguing for or against anything in this thread, btw.

>> No.2083088

Marx wrote his manifesto in a time when the tsars ruled over people like they were peasants.
People who say that communism still apples to the modern world are retarded.

>> No.2083108

Well I think we've all learned a valuable lesson here
Wealth has nothing to do with genetics

>> No.2083128
File: 16 KB, 400x300, white cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cats are brown, as this exception to the rule proves.

>> No.2083133

Wealth has nothing to do with genetics.

Wealth does have a significant amount to do with where and when you are born though.

It takes money, to make money.

>> No.2083138

>It takes money, to make money.
Not really...
Ever heard of business loans?

>> No.2083141


>takes money
>business loan
>takes money

>Not really...


>> No.2083142

[ ] told
[ ] fucking told
[X] oh, i didn't think of that

>> No.2083153


>Walk into a bank
>Show them your low income
>Ask for large business loan
>Prepare for disappointment.

>> No.2083162


(Sigh) I know the feeling. 20k is 'large'? Wtf?! That's not even enough to cover rent for a year.

>> No.2083171

You have not heard of business plans sir.
You start small and prove to the banks that you will be able to make further profits if investments are made.

>> No.2083176


>Has obviously never looked into it realistically. Or tried. Fucking hard(read borderline impossible); unless you're trying to set up a dinky food stall on a street.

Oh, but perhaps you're trying to set up a standard brick business? Good luck with the start up costs. See: >>2083153

>> No.2083180


LOL what do you plan on starting with just 20k? a lemonade stand?

>> No.2083186

Sort of. Intelligent, hard working people are more likely to be wealthy. Intelligence and work ethic are genetic.

>> No.2083191


That's my point.

>> No.2083205

you can do a ton of stuff with 20k, are you kidding me?
What are you planning on setting up? a freaking Walmart?
Also you should have a customer base before you go big.

>> No.2083219


in civilized places 20k is enough for a down payment on a house.

>> No.2083224


What small business could you establish with 20k?

Remember to take into account, start up costs such as: rent, production of whatever it is your selling, the resources necessary to produce whatever it is your selling, advertisement?, employees?, energy costs?, maintenance, the list goes on.

>> No.2083259

your phenotype is a function of your genotype. Therefore everything is genetic.