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2079662 No.2079662 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question about Genetic traits and blocks.....

Now there have been recorded cases of the successful breeding of two separate species (usually done artificially through implanting sperm)

The main hybrid that most people look at is the LIGAR or TIGON which is the offspring of a Tiger and Lion.

There is one problem when it comes to this...All if the children born from hybrid mixes are naturally sterile and unable to continue breeding. Here is what I want to know.

Why would such a failsafe be introduced into nature?

The only reason some sort of failsafe like this would be naturally occurring in the offspring of hybrids is that someone or something KNEW that a species would come along to try and fuck with the genetics of the animal kingdom.

I mean seriously (not saying it proves God I mean it could just as well prove Alien overlords) this should be a big sign to people that theres a system in place we are not allowed to alter in certain ways.

>> No.2079672

Or maybe a triangle block does not fit into a square hole.

>> No.2079673

I want you to take a square circle and a circular object, and try to put that circle in that whole. Come back and tell me how it doesn't fit. Whether it was designed to not fit, or it just happens to not fit, either way it doesn't fit.

Now, apply that to the Tiger and the Lion.

>> No.2079679

>a square hole and a circular object

>> No.2079682

it's not really a failsafe. it's just that when you combine different animals why would you expect to produce anything productive in the first place? the fact that it actually creates an offspring is already extremely lucky. it would be a far cry to expect the offspring to be completely functional.
put another way, if the crossed offspring could reproduce, then it would be its own species. eventually due to genetic drift it would become disassociated from its progenitors and it would become independent. in the case that the offspring is sterile, then no new species is created.

>> No.2079687

I just...
What the shit, was this some sort of hivemind?

>> No.2079695


>> No.2079702


its a bit more complex than square pegs in round holes.

the code for reproductive functions probably needs to be very highly tuned to be successful and the species code is too different.

you can fudge brain stem functions like respiration and ubiquitous functions like digestion stuff because it is pretty common code, and the functions are the same for most species.

but higher functions like reproduction or congnition have a much lower tolerance for code cludging and so will unlikely mesh and work as intended.

and ligers are fucking retarded. what sick would would take two of the most awesome animals on the planet and make some down syndrome abomination out of them. people suck.

>> No.2079703

op, your a tool, nature also came up with bubonic plague, AIDS, and Syphilis. just cause its not done in nature doesn't mean its unholy. Nature isn't sacred

>> No.2079710
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Look up ring species, OP.

Or stop trolling. Either will d.

>> No.2079771

Reproductive cells seem to mutate most rapidly in evolution, you can have two extremely closely related sea urchin species but you wouldn't be able to create hybrids through natural fertilization because the sperm of urchin A doesn't bind to eggs of urchin B and viceversa.

Why does this happen, you ask.

If different species could successfully interbreed then their defining characteristics would be intermingled to the point you can't identify them as two species anymore.
Furthermore, if two different species could produce offspring, the mixing of such characteristics could lead to a creature that would lose the functionality those characteristics gave to the parent species in the first place. Thus creating hybrids would be a complete waste of eggs and sperm and therefore energy. Mechanisms that avoid waste of energy are advantegeous and are successful in evolution.

tl;dr A rhino with gazelle legs is fucking stupid.

>> No.2079786

As a much more studied evolutionary biologist, perhaps it's nice to think about it that way, but the more correct answer is that being compatible with other species is not required for successful reproduction, so it is not favored by natural selection, and the inherit complexity in sexual reproduction generally requires a lot of co-operation between the sexes in order for it to work. It's a very apt analogy to say you can't take a American AC power plug and expect to be able to plug it into a European outlet and expect it to work. It wasn't designed to not work. It's just that both came about in isolation, and they both got around to equally good ways to solve the connection issue, but they did it in completely different ways.

>> No.2079808

So what, you think that species become impossible to interbreed at one specific point, like a brick wall? No, eventually when related creatures have changed enough to become different species they still can interbreed, just not with continuable results.

>> No.2079831
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This thread is dedicated to all of that disgusting shit that makes science and the scientists who love it legendary in their own right. Get ready for some awesome shit because this is the kind of thing that makes Med Students Jizz their Pants.


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