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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 239 KB, 610x402, Scene_at_the_Signing_of_the_Constitution_of_the_United_States.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2075360 No.2075360 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ I think its time we came up with our own set of rules
/b/ has them. Even thought their pretty gay for the exception of rule 34.
I'll start with a few and we can discuss further on which rules we should keep and such

Rule #1:All engineers are gay engineers
Rule #2:Never reply to a religion thread without a sage
Rule #3:Evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a theory
Rule #4:0.999...=1
Rule #5:IQ tests are for faggots

>> No.2075386

rule #6 - sage goes in all fields

>> No.2075393

rule #1: All engineers are gay engineers
You're an engineer

>> No.2075412

We need rules for new-age-bs-sciences and conspiracy freaks.

>> No.2075413

>Rule #1:All engineers are gay engineers

that's not a rule, it's just a coincidence.

>> No.2075416

Rule #7: OP here nvm found it on google

>> No.2075418


>> No.2075421
File: 63 KB, 600x450, 1273245321464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, /b/ has a set? Well fuck, I always wished /sci/ was more like /b/.
Pic related

>> No.2075423

rule #7 All new age science and conspiracy theories are bullshit. No exceptions

>> No.2075438

how about a homework-help thingy?

>> No.2075440

rule #8:No homework threads

>> No.2075443

two more and we can have a set

>> No.2075450

i only like 1 and 4, the rest are stupid

>> No.2075454

social sciences?

philosophical threads.

>> No.2075458

#9 extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
#10 all activity on the board will cease when a death ray of sufficient size has been created.

>reputation giciated

>> No.2075527
File: 733 KB, 2354x3400, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good so far
I couldn't fit number 10 though...
BTW this was painful to make. So much font switching...

>> No.2075537

From #1 and #5 we can deduce that engineers are more likely to do IQ tests.

>> No.2075540

only homework threads are the backbone of /sci/

>> No.2075545

lrn2 deduce

>> No.2075551
File: 58 KB, 300x300, Bill_Nye_Expert_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#10 Inertia is a property of matter.

>> No.2075553

Only faggots follow rules, also
>the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe

>of or relating to existence outside the natural world.

>one having unlimited power or authority

Traits of God:
-All knowing (knows everything)
-All loving (loves everything)

Nothing and/or Space knows everything, in a literal sense. To 'know' in a literal wordless sense would be to relate to or acknowledge presence.

Gravity is a rip in space, it's not a separate factor, it's part of space and it pulls and/or loves/attracts everything.

God = Nothing/Space
Gods Love = Gravity

Supporting Evidence:
Everything in actuality really equates 0, so can be grouped as literally 'everything'.
Without nothing, 'everything' cannot exist. It's what allows us to all co-exist.
We came from nothing.


>> No.2075555


>> No.2075557

#11 only physicists with a 12th grade education allowed to post

>> No.2075558

rule #11:In order to make a pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.

>> No.2075564
File: 14 KB, 285x295, 124749486041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, engineers are trained to be boring

>> No.2075566
File: 3 KB, 128x109, boxyspeksci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rule #1:All engineers are gay engineers
that isn't a rule, you are just being a dick.
the 'scientists hate engineers' meme isn't funny, and never was, i know some engineers and they are cool guys (who don't afraid of anything...)
basically when it started it was just a shitty spinoff of the 'pirates vs ninja's' thing, but even less funny. knock it off!
>Rule #2:Never reply to a religion thread without a sage
>Rule #3:Evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a theory
>Rule #4:0.999...=1
agreed, good rules
>Rule #5:IQ tests are for faggots
meh, worth posting... sometimes i feel like killing time.
fuck rule 6
>rule #7 All new age science and conspiracy theories are bullshit. No exceptions
yep, agreed.
>rule #8:No homework threads
no, i don't agree, people who come here looking for help are fine by me, its a compliment to the board if people think /sci/ are an intelligent and helpful bunch of people, and it is a reputation i think we should uphold. (even though it IS an official 4chan rule about the board, it isn't enforced)

>> No.2075583

valid points
Rule #6 is gone
Rule #8 is up for further discussion
Rule #1 STAYS

>> No.2075592

well to avoid having to move all rules up a spt, someone should make a new rule 6.


and a new rule 1! why the hell do you not like engineers?
as for rule 8... it shouldnt be a rule, if you don't like homework threads, just don't post in them... its your choice whether or not to help, it doesn't mean that NO-ONE should help.

>> No.2075599

Dude moot was the one who made rule number 8. We're just repeating it.
Look at it for yourself
>and a new rule 1! why the hell do you not like engineers?
Because they're a bunch of obnoxious narcissist bastards that hate science, math and their miserable lives

>> No.2075607

lol... reason for hating engineers is a made up one... this is why EK said to take it out

>> No.2075625

0.999r doesn't really = 1, it = 0.999r.
What are you trying to make, a set of lies that we abide by? Wtf, go make your own shitty science board, none of us are going to follow your personal lies.

>> No.2075639


agreed about homework threads. but they themselves should follow certain rules, like OP shouldn't argue but question, no stupid questions, learn to do addition before multiplication thing

>> No.2075648

rule #6
Correlation does not imply causation

>> No.2075657

i know it is an official rule. i said so here >>2075566
don't stereotype engineers as a particular personality type of people, its as stupid as stereotyping anyone based on what they study.
if you recur 0.99999... to infinity, then there is such an tiny distance between this number and 1, that they are basically the same thing, and can be treated as such.
it been argued on here before, but basically
1/9 = 0.11111111...
9/9 = 0.999999999....
but X/X always equals 1 (except if x is 0...)
and so 0.999999999... = 1.
it works, trust me.

>> No.2075663

Methinks if the OP of a homework thread is arguing, it at least shows he's thinking about the problem.

The rule that should apply to homework threads is

>> No.2075670

no, it is always worth arguing...its a good way to work out what is true. ive made mistakes before, arguments have pointed them out, and it gets us closer to working towards the correct answer
argument and debate is always useful, except if you think they are trolling, in which case, steer clear..(you can sage and rate the troll out of 10 if you like...)
I like it! seconded.

>> No.2075672

>don't stereotype engineers as a particular personality type of people, its as stupid as stereotyping anyone based on what they study.
I'd be willing to believe that if it wasn't the case for 100% of the engineers I've met

>> No.2075682

sagan is th only god

>> No.2075685

I like rule no 1. Because there are ALWAYS some engineer faggots who get pissed and go on and on about how cool engineers are and how many bitches they banged.

>> No.2075687
File: 49 KB, 737x451, correlationisntcausation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, no "herp derp, i'm too lazy to do my homework, /sci/, do it for me."
they should try there hardest, and if they still fail, THEN they ask for help.
pic related

>> No.2075689

How about something about religious threads?

>> No.2075690

rule #2 bros

>> No.2075692

What was your sample size?

>> No.2075694

by arguing I meant :"ZOMG IT'S NOT THAT, MY DUMB MIND TELLS ME SO!!!1!!ONE!1!!1" they shouldn't rage about it.
I apologise for not making it clearer, but I intended "question" to mean a gentle way of arguing. like :" why do you do that??"

I agree with you that arguing or questioning is one of the best way of understanding a topic.

>> No.2075695

>rule #2 bros

I derped

>> No.2075700

You need to prove infinity exist empirically before you can make that claim.

>> No.2075701

for generalisations like this "ALL X = Y" a single exception to the rule nullifies it, and so if anyone knows A SINGLE engineer who is heterosexual, then the rule is false (i'm taking the literal meaning of the rule here, if you mean something else by 'gay' which i suspect you do, then the rule will have to be edited, and if it is an engineer stereotype, it can almost certainly be nullified by a single exception as well)
1 irritating engineer isn't enough to make a rule stereotyping every engineer.

>> No.2075703

I know it's a joke, but I think their number of pirates is wrong. It ought to be a lot more than 17 in 2000.

>> No.2075705

I'm an engineering major and all the bitches fight for my cock

and money.

Bigger $$$ bigger social status.

deal with it physics/mathfags or should I say highschool teachers?

>> No.2075706

how about, disagreement only by logic, never by instinct or 'what feels right'
infinity is a concept, like numbers are, i don't need to prove infinity is real anymore than i need to prove the number 4 is real, if you understand what is meant by it, then it can be used, and it has meaning.

>> No.2075712

okay so the new rules so far
Rule #1:All engineers are gay engineers
Rule #2:Never reply to a religion thread without a sage
Rule #3:Evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a theory
Rule #4:0.999...=1
Rule #5:IQ tests are for faggots
Rule #6:Correlation does not imply causation
rule #7 All new age science and conspiracy theories are bullshit. No exceptions
we need to change rule #8 I guess...
rule #9 extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
rule #10 all activity on the board will cease when a death ray of sufficient size has been created.
rule #11:In order to make a pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe

>> No.2075714


It happens almost everytime someone does it though so it can't just be "1" engineer.

We should do a study on this. I bet ALL engineers react this way. My hypothesis is that all engineers are in fact homosexual but unwilling to come out and instead "rage" about this meme because it hits so close to home.

>> No.2075718

yes i agree...somalia much?
but anyway, it makes a point, and i thought it was worth posting.
also, halloween! people dress as pirates in october, and all of a sudden we get 3 months of cold weather! reversed global warming due to an increase of pirates! coincidence?
...erm, yes :D
>faggot pretending to be an engineer to make them look bad and back up his shithouse argument

>> No.2075719

Common EK quit being such a buzzkill

>> No.2075721

>My hypothesis is that all engineers are in fact homosexual but unwilling to come out

Occam's razor suggests otherwise.

>> No.2075724

*an apple pie
not just any old pie lawd

>> No.2075727

Engineers actually contribute to making this world a little more comfortable.

What do you do?

>> No.2075729

remove rule 10, its not funny, and is pointless. rule 11 is now rule 10, and we should only have 10 rules...like the 10 commandments...stick to 10, rather than going overboard with all this.
i know more than one engineer who is heterosexual. (actually, ive slept with an engineer, so i KNOW he can't be gay...) so this disproves the rule.
also, even if you change it to "most engineers are homosexual" you still have a lot of evidence to show, and the rule will sound shit anyway. i say just drop it. a new rule 1 should be made, and it should be the most impressive/relevant.

>> No.2075730

>like the 10 commandments
everyone knows there were actually 15

>> No.2075731

I agree with you.

I assume that this is perfect example of the way of thinking that brought us religion. Thank you very much for spreading it even more, this way we will never get rid of it...

My suggestion for a new rule #1: "If you're posting on /sci/, then post like a fucking scientist."

>> No.2075736

*come on
you referenced the wrong post

>> No.2075738

>My suggestion for a new rule #1: "If you're posting on /sci/, then post like a fucking scientist."


>> No.2075739

Rules 1 and 2 are now 'A still more glorious dawn awaits..'

>> No.2075740

agreed, an excellent first rule. :)

>> No.2075746


>> No.2075748



>> No.2075752
File: 15 KB, 400x300, cartman_of_south_park-1043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK I've had enough of you!
Either go with the program or shut your bitch ass trap

>> No.2075753

Given no girls on teh interwebz, that actually proves he is gay.

>> No.2075759

How's is that a rule?

>> No.2075765

1 engineer doesn't make me a slut
define "go with the program"
>no girls on teh interwebz
false, and i didn't specify my gender, or the gender of the engineer (you can get female engineers believe it or not)

>> No.2075769
File: 54 KB, 400x426, 1285825598252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.2075771

a film...not historically accurate, and probably not biblically accurate.

>> No.2075773
File: 31 KB, 374x211, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean moot is lying to us?

>> No.2075774

Yes, you did: You called him "he."

>> No.2075775

lol, i see, i just watched the end of it :D

>> No.2075776

>false, and i didn't specify my gender, or the gender of the engineer (you can get female engineers believe it or not)

Pics or you're a man (and so is he)

>> No.2075779

...so i did
lol, nice logic, everybody is male by default until they can prove otherwise...

>> No.2075781

Okay, good. You saved me from directing an unfunny insult at you.

>> No.2075784
File: 2 KB, 126x124, 1287853560673s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...go on.

>> No.2075785

From making /b/ good within the week to captcha being temporary, a moot promise is a moot promise.

>> No.2075787

>false, and i didn't specify my gender, or the gender of the engineer (you can get female engineers believe it or not)
and believe it or not female engineers can also be gay
The program is that engineers are gay
You're the only who's arguing about it

>> No.2075792
File: 42 KB, 490x397, DoctorWho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather not.

>> No.2075795

>Rule #2: Never reply to a religion thread, HIDE IT INSTANTLY
There, fixed for you.

>> No.2075796
File: 73 KB, 303x293, 1287549235716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a scientist - I seek to understand me
All of my impurities and evils yet unknown
I am a journalist - I write to you to show you
I am an incurable
And nothing else behaves like me

And I know what's right
But I’m losing sight
Of the clues for which I search and choose
To abuse
To just unlock my mind
Yeah, and just unlock my mind

I am a pharmacist
Prescriptions I will fill you
Potions, pills and medicines
To ease your painful lives
I am a lost soul
I shoot myself with rock & roll
The hole I dig is bottomless
But nothing else can set me free

And I know what's right
But I’m losing sight
Of the clues for which I search and choose
To abuse
To just unlock my mind
Yeah, and just unlock my mind

I am a scientist - I seek to understand me
I am an incurable and nothing else behaves like me

Everything is right
Everything works out right
Everything fades from sight
Because that's alright with me

>> No.2075797

>lol, nice logic, everybody is male by default until they can prove otherwise...

correct. I, for example, cannot argue that I am female (successfully) because I am not female.

>> No.2075798

I claim Rule 9 on Rule 1.

>> No.2075800

knowing /sci/ they will still reply
Asking them to sage is more realistic

>> No.2075805

>believe it or not female engineers can also be gay
>The program is that engineers are gay
...erm, sage it instantly?

>> No.2075806


>> No.2075812
File: 40 KB, 460x311, the master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, but i'd rather you did ;)

>> No.2075817

It doesn't matter if they reply, because I don't have to see the thread.

>> No.2075818

I endorse rule one.

I am an engineer, but 4chan wouldn't be 4chan without the trolling. Also, don't tell the others I told you, but we're secretly all gay.

>> No.2075821

rule12: incorrect answers are always trolling

>> No.2075823
File: 222 KB, 624x352, IMAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flash, flash everywhere

>> No.2075826

isn't really an engineer

>> No.2075830

>rule12: incorrect answers are always trolling
>claims this is wrong

You have just been trolled, paradox style.

>> No.2075831


Gravity is not a force, let alone God's love. (Would electromagnetic repulsion be God's hatred?) Gravity is actually a curve in spacetime. Look it up if you don't believe me.


>> No.2075832

Rule #1:If you're posting on /sci/, post like a scientist
Rule #2:Never reply to a religion thread without a sage
Rule #3:Evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a theory
Rule #4:0.999...=1
Rule #5:IQ tests are for faggots
Rule #6:Correlation does not imply causation
rule #7 All new age science and conspiracy theories are bullshit. No exceptions

rule #9 extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
rule #10 In order to make a pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe

Does anyone feel like supplying reasonable and thoughtful suggestions for #8?

>> No.2075833

i have to go, very busy, but this was quite fun...if the 10 commandments of /sci/ ever take off, i'm sure i will hear about them later, but i doubt it,

laterz :)

>> No.2075837

You probably had sex with an engineer undergrad that probably changed his major to business by now
Now can we please move on?!

>> No.2075840

There was a Rule 8 but it collapsed into a gravitational singularity.

>> No.2075842

just before i go
#8: no homework threads unless you have given it your best effort on your own first.

>> No.2075843

Rule 8 : Citation Needed

>> No.2075844

>one having unlimited power or authority

Words and numbers do not exist in actuality and are mere concepts that abstract what is real from what is not. When we acknowledge something individually we do not see it for what it really is, we anticipate it. In actuality everything and anything equates 0, is undefined and wordless. We only apply linguistics to try and make better sense out of the universe, and this is called the rational belief. With this belief we declare that we have the power to make our own forged truths and build our own world through our own observance. This can be done in two ways: Empirical and Physical (Theism and Atheism); before we take steps into one of the two rational routes we should understand actuality and note the information.

Traits of God: All knowing and all loving.

Everything in actuality equates 0, is wordless and undefined, so we can literally group all into one assembly, in this case: Everything. Which also means that we can apply it’s opposite: Nothing.
Nothing and/or Space knows everything, in a literal sense; to 'know' in a literal wordless sense would be to relate to or acknowledge presence. Each and every part of us knows and acknowledges nothing for we wouldn’t be able to exist within it if they didn’t. Gravity is a rip in space, not a separate factor; it is part of nothingness and it pulls and/or loves/attracts everything. God is nothing and Gods love is Gravity.

In the beginning understand nothing exists as a simple implication, it has an idea of which is something, and it loves the idea of something! This idea is complete imagination, and an implication is knowledge. We have already defined two sets of opposites (implication/idea, knowledge/imagination) amongst other things. This is good evidence of a creator – so I’ll ask you, why is there not a religion that thought this way? (or did they in the past?)


>> No.2075847

The only God tier is the logician tier.

>> No.2075852

If it doesn't exist then it shouldn't be used to explain the universe, for the universe may be finite. That ultimately means that any conclusion you come to is false.

>> No.2075890

I think we shouldn't mess with the existing rule about homework threads.
In my opinion if someone is already trying hard to spot the source of his problem and therefore is able to formulate a specific question instead of requesting help on "whole problem statement", it is no longer the request for doing a homework but rather a good question.

Citation is provided in many OP's, however this could still be worthwhile to mention. This could be a good rule #8.

so, to conclude it:

Rule #1: If you're posting on /sci/, post like a scientist
Rule #2: Never reply to a religion thread without a sage
Rule #3: Evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a theory
Rule #4: 0.999...=1
Rule #5: IQ tests are for faggots
Rule #6: Correlation does not imply causation
Rule #7: All new age science and conspiracy theories are bullshit. No exceptions
Rule #8: Provide citation
Rule #9: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
Rule #10: In order to make a pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe

>> No.2075902

that's a good rule, actually. too much time was wasted proving trolls/retards wrong

>> No.2075910

The rules are simple:
#1 God is nothing/space (highly intelligent)
#2 Everything equates 0.
#3 Everything relies on nothing to exist.
#4 Gravity is nothings/spaces love for everything.
#5 Words and numbers are conceptual.
#6 Infinite does not exist, so 0.999r does not really = 1.
#7 Pi is 4 and always will be.
#8 Only nerds sage.
#9 Theism is correct in many ways, whilst Atheism is destroying the planet.
#10 Aether is king of /sci/.

>> No.2075918

Opening photoshop now and making these, thanks bro.

>> No.2075923

Rule #1: All engineers are gay engineers
Rule #2: Never reply to a religion thread without a sage
Rule #3: Evolution is a fact. Natural selection is a theory
Rule #4: 0.999...=1
Rule #5: IQ tests always cause butthurt
Rule #6: Correlation does not imply causation
Rule #7: All new age science and conspiracy theories are bullshit. No exceptions
Rule #8: [Citations ALWAYS needed]
Rule #9: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
Rule #10: In order to make a pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe
Rule #11: Incorrect answers are always trolling

>> No.2075934

#1 God is nothing/space (highly intelligent)
#2 Everything equates 0.
#3 Everything relies on nothing to exist.
#4 Gravity is nothings/spaces love for everything.
#5 Words and numbers are conceptual.
#6 Infinite does not exist, so 0.999r does not really = 1.
#7 Pi is 4 and always will be.
#8 Only nerds sage.
#9 Theism is correct in many ways, whilst Atheism is destroying the planet.
#10 Aether is king of /sci/.
#11 Most of /sci/ are Atheists who care more about suppressing the religion threads than they do ignoring them.

>> No.2075941

isn't rule 8 a more general rule 9?

>> No.2075950

9 deals with a specific case of 8

we need them both for full clarity

>> No.2075951
File: 19 KB, 667x376, rulesofsci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2075997
File: 58 KB, 500x465, 1289894961124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these
Plus, EK is a huge faggot and should leave /sci/ forever.

>> No.2076357

i'm back...lets take a look...
... 8 and 9 are basically the same.
...rule 8 should be the thing about homework threads, rule 9 can stay as it is.
...there should be no rule 11
love you too.

>> No.2076434
File: 198 KB, 475x545, 1284293816210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 stays what was proposed at the beginning. It has been clinically proven numerous times that every single engineer is a gay engineer. End of discussion.

Also EK, you're a typical dumb slut who've understood absolutely nothing, nada. Your case is desperate, you can't be saved, you never learn. Get out.

>> No.2076456

The only laws I follow are those of science. OP is a faggot.

>> No.2076471

Sorry, Evolution is a theory, or if you prefer, a law. Only directly observed data are facts. That evolution takes places solely via the process of natural selection is a hypothesis. That natural selection plays a role in evolution is a theory.

>> No.2076482

#42, atheists have no morals because they are not religious

>> No.2076484

>Rule #8: [Citations ALWAYS needed]
Citation needed
>Rule #9: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
FUCK NO. That's just confirmation bias. Who gets to decide what is "extraordinary"?

>> No.2076554

cool rules guys

i support them all except for one

.999 does not equal 1
though it comes close enough for most practical purposes

>> No.2076569

Asspained engineer detected.

>> No.2076584

Rule #12: The social "sciences" are not science, and therefore have no place here.

Wanna talk about psychology, economics, or history? Go somewhere else.

>> No.2076601
File: 6 KB, 277x183, yodawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the error in the bottom of this then? >>2075657
no, i'm a zoologist, but some of my friends are engineers (none of which are homosexual (to my (yo dawg, i herd u liek reading my undertone so i put brackets in my brackets in my brackets so you can read my undertone while you read my undertone while you read my undertone) knowledge) and none of which are assholes)

>> No.2076633

Rule# 0.999999 NO TRIPFAGGOTRY !!!

>> No.2076641


Claiming 1-1=0 doesn't need extraordinary proof. We accept it based on logical axioms.

The quote is from Carl Sagan, and everybody knows /sci/ has a huge boner for him. (I lump him in with Michio Kaku... he contributed very little to science, but piqued everyone's curiosity about science.)

Although you're logically right, that there's no tangible line between "ordinary" and "extraordinary", the quote is referring to the similarity between a claim and pre-existing knowledge. If I were to claim that birds could fly without tools, you would accept it wholesale... but if I were to claim that men could fly without tools, you'd be more skeptical.

The rule stays.

>> No.2077522


>> No.2077749

I vote for this one
rule #11: Incorrect answers are always trolling

>> No.2077888
File: 695 KB, 2354x3400, sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present you THE RULES OF /sci/ !

>> No.2077895

wow...on trips...must be legit...

>> No.2077943

Carl Sagan used it as a way to guard against his own enthusiasm and desire to believe in extraterrestrial beings. But when most people use it, they misuse it. It becomes one of those conversation stoppers that basically says "well, I'm just not going to believe you."

For an atheist, anything metaphysical is an extraordinary claim. For the religious, the materialist explanation of consciousness is an extraordinary claim. So both sides use this "principle" to remain entrenched in their own beliefs. It is not a rational principle.

>> No.2079706


>> No.2079722

35k a year science major detected

speaking of which, where is phd in math, any jon i want 300k starting?

>> No.2079739

gay engineer is gay

>> No.2079746

butthurt anon is butthurt

>> No.2079753
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>> No.2079755

i ain't even mad bro

>> No.2079764

>speaking of which, where is phd in math, any jon i want 300k starting?

Not an English major, I see.

>> No.2079795
File: 50 KB, 466x448, brickx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rules of /sci/ wow you guys should archive this thread

>> No.2079809

#1 is obvious trolling, and you fail on #3.Good try though.

>> No.2079814

a butthurt christian engineer detected

>> No.2079821

Actually... the OPV hypothesis / theory of the origin of AIDS is likely true.

>> No.2079825

No. That species change over time is a scientific theory, and the mechanism behind it, natural selection is also a scientific theory.

Colloquially, they're both facts. Technically, they're both scientific theories.

>> No.2079826

rule 8

>> No.2079832

>engineers hating math and science
What the hell hit you on the head?

>> No.2079849

What does homework have to do with the OPV AIDS origin theory?

>> No.2079859


>> No.2079867

What does rule 8 have to do with homework?

>> No.2079873

No. Actually, Rule # 1 is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcFGM_4wkjU

>> No.2079913

The discussion page describes a fun edit war. One asshat won't let anyone post anything that even describes the idea in full detail, and its replies, because it was blanketly refuted in Nature. I'd suggest reading The River, watching the documentary made for the BBC (which the "scientists" sued over claiming defamation), or at least checking out the guy's website at:

Basically, I looked into it, and all of the arguments published in Nature are bullshit, and the OPV theory is quite plausible and supported by at least circumstantial evidence.

>> No.2079929


>> No.2079996

I'm OK with those rules

>> No.2080021

i think rule 2 should be all engineers become butthurt aspie pussies whenever rule 1 is mentioned

>> No.2080036
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>> No.2080047
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If you're smart, cool and not just a nerdy faggot, you follow these rules.

>> No.2080050
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>> No.2080052
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>> No.2080057


>> No.2080067

lol@ that retarded tripfag

>>2077888 is the real rules, deal with it

>> No.2080076
File: 14 KB, 230x284, bawksi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread needs more boxxy