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2059648 No.2059648 [Reply] [Original]

The smartest man in the world is a creationist and believes in God.
u mad atheist fags?

Christopher Langan's IQ has been estimated to be between 190 and 210 using the new deviation standard, which means that his IQ is higher than that of Marilyn vos Savant.

Langan is a fellow of the International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design (ISCID), a professional society which promotes intelligent design, and has published a paper on his CTMU in the society's online journal Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design in 2002. Langan has claimed that "you can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."

Him talking about his political views:

>> No.2059687

/x/ is in the other direction.

>> No.2059684



>> No.2059692

Isaac Newton was a creationist.

>> No.2059702

>highest IQ


>> No.2059711

So? Just because he's smart doesn't mean his word is the Word of God. Just another guy with another opinion.

>> No.2059741


He died a century before the theory of evolution was developed, it's not like he had a whole lot of options.

>> No.2059743

>Flynn effect
>Op's Pic
IQ ≠ Smart

>> No.2059755

well actually his concept of god is the woo woo laws of physics metaphor, similar to how einstein believed in god

>> No.2059765

>Langan has claimed that "you can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."

Why would he even bother ? Every single one of us christians knows that science is the word of the devil, and is not worth being listened to. All the answers we need are in the bible, the word of God.

>> No.2059778

Creationists by their very nature are very stupid people.

This, if anything, is only another example of how pointless IQ tests are.

>> No.2059788


hes just trolling

>> No.2059803

IQ can't be a measure of the smartest person in the world. The test becomes useless above a certain IQ value. A lot of tests are that way. For example, a friend of mine took the General GRE and got a letter with his scores along with another letter saying the test failed. He didn't read the directions for the test and answered the first 5-10 questions of each section wrong before he figured it out and then got every single question right. Because the first questions determine how easy the rest of the test was the testers knew his score was not a good indicator of how smart/knowledgable he was.

But I digress, the IQ test can tell if you are above a certain point intelligence wise but it can't compare individuals above that point. It says right in your damn video.


>> No.2059808

I don't see how the FUCK his religious belief matter in conjunction to his IQ

>> No.2059826

It's not so much the religious beliefs, it's the creationist bit. That's a false claim about science and history.

>> No.2059856

>implying that the smartest man in the world can't be wrong

Seriously, though, this is what happens when you spend way too many rational thought-cycles on a retarded question. Langan's thought process is pretty much such: "I wonder what created everything. I can't figure it out, so something smarter than me did it. There's nobody smarter than me, so it had to have been God. Yay, I can stop asking myself hard questions!"

>> No.2059867


He didn't read the directions, so the score was a very good indicator of his intelligence. If you're too fucking retarded to read directions, you're not very smart at all.

>> No.2059997

The test is designed to find a difficulty level of problem that you can solve correctly a certain percentage of the time. If you never get to the equilibrium point, then the test hasn't found a good value.

>> No.2060010


I'm aware of how the GRE works, but if you pay to take a test and can't even be bothered to read the directions before you begin working in a section, you deserve the score you get. It's a stupid thing to do and a person is stupid for doing it.

>> No.2060022

Hes not really a creationist, if you read a little further he says he believes in evolution but believes that it was god's doing.

>> No.2060032

He did very well on the test though, lol, which was my point. The difficulty of the questions are determined by how well you answer the first questions. He answered the first questions poorly, so the rest of his questions were easy. Because they were easy, he scored very well.

>> No.2060049


>> No.2060064

>"you can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."

>> No.2060074

We'd have to have some good threads for a change. It's hard to ignore retarded threads if that's all there is.

>> No.2060075

He did pretty decent on the test though, lol, which was my point. The difficulty of the questions are determined by how well you answer the first questions. He answered the first questions poorly, so the rest of his questions were easy. Because they were easy, he scored well despite his score being lowered by the fact he was getting easy quesitons.

My overarching point was that how the test is structured and scored plays a big part in what the sores mean. When it comes to the GRE, my friends score wasn't a good indicator. Similarly, when someone scores very well on an IQ test their score cannot be used to compare them to other people who did well. The test simply isn't designed to do that.

>> No.2060077

You are just jealous because you suck at maths and cannot prove the existance of a god.

>> No.2060091

This... but we should probably be saging. That way good threads have a chance to start up instead of being drowned out by fuckers like us wasting our time.

>> No.2060096

Langan and vos Savant are what are called "showboaters"

i.e. taking the same test over and over to get a higher score, or manipulating the situation in some other way

you really think that someone that smart wants anything to do with wider humanity?

>> No.2060101


Mathematical proof.
God exists, game over atheists.

>> No.2060121

I have a friend who took a legit IQ test and got 142
He was a stupid idiot
He failed High school and works at McDonalds now
He also once tried to get a pizza out the oven, without any protection
He burned his hands badly and latter told me that he "did forget that those things are hot"

>> No.2060125

>has published a paper on his CTMU in the society's online journal Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design in 2002. Langan has claimed that "you can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."

just curious, do you have a source for this paper? I'd like to read it, if possible. they have multiple issues from 2002 on their website, and I don't know which one to look in.

>> No.2060124

Intelligence cannot be positively determined by any test. There are multiple avenues of intelligence.

Plus this guy is an arrogant douche, or he gives off that vibe. I agree with the things he's saying that are problems in our world, and I do agree that his solutions would work. But they will never be implemented because they are too radical and almost the entire american public would riot if any of these ideas were close to realized. He's talking about restricting people's rights to have sex if they are sick or don't fit his definition of what genes a person should or should not carry. Most people would have a problem with that logic.

>> No.2060161

I define intelligence as being able to solve problems as they arise in reality.

Working from that definition, there are many ways to be intelligent. No one is intelligent in every respect.

you can take a book nerd and put him in the middle of compton, and he'll die in days. He can't solve those types of "street smart" problems. Yet, you take some ghetto nigger and he's practically a fucking genius on the streets, good at manipulating peoples' emotions to get what he wants, good at common sense problems, but he sucks at book smarts.

I would argue that many sports players are geniuses in their own respect; kinesthetic geniuses. A lot of people would discount what I have to say but I don't see many people rising to that level of physical performance. Some people just hold a ball and they're in a world of their own, and no one can match them. That's a genius, whether it be a physical genius or a social genius or a book-smart genius..

Lots of people only think of traditional book smarts as defining intelligence. That's a dangerous idea, because everyone is intelligent at SOMETHING.

>> No.2060178

Agreed. Not to mention his "defined moral truths" blather.
Sure, it's a great idea in theory; if there's a defined moral code, there can be no disagreement to what is right.

But how are you going to get people to agree on what should be in that code in the first place?

>> No.2060192


die please

>> No.2060219


>> No.2060225
File: 571 KB, 1023x978, Good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060253


because you're stupid

'zomg a gazelle is a GENIUS because it can run so fast!'

and WHAT THE FUCK is with my captcha???

Leibniz Restont

>> No.2060262

lol im referencing this in my assignment on logical fallacies

"The smartest man in the world is a creationist and believes in God.
u mad atheist fags?" - OP

>> No.2060265

Then how would you go about determining that you are, in fact, smarter than another man?

Do your accomplishments in your academic career necessarily outweigh the accomplishments of Tiger Woods in his golfing career? The man can manipulate a golf ball in a way that no one else can comprehend. That makes him a genius, in my opinion.

Now, I will agree that the most useful geniuses are those devoted to solving real-life problems rather than sports/physical problems. But there was a time when the latter was more desirable.

>> No.2060279


easy. quality of creations, as measured by other intelligent people o_O

If I discover and expound upon a proof for the Riemann hypothesis, and my proof, however complex, is understandable by extremely intelligent persons, then they may be able to get a glimpse at my intelligence through my creation

>> No.2060287

There are Christians smarter than most atheists and there are atheists smarter than most Christians. While there is no doubt a correlation between rationality and intellect, there is no deep causal relation.

One must ask whether his belief in Creationism is a rational and justified one. Even if it were that speaks nothing to whether it is rational and justified for us to believe it. Let us suppose that he does have a mathematical proof for the existence of God for example, then would it be rational for us to believe in the existence of God without being able to comprehend that proof? I would argue not.

>> No.2060291

You aren't very intelligent when it comes to comprehending reading, that's for certain.

A Gazelle isn't a genius because it can "run fast" compared to humans.
A Gazelle is a genius when it can run fast in comparison to others of the same species.
That's what a genius is.
But Gazelle are lower beings overall compared to human intelligence,
the analogy doesn't hold any weight.
You've been brainwashed by years of "unique snowflake" A's and B's in formal education to think that you are smarter than everyone else.
Does it hurt to realize that study skills aren't the only thing in the world?

>> No.2060300

Did Einstein believe in God? Although i agree that your average Christfag is retarded, your run of the mill atheist doesn't fall behind, since most of them are in their teens and are just trying to look cool and edgy.

>> No.2060303


i had horrible grades in school, and never studied :) i preferred to read more interesting things

my analogy does make sense because it exposes that your definition of genius is incorrect

genius is the ability to create high-order things

>> No.2060305

A politician understands how to manipulate the emotions of an entire nation and "create" a movement under his name, under his banner, and do his work for him.
How is that not a demonstration of social intelligence?

>> No.2060309

the smartest guy is a liar, he says that he believes in god but he lies, he is god! but he doesnt believe in himself, he is emo!

>> No.2060320
File: 11 KB, 300x396, WAA2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060323

>his IQ is higher than that of Marilyn vos Savant.

Higher than that woman who has a column in Parade magazine? NO FUCKIN WAY!

>> No.2060335



>> No.2060345

No, he did not. He says he doesn't see himself as an atheist, but that was because he defined atheism as a type of antitheism. He didn't believe in God but he saw some aspects of religion and belief as beneficial despite pointing out a few of its failings from time to time. He has been regarded as a pantheist from time to time, but that is kind of a loaded answer. Pantheism, as it applies to Einstein, isn't really a belief in deities. He simply states he is amazed by the universe and that this amazement is comparable to the amazement theists have when they think about God.

>> No.2060349

>implying IQ is valid or has any meaning whatsoever.
>also implying implications.

>> No.2060350

"Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."
-Tyler Durden

>> No.2060357

>I define intelligence as being able to solve problems as they arise in reality.
What do you mean by "reality"? Do you see complex mathematical problems as problems that arise in reality or do you think the most intelligent people in the world are the people who make the most money?

>> No.2060363

I saw this yesterday, and I thought it was pretty good:

We are all unique snowflakes; though we all fall from the same sky and land on the same ground.

>> No.2060370
File: 56 KB, 357x453, 1277920379333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP thinks IQ means a damn thing

>> No.2060740

That's not even deep thought. Thats basic pattern matching on whats basically a lookup table of wise-sounding things people have heard before.

>> No.2060767

op you know who had a regular i.q. richard fuckin feynman i.q. doesn't mean didly squat