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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2072120 No.2072120 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /sci/.
This isn't /sci/-related, but I've been on /r9k/ for a few months now.
I've just now come to realization that NONE of them have any education at all.
I want to know, why would a human being not be interested in education?
I know there a lot of answers, I derive most of mine from psychology (inb4 shitstorm).
What do you guys think?

>> No.2072134

>why would a human being not be interested in education?

Ignorance is Bliss

>> No.2072188


Some people just aren't. I guess it's like how some people don't like veg or something. In the end, it's just their preference.

Of course, I expect that most people on this board enjoy learning new stuff.

>> No.2072322

Well, to be honest, I am only sixteen.
And I always post on /r9k/ about how stupid they all are for being so focused on social relations.
I just don't quite understand how someone can be so consumed by it.
Maybe I just histrionic people.
But thanks for the replies, guys.

>> No.2072384

>I've just now come to realization that NONE of them have any education at all.

Good for you. It sounds like you're maturing. Have you also noted that most of /r9k/ and /b/ are self-hating pricks who harass others (usually 11 year olds) who carry misogynistic values because they were rejected by the hottest, most popular high school slut cheerleader based on the fact that they were socially awkward, smelled bad and had zero confidence? Because that's also true.

/b/ and /r9k/ will poison your mind if you stay there and take their shit seriously.

As for why they don't seek education? It's a sad fact but 90% of the population of earth would rather rot on their asses and watch the world die around them than actually do hard work in order to fix it. It's easy to just float by without growing. And most people do that. I've always felt alienated because of the way I think. I'm not trying to sound arrogant, but most people just don't pursue good literature, good music, or ask the right questions. People don't care about personal growth.

My personal goal is to always be a better person than I was yesterday. That means I try to learn something new every day. I try to open my mind a little more every day. I try to be a nicer person every day. But most people aren't interested in that because that requires work and no one wants to do work. Which makes them intellectually dishonest, and by choosing to take the lazy road they have sacrificed their dignity and integrity. Ironically, they are also the people who vote and run this country. A country ran by mediocre people, imagine that.

I urge you to continue growing every day. In doing this, know you will go farther than most people ever will. Preserve your humanity, it is the only thing we have that carries any real value.

>> No.2072529


You should leave /b/ and /r9k/ as fast as you can.
You'll get slowly brainwashed to be a cruel woman-hater. They really instill a lot of terrible beliefs in you.

>> No.2072631

Holy fuck, this is my kind of board.
If I criticize any other board all I get is some stupid reply saying "well, underage b& lol. immature idiot thinks he knows something".
But, to be honest, this board is a little too smart for me.
I don't know physics or most mathematics all that well.
I'm only in high school and my highest math right now is Alg-II and the only science I know well is medical science.
Are there any neuro/psych threads here?

>> No.2073054

There's a bit of everything here usually. A lot of religion talks (half of them are troll threads though are purely make fun of Christians). Most other boards recognize and criticize /b/ particularly, but they also criticize /adv/ and /r9k/. the same crowd visits all three: insecure, lonely teenagers who think they know shit about the world.

They all have an immature sense of humor. Memes aren't funny. Motivational posters aren't funny. Cat videos can be cute but are way too overdone. But immature 15 year olds who don't have a sophisticated sense of humor will laugh and obsess over all of those things. My natural evolution on 4chan started very briefly at /b/, then when I noticed their bullshit (much as you are realizing now), I moved onto /v/. But now /v/ is becoming more like /b/ every day. There are more off-topic threads than there ever were. It's not an intelligent place to be anymore. Now I'm coming more to /sci/ and especially to /tg/. If you are into video games or RPG's you'll love /tg/. Even if not, just reading some of the stories people post there is hilarious. It's just a way nicer crowd. Do you also feel like the people around you at high school are interested in petty/boring/meaningless/stupid things? That's how I felt when I was in high school. It only means you're maturing faster than them. But don't let it get to your head. If you're a guy especially, your peers will remain immature and talk about stupid shit like family guy into their early thirties.

4chan in general though isn't known for its intelligent atmosphere, though there are choice boards like /lit/, /sci/, and to a lesser degree /tg/ (and others I'm sure, that I haven't visited). If you looked at the demographic for /b/ and /r9k/ I think you'd find 75% of them to be between the ages of 14 and 17. It's only natural that you find their immature drivel to be boring when you get past that age.

>> No.2073068

hm... that's interesting. Because the most insightful and intelligent comments I've seen have been from /b.

>> No.2073076


/sci/ is not too smart for anyone, kid.
Anyone can do science.
Even five year olds. Especially five year olds.

We only ask that you don't feed the religion trolls.

>> No.2073087

I just don't see any threads of any knowledge that I can relate to.